
    The Tragedies and Legacy of the Royal Romanovs with Helen Rappaport

    enMarch 08, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the lesser-known aspects of the Romanoff family's storyHistorian Helen Rappaport discovered new insights about the Romanoffs by focusing on a specific timeline, leading to a more nuanced understanding of their lives beyond the palaces and sentimentality.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with historian Helen Rappaport is that despite the mythology and sentiment surrounding the Romanoff family, there are lesser-known aspects of their story that are worth exploring. Rappaport, who has been fascinated with Russia since her teenage years, initially avoided writing about the Romanoffs due to the inflated mythology and misinformation surrounding them. However, an agent encouraged her to reconsider, suggesting she focus on a specific timeline rather than a whole biography. Rappaport chose to write about the last two weeks of their lives leading up to their murders, and in doing so, she discovered new insights that went beyond the well-known palaces and sentimentality. This approach allowed her to delve deeper into the historical record and uncover less-explored aspects of the Romanoff family's story.

    • A tale of the Romanov sisters' resilience and supportThe last days of the Romanov family were marked by tragedy, but the resilience and support of their daughters transformed the narrative into a complex exploration of family dynamics.

      The last two weeks of the Romanov family's lives, which were marked by their tragic murder, were not just a story of violence and death, but also a tale of the resilience and support of their four daughters. The author, initially satisfied with his account of the Romanovs' last days, was compelled to delve deeper into the lives of the often overlooked sisters. Their roles as emotional pillars for their parents during their long captivity transformed the narrative from a simple story of murder into a more complex and nuanced exploration of family dynamics. Despite his initial intentions, the author found himself continuing to research and write about the Romanovs, ultimately producing 17 books on the subject. This experience serves as a reminder that there is often more to a story than meets the eye, and that revisiting and reexamining familiar narratives can lead to new discoveries and deeper understanding.

    • Pressure on the Romanovs to produce a male heir and interconnected European royal familiesThe Romanovs faced immense pressure to produce a male heir, but ultimately had four daughters before Alexei. Their interconnected European royal relationships added complexity to the potential succession issues. Despite attempts to rescue them, the Bolsheviks executed the Romanov family during the Russian Revolution.

      The last ruling family of Russia, the Romanovs, faced immense pressure to produce a male heir, resulting in Alexandra giving birth to four daughters before the long-awaited son, Alexei. The lack of a male heir could have resulted in the throne passing to another grand duke, causing controversy and potential succession issues. The myth of Anastasia's survival, perpetuated by Hollywood, added to the intrigue and desire for hope amidst the tragedy of the family's eventual execution during the Russian Revolution. Furthermore, it's essential to understand the interconnectedness of European royal families during this time. For instance, Nicholas II's mother, Maria Fyodorovna, was Danish, and his wife, Alexandra, was the sister of the heir to Queen Victoria. These relationships created a web of close connections between the European royals. Regarding the rescue attempts, once the Bolsheviks seized power, they were determined to eliminate the Romanovs. Despite efforts from various individuals and organizations, including King George V of the United Kingdom, no successful rescue mission was executed. The Bolsheviks moved the family to a house in Siberia, and eventually, they were executed in 1918. The reasons for the failure to rescue the Romanovs were complex, involving factors such as logistical challenges, lack of reliable information, and the Bolsheviks' determination to eliminate the royal family.

    • Geographical challenges hindered a rescue for the RomanovsThe vast distances, harsh weather, lack of advanced technology, financial concerns, and security risks made a rescue for the Romanovs impossible due to complex geographical challenges.

      The geographical challenges played a significant role in preventing the rescue of Nicholas II and his family during their imprisonment. The vast distances and harsh weather conditions made a rescue operation extremely difficult and complex. The lack of advanced technology such as airplanes and enclosed cockpits further hindered any attempts at flying them out. Additionally, the financial and security concerns of various European governments made them hesitant to take in the Romanovs, who could potentially become a drain on their resources and a security risk. These factors combined made a rescue mission futile, despite the persistent belief and efforts of many.

    • Comparing Lume deodorant and OneSkinLume provides effective deodorant solutions with no heavy perfumes, while OneSkin focuses on anti-aging with a proprietary peptide. Both offer discounts for new customers using code SHARON.

      Both Lume deodorant and OneSkin offer high-quality products that cater to specific needs. Lume's deodorant, with its 300,000 five-star reviews and lack of heavy perfumes, provides an effective solution for body odor. Their starter pack is an excellent offer for new customers, and listeners can enjoy a 15% discount using the code SHARON. OneSkin focuses on cellular aging and offers a proprietary peptide that switches off aging cells, keeping skin looking and acting younger. They also offer a 15% discount with the code SHARON. Moving on to history, Rasputin was not a mad monk but a powerful itinerant holy man, healer, and calmer of people. He gained influence over the Russian royal family due to his ability to calm and reassure, especially during Alexei's hemophilia attacks. His skills were similar to horse whispering, and he applied them to humans, earning him the nickname "talking the blood." Despite the layers of misinformation, Rasputin was not a fraud. He was an extraordinary figure who gravitated to the Romanovs due to his unique abilities.

    • Myths Surrounding Rasputin and the Romanovs DebunkedDespite popular beliefs, Rasputin was not an insane, satanic figure, but deeply cared for the imperial family. The myth of bullets bouncing off their clothing during execution is just that - a myth. Their bodies were not thrown down a mine shaft, but taken to a mine working and buried.

      Rasputin, despite being portrayed as an insane, satanic figure in popular culture, had a more complex personality. He cared deeply for the imperial family, especially the children, and was respected by them. Contrary to rumors, the Romanovs did not hide their jewels beneath their clothing to make bullets ricochet during their execution. Instead, they hid them in various places on their persons as their only currency. The myth of bullets bouncing off their clothing during the execution is just that - a myth. The execution was chaotic, and the killers were incompetent, leading to missed shots. After their murder, the Romanovs' bodies were taken to a mine working and buried, not thrown down a mine shaft as mythology suggests. The inefficiency of the Bolsheviks played a role in the uncertainty surrounding the location of their burial.

    • The Execution of the Romanov Family: A Complex BurialDespite attempts to hide their identities, all members of the Romanov family were eventually discovered and accounted for, debunking the myth of Anastasia's survival.

      The execution of the Romanov family in 1918 was not as simple as burying their bodies in a shallow pit. The eventual discovery of a second grave site in the forest revealed that the bodies of the Tsar, Tsarina, and three of their daughters were moved and dumped in a new location. However, the two youngest children, Alexei and Maria, were taken elsewhere and attempts were made to burn their bodies. This led to the myth of Anastasia's survival, as people held onto the hope that one of the missing children had escaped. It wasn't until the late 1970s that the second grave was discovered, but due to the Soviet era, the finding was kept a secret. The bodies of the Romanov family and their loyal servants were identified and reburied in 1991, but the two missing children were still not found. The search continued, and in 2007, they were finally discovered and identified. Despite the myths and speculation, all members of the Romanov family were accounted for and died during the execution.

    • Upgrade Your Look and Celebrate Mother's DayQuince and Quinn offer affordable, ethically-made products, while 1800 Flowers provides discounted Mother's Day gifts. The Romanov family, despite their tragic end, are revered in Russia for their faith and love.

      Quince and Quinn's offer high-quality, ethically-made products at affordable prices. From stylish clothing and accessories to luxury travel essentials, these brands allow consumers to upgrade their look without breaking the bank. Meanwhile, 1800 Flowers provides an array of gifts for Mother's Day, offering discounts for handmade bouquets, sweet treats, and gourmet food. In the historical realm, the canonization of the Romanov family as Orthodox saints in Russia following the collapse of communism is a fascinating phenomenon. Despite their tragic end, the imperial family is revered for their devotion to their faith and to each other. Contrary to any blingtastic myths, they were an ordinary, loving family whose religious beliefs kept them strong during their captivity.

    • Russian royal family's modesty during hardshipDespite common perception, Russian royals lived modestly, served their people, and mended clothes during hard times.

      The Russian royal family, particularly the women, defied the expectations of extravagance and luxury during times of hardship, such as the war years. Instead, they chose to live modestly, train as nurses, and mend their clothes. This contrasts with the common western perception of royal families. Helen Rappaport, an expert on the Russian royal family, has extensively researched and written about their lives, delving deep into their stories and experiences. Her books, such as "The Race to Save the Romanovs" and "The Romanov Sisters," offer a wealth of information that goes beyond the Disneyfied versions of their lives. The family members' dedication to serving their people and living frugally is a testament to their character and a fascinating aspect of history that is often overlooked. If you're intrigued by this topic, consider exploring Helen Rappaport's scholarship for a more nuanced understanding of the Russian royal family.

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    Belinda's Links:





    Click to book for the Adventure Mind Conference and find out more information (26th - 27th March 2022).

    To read my write-up of the 2020 Adventure Mind event, click here.


    Karen Wood - a 'Cold Water Bobbing' HeadRightOut Moment in the sea at Sidmouth.

    Follow Karen on Instagram here.

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    Follow the podcast on Instagram @Resilience_and_Resistance

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    Music: Inte-Gritty by Bianca Mikahn

    Art: Maite Nazario | http://www.maitenazario.com

    Podcast Production: https://www.theplug-agency.com

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