
    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Community and NostalgiaBuilding connections in your community can bring joy and a sense of belonging. In entertainment, nostalgia can lead us to cherish old favorites despite their flaws.

      Building meaningful connections within your community can bring not only social bonds but also prepare you for unexpected situations. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on those around us. Meanwhile, in entertainment, nostalgia can lead us to cherish movies from our childhood, even if they may not hold up to current standards. For instance, the film "Master of Disguise" may not be critically acclaimed, but for some, it holds a special place due to its release on their birthday or the unique circumstances surrounding its production. Ultimately, whether it's through volunteering or revisiting old favorites, embracing the power of community and nostalgia can bring joy and a sense of connection.

    • FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried's plan to buy Nauru as an apocalypse shelterBankman-Fried, under investigation for financial crimes, aimed to buy Nauru, a small island nation, for personal safety and potential financial gain, following its history of selling sovereignty.

      Sam Bankman-Fried, the former crypto mogul, who was arrested for financial crimes in late 2022, was attempting to use the nonprofit arm of FTX to buy the sovereign nation of Nauru as an apocalypse shelter. Nauru, a small island nation in the southwest Pacific, has a history of selling its sovereignty to wealthy individuals and countries for financial gain. In the past, it has been used as an offshore processing center for asylum seekers and was a major money laundering location in the late 1990s. With Australia no longer using Nauru for offshore processing, Bankman-Fried saw an opportunity to be "effectively altruistic" towards himself by purchasing the country. This is a notable example of how Bankman-Fried's actions have been described as desperate and embarrassing in the wake of his arrest and the subsequent legal filings against him.

    • Alleged Island Purchase for Effective Altruists Sparks ControversyFormer FTX executive accused of attempting to buy an island as a bunker for effective altruists, raising questions about elitism and the use of wealth in crisis response.

      Gabriel Bankman-Fried, the former head of FTX's charitable donations wing, was accused of using his wealth and connections to attempt to purchase an entire island as a bunker for effective altruists, a group of individuals who believe in using their resources to help the greatest number of people. This revelation came to light during the ongoing legal battle between FTX and its CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried. The attempt to buy the island, which was framed as a way to ensure the survival of effective altruists in the event of a global catastrophe, was met with skepticism and criticism, with some seeing it as an elitist and insecure move. The incident highlights the complexities and potential pitfalls of the effective altruism movement and the role of wealth and power in shaping societal responses to crises.

    • Discussions to Buy Nauru Island for Genetic ExperimentationA group of individuals, including FTX's Gabriel, explored the possibility of buying Nauru Island for human genetic experimentation, but their lack of understanding about running a country hindered their chances of success.

      A group of individuals, including Gabriel from FTX, had discussions about potentially buying the sovereignty of the island of Nauru with the intention of using it as a base for human genetic experimentation. These plans may have been fueled by a mix of sci-fi inspirations and a desire for immortality. However, it is unclear whether the government of Nauru was ever genuinely considering selling the island. Despite their grand plans, the group's lack of understanding of the practical challenges of running a country made their scheme unlikely to succeed. Now, FTX is suing the old management, including Sam Bankman-Fried, to recover funds they believe were illegally transferred and used for such schemes prior to FTX's collapse.

    • FTX Foundation's Unconventional ProjectsThe FTX Foundation, led by Sam Bankman-Fried, has taken unconventional approaches to philanthropy, including paying for essays on human utility functions and funding YouTube content on grabby aliens, reflecting their unique perspective and priorities.

      The FTX Foundation, led by Sam Bankman-Fried and his team, has been involved in some unconventional projects, as highlighted in a lawsuit and discussed in a podcast. One of these projects involved paying someone $300 to write about human utility functions, a concept used in economics to measure satisfaction or benefits gained from consuming resources. However, in the context of the FTX Foundation, utility functions are used in a more abstract way to assign subjective values to different actions and guide decision-making towards what they believe will have the greatest positive impact. This approach, while well-intentioned, can be seen as arbitrary and disconnected from objective value. Another project involved a $400,000 grant to an entity producing YouTube videos related to rationalist and effective altruism material, including content on grabby aliens. These projects, while seemingly nonsensical to some, reflect the unique perspective and priorities of the FTX Foundation and its team.

    • Belief in individual actions maximizing personal happinessEA and rationalist communities prioritize individual actions for greatest good, focusing on personal happiness and long-term benefits, but critics argue it can lead to disregard for societal responsibilities and focus on personal gain

      Within the Effective Altruism (EA) and rationalist communities, there's a strong belief that the greatest good for the greatest number of people lies in individual actions that maximize personal happiness, even if it means prioritizing personal wealth and investments over immediate human needs. This perspective, as discussed, is rooted in the idea that an individual's utility function – what brings them happiness – is the most important factor. Critics argue that this mindset can lead to a disregard for societal responsibilities and a focus on personal gain, even if it comes at the expense of the greater good in the short term. The belief in the long-term benefits of personal actions, such as investing in technology, is used to justify this approach. However, it's important to note that not all members of these communities hold this extreme view, and many prioritize both personal and societal well-being.

    • Effective Altruism: Long-term Gain or Short-term Selfishness?Effective Altruism can lead individuals to justify seemingly selfish or harmful actions for the greater good, but the movement's focus on numbers and ethics can sometimes come across as insincere and self-serving.

      The effective altruism (EA) movement, driven by a desire to do the most good, can sometimes justify actions that may seem selfish or harmful in the short term but are believed to benefit humanity in the long run. However, the individuals involved in these actions can display a lack of self-awareness and an annoying insistence on being seen as ethical while pursuing their goals. This was evident in the case of Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX, where EA's "pope," Will MacAskill, quickly condemned him after his fall from grace, despite their past connections and shared beliefs. The EA movement can be seen as a form of self-serving rationalism, where individuals use a system of numbers to justify their actions for personal gain, disguised as altruism. Despite the questionable ethics, these individuals often believe they are creating a better future for humanity.

    • Will MacAskill's complicated relationship with Sam Bankman-FriedDespite warnings of Bankman-Fried's unethical behavior, MacAskill publicly praised him and accepted significant financial support from his company, FTX, leading to ethical concerns for the effective altruism movement.

      The relationship between effective altruism leader Will MacAskill and Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of Alameda Research, was complex and problematic despite warnings about Bankman-Fried's unethical behavior dating back to 2018. MacAskill publicly praised Bankman-Fried and his company, FTX, which provided significant financial support to MacAskill's effective altruism movement. In return, Bankman-Fried donated large sums of money to effective altruism causes, including some that MacAskill had a direct interest in. However, Bankman-Fried was accused of taking control of Alameda unethically, having inappropriate relationships with subordinates, and engaging in money laundering activities. Several executives tried to force him out of the company in 2018, but MacAskill did not disaffiliate from Bankman-Fried until late 2022. This raises questions about the ethics and oversight of the effective altruism movement and its leaders.

    • Dangers of enabling fraudulent behaviorIgnoring and enabling potentially fraudulent behavior, especially when it involves influential individuals, can lead to serious consequences

      Will, a prominent figure in a social movement, was willing to threaten and belittle those who challenged his actions, even if it meant continuing to support a potentially fraudulent scheme. This behavior was enabled by his influential parents' connections, as they vouched for him despite the mounting evidence against him. Meanwhile, Sam, the central figure in the case, is believed to have misappropriated large sums of money, some of which was hidden through real estate deals involving his parents and influential figures from Stanford University. The parents' involvement raises questions about their motivations for supporting Sam, potentially due to their social connections and the belief that he made an honest mistake. Ultimately, the case highlights the dangers of enabling and ignoring potentially fraudulent behavior, even when it involves influential individuals.

    • The power of community connectionsBuilding strong community bonds can lead to unexpected benefits, such as social support, preparedness, and cost savings.

      Building strong community connections can bring about unexpected benefits and help during uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and preparedness. Meanwhile, discovering cost-effective alternatives, like Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans, can lead to significant savings and financial relief. The Stanford case illustrates the power of community awareness and understanding, even when faced with controversial figures. In both instances, taking advantage of community resources and making cost-effective choices can lead to positive outcomes. Remember, a connected community and wise financial decisions can make a significant difference in our lives.

    • Irony of ethics: Even those who prioritize ethics can strayIndividuals, including ethicists, can make decisions that contradict their values or principles

      ...despite having strong ethical values and a focus on doing the right thing, some individuals may still make questionable decisions or engage in activities that go against those values. Joe Bankman, a renowned ethicist and Stanford professor, is an example of this paradox. Bankman, who was known for his dedication to ethics and utilitarianism, became an expert in tax shelters and tax evasion, helping clients like Peter Thiel save over a billion dollars in taxes. This financial engineering led to Bankman's involvement in controversial activities, such as giving a notorious white supremacist, Joe Swastika, money to write New York Times columns on racism. Bankman's focus on ethics is ironic, as he himself engaged in activities that went against those values. This anecdote is a reminder that even those who prioritize ethics and morality can make mistakes and stray from their principles. It's essential to acknowledge the complexities of human behavior and the potential for individuals to make decisions that may not align with their values or public perception.

    • Parents' questionable ethics and involvement in FTXFTX's parents, Joe Venkman and Barbara Freed, have been accused of acting as the company's political donation machine and owning a $16.4 million beachside home. Their involvement raises concerns about ethics and potential legal risks.

      The parents of Sam Bankman-Fried, Joe Venkman and Barbara Freed, have been deeply involved in the controversies surrounding their son's business dealings and have questionable ethics of their own. They have been accused of acting as the model for FTX's political donation machine and owning a large beachside vacation home worth $16.4 million, which they are reportedly trying to return to the company. Venkman, in particular, has served as FTX's first attorney and helped raise funds for the company. Their involvement raises concerns about their definition of ethics and their potential legal risks. Stanford University, where they met and where their son studied, has also had a string of scandals involving its alumni, including Sam Bankman-Fried, and is now perceived as a place where the future is no longer being shaped, but where scandals arise before coming to Palo Alto.

    • Bankman Fried's Controversial Actions During FTX CaseBankman Fried's actions during the FTX case, including contacting involved parties and starting a Substack blog, have raised concerns about his judgment and legal boundaries understanding.

      Sam Bankman Fried, despite being under house arrest and facing numerous allegations, has continued to attempt to influence people involved in the FTX case and even started a Substack blog, which raised questions about his understanding of legal boundaries and the appropriateness of his actions. The Southern District of New York accused him of inappropriately contacting former FTX employees to influence their testimony, and he repeatedly reached out to FTX Bankruptcy CEO John J. Ray offering help, despite being warned not to communicate with people involved in the company due to potential testimony against him. His actions have been criticized as spammy and inappropriate, and his Substack writing was described as poor. Despite these challenges, Bankman Fried's Substack has gained a significant following, but he has only published a few posts before giving up. The takeaway is that Bankman Fried's actions, both in contacting people involved in the case and starting a Substack blog, have raised concerns about his judgment and understanding of legal boundaries.

    • Sam Bankman-Fried's secretive tactics backfireAttempts to hide or deceive during legal proceedings can lead to additional penalties and tarnished reputation

      Sam Bankman-Fried's attempts to use complex spreadsheets and secret communications to defend himself against financial crime allegations have not only failed to convince but also led to additional legal issues. His leniency during the bail process may have given him a false sense of impunity, resulting in the leaking of his ex-girlfriend's diary to the media. The podcast industry, like finance, is full of wealthy elites, and the hiring practices reflect this. Despite the mounting evidence against him, Bankman-Fried's actions have only strengthened the case against him and further tarnished his reputation. The use of encryption apps, VPNs, and other secretive methods to communicate during legal proceedings is illegal and can lead to additional penalties. The situation serves as a reminder that attempts to deceive or obfuscate the truth, no matter how elaborate, will ultimately be unsuccessful.

    • Exploring Unique Experiences: Monopoly Go vs Chumba CasinoMonopoly Go offers a dynamic gameplay with mini games, events, and rewards, while Chumba Casino provides opportunities to win cash prizes through social casino games. Both platforms offer unique experiences and emphasize the importance of engagement and connection.

      Both Monopoly Go and Chumba Casino offer unique and engaging experiences, each in their own way. Monopoly Go provides a fresh and constantly changing gameplay with new mini games, timed events, and various rewards. Chumba Casino offers a chance to win cash prizes through social casino style games with new releases weekly and free daily bonuses. On a different note, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building meaningful social bonds within communities, especially during uncertain times. It encourages individuals to help and support each other, creating a more connected neighborhood. Lastly, the discussion touched on the unconventional and sometimes controversial actions of individuals like Carolyn Ellison and Elizabeth Holmes. These examples illustrate the complexities and moral dilemmas that can arise in various situations. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of staying engaged, discovering new experiences, and fostering connections within our communities.

    • Sam Bankman-Fried's Legal Troubles and Alleged Misuse of Customer FundsFTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried is in jail, facing trial for violating bail conditions and manipulating crypto empire using customer funds. His ex-girlfriend was used as a smokescreen, and he showed favoritism to some employees over others in payouts and loans.

      Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of FTX, is currently in jail, awaiting trial in October, after violating his bail conditions. His lawyers have argued that he was not attempting to discredit a witness but was responding to a toxic media environment. However, his actions, such as handing his ex-girlfriend's diary to The New York Times, have made him come across as the villain in many reports. Ellison, his ex-girlfriend, has admitted guilt in the case but seems to have been used as a smokescreen by Sam, who manipulated the value of his crypto empire using customer funds. Sam's behavior towards Ellison and Alameda was a pattern, as he had stopped paying attention to them to start throwing money through another crypto exchange with a new partner. The reporting raises questions about the vast payouts and loans received by FTX's founders and key employees, with Ellison receiving a tiny fraction compared to others. Despite the complexities of the case, it's clear that Sam's actions were not in the best interests of his company or its customers.

    • Legal Issues for Sam Bankman-Fried of FTXDespite a technicality halting campaign finance violation charges against Sam Bankman-Fried, his legal situation remains uncertain and potentially damaging to his reputation.

      Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of FTX cryptocurrency exchange, is currently facing legal issues, specifically campaign finance violations. These charges were recently dismissed due to a technicality in the extradition agreement between the US and the Bahamas. While this technicality may prevent the charges against Bankman-Fried from moving forward at the moment, it also means that his brother and several members of his philanthropic team are likely to avoid prosecution for potentially committing similar crimes. Bankman-Fried's situation has become unpleasant, with trips to New York for court appearances being the highlight of his life due to the entourage of lawyers and private security. However, the prosecution has indicated that they may seek to add these charges back in the future. Jamie's analysis suggests that Bankman-Fried may not have the connections or cunning to avoid serving time in prison for his actions. Overall, this situation highlights the complexities and potential pitfalls of the cryptocurrency industry, as well as the importance of adhering to campaign finance laws.

    • Negative feelings towards an individual and shared humorSpeakers expressed strong negative feelings towards an individual, but also found humor and connection through shared experiences and observations.

      During the conversation, the speakers expressed strong negative feelings towards a particular individual, whom they perceived as incompetent and malicious. They hoped for his downfall and even joked about it in various ways, including a reality show pitch involving public humiliation. Another theme that emerged was the speakers' appreciation for each other's company and their shared sense of humor. They also mentioned their love for music, with Blink-182 being a particular favorite, and discussed various topics such as hot dogs and celebrity encounters. Overall, the conversation showcased a strong bond between the speakers and their ability to find humor and connection in their shared experiences and observations.

    • Exploring unexpected sources of joy and connectionDiscover ways to connect with others and find happiness through ad-free media, volunteering, social games, and delicious meals

      There are various ways to connect with communities and find sources of joy in everyday life. Cool Zone Media offers an ad-free listening experience for their shows, and they are working on expanding to Android. Neighbor to Neighbor is a California volunteer network that encourages building meaningful social bonds with neighbors. Chumba Casino provides free social casino games to brighten up your day. Lastly, Boar's Head Sweet Bee's Honey Barbecue Glazed Chicken offers a delicious and slow-roasted treat inspired by barbecue legends. These examples show that there are opportunities to connect with others and find happiness in unexpected places. Additionally, Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of community during natural disasters and everyday life. So, whether it's through volunteering, playing games, or enjoying a delicious meal, there are ways to connect and find joy.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    From this November 7th – on River’s 11 anniversary – we ask the Australian community to shine blue and join our One28 campaign.

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    • Give up coffee and donate $128.
    • Quit alcohol and donate $128.
    • Quit smoking and donate $128.
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      Run or walk 128km over 28 days, and donate $1 per km?
    • Or just simply host a morning tea on November 7th and raise $128 between your family, friends, and work colleagues.

    Share your photos with us by tagging River’s Gift on social media #One28 #StampingOutSIDS #RiversGift

    However you choose to shine blue, we thank you for your support in Stamping Out SIDS. Donate or Create Your Own Fundraising Page: https://riversgift.kindful.com/?campaign=1204488

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