
    The Right: The Hundred Year War for American Conservatism with Matthew Continetti, Part 2

    enApril 13, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Role of Intellectual Pioneers in Shaping Modern ConservatismWilliam F. Buckley Jr., Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman were influential intellectual pioneers who shaped modern conservatism by developing groundbreaking ideas and making the conservative movement intellectually serious through publications and policies like National Review, 'The Road to Serfdom', and economic freedom proposals.

      Learning from this conversation with Matthew Continetti, the author of "The Right: The 100 Year War for American Conservatism," is the crucial role of intellectual pioneers in shaping modern conservatism. These thinkers, such as William F. Buckley Jr., Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman, not only developed influential ideas but also worked to make the conservative movement intellectually serious. Buckley founded National Review and pushed out extremist elements, while Hayek warned against government control in "The Road to Serfdom." Milton Friedman, an economist, emphasized the connection between political and economic freedom and proposed policies like school vouchers and the negative income tax. These pioneers' ideas and efforts significantly impacted the conservative movement and American politics as a whole.

    • JFK's Election Win: Charisma, Anti-Communism, and EconomyJFK's charisma, strong anti-communist stance, and the improving economy contributed to his election win in 1960.

      During the 1960 election, Kennedy's charisma and inspiring speeches, such as "ask not what your country can do for you," appealed to voters beyond just his ideas. The election was close, and Kennedy hit Nixon from the right on certain issues, appealing to anti-communist sentiment. The economy was also improving. Kennedy's presidency was unfortunately cut short by his assassination. Burroughs Furniture focuses on customer needs with easy assembly, new colors, and durable materials. Blue Nile offers exquisite jewelry for Mother's Day with fast shipping options. Sleep Number smart beds individualize comfort for better sleep. JFK's election win can be attributed to his personality, strong anti-communist stance, and the improving economy.

    • The Political Crisis of the 1960s Paved the Way for Conservative IdeasThe assassination of JFK led to liberal reforms under LBJ, but racial turmoil, inflation, and the Vietnam War caused chaos. Conservatives, like Reagan, rose to power by criticizing Johnson's handling of these issues and promising peace, spending cuts, and law and order.

      The assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963 led to a second wave of liberal reform under President Lyndon B. Johnson, but the promising decade for the Democrats and the left ended in chaos due to the war in Vietnam, racial turmoil, and inflation. This political crisis paved the way for the rise of conservative ideas and figures, such as Ronald Reagan, who called for law and order, spending cuts, and a more effective war strategy in Vietnam. The American right criticized Johnson's handling of the war and the inflation, and Nixon capitalized on these issues by promising peace with honor and law and order in his campaign. The era of turmoil and disruption within the Democratic Party provided an opportunity for the conservative movement to gain traction and ultimately lead to a Nixon victory.

    • Understanding the Complexities of the Law and Order MovementThe law and order movement was more about addressing crime and maintaining safety for all citizens, not just about racism. Nixon supported civil rights and implemented affirmative action programs while focusing on law and order.

      While there may be elements of racism in the law and order movement during certain periods in American history, it's important to remember that it was not the sole motivation for everyone involved. Nixon, for instance, supported civil rights and implemented affirmative action programs. The focus on law and order was more about addressing crime and maintaining safety for all citizens, regardless of race. It's crucial to acknowledge the complexities of historical issues and consider multiple factors rather than reducing them to simplistic labels. Moreover, it's essential to remember that the primary victims of civil disorder are often minorities themselves. Labeling concerns about crime and safety as racist is not an effective political tactic, as people of all races share the same concerns. The issue of crime became a significant factor in American politics in the 1960s, and the call for tougher measures against crime resonated with many voters. In conclusion, while race was a factor in American history, it's essential to broaden our perspective and recognize the multifaceted nature of historical events. The law and order movement was about more than just racism; it was also about maintaining safety and order for all citizens.

    • Appreciating caregivers and self-care on Mother's DaySmall actions, like caring for skin or advocating for change, can lead to significant impacts.

      Mother's Day is a time to appreciate caregivers and prioritize self-care, especially when it comes to skincare. I've been using OneSkin's products, which use a proprietary peptide to combat aging cells, and I've seen noticeable results. The term "movement conservatism" emerged in the 1970s as a cohesive political force, aiming to take over the Republican party, defeat communism, and reorient the Supreme Court towards the original meaning of the Constitution. The conservative movement's success in achieving these goals contributed significantly to the mainstream acceptance of conservative ideals. So, whether it's taking care of your skin or advocating for political change, remember that small actions can lead to big impacts. Use code SHARON for 15% off your OneSkin purchase at oneskin.co.

    • The conservative movement gained power in the 1970s due to societal issues and made abortion a major catalyst for political changeThe conservative movement rose to power in the 1970s due to societal issues and the abortion debate became a major catalyst for political change, leading to the Republican party adopting a stance against abortion with the influence of the Christian right.

      The conservative movement gained legitimacy and power in America during the 1970s due to societal issues such as America's humiliation from Vietnam and Iran, economic instability, and rising crime. This created an environment where conservative ideas seemed to be the only viable solutions. Through think tanks, philanthropy, and elections, conservatives were able to put their ideas into practice, with Ronald Reagan being a key figure in making these ideas appealing and non-threatening to the public. Abortion became a major catalyst for political change, with the Supreme Court's Roe v Wade decision in 1973 leading to the formation of the pro-life movement and the Republican party adopting a stance against abortion. This shift was influenced by the introduction of the Christian right into the Republican coalition, who held traditional views on social issues.

    • Elected officials should make decisions on controversial issuesThe conservative political movement emphasizes the importance of elected officials making decisions based on constituent values, leading to the rise of single issue voters on topics like abortion and gun rights.

      The conservative political movement in the United States has focused on the importance of elected officials making decisions on personal and controversial issues, rather than unelected judges or bureaucrats. This perspective stems from the desire for accountability and the ability for citizens to vote out representatives who pass laws they disagree with. Abortion has long been a key issue in this debate, but it also extends to other areas such as education and budget matters. The rise of "single issue voters" on topics like abortion and gun rights can be attributed to this belief in the importance of elected officials making decisions that align with the values of their constituents. This ideology has been a defining characteristic of the Republican Party and has contributed to its shift towards populism over the past few decades.

    • George W. Bush's presidency: First term achievements, second term disastersBush's first term brought significant accomplishments, but his second term was marked by disasters like Social Security reform, Hurricane Katrina, and the financial crisis, leading to dissatisfaction and the rise of Donald Trump

      George W. Bush's presidency was marked by significant achievements in his first term, particularly in the aftermath of 9/11 and the subsequent wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. However, his second term was marked by a series of disasters, including the flawed plan to reform Social Security, Hurricane Katrina, and the financial crisis in 2008. This, combined with the perceived failures of Barack Obama's second term and the rising discontent among conservatives, set the stage for the election of Donald Trump. The sense that the system was not working and that disruptive trends were not being addressed led many conservatives to look for an outsider candidate, ultimately leading them to Trump.

    • Trump's Unconventional Win and Impact on GOPTrump's unconventional win in 2016, driven by his anti-establishment image and unique ideas, led to significant shifts in GOP policies on immigration, China, and entitlements, appealing to both typical and populist conservatives, and these views are likely to persist in the party.

      Donald Trump's anti-establishment image and different ideas on the direction of the Republican Party contributed to his electoral college victory in 2016. Hillary Clinton, as a known establishment figure, faced similar levels of unpopularity. Trump's presidency marked a shift in GOP policies on immigration, China, and entitlements. These modifications, which also included traditional conservative ideas, satisfied both typical and populist conservatives within the party. Despite who the Republican standard bearer is in 2024, these views are likely to persist due to their popularity. Trump's impact on the party includes opposing immigration reform, viewing China as a threat, and ignoring entitlement reform discussions. These changes can be seen as a return to earlier GOP ideologies while still appealing to modern conservative voters.

    • The political landscape shaped by reactions to events and leadership changeVoters sought change in 2020, but the presence of conspiracy theories and extremism within the Republican Party may deter support.

      The political landscape in the United States is shaped by reactions to current events and the perception of who can effectively execute desired policies. The election of Joe Biden in 2020 can be seen as a response to voters wanting a change in leadership, despite agreeing with some conservative ideas. However, the presence of conspiracy theories, election denial, and extremism within the Republican Party is a problem, as it may deter voters from supporting the party. Finding the political center and appealing to everyday Americans is crucial for any party looking to gain and maintain power. Matthew's book, "The Right," offers valuable insights into the history and future direction of the American right.

    • Exploring new ideas and perspectivesEngaging with those whose views differ can lead to valuable insights, broaden our understanding, and foster a more inclusive community.

      Engaging with individuals whose perspectives differ from our own can lead to valuable insights. Regardless of political affiliations, understanding the core motivations of others is useful and informative. The guest on this podcast, Kevin D. Williamson, encourages listeners to explore new ideas and perspectives, which can be found on his Twitter account @Continetti, or through his work at the American Enterprise Institute and his book, "The Right: The 100-Year War for American Conservatism." The podcast, "Sharon Says So," is produced with the hope that listeners will engage with the content and share it with others. By doing so, we can broaden our own understanding and foster a more informed and inclusive community.

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