
    Financial Freedom Requires Sacrifice but It’s Always Worth It!

    en-usSeptember 22, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Weighing the costs and benefits of a large purchaseConsider the total cost of ownership, including fuel efficiency and potential future expenses, before making a large purchase.

      When considering a large purchase like a new car, it's important to weigh the costs and benefits, especially when you have the financial means to pay in cash. In the case of the caller, they are in a good position to pay for a new minivan outright, but should also consider the longer-term implications of a longer commute and potential future expenses. The callers' situation involves a job change, a growing family, and the need for a second vehicle. They are considering the Honda Odyssey and the Toyota Sienna, with the latter being more expensive but a hybrid with better mileage. The financial advisor on the show advises against going into debt for a car and suggests considering the total cost of ownership, including fuel efficiency and potential future expenses like a move closer to the job. The advisor also encourages the callers to test drive the new commute before making a decision. Ultimately, the decision comes down to weighing the costs and benefits and considering the long-term implications of the purchase.

    • Consolidating debts doesn't eliminate debt habitsPay off debts before saving or buying a house, avoid unnecessary debt, prioritize emergency funds and insurance, and be cautious of government debt.

      Debt consolidation alone may not solve the underlying issue of debt accumulation. A man seeking financial advice was considering purchasing a home but was unsure whether to pay off his debts or grow his savings further. He had approximately $40,000 saved and carried a personal loan with a high interest rate and a new car loan. The financial expert advised him to pay off his debts first, emphasizing that debt consolidation does not eliminate the habit of taking on debt. The expert also suggested keeping a small emergency fund and saving enough for a substantial down payment before purchasing a house. Additionally, the expert cautioned against taking on unnecessary debt, such as a brand new car. The conversation also touched on the importance of having life insurance to protect families' financial wellbeing. The expert encouraged listeners to prioritize getting adequate coverage. Furthermore, the expert expressed concern about the rising US debt and potential consequences of a government shutdown.

    • Focus on what we can control in our own livesIndividual actions, no matter how small, can have ripple effects and contribute to larger change. Focus on being good stewards of resources and building strong relationships.

      While it can be overwhelming to consider the vast global issues we face, such as debt and political division, focusing on what we can control in our own lives is a powerful way to find peace and make a positive impact. We may not be able to solve these issues on our own, but we can ensure we're not contributing to them and instead, focus on being good stewards of our resources and building strong relationships. As the speaker shared, it's important to remember that our individual actions, no matter how small, can have ripple effects and contribute to larger change. So instead of getting bogged down in feelings of helplessness, take action in your own life and look for opportunities to serve and support those around you.

    • Setting a good example and being financially preparedBe a good person in all aspects of life, prioritize saving for basic expenses, and consider your specific situation for financial preparedness.

      Focusing on personal growth and setting a good example is essential. The speaker emphasizes the importance of being a good person in various aspects of life, including work and relationships. They also discuss the importance of financial preparedness and having enough savings to cover expenses in case of job loss. The speaker shares their personal experience of dealing with unexpected expenses and the ongoing debate about how much savings is enough. They advise listeners to consider their specific situation and prioritize saving for basic expenses, especially if they are a single income family. The speaker also mentions the importance of being responsible gun owners and encourages listeners to get a free family defense guide from the U.S. Concealed Carry Association.

    • Trust and Communication in RelationshipsAddress underlying issues and have open and honest conversations with your partner. Wealth and financial stability are important but not the only factors in a successful relationship.

      Trust and communication are essential in a relationship, especially when it comes to matters of wealth and financial stability. The speaker in this conversation expresses his concerns about his fiancée's work ethic and financial views, leading him to question whether they are on the same level. However, he acknowledges that she is a hard worker and that they have built a life together. Ultimately, the speaker's fear of losing his hard-earned wealth and his desire for independence may be clouding his judgment, leading him to consider ending the relationship. The conversation highlights the importance of addressing underlying issues and having open and honest conversations with one's partner. It also underscores the idea that wealth and financial stability are not the only factors that contribute to a successful and fulfilling relationship.

    • Signs of an Unhealthy RelationshipFeeling annoyed with a partner's unwillingness to move or prioritize personal growth, lack of appreciation, and inconsistent positive communication can indicate an unhealthy relationship. Communication and compromise are key to a successful partnership, but if one partner consistently feels unhappy, it may be time to reevaluate.

      Based on the discussion, it seems that the speaker is expressing concerns about the long-term compatibility and happiness in his current relationship. He mentions feeling annoyed with his partner's unwillingness to move and the size of their shared living space, as well as expressing a desire to prioritize his business and personal growth. The speaker also mentions feeling unappreciated by his partner and not hearing positive things about her from him. These signs, according to the speaker, indicate that the relationship may not be healthy or fulfilling for either party. It's important to remember that every relationship is unique and communication and compromise are key to a successful partnership. However, if one partner consistently feels unappreciated, disrespected, or unable to grow, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship and consider whether it's the best choice for both individuals.

    • Celebrating Each Other's AchievementsInstead of focusing on negativity and complacency, strive for positivity and curiosity in relationships. Ask 'how' instead of 'must be nice' and celebrate others' achievements to build a stronger community.

      We should strive to create a culture of positivity and support in our personal and professional relationships. Instead of focusing on what we don't have or complaining about others' successes, we should be curious and ask how we can learn from those around us. When we celebrate each other's achievements, we create a stronger community where everyone feels encouraged to grow and improve. As the speaker mentioned, it's much easier to knock down others than to build ourselves up, but the latter leads to a more fulfilling and productive life. So, let's focus on asking "how" instead of "must be nice," and let's make our relationships a source of inspiration and motivation rather than a place for complacency and negativity.

    • Celebrating Successes and Sharing WinsBuilding meaningful relationships involves celebrating successes and sharing wins, not just in times of emergency. Authentic connections help us grow and build each other up.

      It's important to have meaningful connections and friendships in life, where you can celebrate your successes and share your struggles. The speaker shared a personal story about a friend who celebrated his success with him, and challenged listeners to not shrink back from sharing their achievements with others. The conversation also touched on the importance of having people to celebrate the little wins in life, and not just in times of emergency. The hosts encouraged listeners to build relationships where they can be their authentic selves and be celebrated for their accomplishments. It's not about bragging, but rather sharing experiences and building each other up. The Ramsey Show aims to help people build wealth, do work they love, and create amazing relationships, and part of that involves having a strong support system.

    • Weighing Career and Financial GoalsConsider long-term goals and passions before making decisions about your career and financial future.

      Making a decision about your career and financial future requires careful consideration of your goals and passions. A young adult named Garrett called in to discuss his desire to be financially free by age 30, currently working part-time and studying construction management at NAU. He was considering dropping out to work full-time as a server at Fat Olives, where he recently doubled his income. The hosts, Jenna and Jade, offered conflicting advice. While Jenna suggested focusing on what would make Garrett happy and financially free in the long term, Jade questioned whether being a server was a sustainable path to financial freedom. They encouraged Garrett to consider his goals, passions, and potential career growth before making a decision. Garrett expressed his financial savviness and plans to invest in real estate. The hosts reminded him that being good with money and having multiple paid-off cars at a young age doesn't necessarily mean he's good with money in the context of his current situation. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of considering long-term goals and passions when making decisions about your career and financial future.

    • Setting unrealistic goals can lead to poor decisionsConsider your goals carefully and focus on building a fulfilling life in a thoughtful and deliberate way, rather than rushing to meet arbitrary finish lines.

      Setting unrealistic goals with arbitrary finish lines can lead to making hasty decisions and cutting corners, rather than focusing on building a fulfilling life. Instead, it's important to consider what kind of life you want to have by the time you're 30, and work towards that goal in a thoughtful and deliberate way. For example, if you have a full ride scholarship, finishing your degree and gaining valuable experience in your field could set you up for a successful career and financial stability in the future. Additionally, it's important to remember that you have plenty of time to achieve your goals, and trying to move too fast can lead to making poor decisions. So, stay focused on your path and keep working towards the life you want to build.

    • Celebrating Wins in Debt SnowballCelebrate wins during debt snowball, but scale depends on length of time. Small celebrations for avg 18-24 months, bigger milestones for longer durations to prevent burnout and maintain mental health.

      Celebrating wins is important during the debt snowball process, but the scale of celebrations should depend on the length of time spent in this stage. For those in the average range of 18 to 24 months, small celebrations like ordering a pizza or watching a movie can help maintain momentum. For those in the longer range, setting up bigger milestones ahead of time is crucial to prevent burnout and maintain mental health. These celebrations could include taking a break from side hustles or quitting Uber Eats deliveries for a while before picking them up again. Psychologically, celebrating wins, no matter the scale, can boost motivation and help individuals stay focused on their long-term financial goals.

    • Marking significant moments in life is essentialFocus on increasing income and reducing expenses to pay off debt, acknowledge and celebrate small victories for motivation and hope

      Marking significant moments in life, no matter how small, is essential. These moments serve as reminders and give meaning to our experiences. For Alvin, who is dealing with a large amount of debt, it may seem overwhelming, but it's important to remember that this season is temporary. Instead of considering bankruptcy, focusing on increasing income and reducing expenses can help pay off the debt and reach financial freedom. Additionally, acknowledging and celebrating small victories along the way can provide motivation and hope during the process.

    • Focus on long-term goals despite financial challengesDespite past financial setbacks, prioritize long-term goals, seek additional income sources, communicate with partner, and work towards financial stability.

      Despite having a large negative equity on a car and a challenging financial situation due to past bankruptcy, it's important to focus on the long-term goals and make sacrifices to improve the financial situation. The speaker suggests considering additional income sources, such as side hustles or a new job, to increase earnings and pay off debts faster. They also emphasize the importance of communication and teamwork with a partner to achieve common financial goals. While it may be difficult and require hard work, the end goal of financial stability and providing for a family is worth the effort.

    • Embracing financial hardships for a better futureThrough hard work and budgeting, achieve financial stability and peace of mind. Prioritize and budget for what matters most.

      Going through financial hardships and making sacrifices can lead to greater peace and prosperity on the other side. The speaker shares his own experience of working long hours to provide for his family and the peace he found in being debt-free and having financial stability. He encourages Alden to embrace this season of hard work and offers resources like Financial Peace University and the EveryDollar app to help them plan and budget their money effectively. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of prioritizing and budgeting for the things that matter most, even if they seem "bougie" or unnecessary. By focusing on their financial goals and staying committed to a budget, Alden can look forward to a more secure and fulfilling future.

    • Pause investments for debt repaymentTemporarily halting investments, including HSA contributions, can aid debt repayment but prioritize wisely and resume investing post-debt

      When focusing on the Baby Steps to get out of debt, temporarily pausing investments, including HSA contributions, can help free up more money to put towards debt repayment. This is a temporary measure, as the goal is to quickly pay off debt and then resume investing. However, if an individual has significant medical expenses, it may make sense to continue contributing to an HSA to take advantage of the tax savings and pay for medical expenses as they arise. It's important to be intentional and prioritize debt repayment while also considering any potential savings or tax advantages.

    • Increase income, create a budget, and tackle debt systematicallyTo get out of debt and improve financial stability, focus on increasing income, creating a monthly budget, and tackling debt systematically. Prioritize saving $1,000 as a first step and find ways to earn more money through side hustles or additional jobs.

      To get out of debt and improve financial stability, it's essential to increase income, create a monthly budget, and tackle debt systematically. The speakers shared their personal experiences and emphasized the importance of having more consistent income and controlling expenses. They recommended creating a monthly budget to plan for regular expenses and unexpected costs, and encouraged finding ways to earn more money through side hustles or additional jobs. They also highlighted the importance of saving $1,000 as a first step towards debt repayment, and emphasized the need to prioritize and work hard to make progress towards financial goals. Overall, the conversation provided practical advice and encouragement for individuals looking to improve their financial situation.

    • Personal circumstances and desires matter in homebuying decisionsHomeowners should consider both affordability and personal desires when deciding to buy or sell a house

      Personal circumstances and desires, not just market conditions, should determine when to buy or sell a house. The speaker's situation involves a difficult neighbor situation that has caused significant discomfort for her family. Despite being able to afford their current mortgage, they want to move due to the hostile environment. The husband, however, is hesitant due to the high interest rates for new mortgages. Ultimately, the decision to move should be based on both affordability and personal desire. In this case, the family's desire to leave an unpleasant situation outweighs the financial considerations. It's important to remember that external factors, such as market conditions, should not dictate personal decisions about homeownership.

    • Making Significant Financial Decisions: Planning and SupportEffective financial decision making involves communication, evaluation, and seeking support. Proactive steps can help alleviate stress and uncertainty.

      Making significant financial decisions, such as buying a house or moving, requires careful planning and consideration. Debt and interest rates can be major obstacles, but having the right support and resources can help. It's important to communicate with your partner, evaluate your financial situation, and explore all options before making a move. Additionally, taking proactive steps, like selling your current house sooner or seeking the guidance of trusted real estate agents, can help alleviate stress and uncertainty. Remember, building wealth and financial security often involves making sacrifices and taking calculated risks.

    • Evaluate assets and debts during significant life changesConsider selling a property for financial gains during major life events, pay off debts, build an emergency fund, or invest in new opportunities.

      During significant life changes, it's essential to evaluate your assets and debts carefully. If you're moving away for an extended period, it might be best to sell a property instead of becoming a long-distance landlord. The profits can be used to pay off debts, build an emergency fund, or invest in other opportunities. Additionally, consider your personal circumstances, such as age, employment status, and financial goals, when making decisions about credit use and homeownership. It's crucial to prioritize your financial well-being and independence, even if it means going against advice from loved ones.

    • Taking Responsibility for Your Financial DecisionsIt's important to trust your own judgment when it comes to financial decisions, even if it means having uncomfortable conversations or going against the wishes of loved ones. Making sacrifices and being intentional with your finances can lead to significant progress.

      As adults, we have the autonomy to make our own decisions, even if they go against the advice of others or go against the status quo. In the discussion, the hosts advised a listener to pay off his debt, buy his own car insurance, and trust his own judgment. They emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for one's financial decisions, even if it means having uncomfortable conversations or going against the wishes of loved ones. They also encouraged the listener to not let guilt turn into resentment and to remember that just because something doesn't feel good doesn't mean it's not the right move. The hosts shared the story of a couple who paid off $24,000 of their mortgage in five months by selling their Pokemon cards, demonstrating the power of making sacrifices and being intentional with one's finances.

    • Accelerating Mortgage Payments: A Path to Financial FreedomBy selling collectibles and cutting back on expenses, a determined couple paid off their mortgage in record time, gaining peace of mind and financial flexibility

      With determination and prioritization, paying off a mortgage can be achieved even if it means making sacrifices. Jamie and John, who bought their house debt-free in 2010, decided to accelerate their mortgage payoff by selling their collectibles and cutting back on expenses. They managed to pay off $10,000 in one month and the entire mortgage in February 2023. Although they initially felt no difference, the freedom from mortgage payments has brought them peace of mind and allowed them to save more for their daughter's college fund and future expenses. The experience also taught them the importance of decluttering their lives and focusing on experiences rather than material possessions. Overall, their story highlights the importance of having a clear financial goal and working towards it consistently.

    • Effective communication and budgeting are keys to financial freedomRegular budget meetings, selling possessions, paying off debt aggressively, and delaying gratification are effective strategies for achieving financial freedom

      Effective communication and budgeting are crucial elements in achieving financial freedom. The couple in the discussion, John and Jamie, emphasized the importance of regular budget meetings and being on the same page financially. They sold their possessions, paid off $24,000 in debt in five months, and are now debt-free. For someone in a similar situation, like Brad, who is looking to pay off debt faster, selling a car and buying a cheaper one in cash can help accelerate the process. Delaying gratification and saving aggressively are key strategies for financial success.

    • Evaluate potential investments carefullyConsider investments carefully before committing significant resources, ensure they have a solid foundation, and remember that supporting friends doesn't always mean financial investment.

      It's important to carefully consider where and how you're investing your money. The speaker in this conversation was considering getting a second job due to a project that wasn't going as planned. He noted that with no major expenses like a mortgage or car payment, living expenses could be quite low. However, he was also investing a significant amount of money in a friend's app venture. The speaker's friends urged him to reconsider his investment, as they believed the app wasn't a sound financial decision. The takeaway here is that it's crucial to evaluate potential investments carefully and ensure they have a solid foundation before committing significant resources. It's also important to remember that being supportive of friends doesn't always mean financially investing in their projects.

    • Prioritize Financial Health Over Material PossessionsFocus on paying off debts, building an emergency fund, and contributing to retirement accounts instead of investing in trendy apps or material possessions for financial growth.

      Investing in the Mingle app may not be the best financial decision for someone with a good income, debt, and a goal to build real wealth. Instead, focusing on paying off debts, building an emergency fund, and contributing 15% to a Roth IRA and 401k are more beneficial investments. Additionally, material possessions, such as a car, do not define a person's worth. The speaker, Dr. John Demone, emphasized the importance of relationships and financial stability over material possessions. He also shared his personal experience of being successful yet driving an old car. The overall message of the conversation was to prioritize financial health and stability over temporary desires or trends.

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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/calebhammer/support

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    💵 Sign-up for EveryDollar today - The simplest way to budget for your life! ☎️ Share your thoughts on The Ramsey Show & more! Dave Ramsey & Jade Warshaw answer your questions and discuss: "Should I lie about how much I'm selling my car for?" "How do we stop living paycheck to paycheck?" "Am I the exception to credit cards?" "My daughter wants me to move out of our house..." "We are struggling to pull the trigger on a house," "How can I pay off debt and save money?" Support Our Sponsors: Churchill Mortgage Zander Insurance Yrefy Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🏦 Take Your 3-Minute Money Assessment - Get a personalized money plan! 💰 Enter the $3,000 Ramsey Cash Giveaway today! Enter daily to increase your chances of winning weekly $500 prizes or the $3,000 grand prize.  📚Get 20% off bestsellers! Whether you’re ready to kick debt to the curb, want to live a less-anxious life, or looking for growth in your job—there’s hope. 🎟️ It's game on! Get your ticket for Total Money Makeover Weekend.  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy

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