
    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    enMay 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Extended Mind: Our Thinking Goes Beyond Our SkullsRecognizing the role of our bodies, environment, and relationships in shaping our thoughts can enhance cognitive abilities and improve overall thinking

      Learning from this episode of the 10 Percent Happier podcast is that our thinking is not limited to our skulls, but rather, it extends to our bodies, our surroundings, and the people around us. This concept, known as the extended mind, suggests that the best thinking requires us to access these external resources. Annie Murphy Paul, the science writer and fellow at New America, explores this idea in her latest book, "The Extended Mind." She argues that by recognizing the role of our bodies, our environment, and our relationships in shaping our thoughts, we can enhance our cognitive abilities and improve our overall thinking. This may sound abstract, but Paul provides practical techniques to help us make the most of these external resources. If you're interested in upgrading your mind, this is a must-listen interview.

    • The mind extends beyond the skullThe extended mind concept challenges the traditional view of the mind being solely located within the brain, suggesting that our surroundings, relationships, and tools are integral to our thought processes and can enhance our cognitive abilities

      The mind does not stop at the skull but extends beyond it into our physical surroundings, relationships, and tools. This idea, proposed by philosophers Andy Clark and David Chalmers, challenges the conventional view that the mind is solely located within the brain. By recognizing this extended mind concept, we can see ourselves as creatures of the world and potentially improve our thinking abilities by utilizing the resources around us. This perspective, though deep and abstract, has practical implications and can lead to a transformative view of learning and understanding.

    • Embracing the extended mindThe extended mind perspective encourages us to expand our understanding of thinking beyond our minds, embracing the richness of our embodied experiences for improved awareness and decision-making.

      Our thinking is not limited to our minds, but is deeply connected to our bodies and surroundings. This idea, which is explored in the concept of the "extended mind," shares similarities with Buddhism in its rejection of a fixed, essential self. By embracing this perspective, we can live and think better by becoming more attuned to our bodies and the world around us. This includes practices like interoception, or paying attention to internal sensations, which can lead to increased awareness and better decision-making. In essence, the extended mind encourages us to expand our understanding of thinking beyond the confines of our minds and embrace the richness of our embodied experiences.

    • Our bodies provide subtle cues for important information and potential dangersInteroceptive signals from our bodies can guide us towards important information and help us make informed decisions, even if they seem to be based on intuition or gut feelings.

      Our bodies play a crucial role in accessing nonconscious experience and knowledge. Interoceptive signals, such as feelings of nervousness or excitement, act as subtle cues from our bodies, guiding us towards important information or potential dangers. The concept of intuition and gut feelings can be seen as related phenomena. While we may have been conditioned to view these as less reliable than conscious thought processes, research shows that they can be more informed and adaptive at times. However, it's essential to be aware of our biases and evaluate the evidence from both our thinking mind and body before making decisions. Additionally, incorporating movement into our thinking process can help us approach complex problems more effectively. Contrary to the common belief that deep thinking requires complete stillness, thinking with movement allows us to engage our bodies and minds in a dynamic way, leading to clearer and more innovative thought processes.

    • The connection between movement and thinkingOur intelligence evolved through activities combining cognitive and physical effort. Movements stimulate creativity by influencing our minds, as described in phrases like 'ideas are flowing' or 'on a roll'.

      Our evolutionary history as human beings shows that we are designed to think and move at the same time. Our intelligence was developed through activities that required both cognitive and physical effort. The idea of separating these two aspects of our lives, working with our brains during the day and then exercising after work, is not in line with our nature as embodied creatures. Movements and physical activities can help us solve problems and think more creatively. This is because our minds can influence our bodies just as our bodies can influence our minds. We use language to reflect this, with phrases like "ideas are flowing" or "on a roll," which describe a fluid mental state. Engaging in activities that mimic this fluidity, such as walking or swimming, can help us think more creatively. Research supports this idea, suggesting that people who move in more fluid ways come up with more creative ideas. Embracing this idea and allowing ourselves to fidget or engage in micromovements can help us think more clearly and effectively.

    • Regulating alertness and mental state through fidgetingFidgeting and small body movements help regulate alertness, arousal, and mental state, and can even enhance thinking abilities for individuals with ADHD. In certain settings, these movements may be perceived as disruptive, but flexibility in work arrangements and activity-permissive environments in education can lead to increased focus and attention.

      Fidgeting and small body movements, such as those made at a standing desk, are not just distracting behaviors, but rather important ways for us to regulate our alertness, arousal, and mental state. For individuals with ADHD, these movements can even enhance their thinking abilities. However, in certain settings like classrooms and meetings, these movements may be perceived as disruptive. The shift to remote work has provided more flexibility for those who need to move while working. In education, some schools have adopted activity-permissive environments, allowing students to use tools like yoga balls or standing desks, which has led to increased focus and attention. Additionally, gesture is an essential aspect of communication and thinking, often preceding spoken language. When we restrict gestures, our thinking and expression become less effective. Therefore, encouraging the use of body movements and gestures can enhance our cognitive processes and overall productivity.

    • Body language matters in communicationEffective communication involves both words and body language. Use gestures naturally to help convey meaning and engage audience, remember viewers remember and pay more attention to comments accompanied by gestures.

      Effective communication goes beyond just the words we speak. Our body language, including gestures, plays a significant role in how our messages are received. Research suggests that audiences pay as much attention to our body language as they do to our words. Symbolic gestures can help convey the meaning of our messages, while beat gestures can establish a cadence and engage our audience. When we're struggling to understand or explain complex ideas, we naturally gesture more. However, it's important not to overthink our gestures and instead let them feel natural. Studies show that viewers remember and pay more attention to comments accompanied by gestures, not just for the benefit of the audience, but for ourselves as well. By incorporating gestures into our communication, we can make our thought processes less effortful and more fluid.

    • Affordable Ethical Fashion with QuinceQuince offers stylish, ethical clothing at lower prices by cutting out the middleman and maintaining safe manufacturing practices. Audible provides access to a wide range of audiobooks and one free title per month for new members.

      Quince is a company offering high-quality, stylish, and ethically-produced clothing at affordable prices. The host has been impressed with their selection of seasonal must-haves, such as linen shirts, polos, and active wear, all priced 50-80% less than similar brands. Quince cuts out the middleman, allowing for lower prices while maintaining safe, ethical, and responsible manufacturing practices. Additionally, Audible offers an extensive selection of audiobooks across various genres with one title a month to keep for new members, and a 30-day free trial. Another key takeaway is the idea of "thinking with your surroundings," which refers to the human brain's sensitivity to context. Our brains process stimuli most effortlessly and easily in natural environments, leading to mental calm and relaxation. This is in contrast to the intense concentration required in work or school settings, which can quickly drain mental resources.

    • The Benefits of Nature for Cognitive Function and Well-beingSpending time outside improves cognitive function and overall well-being, while indoor plants and greenery bring the benefits of nature inside. Our brains function differently in nature, allowing for better focus and productivity. Design of workspaces and use of evocative objects can enhance cognitive performance.

      Spending time outside and incorporating natural elements into our surroundings can significantly improve our cognitive function and overall well-being. Our brains function differently when we're outside, and this diffuse attention mode can help replenish our attentional resources when they're drained. Indoor plants and greenery are also beneficial in bringing the outdoors inside. Furthermore, the design of our workspaces plays a crucial role in how our minds function. Evocative objects, such as reminders of our identity and belonging, can help us feel more focused and productive. Additionally, getting ideas and information out of our heads and onto physical space can make our thinking more efficient and effective, as our brains are better suited for navigating through physical space and manipulating material objects than wrestling with abstract concepts.

    • Engage Bodies for Enhanced Communication and ProductivityIncorporating physical spaces and activities can significantly enhance communication and productivity by engaging our bodies and improving focus, understanding, and group cohesion.

      Effective communication and productivity can be significantly enhanced by incorporating embodied resources beyond just our brains. This can be achieved through the use of physical spaces like whiteboards or post-it notes, as well as activities like walking meetings or synchronized movements. By engaging our bodies in the process, we can better understand and organize ideas, improve focus, and foster a stronger sense of group cohesion. This approach can be particularly beneficial in educational and workplace settings, where the traditional "factory model" of sitting and absorbing information may no longer be the most effective or engaging way to learn or work. So, if you're looking to run a more productive and engaging meeting, consider encouraging physical activity, synchronized movements, and the use of large, visible spaces to help your team connect and communicate more effectively.

    • Recognize the value of collaboration in thinkingIn a Buddhist perspective, everything is interconnected and rigid divides between people are an illusion. Collaboration is key to breaking down complex processes and making knowledge more accessible to novices. Engage in productive dialogue to form a 'group mind' and tackle complex issues together.

      Thinking is not an individualistic activity, but rather a collaborative one. According to the speaker, in our individualistic culture, we often view our ideas and achievements as solely our own. However, if we adopt a Buddhist perspective, we would see that everything is interconnected and that rigid divides between people are an illusion. Thinking with our relationships means recognizing the value of collaboration and making experts' knowledge more accessible to novices. This can be done by breaking down complex processes into steps and making conscious choices more explicit. Additionally, we should not separate intellectual life from social life, but rather engage in productive dialogue with others to form a "group mind" and tackle complex issues together.

    • Social activities enhance cognitive abilitiesEngaging in social activities like debates, storytelling, teaching, and even arguments can deepen our thinking and learning, while strong relationships and open communication further enrich our cognitive processes

      Our social nature plays a crucial role in our thinking and learning processes. Instead of viewing social activities as distractions, we should harness them to enhance our cognitive abilities. Engaging in debates, telling stories, and teaching others are examples of deeply social activities that activate our minds in ways that solitary work cannot. Even arguments, when productive, can help clarify thoughts and perspectives. As philosopher Andy Clark puts it, we are "intrinsically loopy creatures," benefiting from making mental loops with others. While groupthink can have negative consequences, working in groups is essential for tackling complex challenges. Building strong relationships and communicating openly about our thoughts and feelings, as exemplified by therapy, further enriches our thinking processes. In essence, our social connections are not just nice-to-haves, but necessary tools for effective thinking and learning.

    • Creating a sense of groupiness leads to effective group thinkingSynchronized activities, cognitive apprenticeship, and a transactive memory system can foster a sense of unity in groups, enhancing their intellectual capabilities.

      Effective group thinking goes beyond the sum of individual intellects and can lead to great achievements. This can be achieved by creating a sense of groupiness, which is an embodied, metaphorical feeling of unity. Synchronized activities like walking in rhythm or taking part in group projects can foster this feeling. Another approach is cognitive apprenticeship, where one models and makes explicit their thought process for others. Additionally, a transactive memory system, where team members know who possesses the necessary knowledge, can exponentially increase access to information. However, it's important to note that the extended mind concept does not apply equally to all people, leading to what's called extension inequality. This means that some individuals and groups have greater access to the extended mind due to various factors like resources, education, and opportunities.

    • The importance of external resources in shaping our intelligenceAccess to resources like green spaces, expertise, and mobility significantly impacts our thinking abilities and overall intelligence, extending beyond brain-bound abilities

      Access to external resources, such as green spaces, expertise, and the freedom to move, significantly impacts our thinking abilities and overall intelligence. The traditional measures of intelligence, which focus solely on brain-bound abilities, overlook the importance of these external factors. The concept of the "extended mind" suggests that our thinking is not limited to our brains, but rather assembled from the raw materials we have access to in the world. Therefore, it's crucial to consider this access when evaluating people and making decisions, such as hiring or university admissions. We should encourage the development of all of our extended minds as we tackle the complex challenges of the world. The author, Annie Murphy Paul, emphasizes the importance of this concept, drawing from her observation of children's learning and development. Her book, "The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain," explores this idea in more depth. Check it out for further insights.

    • Two New Podcasts from Wondery and Tinkercast: 'Once Upon A Beat' and 'The Competition'Wondery and Tinkercast introduce 'Once Upon A Beat', a hip hop podcast for kids and families, and 'The Competition', a scholarship event podcast for high school senior girls. Both shows offer early and ad-free access with a Wondery Plus subscription.

      Wondery and Tinkercast are bringing you a new podcast called "Once Upon A Beat," where classic fables get a fresh hip hop spin for kids and families. The team behind the podcast includes Kevin O'Connell as director of audio and post production, DJ Cashmere as managing producer, and Nick Thorburn of the band Islands as theme writer. Listeners can access early and ad-free episodes by subscribing to Wondery Plus or Wondery Kids Plus. Shimole Yai, the host, invites listeners to join her and Baby Scratch as they reimagine old tales in a weekly music-filled podcast. Meanwhile, Pineapple Street Studios and Wondery present "The Competition," where 50 high school senior girls compete in a scholarship event. Hosted by Shimole Yai, this podcast offers insights into the experiences of young women in America today. Both shows are available for early and ad-free listening with a Wondery Plus subscription.

    Recent Episodes from Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    The Science Of Getting Out Of Your Head | Annie Murphy Paul

    An acclaimed science writer on how to upgrade your mind by using more than your head.

    When you think about thinking, most of us think of it as a supremely solo pursuit. You’re in your head, concentrating and cogitating, all by yourself. But the science shows that if you want to improve your thinking, you need to get out of your head. Today we’re going to talk about a concept called “the extended mind.” Your mind isn’t just in your skull: it’s in your body, it’s in the people around you, it’s in your surroundings. The best thinking requires that you break out of what the writer David Foster Wallace called “the skull sized kingdom” and access these other resources.

    This may sound abstract, but our guest today makes it very practical. Annie Murphy Paul is an acclaimed science writer whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Boston Globe, Scientific American, Slate, Time, and The Best American Science Writing, among many other publications. She is the author of Origins and The Cult of Personality, hailed by Malcolm Gladwell as a “fascinating new book.” Currently a fellow at New America, Paul has spoken to audiences around the world about learning and cognition; her TED talk has been viewed by more than 2.6 million people. A graduate of Yale University and the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism, she has served as a lecturer at Yale University and as a senior advisor at their Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. Her latest book is The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the Brain

    In this episode, we also talk about:

    • How to use your surroundings to think better 
    • My favorite of the three areas of this book – thinking with our relationships
    • Why “groupthink” isn’t always a bad thing (OR you can say, the benefits of thinking in groups)
    • What she called “extension inequality” – that this benefit of the extended mind isn’t available to all people

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/anniemurphypaul

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    On Having Your Own Back | Bonus Meditation with Jess Morey

    Connecting to self-compassion can be really tough. Ease the struggle by imagining your loved ones sending care & support your way.

    About Jess Morey:

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    For more information on Inward Bound: https://inwardboundmind.org/

    For more information on the Contemplative Semester: https://www.contemplativesemester.org/

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Compassion For Yourself.”

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    • Noting practice
    • The deep satisfaction in not seeking satisfaction
    • Redirecting awareness
    • Being an “empathetic witness” for yourself
    • When to opt for distraction
    • Not taking what’s not yours 
    • Vinny’s ancestor practice
    • What is the connection between seeing our family patterns and not taking what is not ours?  
    • How loyal have we been to our suffering?

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/vinny-ferraro

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    Thomas Curran is a professor in the Department of Psychological and Behavioral Science at the London School of Economics and is the author of The Perfection Trap: Embracing the Power of Good Enough. 

    In this episode we talk about:

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    • The 3 flavors of perfectionism
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    • And parenting and perfectionism 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/thomas-curran

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    What Is Happiness Anyway? | Bonus Meditation with Jay Michaelson

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    About Jay Michaelson:

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    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “What Is Happiness.”

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    In this episode we talk about:

    • What she means by radical optimism – and how it applied when she literally fell on stage
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    • Her famous work ethic and packed schedule  
    • Her non-negotiable daily practices, including meditation
    • Her social media hygiene (specially, how to stay sane when nearly 80 million people follow you on Instagram alone)
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    • Why she had to write 97 songs to make this one album
    • And her concept of “writing herself into a good idea” – as she says, “You have to be shit to be good.” 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/dua-lipa

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    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    The Neuroscience Of: Emotional Regulation, Relationships, Body Image, And Intuition | Emma Seppälä

    A research-backed plan for getting your sh*t together in every possible sphere.

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    In this episode we talk about:

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    • How our past can unconsciously bind us 
    • The impact of trauma
    • The latest evidence for the benefits of meditation
    • And how to cultivate what scientists call Positive Relational Energy

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/emma-seppala-764

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    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    How To Regulate Your Nervous System For Stress, Anxiety, And Trauma | Peter Levine

    The creator of somatic experiencing shows Dan how to heal trauma through the body.


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    Content warning: This episode includes discussions of rape and violence.

    In this episode we talk about:

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    • And how to move through ancient wounds – and enrich our lives (whether we have trauma or not)
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    • Facing mortality 

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/peter-levine

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    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    How To Meditate If You Have ADHD (Or Are Simply Fidgety And Distractible) | Bonus Meditation with Jeff Warren

    Tap into your ADHD superpowers with a meditation that celebrates your unique wiring. Embrace exploration and self-acceptance.

    About Jeff Warren:

    Jeff is an incredibly gifted meditation teacher. He's trained in multiple traditions, including with renowned teacher Shinzen Young. Jeff is the co-author of NY Times Bestseller "Meditation for Fidgety Skeptics," and the founder of the Consciousness Explorers Club, a meditation adventure group in Toronto. He has a knack for surfacing the exact meditation that will help everyone he meets. "I have a meditation for that" is regularly heard from Jeff, so we've dubbed him the "Meditation MacGyver."

    More information on the group retreat (AKA Meditation Party) at the Omega Institute is here

    To find this meditation in the Ten Percent Happier app, you can search for “Meditating with ADHD.” 

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    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Rewire How You Talk To Yourself | Ofosu Jones-Quartey

    Buddhist strategies for taming that nagging voice in your head.

    Ofosu Jones-Quartey, a meditation teacher, author, and musician hailing from the Washington DC area brings over 17 years of experience in sharing mindfulness, meditation and self-compassion practices with the world. Holding a bachelor’s degree from American University and certified by the Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification Program, Ofosu is a graduate of the Teleos Coaching Institute and is the male voice on the Balance meditation app, reaching over 10 million subscribers. 

    Ofosu leads meditation classes and retreats nationwide, having taught and led retreats at the Insight Meditation Community of Washington, The Insight Meditation Society, Spirit Rock, Brooklyn Zen Center, Cleveland Insight, Inward Bound Mindfulness and more.

    As an accomplished hip hop artist under the name “Born I,” Ofosu released the mindfulness-themed album “In This Moment” in 2021. His most recent album is “AMIDA”, a spiritual, Lo-Fi Hip Hop album exploring life, death and his Buddhist faith.

    Beyond music, Ofosu is an author, releasing his self-published children’s book “You Are Enough” in 2020 and “Love Your Amazing Self” via Storey Publishing in 2022. He lives in Rockville, Maryland, with his wife and four children.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • The relationship between self-compassion and a successful meditation practice
    • All the reasons people resist self-compassion, and his rebuttals
    • Whether self-compassion is selfish
    • How to do self-compassion off the cushion, including practices like journaling, written reminders, establishing accountability partners, and simple questions you can drop into your mind when all else fails
    • How to do self-compassion on the cushion, including practices like body scans, metta, and a check-in practice you can use at the very start of your sits
    • And how to teach self-compassion to children

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    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode/ofosu-jones-quartey

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    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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    In this first installment, Dan watches as a young activist directly challenges His Holiness: In a world plagued by climate change, terrorism, and other existential threats, is the Dalia Lama’s message of compassion practical — or even relevant? 

    Full Show Notes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/dalai-lama-guide-538

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    Jennifer Senior On: Grief, Happiness, Friendship Breakups, and Why We Feel Younger Than Our Actual Age

    Jennifer Senior On: Grief, Happiness, Friendship Breakups, and Why We Feel Younger Than Our Actual Age

    It’s likely uncontroversial to assert that Jennifer Senior is one of our finest living journalists. She’s currently a staff writer at The Atlantic and before that she spent many years at the New York Times and New York magazine. Jennifer’s written on a vast array of topics, but she has a special knack for writing articles about the human condition that go massively, massively, viral. One such hit was a lengthy and extremely moving piece for The Atlantic that won a Pulitzer Prize. It was about a young man who died on 9/11, and the wildly varying ways in which his loved ones experienced grief. That article, called “What Bobby McIlvaine Left Behind,” has now been turned into a book called, On Grief: Love, Loss, Memory.

    In this interview, we spend a lot of time talking about this truly fascinating yarn, but we also talk about her other articles: one about an eminent happiness researcher who died by suicide, another about why friendships often break up, and a truly delightful recent piece about the puzzling gap between how old we are and how old we think we are. Jennifer has also written a book about parenting, called All Joy and No Fun which we also reference a few times throughout.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • Jennifer’s perspective on the Bobby McIlvaine story 
    • Lesser known theories of grieving from Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
    • The work involved in finding meaning in loss
    • Why – from an evolutionary standpoint – we hurt so badly when we lose someone we love
    • Commitment and sacrifice
    • The puzzling gap between how old you are and how old you think you are
    • The power and perils of friendship
    • Why Jennifer has chosen to focus so much of her writing on relationships

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/jennifer-senior-583

    To join a live coaching session, sign up at tenpercent.com/coaching.

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    How to Disentangle from Toxic People | Lindsay C. Gibson

    How to Disentangle from Toxic People | Lindsay C. Gibson

    Our relationships are the most important variable in our health and happiness, but they may also be the most difficult. This is especially true when those closest to us turn out to be emotionally immature people.

    Lindsay C. Gibson is a clinical psychologist and bestselling author who specializes in helping people identify and deal with emotionally immature people, or EIP’s. Her first appearance on our show was one of our most popular episodes of 2022. Now she’s back to offer concrete strategies for handling the EIP’s in your life, wherever you may find them. Her new book is called Disentangling from Emotionally Immature People.

    In this episode we talk about:

    • A primer on the cardinal characteristics of emotionally immature people (EIP’s), how to spot them, and why you might want to
    • What Lindsay means by “disentangling” from EIP’s, and how to do it
    • What often happens to your own sense of self when you’re in relationship (or even just in conversation) with an EIP 
    • How to interact with an EIP 
    • How to prevent brain scramble when you’re talking with someone who isn’t making any attempt to understand what you’re saying  
    • How she reacts when she comes across EIP’s in her everyday life
    • Whether it’s possible to have some immature characteristics without being an EIP
    • Handling your own emotionally immature tendencies  
    • Whether or not EIP’s can change
    • The limits of estrangement
    • Why she encourages “alternatives to forgiveness”

    For tickets to TPH's live event in Boston on September 7:


    Full Shownotes:


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    Jerks at Work | Amy Gallo

    Jerks at Work | Amy Gallo

    This is the third installment in our Work Life series. In other episodes, we cover topics like imposter syndrome, whether mindfulness really works at work, and whether you should actually bring your whole self to the office.

    Today's episode is one that many of us struggle with: interpersonal conflict at work. Our guest is a true ninja on this topic. Amy Gallo is a workplace expert who writes and speaks about interpersonal dynamics, difficult conversations, feedback, gender, and effective communication.

    Gallo is a contributing editor at Harvard Business Review and the author of a new book, Getting Along, How to Work with Anyone, Even Difficult People. She's also written the The Harvard Business Review Guide to Dealing With Conflict, and she cohosts the Women at Work podcast.


    In this episode we talk about:

    • Why quality interactions at work are so important for our professional success and personal mental health
    • Why Gallo believes one size doesn’t fit all when it comes to dealing with difficult people in the workplace 
    • Why avoidance isn’t usually an option 
    • What the research tells us about work friendships
    • Why we have a tendency to dehumanize people who have more power than us
    • Why passive aggressive people can be the most difficult to deal with
    • The provocative question of whether we are part of the problem when work conflict crops up
    • And, a taxonomy of the eight different flavors of difficult coworkers, including the pessimist, the victim, the know-it-all, and the insecure boss — with tactics for managing each. 

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/podcast-episode/amy-gallo-576

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    Deep Cuts: Malcolm Gladwell

    Deep Cuts: Malcolm Gladwell

    Gladwell On: the importance of flow states, why people should have a lifelong pursuit or practice, and how he personally relaxes.

    Malcolm Gladwell is the president and co-founder of the podcasting network Pushkin Industries, and the author of six New York Times bestselling books including The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, David and Goliath, and Talking to Strangers. He’s also the host of the Pushkin podcast Revisionist History

    For tickets to TPH's live event in Boston on September 7:


    For tickets to TPH's live and live streamed event in Colorado on November 3:


    Do you have a favorite episode of TPH? We want to hear about it!

    Here’s how you can help us uncover these hidden gems.

    1. Call +1 508-656-0540
    2. Tell us your name and favorite episode
    3. And, in a couple of sentences, tell us why this episode hit home for you

    Do this and your episode and story may be part of our Deep Cuts feature

    In this episode we talk about: 

    • The backlash Malcolm faced from his work from home comments 
    • Pushing the noise aside when it comes to social media 
    • Lessons in kindness from a recent Revisionist History episode
    • The importance of flow states
    • How he personally relaxes 
    • Why people should have a lifelong pursuit or practice
    • What he thinks now about his famous 10,000 hours argument
    • Why we need to engage and investigate the views of others to be morally alert as human beings
    • And his biggest journalistic mistake

    Content Warning: Brief mention of eating disorders. 

    Full Shownotes: https://www.tenpercent.com/tph/podcast-episode//malcolm-gladwell-rerun

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