
    The Sunday Read: ‘I Had a Chance to Travel Anywhere. Why Did I Pick Spokane?’

    enOctober 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • John reevaluates his priorities after feeling uneasy about his complacencyJohn's journey to Spokane helped him appreciate the value of new experiences and realize that stepping out of his comfort zone could lead to personal growth

      The pandemic forced John Nualem to prioritize his family over his career, but as time passed and restrictions eased, he felt uneasy about his own complacency and the potential harm his comfort was causing to others. He had grown accustomed to a small, circumscribed life and undervalued the rewards of experiences outside of it. When presented with the opportunity to travel for work, he considered the risks and ultimately decided to visit Spokane, a city he had long been curious about. This journey allowed him to reevaluate his priorities and appreciate the value of new experiences. Despite initial hesitations, Nualem learned that stepping out of his comfort zone could lead to personal growth and a renewed sense of connection to the world.

    • Traveling during the pandemic: navigating health risks and community partnershipsBe mindful of pandemic risks while traveling, prioritize safety measures, and seek out meaningful community collaborations.

      The experience of traveling during the pandemic presents unique challenges and risks, particularly when it comes to personal health and the potential impact on loved ones. The author's visit to Spokane, Washington, served as a reminder of the uncertainties and adjustments required in the post-pandemic world. The city's high COVID-19 case numbers and low vaccination rate added to the author's concerns, especially when faced with the carelessness of maskless individuals in public spaces. However, the author also discovered a meaningful partnership between the Spokane Indians baseball team and the local Spokane Tribe, which showcased respect and cultural sensitivity. This partnership served as a bright spot in the author's trip and demonstrated the potential for positive collaborations between communities. Ultimately, the author's visit to Spokane underscored the importance of being aware of the risks and taking necessary precautions while also recognizing opportunities for connection and understanding.

    • Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere for FansThe Spokane Indians prioritize fan experience and hospitality, offering immaculate facilities, engaging promotions, and storytelling to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for fans, even amidst challenges like roster changes and cancellations.

      The Spokane Indians' senior vice president, Otto Klein, and his team prioritize fan experience and hospitality above all else. Despite the challenges of minor league baseball, such as rapid roster changes and occasional cancellations due to pandemics, the Indians strive to create a welcoming, communal atmosphere at their stadium. From immaculate facilities and engaging promotions to Klein's own enthusiastic storytelling, the Indians aim to provide fans with an escape from their daily problems and a sense of normalcy. The team's dedication to hospitality is evident in their various promotions, such as "dollars and your dog night," which adds an element of excitement and potential reward for fans. Overall, the Indians' approach to sports marketing goes beyond just the game on the field, focusing on creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for their fans.

    • Unexpected consequences of crisesDespite uncontrollable crises, human spirit can find ways to persevere and adapt through luck and resilience.

      Natural disasters and unforeseen circumstances can have unexpected consequences and outcomes. The author's experience in Spokane, where the air quality was affected by wildfires, was a reminder of the uncontrollable and interconnected nature of various crises. The story of Jack Lohrke, a former Spokane Indians player who survived a bus crash after receiving news of his death-defying wartime experiences, underscores the idea that luck and resilience can play significant roles in overcoming adversity. Despite the seemingly inescapable wartime and environmental catastrophes, the human spirit can find ways to persevere and adapt. The unexpected twists and turns in Lohrke's story serve as a reminder that life can be full of surprises, and that even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges, there is always a chance for a lucky break.

    • Discovering a Father's Complex PastExploring a parent's past can reveal hidden traumas and shape our understanding of them as individuals.

      The past of some people may not be as lighthearted or straightforward as it may seem on the surface. Jack Lorky, a retired baseball player, had a complex history that his daughter, Karen Kiser, only began to uncover later in life. Despite his seemingly uneventful life as a security guard, Lorky had experienced significant traumas, including the loss of friends and the crash of a flight he was supposed to be on. These experiences shaped him into a somewhat forbidding and withdrawn father figure. However, it was only when Karen moved to Spokane and met local artist Ken Spearing that she began to learn more about her father's past. Spearing, who recognized the Lohrke name, helped Karen piece together her father's history, which included the nickname "Lucky Lorkie" that Lorky himself disliked. Understanding the weight of this nickname and the traumas it masked helped Karen see her father in a new light. This experience underscores the importance of delving deeper into people's pasts and recognizing that everyone carries their own unique stories and experiences.

    • The importance of compassion and empathy during difficult timesJack Lokey's selfless actions towards widows and the author's moments of compassion during a baseball game underscore the importance of empathy, compassion, and connection in our lives.

      Compassion and empathy are essential parts of life, even during difficult times. Jack Lokey, despite his own survival from a bus crash, prioritized helping the widows of his teammates, demonstrating a selfless and caring attitude. Kaiser, reflecting on Lokey's actions, emphasized the importance of considering others' well-being and not focusing solely on one's own good fortune. During a baseball game, the author also experienced moments of compassion and nostalgia, reminding herself of the simple joys in life and the importance of connecting with others. Even in the small moments, like a hot dog stand running out of hot dogs, the author found gratitude and appreciated the efforts of those around her to make things right. Overall, this text highlights the significance of empathy, compassion, and connection in our lives.

    • A mix of entertainment, distraction, and realityNavigating life during uncertain times involves balancing entertainment, distraction, and reality, as shown through the author's experience at a baseball game and Darnell's inspiring story of determination

      The power of entertainment and distraction was palpable at the baseball game, with unusual mascot performances, exciting plays, and heartwarming stories of perseverance. However, the underlying tension of the ongoing pandemic was ever-present, with varying levels of adherence to safety measures. The game's outcome brought joy to the crowd, but the author couldn't fully let go of his concerns. Darnell's story of determination and seizing opportunities served as a reminder that sometimes taking risks can lead to unexpected rewards. Overall, the night was a mix of entertainment, distraction, and reality, highlighting the complexities of navigating life during uncertain times.

    • Reflecting on the Importance of Prioritizing Children's Well-BeingRealizing societal pressures can hinder our ability to prioritize children's well-being, but it's essential to make them a priority and be present for them.

      The author, John Mualim, had an unexpected realization during a baseball game at Vista Stadium. He watched children run the bases after the game, and was struck by how much he missed his own children. He understood that he had a responsibility to give them his attention, but felt overwhelmed and failed in that regard due to societal pressures. He felt a sense of shame and grief, and the pandemic had only intensified these feelings. Despite these challenges, he felt fortunate to be present at the game and to feel a sense of joy. This experience made him reflect on the importance of prioritizing children's well-being and the impact of societal signals on families. The author's poignant reflections serve as a reminder of the importance of being present and attentive to our loved ones.

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    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 03:22 The passion to learn and play the violin
    • 07:57 Attach yourself to the traits of something
    • 11:24 “The biggest challenge one faces is growing into themselves.”
    • 17:22 A trait you didn’t always have but learned over time
    • 20:49 Disparities between gender
    • 23:36 Growing up in an Indian household
    • 28:14 If they don’t agree with you, you become a threat to their values
    • 39:18 Set up the right environment so people can experience it themselves
    • 43:20 Using behavioral change insights to motivate yourself
    • 46:19 Sustained behavioral change can be difficult
    • 50:07 A reminder for a new beginning and a fresh start 
    • 53:11 When you create a role you love to play
    • 56:42 Why start A Slight Change of Plans podcast?
    • 01:00:11 An interview with a cancer patient
    • 01:07:36 An interview with Morgan who joined the police force
    • 01:12:04 Maya on Final Five
    • 01:12:42 How do people find a good mentor 

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