
    Podcast Summary

    • Rich's struggles with impulsivity, FOMO, and authority issuesRich shares his experiences with impulsivity, binge shopping, FOMO, and authority issues, acknowledging their potential consequences but not always making an effort to address them.

      Rich, a content creator, shared his experiences with impulsivity, binge shopping, FOMO, and authority issues. He acknowledged that these habits could potentially lead to problems but has managed to avoid the worst consequences so far. Rich also mentioned his love for microtransactions and how the fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead him to make impulsive purchases. Furthermore, he revealed his authority issues and how he performs best when in charge or working with someone he deeply respects. Despite recognizing the origins of his problems, Rich does not always make an effort to address them. Overall, Rich's authentic and insightful nature shines through as he discusses his experiences and the complexities of his personality.

    • Past experiences shaping perspectivesPeople's past choices can lead to complex relationships with money, impacting financial stability.

      Sometimes, people's past experiences and choices shape their perspectives and behaviors, even if they seem counterintuitive or detrimental. The speaker shares how his decision to pursue creative writing instead of pre-med led him to enjoy the attention and feel more interesting, but also resulted in financial instability. He admits to having a complex relationship with money, treating it as both something to be loved and something that can be easily lost. Despite facing homelessness and financial struggles, he continues to prioritize work and his passions, viewing them as essential to his identity. Ultimately, he acknowledges the need to address his spending habits, but also sees the value in the experiences and lessons he's gained along the way.

    • Understanding the origins of financial chaosRecognizing and accepting unique traits can lead to a more balanced life, and Ayurvedic practices may offer ways to manage the physiological and mental aspects of a tendency towards financial chaos.

      Some people, like the person in this conversation, thrive on chaos and uncertainty, and they may find themselves living paycheck to paycheck while still spending money on things they love, despite the potential risks. This behavior can be linked to their personality traits and past experiences. For instance, this person's tendency to switch directions easily and follow through to completeness is a characteristic of a Vata Pitta in Ayurvedic terms. However, they may also get bored and frustrated with stability and crave new challenges. Understanding the origins of this need for chaos can help individuals make more informed decisions about their finances and overall well-being. Additionally, Ayurvedic practices may offer ways to manage the physiological and mental aspects of this tendency. Ultimately, recognizing and accepting one's unique traits and tendencies can lead to a more fulfilling and balanced life.

    • The Power of Our Own MindsIndividuals can be enslaved by their thoughts and impulses, leading to compulsive behaviors. To break free, challenge your thoughts and impulses instead of succumbing to them.

      The speaker believes that individuals, including themselves, can be enslaved by their own thoughts and impulses. This enslavement can manifest in various ways, such as compulsive spending or escapism through activities like sleeping or video games. The speaker suggests that true authority lies within ourselves, and giving in to our minds only reinforces this pattern of dependence. To break free, we must learn to challenge our thoughts and impulses instead of succumbing to them. The speaker's own struggles with this issue are rooted in their past experiences and upbringing, which have shaped their relationship with authority and their own mind. Ultimately, understanding and overcoming this enslavement is an ongoing process, and one that requires self-awareness and determination.

    • Growing up between poverty and wealthDespite financial success, feeling disconnected and a strong desire to help struggling parents

      The speaker grew up in a financially uncertain environment, feeling like they were stuck between poverty and wealth. This experience shaped their perspective, leading them to feel disconnected from the privileged world they encountered later in life. Despite their financial success, they felt a strong desire to help their parents, who continued to struggle and work hard despite their age. The speaker's relationship with their parents is complex, as they are proud and independent but also in need of assistance. The speaker expresses a desire for guidance on how to approach this situation.

    • Childhood experiences and self-relianceThe speaker values self-reliance and independence, shaped by his parents' sacrifices and his own determination, but is open to help from close friends and feels obligated when helped by a stranger.

      The speaker's upbringing, shaped by his parents' selfless sacrifices and his own determination, has instilled in him a strong sense of independence and reluctance to accept help. He values the feeling of accomplishment that comes from overcoming challenges on his own. However, there are exceptions, such as when help comes from close friends who he feels he can repay in kind. The speaker's experience of receiving a significant help from a stranger led him to feel indebted and develop a sense of familial obligation. The speaker also acknowledges that his past experiences might have shaped his perspective on accepting help.

    • Feeling disrespected fuels interviewee's temperWhen Rich feels disrespected, he becomes angry and insists on having things his way, driven by a deep-seated desire to prove himself and come out on top.

      The interviewee, Rich, has a history of having a bad temper, which was likely fueled by feelings of disrespect and a need to be heard. This was particularly evident during his time working for Activision Blizzard, where he felt disrespected and ended up losing his temper publicly. Rich mentioned that he feels valued and respected in his current work relationships, which allows him to have productive conversations and change his opinions. However, when he feels disregarded, he becomes angry and insists on having things his way. The interviewee also mentioned that he has a deep-seated feeling of being screwed over by the world and a desire to come out on top in a cosmic battle. This desire to prove himself and come out on top fuels his anger and temper.

    • The need to prove ourselves can stem from deep-rooted identity issues and a desire for control.To change and grow, we need to learn to tame our impulses to prove ourselves and harness them in a healthy way. Focus on being true to ourselves, cultivating self-respect and self-belief, and approaching challenges with resilience and determination.

      Our need to prove ourselves and feel like winners can stem from deep-rooted identity issues and a desire for control. This desire can manifest as a strong drive to succeed and push back against perceived disrespect or attempts to hold us back. However, if we want to change and grow, we need to learn to tame these impulses and harness them in a healthy way, rather than letting them control us. This means acknowledging and accepting our identities, and recognizing that we don't need to prove ourselves to others. By learning to channel our energy and determination in a positive and productive way, we can achieve our goals without being consumed by the need to win at all costs. It's important to remember that our worth is not determined by external validation or comparisons to others. Instead, we should focus on being true to ourselves and cultivating a strong sense of self-respect and self-belief. This will allow us to approach challenges with resilience and determination, rather than reacting with anger or defensiveness when faced with setbacks or criticism. By taking control of our thoughts and emotions, we can transform our mindset and unlock our full potential.

    • Fear of uncertainty and the desire for controlRecognizing the need for control may stem from fear or discomfort with uncertainty. Acknowledging the root causes and practicing surrender can help overcome this false sense of control and prevent negative consequences.

      The need for control can sometimes stem from fear or discomfort with uncertainty. The speaker shares his experience of enjoying the feeling of being in control while hosting a show, but feeling uneasy when he has to relinquish control. He also mentions that he tries to regain control through purchasing things when he feels out of control in other areas of his life. However, this false sense of control can lead to negative consequences, such as financial instability. To overcome this, it may require acknowledging and understanding the root causes of the need for control and practicing surrender. The speaker also recognizes that being right most of the time doesn't necessarily mean that control is necessary.

    • Trust and relinquishing controlBeing mindful and intentional when trusting and relinquishing control to others can lead to successful outcomes, but recognizing cognitive biases and considering context is crucial.

      Trust and relinquishing control can lead to successful outcomes, but it's important to be aware of cognitive biases and consider the specific context. The speaker shared that when working with certain trusted individuals, they feel comfortable giving up control and believe in their abilities, resulting in positive outcomes. However, this isn't always the case, and the mind can project a skewed perspective on situations where control is relinquished to others. The speaker acknowledged the importance of recognizing cognitive biases and considering the competence of those in control, as well as the specific context of the decision-making process. Ultimately, the speaker emphasized the importance of being mindful and intentional when working with others and relinquishing control.

    • Embracing Chaos and Trusting in ControlSurrendering control isn't about losing power, but rather trusting in others and maintaining self-control. It can lead to growth and self-discovery, even if it feels chaotic or uncertain.

      The feeling of surrendering control isn't about losing power, but rather about trusting in others and maintaining self-control. This notion can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal relationships and professional situations. However, it's essential to recognize that our minds can sometimes create an ominous feeling when we're about to relinquish control. This feeling might stem from a lack of faith in oneself or a fear of the unknown. But it's important to remember that these moments can also lead to growth and self-discovery. By embracing the chaos and trusting in our abilities, we can tap into our truest selves and find purpose in unexpected places. So, the next time you're faced with a situation that requires you to let go of control, try to view it as an opportunity to learn and grow rather than a threat. Trust in yourself and others, and you might be surprised by the positive outcomes that ensue.

    • Fear of Boredom and Losing PurposeSpeakers who thrive in high-pressure situations might fear monotony and boredom, but they could find fulfillment in a more structured and varied life. Addressing underlying emotional or psychological issues can help them adapt.

      The fear of losing purpose and the fear of boredom are interconnected for the speaker. They thrive in high-pressure situations and fear the monotony of a less chaotic life. However, their fear of boredom might not be rooted in reality, as they might find fulfillment in a more structured and varied life. The speaker's identity as the "clutch guy" in high-stress situations might be preventing them from acknowledging their ability to adapt and find purpose in less chaotic circumstances. To overcome this, they should consider structuring their life to include a mix of varied and thorough activities, while also addressing any underlying emotional or psychological issues that might be contributing to their fear of boredom.

    • Fear of losing identity through changeRecognize that true selves aren't defined by possessions, achievements, or circumstances. Embrace present moment and let go of need for external validation.

      Identity is a significant aspect of our existence, and comparing ourselves to our past or future selves can lead to feelings of inadequacy and a sense of losing ourselves. The speaker in this conversation acknowledges their tendency to seek challenges and failure as a means of self-validation, but also expresses fear of losing their identity in the process. The conversation touches upon the concept of the "Ahamkara," which is the Sanskrit word for the self-consciousness that constantly compares. The speaker's resistance to change stems from a fear of losing their identity, but it's important to remember that our true selves are not defined by our possessions, achievements, or circumstances. Instead, our character and who we are at our core remain constant. To develop confidence in oneself, it's essential to learn to let go of the need for external validation and embrace the present moment, recognizing that we are enough just as we are.

    • The dangers of relying too heavily on external sources for happiness and identityOver-reliance on external sources for happiness and identity can hinder personal growth. Embrace new experiences and let go of dependencies to discover your best self beyond comfort zones.

      Relying too heavily on external sources for happiness or identity can limit personal growth. Using the example of eating burritos every day, the speaker explains that this behavior sets up a specific reality and can prevent discovering other aspects of oneself. Similarly, thriving in moments of chaos can become a self-fulfilling prophecy and limit the exploration of other parts of one's identity. It's important to recognize that our best selves are not limited to specific situations and that personal growth can come from embracing new experiences and letting go of dependencies on external sources. The comparison to abusive relationships highlights the potential negative consequences of repeating the same patterns and the importance of being open to new experiences and relationships. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of self-discovery and personal growth beyond the comfort zone of familiar habits and situations.

    • Understanding Emotional Influence on ActionsRecognize emotional responses, question root cause, and make conscious decisions to prioritize relationships despite emotional resistance.

      Our emotions and ego can often control our actions and decision-making, even overriding our intellect. During the conversation, it became clear that Rich has a desire to be more present for his parents, but when asked to take action, he found himself unable to do so. This reaction was emotional, and his ego quickly provided rationalizations for not making the call. The key to overcoming this pattern is to recognize the emotional response and question why it's there. Is there fear, guilt, or another emotion driving the behavior? By understanding the root cause, Rich can make a conscious decision to prioritize the relationship with his parents and take action despite any emotional resistance. In essence, it's essential to be aware of the emotional influence on our actions and make a deliberate effort to put our best selves forward in the relationships that matter most to us.

    • Overcoming inner obstaclesEmbrace past experiences, recognize emotions like shame and pride coexist, and decide how to identify with past experiences.

      Our biggest obstacle in life isn't the world around us, but rather our own minds and emotions. Recognizing this and taking control is crucial. The speaker touched upon the concept of shame and its relationship with pride. While some may see shame as a negative emotion, it can also lead to pride, which can be a protective mechanism. The speaker shared their own experiences and how they've learned to embrace their past, including a time when they were homeless, rather than feeling ashamed of it. It's important to remember that emotions like shame and pride are not mutually exclusive and can coexist. Ultimately, our past experiences shape us, and it's up to us to decide how we identify with them. The speaker also mentioned that they don't believe their parents experience shame, as they are proud of their accomplishments. However, the speaker's reluctance to call their parents may not be due to fear or shame, but rather a protective and loving desire to spare them any potential discomfort.

    • Protecting Others: A Double-Edged SwordProtecting others can create a sense of disconnection, but open and honest conversations about needs and feelings can build stronger relationships.

      People often protect others, including themselves, out of a deep sense of care and love, even if it means hiding their vulnerabilities or struggles. This protective instinct can stem from a desire to shield loved ones from potential harm or negative experiences, but it can also create a sense of distance or disconnection. In the case discussed, the speaker's tendency to protect others extended to hiding their own struggles and needs, even from their parents. This pattern of behavior, while well-intentioned, can ultimately lead to feelings of isolation and a lack of connection with those closest to us. Therefore, having open and honest conversations about our needs and feelings, even if they are difficult, can be an important step in building stronger, more meaningful relationships.

    • Having honest conversations leads to healing and understandingHonest conversations can help heal relationships by acknowledging and accepting each other's feelings, even if they're uncomfortable. Anger can be a protective emotion, especially for men, and trying to connect can help evoke feelings of shame. Believe in the importance of communication, self-understanding, and acceptance.

      Having open and honest conversations with loved ones, even if they are uncomfortable, can lead to healing and understanding. The speaker shared an experience where her father felt like a failure as a parent, and she encouraged having a conversation around it, emphasizing the importance of acknowledging and accepting each other's feelings. The speaker also discussed how anger can be a protective emotion, especially for men, and that it's important to try and connect with loved ones, even if it means evoking feelings of shame. The conversation ended with the speaker expressing her belief in the importance of having these conversations and encouraging the listener to start with a phone call or meditation. Overall, the conversation highlighted the value of communication, self-understanding, and acceptance in relationships.

    • Focusing on a laser beam between the eyebrowsFor Vata types, try charging a laser beam for deeper meditation and self-discovery, using the middle finger to hover without touching, and closing the eyes to gain awareness, insight, and intuition.

      The speaker recommends a physical and experiential meditation technique called "charging the laser beam" for someone with a Vata mind, who may find more cerebral practices challenging. This technique involves focusing on a point between the eyebrows using the middle finger and hovering it without touching, while closing the eyes and focusing on the sensation. The goal is to help the person gain awareness, insight, and intuition, and ultimately discover their true self and emotions. The speaker believes this intensive practice will equip the person with the tools they need to do the discovery on their own. The technique may be harder than other practices, but it has the potential to be more effective in helping the person control their thoughts and emotions and be in control of their life.

    • Acknowledging thoughts during meditationMeditation is about focusing your attention, not eliminating thoughts. Progress comes from bringing focus back to a specific point.

      Meditation is not about suppressing thoughts or being free from them entirely, but rather about acknowledging them and bringing your focus back to a specific point. Each time you bring your focus back, it's like doing a "push-up" for your mind. The more you practice, the better you become at it. Even when it seems like your mind is wandering a lot, you're still making progress in clearing out your unconscious and focusing your attention. It's recommended to practice for a few minutes each day, ideally in the morning and evening. So, instead of judging yourself for having thoughts during meditation, embrace the process and keep practicing.

    • Exploring the Power of the MindRecognize avoidance patterns, be present for family, understand identity, practice mindfulness, and embrace self-discovery for personal growth.

      The mind is a powerful tool for exploration and learning, but it can also be a double-edged sword when it comes to control. During our conversation, we explored the importance of being present for family, recognizing avoidance patterns, and understanding the role of identity in our lives. We also touched on the idea that there is always more to learn about ourselves and the value of actively pursuing self-discovery. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of mindfulness and intentionality in managing the mind's natural exploratory tendencies. It's okay to let go and explore, but it's crucial to return to the practice and maintain control. As the speaker mentioned, the brain is malleable and will change with consistent effort. So, if you choose to embark on this journey, keep in mind that it may lead to unexpected insights and growth.

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    1. Learning how to Deal with and Solve Real-World Problems

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    1. Learning how to Manage and Master your Time

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    1. Learning how to Deal with and Defeat Rejection and Failure

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    THE HALF - Learning how to Invest in Yourself

    If you are investing in yourself you will be using every opportunity to improve in the “TEN ESSENTIAL SKILLS’ In doing this you will be giving yourself the best opportunity for success across your life.


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    ‘Going from failure to failure, to failure with no loss of enthusiasm’ - Churchill

    ‘Why don’t they teach this at school?’

    [Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]







    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

    disruptive, disruptors, entreprenuer, business, social media, marketing, money, growth, scale, scale up, risk, property: http://www.robmoore.com


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