
    The Real Reason You’re Broke May Not Be What You Think

    en-usMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Planning for unexpected wealthWhen unexpected wealth comes, prioritize paying off debts, setting aside taxes, and consider seeking advice from a tax advisor, investing in real estate, or mutual funds.

      When unexpected wealth comes your way, it's crucial to have a plan in place before you receive the funds. Billy, a caller on the Ramsey Show, received an unexpected offer to sell his 70-acre homestead for $1,300,000. He was unsure of how to handle the windfall and sought advice from Dave Ramsey and Jade Washoe. The experts advised him to first pay off any debts, including his mortgage, and set aside money for taxes. After those expenses, Billy could decide how to allocate the remaining funds. They suggested considering a tax advisor, buying more real estate, or investing in mutual funds. The key is to decide ahead of time what you want to do with the money before you receive it, so your brain can go on autopilot and execute the plan.

    • Invest wisely and let compound interest work for youCreate a solid investment plan, seek professional advice, and let compound interest grow your unexpected money over time. Avoid moral dilemmas and stick to ethical practices.

      Treating a significant portion of unexpected money as if it never existed and investing it wisely can lead to substantial financial growth over time due to the power of compound interest. The speaker, who is 32 years old, emphasized the importance of creating a well-thought-out investment plan and not touching the money unless it's for something life-changing. They also recommended seeking professional advice from experts and taking advantage of learning opportunities like investing courses. Regarding a situation where someone asked to misrepresent the sale price of an RV for tax purposes, the speaker advised against it, emphasizing the moral implications of lying.

    • Honesty, integrity, and debt freedom in financial decisionsPay off debts for financial freedom and wealth-building, avoid lying or misleading others, and seek expert advice to minimize penalties.

      Honesty and integrity are crucial in all aspects of life, including financial decisions. Dave Ramsey advises against lying or misleading others, even if it seems like a good deed or could potentially benefit you. He also emphasizes the importance of paying off debts, including mortgages, as a key step towards financial freedom and wealth-building. In the context of the call, the person received an inheritance and was considering using the money to pay off their mortgage or keep it in a money market account. Dave recommended paying off the mortgage based on research showing that none of the millionaires studied became wealthy by borrowing on their mortgages and reinvesting the money. Additionally, he warned against penalties for withdrawing money from a 529 plan and encouraged seeking advice from a tax expert. Overall, the importance of honesty, integrity, and debt freedom emerged as key themes in the conversation.

    • Dealing with Unexpected Financial SetbacksHaving term life insurance and good credit can help families weather unexpected financial storms. Learn from past mistakes and make better financial decisions moving forward.

      Unexpected events, such as house fires and evictions, can significantly impact a family's financial situation. The Ramsay Show emphasizes the importance of having term life insurance and good credit to help weather these unexpected storms. The listener, Britney, shared her own story of experiencing a series of setbacks, including a house fire and an eviction, which left her and her husband struggling to get back on their feet. They have been trying to save money and improve their credit, but have faced challenges such as a slow concrete business during the winter months and a damaged kitchen. The Ramsay Show offered advice on the importance of having a financial safety net, including having term life insurance and good credit, and encouraged Britney to consider getting a policy through Zander Insurance, which offers competitive rates and a simple application process. The show also emphasized the importance of learning from past mistakes and making better financial decisions moving forward.

    • Desperation and fear can lead to poor financial decisionsFocus on finding a stable rental situation, increasing income, and avoiding big decisions when feeling fearful or desperate. Explore opportunities in handyman services for steady income and growth. Addressing housing and income instability is key to financial prosperity.

      Desperation and fear can lead to poor financial decisions. The speaker shared a personal story of making hasty decisions due to feeling trapped and desperate, which resulted in a series of unfortunate events. The solution offered was to focus on finding a stable rental situation, increasing income, and avoiding big decisions when feeling fearful or desperate. The speaker also suggested exploring opportunities in handyman services, which can offer a steady income and the potential for growth. The instability of both housing and income was identified as the root cause of the crisis, and addressing these two areas would help lead to financial prosperity.

    • Refinancing student loans with Whyrefi: Lower monthly payments and total costsUndergraduates with private student loans and cosigners can benefit from Whyrefi's custom refinancing options, reducing monthly payments and total costs with an average interest rate of 3.9%.

      For those with undergraduate private student loans, especially those with cosigners, refinancing with a custom option from Whyrefi can significantly reduce monthly payments and total costs, with an average interest rate of 3.9%. For individuals like Mark, who are starting over after a divorce and looking to retire, prioritizing debt repayment and building an emergency fund are crucial steps towards financial stability. After paying off debt and establishing an emergency fund, focusing on retirement savings and potentially purchasing an affordable home can lead to long-term financial security.

    • Consider investing in a Roth IRA despite difficult timesDebt-free with an emergency fund? Invest in a Roth IRA, pay taxes upfront for tax-free growth in retirement and potential inheritance benefits

      Focusing on your financial future, even after going through difficult times, is crucial. If you're debt-free and have an emergency fund in place, consider investing in a Roth IRA, even if it means paying taxes upfront. However, make sure you have the funds to cover the taxes without dipping into your investments. The earlier you make the move to a Roth, the more tax-free growth you'll enjoy in the long run. Additionally, having all your retirement savings in a Roth can be beneficial from both a retirement and inheritance standpoint. Remember, it's essential to have your current financial situation under control before making significant investments.

    • Ron's risky inventory funding approachRon should shift from credit card funding to accrual accounting and setting aside a percentage of revenue for inventory purchases to secure financial stability

      The business owner, Ron, is currently using a credit card to fund his inventory purchases, despite having sufficient cash on hand. This approach, while allowing for rapid expansion, is risky and unsustainable in the long term. Instead, Ron should consider implementing accrual accounting and setting aside a percentage of revenue to fund inventory purchases, ensuring a more stable financial footing for his business. This would involve working with a tax professional or accountant to establish a proper bookkeeping system. Additionally, Ron's goal is to expand his SKU offerings and grow his business, but it's crucial for him to prioritize cash flow and avoid overextending himself financially.

    • Effective financial management for individuals and businessesManage cash flow with accrual accounting, set aside funds for replacements and new products, avoid overspending, have a budget, prioritize debt repayment, save for emergencies, and ensure financial stability and long-term success.

      Proper financial management is crucial for any business or personal financial situation. The discussion emphasized the importance of managing cash flow effectively using accrual accounting, setting aside funds for replacements and new products, and avoiding overspending beyond available cash. For individuals, having a budget and prioritizing debt repayment while saving for emergencies and significant expenses like having a baby is essential. In this specific case, the couple was advised to save their $16,000 for the baby and pause debt repayment until they had a larger cash reserve. By following these principles, individuals and businesses can ensure financial stability and long-term success.

    • Managing debt and saving for future goalsFocus on managing debt, creating a budget, and saving for emergencies and long-term goals for a prosperous financial future

      Managing debt and saving for future financial goals, such as buying a house, should be prioritized. If you have reasonable insurance and no unexpected expenses, bringing a new baby home should not significantly impact your cash flow. However, it's crucial to avoid unnecessary expenses and be cautious with your funds. For those with student loan debt, it's essential to focus on paying it off as quickly as possible before saving for a house or building an emergency fund. Delaying the repayment of debt can hinder progress and prevent prosperity. It's important to remember that the ability to delay pleasure and practice emotional maturity in managing money is key to building wealth. The advice given on the Ramsey Show may not be pleasant in the present, but it sets the foundation for a prosperous financial future. Common sense principles, such as getting out of debt, creating a budget, and saving for emergencies and long-term goals, have stood the test of time and are effective ways to build wealth.

    • Co-buying a home with family members can lead to complicationsStarting out, wait until marriage before buying a house together and ensure adequate savings. Understand interest rates and long-term commitments.

      Co-buying a home with family members can lead to complicated situations and potential financial difficulties. Donna's experience of using the proceeds from the sale of her home to buy a new one with her daughter resulted in a lack of savings and current relationship issues. The expert advised Donna to learn from her mistake and buy a home on her own in the future. For those starting out, it's recommended to wait until marriage before buying a house together and to ensure having adequate savings before making such a large purchase. Additionally, having a solid understanding of interest rates and long-term financial commitments is crucial.

    • Building Wealth: Pay off Home, Save for Emergency FundMillionaires pay off homes quickly, save for emergencies, and avoid unnecessary debt through smart home buying and car choices.

      Setting aside an emergency fund and investing in a paid-off home are key elements for building wealth and becoming a millionaire. The speaker recommends saving for a down payment, keeping the house payment no more than a fourth of take-home pay, and paying off the mortgage as quickly as possible using a 15-year fixed rate. The typical millionaire pays off their home in around 11 years. It's important to have realistic expectations when buying a home and not to let desires for luxury features extend the mortgage term or debt load. For those in need of a vehicle, the speaker suggests considering a used, reliable car instead of a new one to avoid unnecessary debt. The speaker also encourages listening to trusted financial advisors and resources, rather than relying on Reddit for financial advice.

    • Buying a reliable used car on a budgetFocus on reliability and low mileage when buying a used car on a tight budget. Seek advice and aim for a well-maintained, infrequently driven vehicle to serve as a reliable stopgap until financial circumstances improve.

      When buying a used car on a tight budget, focus on reliability and low mileage, even if the car is old and not particularly attractive. Seek advice from trusted sources like family members or church elders to help ensure a good purchase. The goal is to get a reliable vehicle to help get out of debt, not to worry about style or bells and whistles. A car that has been well-maintained and driven infrequently can be a great find at a low price and can serve as a reliable stopgap until financial circumstances improve. Additionally, avoid wasting money on unnecessary spending and stay committed to getting out of debt. This approach may involve driving an unappealing car for a short time, but the long-term benefits of financial stability and the ability to eventually afford a better vehicle are worth the sacrifice.

    • Exploring the root cause of financial strugglesUnderstanding the root cause of financial issues can lead to creative solutions and improved financial situations. Consider the long-term impact of different repayment strategies when managing debt.

      Focusing on the root cause of financial issues, rather than just the symptoms, can lead to significant improvements. The speaker shared stories of individuals who found creative solutions to their car problems, which were a result of larger financial struggles. These individuals lived frugally and eventually upgraded to better cars. A listener called in with questions about two loans, seeking advice on paying them off. The speaker emphasized the importance of understanding the terms of each loan and considering the long-term impact of different repayment strategies. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of taking a proactive, strategic approach to managing debt and finances.

    • Focus on reducing debt principal, not just interest ratesTo eliminate debt, prioritize paying off large amounts and create a budget with extra income sources.

      To get out of debt, focusing on reducing the principal amount is more important than trying to lower interest rates. In this conversation, Dave Ramsey advised a couple, Jade and Brandon, to prioritize paying off an $8,000 debt as quickly as possible, even if it meant working extra hours or selling possessions. While lowering interest rates can help, it doesn't solve the problem on its own. The couple should create a budget and find ways to bring in extra income to tackle the debt head-on. The intensity should be turned up, and they should aim to pay off $2,000 per month to eliminate the debt in 4 months. Only 5% of the problem is the interest rate, while 95% is the actual amount owed. The key to financial freedom lies in eliminating debt rather than just managing it.

    • People are resourceful and determined to reach financial goalsDespite challenges, stay committed to budgeting and working towards financial freedom, and seek support when needed.

      No matter the circumstances, people are resourceful and determined to make ends meet. From buying and selling used bath mats to finding creative ways to earn extra income, individuals are dedicated to reaching their financial goals. For those struggling to save for a home in expensive cities like Toronto, it may seem impossible, but as John from Toronto shared, sometimes the reason for staying put is due to necessary medical care for a loved one. Despite the challenges, it's essential to stay committed to budgeting and working towards financial freedom. And for those looking for support, events like the Total Money Makeover weekend offer valuable guidance and motivation on the path to financial success.

    • Considering Cost of Living, Income, and Healthcare when Making Personal Financial DecisionsMake informed financial decisions based on long-term goals and realistic expectations, considering cost of living, income, and healthcare.

      Personal financial decisions, such as where to live and work, should be based on long-term sustainability and hope for prosperity. The speaker in the discussion emphasized the importance of considering the cost of living, income, and healthcare when choosing a place to live. He also mentioned that living in expensive cities requires a higher income to maintain the same standard of living as in less expensive areas. The speaker encouraged listeners to identify a path that leads to a hopeful future and avoid relying solely on a "wing and a prayer" or temporary solutions. The discussion also touched upon the possibility of moving to a different city or country for better opportunities, but emphasized the importance of researching the specific circumstances before making a decision. Overall, the speaker emphasized the importance of making informed financial decisions based on realistic expectations and long-term goals.

    • Learn new habits for managing money at the Ramsey EventAttend the Ramsey Event to learn effective money management habits, hear success stories, and receive guidance from financial experts. Commitment to the program and full application of its principles can lead to significant financial progress.

      Attending the Ramsey Event in Nashville offers the opportunity to learn new habits for managing money and achieving financial goals, such as getting out of debt and building wealth. The Ramsey personalities, including Dave Ramsey himself, will be present to guide attendees and answer questions. The choice is between continuing to stress over money or taking action to improve financial situations. A couple, Dave and Jade, shared their success story of paying off $110,437 in debt over four and a half years. They started the process before COVID, motivated by a desire to avoid making the same mistakes for their children. The turning point came when they began teaching the Financial Peace University class and felt the accountability of leading by example. The message is clear: staying committed to the program and applying its principles fully can lead to significant financial progress.

    • Putting God and giving first leads to financial freedomPrioritizing debt repayment and living below means can lead to financial freedom and creating a legacy of financial responsibility for future generations.

      Giving first and prioritizing debt repayment can lead to financial freedom. Julie and Kurt's story illustrates this principle well. They were initially hesitant about Dave Ramsey's teachings but eventually took a financial class at their church and found it transformative. Their tipping point was realizing they didn't want their children to inherit their debt. By putting God and giving first in their budget, they were able to pay off $110,000 in 4.5 years. Now, their children and future son-in-law are also learning these principles, creating a legacy of financial responsibility. This experience has shown them that trusting in this approach, even when it requires sacrifice, ultimately leads to long-term benefits.

    • Communication and Planning are Key to Managing Finances in MarriageEffective communication and careful planning are crucial for managing finances in marriage. Create a budget, prioritize debt repayment, and involve your partner in financial discussions.

      Effective communication and careful planning are essential when it comes to managing finances, especially when entering a new stage of life like marriage. The Ramsey Show discussed the importance of creating a budget and sticking to it, as well as the significance of having open conversations about debts and financial goals with your partner. In Mark's situation, it was recommended to maintain an emergency fund of $1,000 and not pay off the mortgage before marriage. Instead, focus on paying off student loan debt as a couple once married. Additionally, planning a wedding does not need to be a lengthy process, and it's important to clearly establish budgets and contributions from families.

    • Impulsive decisions can lead to financial hardshipsAvoid impulsive decisions, accurately estimate costs, and have a solid financial plan before making significant purchases to prevent financial hardships.

      Making hasty decisions without proper planning and accurate estimations can lead to financial hardships, as a couple discovered when they bought a fixer-upper house with insufficient funds and ended up in $35,000 worth of debt. Their situation worsened when they refused to sell a piece of land they owned, despite the financial strain. To get out of debt, they were considering selling the land and using a 0% interest credit card to pay off their debt. However, financial expert Dave Ramsey advised against borrowing more money and instead suggested selling the land and getting a fresh start. The key lesson here is to avoid making impulsive decisions, accurately estimate costs, and have a solid financial plan before making significant purchases.

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    The Ramsey Show
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    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 01:08 Drowning in debt from the past 03:38 Checking accounts and where money goes 04:53 He's trying to correct her budget 06:50 Checking accounts continued 08:09 Random savings? 09:23 TERRIBLE CREDIT CARD DEBT 12:42 Retirement... with 1.8% interest... 15:13 $18,923 CRAZY DEBT 17:00 Going to school all of a sudden??? 19:48 Control your money! 21:48 IT'S TIME TO GET REAL 22:55 DEBT ON A CAR FOR HER BOYFRIEND!!!! 26:20 IT'S TIME TO GET REAL p2 32:48 Hammer Financial Score

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    Short Term Convenience Has A Long Term Cost

    Short Term Convenience Has A Long Term Cost
    Ken Coleman & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: How to financially and professionally prepare for a layoff, read more: What to Do If You're Laid Off Why you shouldn't cash out a 401(k) from a previous employer to pay for college, read more: The High Price of a 401(k) Withdrawl Some of the dumbest things our listeners have bought using "By Now, Pay Later", read more: The Truth About Klarna: Why It's Dangerous to Buy Now, Pay Later What to do when you're not making enough income to cover your expenses, read more: Ken Coleman's Increase Your Income Bundle How to manage debt when your industry goes on strike, What to know about when you need a new car, When to decide if you should sell your house to move to a safer neighborhood, How to get on the same page with your spouse about big expenses, read more: Money, Marriage, and Communication Why you shouldn't pull from retirement to pay off your house, How to know if you're ready to launch your own business, read more: Should I Quit My Job Quiz The best way to tackle your debt when dealing with consumer debt and a HELOC, What to do when your parents make you take over car payments on a vehicle you can't afford, read more: How To Sell A Car Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp Zander Insurance NetSuite Balance of Nature Neighborly Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Find a Ramsey Trusted Real Estate Agent: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    I'm DONE With This Model

    I'm DONE With This Model

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    Sponsorship and business inquiries: calebhammer@creatorsagency.co 


    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 04:00 So you do beauty pageants? 07:51 Early start to bad debt 10:35 SOFI 17:04 So you don't buy groceries? 21:42 Is this a joke to you? 25:21 Her checking is... unhealthy 30:54 OMG her first budget! 37:52 AURA 39:33 Here's the plan, Stan 46:02 What do you say? 54:56 Hammer Financial Score

    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

    Financial Freedom Requires Sacrifice but It’s Always Worth It!

    Financial Freedom Requires Sacrifice but It’s Always Worth It!
    Dr. John Delony and Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss: "How should we pay for a second car?" "Should I pay off debt or buy a house?" Why the national debt shouldn't matter much to you, "How much emergency fund do I need?" "Should I keep money separate if I get married?" Why you shouldn't have to minimize your success with your friends, "Should I drop out of college?" "How do you celebrate while paying off debt?" "Should we work the baby steps or file for bankruptcy?" "Should we pause our HSA contributions?" "I want to move but my husband doesn't," "Should I sell my house and move for a job?" "Should I sell my car?" "Work the Baby Steps or file for bankruptcy?" "How do we start paying off our debt?" "Was it right for me to cancel my credit cards?" "Should I sell my car?"   Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance USCCA BetterHelp NetSuite DreamCloud Neighborly EveryDollar, budget for the life you want today for free: Click Here Want a plan for your money? Find out where to start: Click Here Listen to all The Ramsey Network podcasts: Click Here Interested in advertising on The Ramsey Show? Click Here Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

    Jenny & Tina Gymsplain Retirement Savings Part 2

    Jenny & Tina Gymsplain Retirement Savings Part 2

    On this episode of Financially Naked: Stories from The Financial Gym, Tina, an NYC based trainer is joined by colleague Jenny, who resides in the mountainous state of Colorado. Today’s episode is the second in a series about Retirement Savings. The two trainers discuss different kinds of retirement accounts and which ones to consider investing in.

    Today’s episode is less about account logistics and more about strategy. You can listen to Part One and read the show notes HERE.


    Podcast Notes

    • If your employer offers a 401k and match, that should be your first priority when it comes to retirement savings. 
    • This is because an employer match is FREE MONEY and we at the gym can’t emphasize enough how much we love that. 
    • After that, our next recommendation for most clients is a Roth IRA.
    • The Roth IRA comes with many advantages, which is why we are big fans of them at the gym. 
      - It’s an after tax account, which means it grows tax free and you aren’t taxed when the money is withdrawn. This is because you’ve already paid taxes on the money contributed.
      - You can invest up to $6,000 per year, either at once or in increments
      - While we don’t want to withdraw retirement savings, you are able to withdraw the money that you contributed tax and penalty free. Any money earned cannot be withdrawn penalty free until the retirement age, which is currently 59 ½


    - Once you reach a certain income level, you are not eligible to contribute to a ROTH IRA.
    - If you happen to over contribute, there is a 6% penalty every year that money is there. You can fix that right away penalty free by withdrawing the over contribution. 


    • Contributing to a Traditional IRA allows you to claim a tax deduction. 
    • You can only contribute $6,000 between both Traditional and Roth IRA’s, so be mindful. We usually recommend the Roth unless you are ineligible.


    • After you decide which kind of account is right for you and begin saving, it’s important to actually INVEST that money. 
    • Two main recommendations for clients: target date funds or choosing your own investments. 
    • With retirement savings, the best strategy is ‘set it and forget it’ 
    • Target date funds sometimes go by different names such as ‘lifecycle funds’ and are found in most workplaces. 
    • They are set up to allocate your investments based on your age and the year you choose to set for retirement. 
    • You select the year you plan to retire and the fund is managed for you as time goes on. The allocation is more aggressive when you are younger and becomes more conservative as you approach retirement age. The fund is managed for you and you just have to pop in from time to time to check in. 
    • If a Target Date Fund isn’t available or you want to be more hands on with your investments, you can choose your own! You still want to treat it like your own target date fund, not putting all of your retirement eggs in one basket! 
    • Diversification is important. You’ll want to have a nice blend and include bonds as well. 
    • Choosing your own investments means you have to be more hands on, rebalancing your allocation more often. 
    • Stocks and bonds have an inverse relationship and should be considered when building your portfolio. 
    • When you add money into the account, most Roboadvisors and Workplace accounts will automatically invest in more shares. 
    • Some brokerages make you do it manually each time you add cash, it’s always better to double check. 
    • If automation is an option, we always recommend that! 
    • Whether you invest with a target date fund or choose your own investments, it is important to remember there will be more recessions before you retire, (especially if you’re young!) 


    • We have a new partnership with a company called Capitalize - check out THIS EPISODE where Bevin sits down with the co-founder, Guarav. Capitalize helps you find forgotten assets in 401k accounts and roll them over into other investment accounts! It is completely FREE to the user. Check out their services HERE


    It’s (Almost) Always the Right Time to Start Investing for Retirement

    Retirement for Beginners Pt. 2: The Power of Compounding Interest 


    Meet The Trainers