
    Podcast Summary

    • Listeners' actions fuel podcast successListeners' reviews and recommendations help grow a podcast, and artists should focus on their creative vision, ignoring both praise and criticism.

      The podcast's success is due to the listeners' actions, such as leaving reviews and telling others about it. The host expressed gratitude for the reviews and encouraged more of them, comparing the positive feedback to a delicious meal that leaves him wanting more. The host also shared that he wrote a short story called "Hugged Up Studded Blood Puppies," which he hopes to turn into a screenplay, and mentioned that Ethan's readers voted "The Gospel According to Blind" as their favorite book of 2017. Additionally, the host shared his philosophy on creating art, emphasizing the importance of ignoring both positive and negative criticism to stay true to one's creative vision. He likened this approach to ignoring the "shit" thrown by detractors and embracing the "friendly dog" of an award or positive feedback.

    • Maintaining internal locus of evaluationEmbrace positive experiences but don't let them define self-worth, recognize negative experiences for growth, and strike a balance in activities for overall well-being.

      While positive experiences, like meeting a lovely golden retriever or receiving praise, are enjoyable, it's essential to maintain an internal locus of evaluation and not let external validation define our self-worth. Overindulging in praise can hinder creativity and potentially lead to low self-esteem and mental health issues. Just as it's important to acknowledge and appreciate positive experiences, it's equally crucial to recognize and accept negative ones, such as getting sick. These moments can provide valuable contemplative space and allow us to engage in activities that nurture our well-being, like playing video games or reading. However, it's important to strike a balance and not let these activities consume too much time, especially when we have demanding projects to focus on. In summary, embracing both positive and negative experiences and maintaining a strong internal locus of evaluation are key to fostering creativity, mental health, and overall well-being.

    • Finding personal meaning in activitiesRecognize interferences to personal meaning, practice emotional intelligence, and seek enjoyable, challenging activities for optimal happiness and well-being.

      Finding personal meaning in activities is crucial for maintaining happiness and mental well-being. The speaker discovered that playing video games, while providing a sense of accomplishment, interfered with his creativity and happiness as a writer. He emphasized the importance of emotional intelligence in recognizing and addressing the sources of negative emotions, such as irritation or anger. Personal meaning can be found in various activities, from creating art to doing math, and it is essential to seek out voluntary, enjoyable, and challenging activities to achieve a state of flow, where concentration and happiness are maximized. The speaker encouraged everyone to identify their unique sources of personal meaning in the new year.

    • Being in the zone: the ultimate happinessAchieving a state of flow leads to heightened happiness and a sense of meaning, characterized by a sense of control, immediate feedback, and a lack of self-awareness. This state can be reached through various activities and is often experienced by artists and creatives in their best work.

      Experiencing a state of flow, often described as being in the zone, leads to heightened happiness and a sense of meaning. This state, which can be achieved through various activities, is characterized by a sense of control, immediate feedback, and a lack of consciousness or self-awareness. It's a feeling of pure energy and focus, where perception and understanding come to a stop and spirit moves freely. The ancient Chinese philosopher Zhuangzi referred to this state as the ultimate happiness, observing it in artisans and craftsmen, such as butchers. When in a state of flow, one can lose themselves in the activity, with the outcome revealing itself as if by magic. Even in the face of challenges or difficulties, one can remain in this state by autonomously assessing the situation and solving problems with ease. This state of flow is identical to the experience of many artists and creatives when they are in the zone, producing their best work.

    • Exploring the concept of flow for personal well-beingEngaging in challenging activities that require skill can lead to deep engagement, happiness, and ecstasy, while passive activities may lead to apathy, frustration, and anger. Regularly participating in flow activities can contribute to overall well-being.

      Finding activities that provide a state of flow, or deep engagement and happiness, is essential for personal well-being. This concept was explored by Carl Jung and later popularized by positive psychology and the research of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Flow is achieved when an activity is both challenging and requires skill, creating a balance between anxiety and boredom. Activities that provide flow, such as painting, writing, or playing, can lead to intense ecstasy and happiness. Conversely, passive activities like watching television or using social media can lead to apathy, frustration, and anger, potentially contributing to the toxicity of online environments. To live a happier life, it's important to regularly engage in activities that bring a sense of flow and meaning.

    • The contrasting effects of social media and podcasts on mental stateSocial media can negatively impact mental health, while podcasts offer a more engaging, calming, and participatory experience.

      Social media can bring out the worst in people, transforming kind individuals into hateful commenters. However, podcasts offer a more engaging, participatory, and rejuvenating experience. Podcasts require more focus from the listener, leading to a meditative and calming effect. Unlike social media, podcasts don't leave listeners feeling sluggish or tired. Additionally, the speaker shares a personal experience of dreaming while taking a break from creating, suggesting that mental activity during the day may impact dreaming at night. Overall, the discussion highlights the contrasting effects of social media and podcasts on our mental state and emphasizes the importance of engaging, participatory experiences.

    • Dreams and their unexpected sourcesUnexpected sources like video games or past conversations can inspire dreams and deepen their meaning. Reflecting on these influences can lead to new insights and creative approaches.

      Dreams can sometimes be inspired by unexpected sources, such as video games or past conversations. The speaker in this podcast had a dream about an interconnected Internet in a forest, which he later realized was based on the plot of the video game "Ori and the Blind Forest." This realization led him to reflect on the depth and meaning behind his dreams and the potential impact of external influences on his creativity. Additionally, the speaker acknowledged that he had discussed similar topics in previous podcasts, but he was approaching them from new angles and with increased interrogation. Another theme that emerged was the economics of art during the Renaissance, specifically the high cost of the pigment for the color blue due to its limited source. The speaker had previously touched on this topic but wanted to expand upon it further.

    • The intriguing history of the color blueThe ability to recognize the color blue is relatively new, and its absence in ancient texts challenges our perception of the world, highlighting the complexity of color perception and human history.

      The color blue, which was once considered the most expensive color for painting due to its rarity, has an intriguing history. The human ability to recognize the color blue is relatively new, as evidenced by the infamous dress debate in 2015. This discovery challenges our perception of the world and highlights the complexity of color perception. Furthermore, historical texts such as Homer's Odyssey, written around 800 BCE, do not mention the color blue at all. This absence of the word blue in ancient Greek texts was later discovered by scholars like William Gladstone and Lazarus Geiger. Their research suggests that the concept of blue as a distinct color may have emerged only a few thousand years ago. This revelation adds another layer to our understanding of the history of color and the human experience. It also raises questions about how our perception of the world is shaped by language and cultural context. Overall, the story of blue challenges us to consider the intricacies of our senses and the richness of our shared human history.

    • The Discovery and Significance of Blue in Art HistoryAncient cultures didn't have a word for blue and it wasn't until the Egyptians discovered lapis lazuli and developed a method to produce blue dye that the color became significant in art history.

      The color blue was not mentioned in ancient texts and was a late addition to human perception and language. The absence of a word for blue in ancient cultures might be explained by the fact that the sky and sea, the primary sources of the color, were already labeled as white or light. The Egyptians were the first to develop a word for blue and a method to produce blue dye around 5000 years ago. The importance of blue in art history began with the discovery of lapis lazuli, a semiprecious stone that produced a pure blue pigment called ultramarine, which became the most expensive and significant color in art. An intriguing story from the neoclassical period involves Jacques Louis David, a renowned French painter, who led the realistic and academic neoclassical art movement. The French, during this time, interacted with the sparsely populated desert lands of Saudi Arabia, inhabited by tribes that used horses extensively. The absence of a word for blue in the Bedouin and nomadic cultures might be attributed to the fact that the sky and sea, the primary sources of the color, were already labeled as white or light. The discovery of blue pigment and the development of a word for blue were significant milestones in human history and perception.

    • Cultural influences on art perceptionOur cultural backgrounds shape how we perceive and understand art. The French encounter with Saudi Arabian tribes illustrates this, as their inability to see a horse in a painting was due to their cultural context. Engaging with art as a whole piece can reveal deeper meaning and value.

      The way we perceive and understand art is deeply influenced by our cultural backgrounds and experiences. This was illustrated in a historical anecdote about French colonial interactions with Islamic tribes in Saudi Arabia during the 17th and 18th centuries. These tribes, whose lives revolved around horses, had strict rules against creating visual art of sentient beings due to Islamic aniconism. When the French presented them with a neoclassical painting of a horse, the tribesmen couldn't see the horse in the painting because their brains had not developed the ability to read 3D images on a 2D plane. This story demonstrates the power of culture in shaping our perception and highlights the importance of understanding the context in which art is created and consumed. Additionally, the speaker recommended listening to David Bowie's album "Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars" as a start-to-finish piece of work, emphasizing its narrative and artistic value beyond individual tracks. He also acknowledged the challenges of Tom Waits' music and encouraged listeners to give it a chance despite its complexity. Overall, the podcast touched on themes of perception, culture, and the value of engaging with art in its entirety.

    • Expressing gratitude to Patreon supporters and planning to create a visual podcastFor the first time in his 17-year career, the creator of 'The Blind By Podcast' earns a living from the internet through Patreon. He plans to use the funds to create a visual podcast on YouTube.

      The creator of "The Blind By Podcast" expressed his gratitude towards his Patreon supporters, as it marks the first time in his 17-year career that he's earning a living from the internet. He plans to use the funds to potentially create a visual podcast on YouTube. Regarding Eric Fitzgerald's question about the gender perspective in his stories, the creator mentioned that he tries to write with no gender in mind initially and then decides later whether the character will be male or female, acknowledging his privilege and the potential sexist assumptions that come with it.

    • Exploring Personal Habits and Experiences Without BiasThe author's writing process emphasizes honesty, self-awareness, and challenging societal norms, whether it's about personal experiences or character creation.

      The author, while writing, strives to not focus on gender and instead aims to write without bias. They have had female editors to help ensure their work is free of sexism. The author also shared their comfort food routine after a night of drinking, which involves hydration and gentle exercise to minimize hangovers. Additionally, the author mentioned their interest in cooking and enjoying food vlogs. The author also mentioned their current experiment of going alcohol-free for a month as a way to check-in with themselves. The author's writing process is centered around honesty and self-awareness, whether it's about personal experiences or the characters they create. They aim to challenge societal norms and biases, such as associating violent thoughts with males, by creating female characters in violent roles.

    • Exploring the world of food through travel and vloggingProper breathing techniques, like diaphragm breathing, can reduce anxiety levels. Mental health techniques, such as cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness, can help manage anxiety and depression. Cooking and sharing food can bring joy and fulfillment.

      Exploring the world of food through the lens of travel and vlogging can provide both entertainment and inspiration. Mark Wiens, also known as The Food Ranger, and Keith Floyd are examples of individuals who have made a name for themselves by sharing their culinary adventures on YouTube. Their unique approaches to food presentation and exploration offer a fresh perspective on cooking and dining. Another key takeaway is the importance of proper breathing techniques during times of anxiety. Shallow breathing, particularly through the mouth, can worsen anxiety symptoms by limiting the amount of oxygen the brain and muscles receive. Focusing on diaphragm breathing, which involves breathing in through the nose and expanding the stomach, can help reduce anxiety levels by increasing oxygen intake. Additionally, the discussion highlights the importance of mental health and the various techniques, such as cognitive behavior therapy and mindfulness, that can help manage anxiety and depression. Personal experiences and preferences, such as cooking Italian or Indian food, were also shared as ways to bring joy and fulfillment to daily life.

    • Visualizing a washing up bottle of black paint calming anxietyVisualization techniques can help reduce anxiety intensity, but persistent anxiety may require professional help

      During a severe anxiety attack, visualization techniques can help bring down the intensity. Imagine a washing up liquid bottle full of black paint slowly covering a white sheet of paper. This complex image can deescalate a panic attack from a 7 to a 10. However, if anxiety persists and significantly impacts your life, consider seeking professional help, such as therapy or medication. The best gig the speaker ever attended was for The Flaming Lips, despite his severe anxiety. The visuals at the gig helped him momentarily forget his anxiety. The speaker is passionate about Bob Dylan and attended one of his gigs as a teenager. These experiences gave him hope and motivation. Although he doesn't enjoy live gigs due to his job, he encourages trying various methods, such as meditation, exercise, and cognitive behavioral therapy, to manage anxiety.

    • Anxiety in a Crowd: Finding Positivity Amidst FearDespite anxiety, focus on positives and self-care; witnessing iconic events is worth it. Support the podcast through Patreon, check out Quinn's affordable, ethically-made travel essentials, and enjoy the week ahead.

      Experiencing anxiety in a large crowd, even at a supposedly iconic event like seeing Bob Dylan live, can be a harrowing experience. Despite the anticipation and excitement, the speaker endured extreme anxiety that left them drenched in sweat and fearing for their safety. However, they managed to find a positive perspective, focusing on the fact that they had witnessed the performance and could move on. Additionally, the speaker encouraged listeners to enjoy their week, look after themselves, and consider supporting the podcast through Patreon. They also mentioned an upcoming trip to London and the availability of high-quality, ethically-made travel essentials from Quinn's, which are priced affordably. Overall, the podcast episode emphasized the importance of finding positivity in challenging situations and taking care of oneself, both physically and emotionally.

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    To connect with Emma Beckerle:


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emmabeckerle/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/emmabeckerle/

    ABO Performance & Advisory: www.aboperformance.com


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