
    Podcast Summary

    • Emphasizing the importance of respecting the end user in voice technologyVoice technology is a game-changer, requiring an open mind and empathy towards users to navigate its UI and UX.

      The voice technology space is rapidly evolving and it's important to respect and empathize with the end user as we navigate this new interface. Gary Vaynerchuk, the host of VoiceCon, shared his thoughts on the importance of this event and why he's passionate about the voice space. He reflected on the early days of the internet and how it was met with skepticism, just like voice technology is today. Vaynerchuk emphasized that the audience at this event is already tech-savvy and educated, but even they may not fully grasp the depth of how voice technology will disrupt our daily communication. He encouraged everyone to keep an open mind and respect the end user as we figure out the UI and UX of voice technology. Vaynerchuk also highlighted the importance of respecting the audience in general to create a successful event. Overall, the key takeaway is that voice technology is a game-changer and we need to approach it with empathy and respect for the end user.

    • Revolutionizing our lives with voice technologyVoice technology offers unprecedented convenience, significant profits for companies through voice commerce and advertising, and transformative impact on daily life.

      Voice technology is poised to revolutionize our lives in ways we can't yet fully comprehend, and the companies that dominate this space will have unprecedented power and influence. The speaker emphasized the convenience factor of voice technology and how it goes beyond the visual search engine wars of the past. He also noted the potential for these companies to make significant profits through voice commerce and advertising, and the importance for individuals and businesses to understand the distinction between selling and branding in the digital age. The speaker's personal experiences with early tech innovations like Uber and his observation of society's addiction to speed highlight the transformative potential of voice technology. Ultimately, the theme of the discussion was the importance of staying ahead of the curve in technology and recognizing the significant impact voice technology will have on our daily lives.

    • Future of marketing at intersection of art and sciencePrioritize branding and creativity alongside data-driven approaches, understand consumer preferences but don't overlook psychological factors, and embrace new technologies like voice technology

      The future of marketing lies at the intersection of art and science. While data-driven approaches are crucial for understanding customer behavior and optimizing marketing efforts, branding and creativity remain essential for standing out in a crowded market. The rise of voice technology is expected to have a significant impact on industries like retail and restaurants, and companies that prioritize branding early on will be better positioned to become the default options when consumers ask for products or services. Additionally, consumer preferences and privacy concerns may not be as significant as anticipated, and it's essential to understand the psychological factors that drive behavior. The speaker's experiences with the early adoption of YouTube and attending the FOA conference in 2007 serve as reminders of the importance of embracing new technologies and trends despite initial skepticism.

    • Impact of Voice Technology on Personal and Professional LivesVoice technology is set to revolutionize both personal and professional spheres, offering convenience, ease of use, and a competitive edge for businesses

      The speaker believes voice technology will have a profound impact on both personal and professional lives, much like social media and the internet did before it. He urges attendees not to underestimate this shift and encourages them to consider how their businesses can utilize voice technology to gain a competitive edge. The speaker also highlights the convenience and ease of use of voice technology, which he believes will lead to a decrease in friction and an increase in efficiency. He concludes by expressing his excitement about the potential of voice technology and the opportunity it presents for individuals and businesses alike.

    • Understanding the Role of Voice Technology in Creating TimeVoice technology can save time and streamline operations by enabling passive, voice-to-action capabilities, and it's important for businesses and individuals to start thinking creatively about how to use it to create more time.

      The way a brand sounds through voice technology will become increasingly important for success in the coming decades. This is particularly significant for companies like Google, which make a lot of money from search and stand to benefit greatly from the passive, voice-to-action capabilities of this technology. Voice technology has the potential to save time and make us more efficient, and it's already starting to disrupt industries and change the way we communicate. For example, imagine being able to schedule a meeting just by asking your device, or having your PowerPoint presentation appear on the screen with a simple voice command. The potential applications are endless, and it's important for businesses and individuals to start thinking creatively about how they can use voice technology to create time and streamline their operations. As the speaker noted, time is a valuable commodity, second only to health, and understanding the role of voice technology in creating more of it is crucial for success in the future.

    • Understanding consumer behavior and market size before implementing new technologiesApproach new technologies with practicality, focus on potential of one killer app, and avoid gold rush mentality.

      Technology is advancing at an unprecedented rate, and it's essential for businesses to adapt and integrate new technologies into their operations. However, it's crucial not to be swayed by hype and to approach the implementation of new technologies with practicality and a long-term perspective. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding consumer behavior and the current market size before fully committing. He also shared his experience of embracing social media in the early 2010s for his business, which took time to show significant results. The key message is to avoid getting caught up in the gold rush mentality and instead focus on the potential of one killer app that could significantly impact a business in the future.

    • Voice technology and apps are changing the gameLearn and experiment with voice tech to stay ahead, as it's disrupting traditional methods and creating new opportunities in both consumer and B2B markets.

      The apps and technologies related to voice and devices are going to have a significant impact on our lives and businesses in the coming years. This was emphasized through the examples of apps like Waze, Spotify, WhatsApp, and Snapchat, which have had a massive impact on the world and changed the trajectory of many careers. The speaker urged the audience to take this shift seriously and start learning and experimenting with voice technology, as it is likely to disrupt traditional methods and create new opportunities. He encouraged everyone to download skills and apps, taste the technology, and start building their own raspberries before it's too late. The consumer market was specifically mentioned as an area where this technology is already making a big impact, but the speaker also hinted at potential applications for B2B services. Overall, the message was clear: voice technology and apps are the future, and it's important to get on board now.

    • Provide value and build strong relationships in B2B marketingCreatively provide daily insights, establish trust, and maintain a consistent cadence to stand out in B2B marketing.

      In business-to-business (B2B) marketing, providing value to your clients every day through meaningful insights and surprises can help establish a strong connection and give you a competitive edge. VaynerMedia, for instance, sends daily marketing tips to its clients, acting as a trusted industry source rather than a self-promoting company. This approach builds trust and keeps clients engaged. Additionally, the use of voice communication and creativity can help establish a personal connection, as it did in the past with radio shows and soap operas. As technology advances, voice communication will continue to play a significant role in marketing, especially in long-form content like gaming. In essence, being creative, providing value, and establishing a consistent cadence can help businesses stand out in the B2B market and build strong relationships with their clients.

    • Create valuable content to build thought leadershipFocus on creating valuable content for your target audience to build thought leadership and attract opportunities, rather than trying to convince skeptics.

      Instead of focusing on convincing skeptical businesses to adopt new technologies or strategies, it's more effective to create thought leadership and build a following within your industry. Gary Vaynerchuk suggests that businesses should focus on creating valuable content for their target audience, rather than trying to convince those who are unlikely to be interested. He also recommends using a variety of content formats, such as written word, audio, and video, and publishing them on platforms like LinkedIn. Additionally, it's important to think like the media company you're trying to reach and provide valuable insights that go beyond just promoting your own services. By creating thought leadership, you can attract opportunities and build a community of engaged followers.

    • Focus on consumer problems, not skills or company history in voice spaceInvest in voice companies that solve real consumer problems and create a seamless user experience through natural language interaction and AI pattern recognition.

      Empathy and consumer centricity are key to succeeding in the voice space. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that companies should focus on solving real consumer problems instead of pitching irrelevant skills or company histories. He also mentioned that the UI and UX of voice are still being figured out, and investors may bet on multiple companies in the hopes that one will succeed. Dr. Joella, an injury prevention specialist, asked about creating an Alexa skill for injury prevention. Gary suggested that the skill could collect information from users and use AI to provide better advice over time based on pattern recognition. The goal would be to create a seamless experience for users to talk to the skill in natural language and receive guidance for preventing or fixing injuries.

    • Small posture changes for health and agingAdjusting head and shoulder angle reduces neck and shoulder pressure, promoting prevention and overall wellness. Daily tips and briefings can also encourage healthy habits.

      Small changes in posture can have a significant impact on our health and aging. For example, adjusting the angle of your head and shoulders can reduce pressure on neck and shoulder muscles and joints, helping to prevent premature aging. Additionally, creating a briefing with daily tips and tidbits can be an easy and cost-effective way to promote prevention and overall wellness. Another inspiring story shared was about a teacher who turned a student's life around, but unfortunately lost his own son in the same year. Despite his own grief, he has the potential to become an exceptional podcaster, and the speaker encouraged everyone to never give up on convincing him to pursue that dream. Overall, the importance of small changes, persistence, and the power of communication were key themes throughout the conversation.

    • Stay informed and engagedEngage with content through social media, ratings, and active listening to make a difference

      Importance of engagement and action. The speaker encourages everyone to check out his latest Instagram post, emphasizing that it holds crucial information related to the teacher they've been discussing. He values their support and asks them to leave a rating on iTunes to spread the word. Ultimately, his words underscore the significance of staying informed and actively participating in the conversation. Engagement is essential, whether it's through social media, ratings, or simply listening and learning. Your actions can make a difference, and the speaker's words serve as a reminder to stay engaged and involved.

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    There are so many people racing to earn more money than they can even spend even if they have to sacrifice their happiness and livelihood to do so. The really disturbing part about this is that most of these people only want the money so they can be flashy and show off their overly expensive cars (that they don't even want) and other dumb things to other people. Happiness needs to be the Northstar that we strive towards. If we aren't aiming to be happy, then is it really worth having more money than you can spend and more cars than you can drive? —

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    Get free resources from Dawn Baldwin and Mavericks here: https://Mavericks.cc/Cooke 

    Get “Ideas on a Deadline: How to Be Creative When the Clock is Ticking” here: https://www.philcooke.com/ideasonadeadline
    #Audiobook available on Audible now: https://adbl.co/3QoD7DE

    Get “One Big Thing: Discovering What You Were Born to Do” here:  https://amzn.to/2M2maTr
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    *Helping leaders navigate their calling and career in today’s distracted media-driven culture*

    Do you have a message or story the world needs to hear? As a Hollywood producer and media consultant, I offer advice for leaders and creatives each week on creative leadership, digital media, branding and marketing strategies, film and TV production – and the faith to take you from where you are to where you want to be in your career.

     Other Great Resources: Sign up for my blog and get immediate access to a free download that will inspire your creative leadership at https://www.philcooke.com

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    *More About This Episode* How to Discover Your Creative Genius – Interview with Founder-Lead Strategist Dawn Baldwin, Mavericks

    About Dawn Nicole Baldwin: For over 25 years, Dawn Nicole Baldwin has been helping leaders reach people more effectively. She’s best known as an idea starter and growth strategist, with a special heart for helping those building the Kingdom.

    In 1995 she founded AspireOne, a strategy and communications firm that has a reputation for helping ministries make a difference around the world. The firm recently rebranded as Mavericks to help individuals and organizations of all shapes and sizes reach more people for Jesus.

    Dawn’s fun facts: Once upon a time she led communications for a church with over 22,000 in weekend attendance and over 100 supporting ministries. She helped build the brand of VeggieTales as part of the advertising and licensing teams of Big Idea Productions and is credited as a vocalist on the VeggieTale’s Silly Song, “High Silk Hat” (although she says she can’t sing at all!)

    About Mavericks: Helping ministries reach more people, more effectively. We’re taking decades of 1-on-1 strategy consulting used with some of the most influential organizations in the U.S. and making it available to everyone. You’re making a difference. We’re here to amplify your efforts.

    Get free resources from Dawn Baldwin and Mavericks! https://Mavericks.cc/Cooke

    Follow Dawn:
    LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/DawnNicoleBaldwin
    Facebook: https://facebook.com/DNicoleBaldwin

    Have questions? Email Dawn: HereForYou@Mavericks.cc

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    Check out Shonduras here: www.instagram.com/shonduras

    and Sean Holladay here: www.instagram.com/seanholladay

    and barter a chance to be at a similar event here: http://garyvee.com/barter

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