
    About this Episode

    So I’ve decided to launch a new stream to the Clever Copy Chats pod.

    We have Tips and Chats and 101 episodes, and now I’m adding newbies.

    These are chats with people who are brand new to copywriting. I want to chat about their challenges, their fears and what’s holding them back.

    I want to dig into their goals and ambitions.

    And I want to hopefully give them a little useful advice on the podcast.


    Because it’s all very well hearing from established copywriters, with a client list as long as their thigh, processes up the wazoo and their pricing en point.

    But perhaps you, like today’s guest, are just starting and need a firm pat on the bottom or a shoulder to weep on.

    Well, that’s what the newbie episodes are all about.

    Tune in to learn: 

    • Vishma’s career path up to now
    • Why Vishma took the leap and chose copywriting
    • The biggest challenges Vishma has faced so far, and how she overcame them
    • Positives to launching her new career
    • Vishma’s top tip for new copywriters

    Head to episode notes


    1. Free webinar: Your first month as a copywriter

    2. Free rates guide

    Membership: Join now

    Recent Episodes from Clever Copy Chats

    Honing in on your home page (Tip)

    Honing in on your home page (Tip)


    In these short snappy episodes, I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to hone your copywriting skills and improve your copywriting business. 


    Today I want to talk to you about honing in on your homepage.

    We spend a lot of time looking at other people’s sites, but when was the last time you took a long hard Paddington bear stare at your home page?


    Well, perhaps today is the day.

    Listen to all tip episodes here



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    How to be a tactful editor and proofreader (Awards)

    How to be a tactful editor and proofreader (Awards)

    Welcome to another award winner's episode.


    In these episodes, I’m talking to winners from the Clever Copywriting School Awards of 2022.


    I’ll be asking:

    What do they think made them stand out to win the awards?

    What advice and tips can they offer you?

    What are the challenges they’ve faced?

    And common mistakes they see their peers making.


    Today we’re chatting with our proofreading winner and our editing winner.


    These are useful, practical and hopefully inspiring episodes from glorious yet humble writers. 

    I hope you enjoy it.


    Tune in to learn: 

    • What qualities make an award-winning editor

    • What qualities make an award-winning proofer

    • The main differences between editing and proofreading

    • How to start off with structural editing

    • How to tackle editing a book

    • Why editorial guidelines can be helpful 

    • What proofreaders should focus on

    • Why Mary got involved with editing

    • Why Tanja prefers proofing and editing over creative copywriting

    • How to approach editing so the client doesn’t feel overwhelmed

    • Tanja and Mary’s top recommended tools


    Useful resources: 


    Head to episode notes



    Following copywriting formulas to victory (Tip)

    Following copywriting formulas to victory (Tip)

    In these short snappy episodes, I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to hone your copywriting skills and improve your copywriting business. 


    Today I want to talk to you about my favourite copywriting formula. 

    PAS (Problem / Agitate / Solve)


    Other useful formulas: 

    • AIDA (Attention/Interest/Desire/Action)
    • ACCA (Awareness/Comprehension/Conviction/Action)
    • BAB (Before/After/Bridge)
    • FAB (Features/Advantages/Benefits)
    • CCCC (Clear/Concise/Credible/Compelling)
    • AIDPPC (Attention/Interest/Description/Persuasion/Proof/Colours)


    Listen to all tip episodes here. 


    1. Free rates guide


    Becoming a confident copywriter with Emma McMillan (Chat)

    Becoming a confident copywriter with Emma McMillan (Chat)

    Do you feel like a confident copywriter?


    Unfortunately, I think part of being an empathetic, thoughtful writer is questioning everything, including ourselves and that can lead to self-doubt, imposter syndrome and comparisonitis.


    So how do we overcome that?


    Today I’m chatting with a copywriting coach who specialises in building confidence in yourself and your biz, and setting up productive business practices that will help lure in all those lovely leads.


    Tune in to learn: 

    • How Emma made her way from teaching to copywriting.
    • What Emma’s first steps were as a copywriter
    • What a copywriting coach is
    • Common problems small business owners have when writing their own copy
    • What business owners should be focusing on in their marketing
    • What Emma’s pricing structure as a copywriting coach looks like
    • How Emma deals with self-doubt
    • Emma’s favourite copywriting tool
    • Emma’s top copywriting tip for small business owners


    Useful resources: 


    Head to episode notes 




    1. Free rates guide

    Be a fruit seller (Tip)

    Be a fruit seller (Tip)

    In these short snappy episodes, I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to hone your copywriting skills. Improve your copywriting business with straightforward doable advice that you can implement today. 


    Today, I want to talk about why copywriters should be more like fruit sellers when it comes to promoting themselves.

    Listen to all tip episodes here. 


    1. Free rates guide

    Membership: Join now

    How to wow your clients with content marketing with Jody Carey (Chat)

    How to wow your clients with content marketing with Jody Carey (Chat)

    Ugh, content marketing, it just sounds so, well boring.

    And content, really? Does it actually generate sales or just contribute to the noise on the interwebs?


    How do you create snappy content that woos the TOFUs, comforts the MOFUs and gets the BOFUs to reach for their credit cards?


    Today’s guest specialises in long-form content marketing, helping her clients connect with customers through personal stories, informative blogs and free advice. 


    Get ready to hear how you can woo and wow your client through the power of content marketing services.

    Tune in to learn: 

    • How Jody moved from corporate marketing to copywriting

    • How the US copywriting market compares to Australia

    • How content writing differs from copywriting

    • How long-form content writing fits into building brand awareness and making the sale

    • Where long and short-form content works best

    • How Jody incorporates AI as a tool in client projects

    • How Jody packages and sells content marketing strategy to clients

    • The biggest challenges Jody has faced as a copywriter and content writer

    • Jody’s top copywriting tools

    • Jody’s advice for new copywriters


    Useful resources: 


    Head to episode notes 


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    Membership: Join now

    Get your legal bases covered (Tip)

    Get your legal bases covered (Tip)

    In these short snappy episodes, I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to hone your copywriting skills and improve your copywriting business. 


    Today I want to talk to you about legal. I know it's boring, but it's super, super important.

    This is one that should be really front of mind, and it's all about getting your legals sorted.

    Listen to all tip episodes here.

    Useful Resources: 

    1. Copywriting Project Terms and Conditions
    2. Copywriter Legal Bundle


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    Membership: Join now


    Being better in your business and writing inclusive copy (Awards)

    Being better in your business and writing inclusive copy (Awards)

    Okay we have a new podcast theme (well not that new, we’ve done a few episodes), it’s called AWARD WINNERS, and in these episodes, I’m talking to winners from the Clever Copywriting School Awards of 2022.

    I’ll be asking:

    What do they think made them stand out?

    What advice and tips can they offer you?

    What are the challenges they’ve faced?

    And common mistakes they see their peers making.

    Today we’re chatting with our diversity winner and our new business winner.

    These are useful, practical and hopefully inspiring episodes from glorious yet humble writers. 

    I hope you enjoy them.

    Tune in to learn:

    • Why Nicole won Best New Business of the Year 2022

    • Why Zoe Simmons won Diversity Champion of the Year 2022

    • The best way to build trust with your clients

    • Why accessibility and inclusivity is so important 

    • Nicole’s number one tip to anyone starting a new business

    • Zoe’s number one tip for anyone looking to being more inclusive if your copywriting

    • Challenges Zoe and Nicole have faced in their careers

    • How Nicole and Zoe view the rise of AI and tools

    Useful resources:

    Head to episode notes


    1. Free webinar: Your first month as a copywriter

    2. Free rates guide

    Membership: Join now

    How to build a stand-out brand (Tip)

    How to build a stand-out brand (Tip)

    In these short snappy episodes, I want to give you smart little Toon tips on how to hone your copywriting skills and improve your copywriting business. 

    Today I want to talk a little bit about how to brand differently by thinking outside the box.

    Let’s talk about branding.

    One of the biggest mistakes I see with copywriters is the tendency to brand themselves in similar ways to other copywriters they’ve seen.

    While this is fine, it’s very safe.

    If you want to stand out from the sameness, don’t replicate what all the other copywriters are doing.

    Toon in to this episode for my advice.


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    Facing the challenges of copywriting life with Kristy Wright (Newbie)

    Facing the challenges of copywriting life with Kristy Wright (Newbie)

    Juggling copywriting and having a life is a struggle, right?

    And then there’s the added pressure of making money, dealing with clients, worrying about ChatGPT and all that nasty imposter syndrome.

    Today I want to talk about what it’s really like to be a copywriter.

    What does the average day look like?

    What are the ups?

    And the downs?

    Let’s get real today, people, and dig into the challenges all copywriters face.

    Tune in to learn:

    • How Kristy found her way from print media to copywriting

    • How Kristy combines digital marketing into her services

    • Why Kristy focused on conversion copywriting

    • Why offering a suite of services can be beneficial to your copywriting business

    • How Kristy faces mindset challenges

    • How Kristy views generative AI tools and AI copywriting

    • Kristy’s favourite day-to-day copywriting tool

    • Kristy’s top tip for copywriters

    Useful resources:


    1. Free webinar: Your first month as a copywriter

    2. Free rates guide

    Membership: Join now