
    The Silly Bastards Behind the Modern Fascist Movement

    enAugust 22, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Strong Community ConnectionsVolunteering, gaming, or activism can foster community and provide hope and support in uncertain times.

      Building strong community connections can bring hope and support in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduced Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, which emphasizes the importance of relying on neighbors for social bonds and disaster preparedness. Meanwhile, Ryan shared his enthusiasm for Chumba Casino as a way to brighten up daily life with free social casino games. In a different context, Robert Evans and his guests discussed the importance of standing up against hate and fascist movements, as evidenced by their participation in counter-protests against the Unite the Right 2.0 rally in Washington D.C. Overall, these discussions highlight the significance of community, whether it's through volunteering, gaming, or activism.

    • Far-right groups' hidden beliefs exposed through private conversationsDespite claiming inclusivity, some far-right groups harbor racist and fascist ideologies, which have been exposed through their private conversations

      While some far-right groups like to present themselves as non-racist and anti-communist, many of them have been exposed for their true beliefs through private conversations. For instance, Anti Comm, which claimed to accept members regardless of ethnicity or gender, was found to have members promoting racist and fascist ideologies in their Discord server. Similarly, groups like Vanguard America, Identity Europa, and the League of the South have been identified as Nazi or white supremacist organizations. Jason Kessler, a key figure in the first wave of modern American fascism, also has a history of promoting anti-Semitic and racist views, despite attempts to present himself as an anti-Marxist figure. These groups may try to hide their true beliefs from the wider public, but their private conversations reveal their true intentions.

    • YouTube as a Platform for Far-Right RadicalizationYouTube's propaganda videos and gaming communities contribute to the radicalization of far-right activists, including neo-Nazis, who recruit and recruit others through these platforms.

      The radicalization process for many far-right activists, including those associated with neo-Nazi groups, often begins on YouTube. Propaganda pieces, such as the "Lion of Europe or Hitler the Lion" video, use a combination of historical footage, movie clips, and video game elements to recruit and radicalize viewers. These individuals often identify as gamers and have been known to be recruited through gaming communities, such as Gamergate. The far-right activists, including actual Nazis, view the alt-right as a recruiting ground and make fun of them for being "nerdy" and unfit for their cause. Jason Kessler, who organized the Unite the Right rallies in Charlottesville, previously wrote for The Daily Caller, a website known for hosting conservative figures like Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro. While Kessler's reporting on the first Charlottesville rally was factually accurate, he failed to disclose his involvement in organizing the event, which raises ethical concerns for journalistic standards.

    • Far-right attempts to infiltrate mainstream conservatismThe far-right, including individuals with fascist or white nationalist beliefs, have been trying to influence and infiltrate mainstream conservatism, often hiding their true intentions. However, their obsession with violence and racism often comes to the surface, making it difficult for them to fully infiltrate.

      The far-right, including groups and individuals who identify as fascists or white nationalists, have been actively trying to infiltrate and influence the mainstream conservative movement. Jason Kessler, a former writer for The Daily Caller, is an example of this strategy in action. He hid his fascist beliefs while reporting on a far-right gathering for the publication, but was later exposed as a Nazi. Kessler's goal was to become a bridge between different factions of the alt-right and establish himself as a central figure. This was part of a larger effort to bring more moderate conservatives further to the right. The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017, was a significant moment for the far-right movement, as they saw an opportunity to gain visibility and support in the aftermath of Donald Trump's election. However, the rally turned violent, leading to widespread condemnation and legal action against the organizers. Despite their efforts to hide their true intentions, the far-right's obsession with violence and racism often comes to the surface, making it difficult for them to fully infiltrate the mainstream conservative movement.

    • White nationalists aim for mainstream acceptanceWhite nationalist groups strive to improve their image, seek respectable media coverage, and aspire to become a mainstream political party, despite holding overtly racist beliefs.

      White nationalist groups, such as those planning the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017, are consciously working to improve their public image and gain mainstream acceptance. They understand the importance of optics and presentation, aiming to appear as nice, polite members of society rather than violent extremists. They seek respectable news coverage and aspire to become a mainstream political party. Despite their overtly racist beliefs, they debate the level of openness in expressing their ideology, trying to avoid being labeled as fascists or Nazis. This strategy is reminiscent of the conservative religious right's long-term plan to gain influence in various spheres of society, as outlined in theories inspired by Antonio Gramsci.

    • Far-right groups use gamification and covert symbolism to recruit and radicalize individualsFar-right groups employ tactics like gamification and covert symbolism to attract and radicalize individuals, making it essential to recognize and understand these strategies to prevent radicalization.

      Far-right groups are using tactics like gamification and covert symbolism to recruit and radicalize individuals. These groups, such as the Proud Boys, use organizational structures that reward violent actions, creating a sense of achievement and progression. Additionally, they employ video game imagery and references to make individuals feel like the protagonist of a game. This covert approach allows them to attract and radicalize individuals who may not have otherwise been drawn to their ideologies. The use of gamification and covert symbolism is a strategic method to recruit and radicalize individuals, making it crucial to raise awareness and educate the public about these tactics.

    • The Dangerous Impact of Internet Communities and MemesInternet communities and memes can lead individuals to harmful ideologies and even radicalization, but building real-life connections and enjoying positive online experiences can mitigate these risks.

      The internet, particularly social media and certain online communities, can lead individuals down a dangerous path, exposing them to harmful ideologies and even radicalization. This was highlighted in a discussion about the use of the "Kek" symbol, which originated as an internet meme but has been adopted by some far-right groups and even resembles the Nazi naval flag. The discussion also touched upon the importance of building real-life connections within communities, as emphasized by the Neighbor to Neighbor volunteer network. Additionally, the mention of Monopoly Go served as a reminder of the fun and engaging experiences that technology can offer, providing a contrast to the darker aspects of the online world.

    • Hiding Fascism and Radicalizing Individuals OnlineSome extremist groups, like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, hide their hate speech and violence, recruiting and radicalizing individuals online. They plan for violent actions, including mass shootings and use of explosives.

      Despite many people flying a flag with Nazi origins not realizing it, some extremist groups are using this symbol and other tactics to recruit and radicalize individuals, particularly online. These groups, such as the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, hide their fascism and racism, making them more dangerous. They also discuss and plan for violent actions, including the use of explosives, and have conversations about carrying out mass shootings. While some members may not fully understand the gravity of their actions, it is clear that these groups are normalizing hate speech and violence. Additionally, they are targeting and training young people, often through initiation rituals and real-life confrontations at protests. These groups' conversations about terrorism and mass shootings suggest a growing comfort with violence and a potential for more dangerous actions in the future.

    • Online Military Groups: High Value Targets of RadicalizationOnline military groups, populated by individuals with military jargon and extremist leanings, engage in infighting and plan violent acts. Some members lack remorse or empathy, and the groups' fragile ego structures make them susceptible to manipulation.

      The discussion revolves around individuals, often referred to as HVTs (High Value Targets), who use military jargon and engage in online groups, sometimes with extremist leanings. These individuals may be former military personnel or civilians with a fascination for military culture. While some may have served, many have not, and they engage in infighting and drama reminiscent of high school cliques. One such group, the 3 Percenters, is often mentioned, and they claim to stand for constitutional rights and free speech. However, they are often viewed with contempt by more radical groups due to their perceived lack of commitment and loyalty. The conversation often involves planning and discussing violent acts, such as a Dylan Roof-style shooting at a black church, with some members showing a disturbing lack of remorse or empathy. The groups also exhibit a fragile ego structure, making them susceptible to manipulation and causing discord within their ranks. It's important to note that while some members may be harmless, others may pose a real threat, especially given the accessibility of weapons and the potential for radicalization.

    • Alt-Right 2.0: Hidden DangerThe banned Identitarian group, now known as Alt-Right 2.0, continues to influence racist and anti-Semitic beliefs through groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer, despite being kicked off Discord and banned from various platforms.

      The alt-right group "alt right 2.0" or "Identitarian" was kicked off Discord following the Charlottesville rally in 2017 due to bomb threats and racist content shared on their platform. However, their ideas have continued to influence groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer. These groups deny affiliation with the alt-right but their members have been known to attend rallies and events associated with the movement. The group's members were initially more centrist and identified as former Democrats before finding a home in the alt-right ideology. They use bad science and camouflage to promote their racist and anti-Semitic beliefs, which have gained traction among some conservative commentators. Despite their lack of discipline and being banned from various platforms, these groups remain dangerous due to their ability to hide their true intentions.

    • White supremacist leader's tweet about Heather Heyer sparks backlashWhite supremacist leaders' actions and words reveal their true intentions, causing internal divisions and chaos within their community, but they continue to spread hate and violence through new groups and tactics.

      The actions and words of white supremacist leaders, like Jason Kessler, following high-profile events can have serious consequences and reveal their true intentions. After the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Kessler tweeted that Heather Heyer, who was killed during the event, was a "horrible, disgusting communist" and deserved to die. This tweet ignited a firestorm of condemnation, even from other white supremacists who disavowed him. Kessler attempted to blame hacking and Ambien for the tweet, but it exposed the internal divisions and chaos within the white supremacist community. Despite the collapse of many groups involved in the rally, the individuals remain active and continue to regroup under new names. The tactics of these groups, while seemingly ridiculous, have proven effective in allowing them to continue spreading hate and violence.

    • Far-right groups evolving to present as multi-cultural, multi-ethnicFar-right groups are rebranding themselves as anti-communist, distancing from overtly racist labels, and attempting to present a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic image, while still maintaining their white nationalist ideologies.

      Far-right groups, like those seen at the Portland protest, are increasingly presenting themselves as multi-cultural, multi-ethnic fascist organizations that laud figures like Pinochet, while distancing themselves from overtly racist labels. These groups, which are predominantly white, claim to be Christian and anti-communist, and often pray together during their rallies. Despite their claims of non-affiliation with specific churches, there have likely been some rejections from the Christian community. The far-right movement is evolving its strategies, and while some still identify as white nationalists, many are now using the label "anti-communist" as a camouflage. These groups often try to distance themselves from controversial figures and past events, such as Charlottesville, and claim no connection to them. It's important to recognize the complexity and adaptability of these groups as they continue to shape the political landscape.

    • Examining the Overlap of Far-Right Groups and Fascist BeliefsJournalists should dig deeper into far-right groups' past statements, contradictions, and affiliations to provide accurate reporting on their beliefs and actions, which may overlap significantly with fascist groups.

      The far-right groups, such as Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys, may claim to be different from fascist groups, but their beliefs, actions, and members overlap significantly. These groups, including their leaders, have been observed promoting violent ideologies and making racist statements. Journalists covering these groups must go beyond their public statements and do thorough research to uncover the truth. This includes examining their past quotes, contradictions, and associated groups. By holding these groups accountable for their words and actions, journalists can provide accurate and informative reporting.

    • Far-right groups use provocative tactics to gain sympathyFar-right groups use hateful rhetoric and violent tactics to gain sympathy from police and moderates, portraying anti-fascist activists as radical. This strategy is based on historical precedents and aims to provoke violent confrontations. Focus on peaceful resistance and exposing their true nature instead.

      Certain far-right groups in the United States, such as Anti-Com and Patriot Prayer, use racist rhetoric and try to equate anti-fascist activists with extremist groups. These groups aim to gain sympathy from the police and moderate conservatives by portraying themselves as reactionary against a supposedly radical anti-fascist movement. During protests, they may chant hateful slogans and try to provoke responses from their opponents. This strategy is not new; it is based on historical precedents, including the tactics used by the Nazi party in Germany in the 1930s. It is essential to recognize this pattern and not be drawn into violent confrontations. Instead, it is crucial to focus on peaceful resistance and exposing the true nature of these divisive and hateful groups.

    • Military training alters personality with chants and group activitiesMilitary training instills order and authoritarianism through chants and group activities, leaving veterans with a basic frame of an orderly mindset. Chanting creates group unity, but opposing groups can use disruptive chants to prevent intimidation.

      Military training, including the use of chants and group activities, can significantly alter an individual's personality, instilling values of order and authoritarianism. This effect can vary in intensity depending on the individual's original personality strength. After some time, the brainwashing begins to wear off, leaving veterans with a basic frame of an orderly and authoritarian mindset. This can lead to increased efficiency and unity within groups. Chanting is an effective tool for creating a sense of group identity and unity, as it makes individuals feel like part of a larger whole. However, to counteract this effect, opposing groups can use disruptive chants and counter-narratives to prevent the targeted group from feeling intimidated or outnumbered. Overall, understanding the psychological impact of military training and group activities can help us navigate and respond to potential conflicts and divisions in society.

    • DC Metro Union's firm stance against private cars for Nazis prevents potential violenceDC Metro Union's refusal to provide private metro cars for Nazi activists prevented a potentially violent situation, highlighting the power of collective action against hate groups.

      The DC Metro Union's firm stance against providing private metro cars for Nazi activists prevented a potential violent situation at a planned rally in Washington D.C. The union's history of not going on strike adds to the significance of their decision. The expected turnout of around 150-200 Nazis and activists, along with the possibility of violence instigated by both sides, made the situation a potential powder keg. One individual, Vasilios Pistolas, a member of a violent white nationalist group called Adamwaffen, was present at a previous rally and has a history of committing assaults. The presence of active-duty military personnel associated with such groups adds to the potential danger. Despite the tensions, the union's resolute stance against providing private transportation for the rally demonstrates the power of collective action and the importance of standing up against hate groups.

    • Navigating Challenges with ConnectionBuilding relationships, accessing mental health support, and finding entertainment are all important ways to connect and overcome daily challenges

      Community and connection are essential in navigating the challenges of everyday life. This was highlighted in the discussion on Behind the Bastards, where the topic of punching Nazis was debated, and the importance of building relationships with neighbors was promoted through the Neighbor to Neighbor initiative. Meanwhile, Chumba Casino was presented as a way to add bright spots to mundane days through free social casino games. Furthermore, BetterHelp was introduced as an accessible and affordable solution for mental health support, and the voice of NASCAR was emphasized as a source of excitement and entertainment. Overall, these various topics emphasized the importance of connection, whether it be through community, entertainment, or mental health support.

    Recent Episodes from Behind the Bastards

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert killed a man in Reno, just to watch him die. Also he concludes the story of the murder of the Chagos Islands by the U.S. and the ailing British Empire. With bonus Dog Genocide!


    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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