
    The Sunday Story: More Than Friends

    en-usFebruary 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Deep committed friendships are just as meaningful as romantic relationshipsDeep friendships can provide companionship, support, and shape our lives significantly, from sharing homes and raising children, to being there for each other in old age.

      Deep committed friendships can be just as meaningful and important as romantic relationships. These friendships can shape our lives in significant ways, from sharing homes and raising children together, to being there for each other in old age. The stories of these "significant other friends" can challenge our assumptions about relationships, family units, and growing old. The author, Marina Cohen, highlights these unique bonds in her new book, "The Other Significant Others." Personal experiences, like the one shared by Ayesha Rasco about her best friend Jasmine, illustrate how these friendships can provide companionship and support beyond what a romantic partner can offer. While romantic relationships are often celebrated, it's essential not to overlook the importance of deep, committed friendships in our lives.

    • The Power of Deep FriendshipsDeep friendships can bring excitement, understanding, and devotion into one's life, often overlooked and underappreciated.

      Friendships can be just as meaningful and impactful as romantic relationships. The speaker shares her personal experience of a deep friendship with someone named Em, who supported and enriched her life in ways similar to a romantic partner. This realization led the speaker to explore the concept further and write a book about the importance and depth of friendships. Despite not being a memoir, the book shares stories of others who have experienced similar profound friendships. The speaker emphasizes that these emotional connections are often overlooked and underappreciated, but they can bring excitement, understanding, and devotion into one's life.

    • Limiting Perceptions of FriendshipsSocietal assumptions can limit our recognition and appreciation of deeply meaningful friendships, but we should reconsider and embrace the importance and centrality of multiple significant relationships in our lives.

      Our language and societal perceptions limit our understanding and appreciation of deeply meaningful friendships. The speaker's personal experience of having a close friendship led her to explore the lack of a term to describe such relationships. She discovered that many people share this experience and that there are societal assumptions that hinder the recognition of friendships as significant and equal to romantic relationships. These assumptions include the idea that a spouse should be one's everything, that one is incomplete without a romantic relationship, and that friends are the supporting cast in one's life. The speaker argues that these assumptions limit our ability to recognize the importance and centrality of friendships. She encourages us to reconsider our understanding of relationships and embrace the idea that love and connection are not limited, but rather multiplied by the presence of multiple meaningful relationships in our lives. Additionally, history shows that friendships have held great significance throughout time.

    • The Significance of Same-Sex Friendships Throughout HistoryFriendships between people of the same sex have been deeply meaningful and emotionally intense, providing support and companionship throughout history.

      Throughout history, friendships between people of the same sex have been deeply meaningful and emotionally intense, often involving a level of devotion and commitment that might seem surprising to us today. This can be seen in examples from the 14th century, such as the sworn brotherhoods in Europe, as well as in the biblical story of David and Jonathan. In more recent times, people have continued to form deep, enduring friendships that can last a lifetime. For instance, the pair of women named Barb and Inez, who met over 50 years ago and have been close friends ever since, demonstrate the power of friendship to provide support and companionship, even during major life transitions. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of recognizing the depth and significance of friendships, both past and present.

    • A deep, lifelong friendship can be just as meaningful as a romantic relationshipFriendships can provide deep companionship, care, and support that lasts a lifetime, often surpassing the role of romantic relationships in our lives

      The depth and longevity of a friendship can be just as meaningful and supportive as a romantic partnership. Barb and Inez's friendship, which began decades ago, evolved into a deep bond where they became each other's family. Barb's inability to have biological children led her to form a close relationship with Inez and her children, with Inez's kids considering Barb as their second mother. When Scott, Inez's older son, died, Barb was there to support Inez through her grief. Their friendship had lasted for decades, and when they retired, they decided to live together and buy a house. This deep, lifelong friendship shows that romantic relationships are not the only way to experience companionship and care. Society often underestimates the importance of friendships, but as shown by Barb and Inez, they can provide a level of support and connection that lasts a lifetime.

    • Challenging the notion of social lives revolving around romantic relationshipsValuing and nurturing all types of relationships, including friendships, is essential for a fulfilling social life.

      Our social lives can be more complex than what we often assume. The story of a woman who took care of her husband and family while also nurturing meaningful friendships outside of her home illustrates this point. This woman, a legal stranger to her friends, demonstrated selflessness and the importance of maintaining friendships despite societal expectations that energy should be focused on romantic relationships. Two men, Andrew and Toly, who have been best friends since they were 15, further highlight this complexity. They moved across the country to live together and build their lives, showing the depth and significance of their friendship. These stories challenge the notion that social lives revolve solely around romantic relationships and emphasize the importance of valuing and nurturing all types of relationships.

    • Challenges of Non-Romantic PartnershipsNarrow societal definitions of partnership can stigmatize and misunderstand deep, committed friendships, leading to real-world consequences and emotional strain.

      Society's narrow definition of partnership can create challenges and misunderstandings for individuals who have deep, committed friendships that go beyond typical expectations. These friendships, which may not be romantic but still involve significant decision-making and emotional support, can be invisible or even stigmatized by others. This was the case for Andrew and Toly, whose non-romantic partnership was questioned and misunderstood by their boss and colleagues. Practically, this can lead to real-world consequences, such as difficulty gaining access to medical care during emergencies. The lack of societal recognition and acceptance of these relationships can cause emotional strain and lead to feelings of isolation. It's important to challenge our assumptions about what partnership means and to recognize and validate the complexity and depth of various types of relationships.

    • The importance of relationships beyond marriageSociety often overlooks the value of non-marital relationships during times of need, but their depth and commitment deserve recognition and support.

      Our society places significant value on marriage and the commitments made within it, often leaving friends and non-married partners without the same legal and societal recognition and support during times of need. This was highlighted in the stories of Barb and Inez, who faced challenges during a medical crisis and in the aftermath of a friend's death due to their non-marital status. The function of relationships, including the commitment and long-term sacrifice, should be the focus rather than their form. Unfortunately, there are few ceremonies or songs that celebrate and acknowledge the depth and importance of friendships. However, steps are being taken to fill this gap, as evidenced by the efforts of songwriters creating music that expresses the highs and lows of friendship.

    • The Power of Companionship: A Lasting FriendshipCherish and celebrate friendships as they bring comfort, joy, and strength throughout our lives

      True friendship is a precious bond that brings joy and support during the ups and downs of life. As we heard in the story of Barb and Inez, shared in "The Other Significant Others" by Rayna Cohen, friendship can provide comfort and strength when life gets tough. The friendship between Barb and Inez, which spanned over five decades, was a testament to the power of companionship and the importance of having someone to lean on. Cohen's book, which comes out on February 13th, explores the significance of the relationships that often go unnoticed but are essential to our lives. The song "Dear Friends" by Rings of Maple, which was played earlier in the episode, also captured the essence of this message. So, let us celebrate and cherish our friendships, knowing that they can bring us comfort, joy, and strength throughout our lives.

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    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas, Claire Murashima and Taylor Haney.

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    Today's episode of Up First was edited by Russell Lewis, Eric Whitney, Diane Webber, Mohamad ElBardicy and Alice Woelfle.
    It was produced by Ziad Buchh, Christopher Thomas and Taylor Haney.

    Our technical director is Zac Coleman, with engineering support from Carleigh Strange.

    Learn more about sponsor message choices: podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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