
    Podcast Summary

    • Recognizing and embracing moments of joyEmbracing joyful moments improves mood and releases feel-good hormones, creating positive energy and motivation.

      Recognizing and embracing moments of genuine joy and happiness can significantly improve our mood and overall well-being. These uncontrollable smiles, which can be triggered by various experiences such as listening to favorite music, spending time with loved ones, or witnessing something amusing, release feel-good hormones and create positive energy within us. By recalling these moments and the associated feelings, we can tap into that joy and use it as motivation to face challenges and approach each day with a more positive attitude. So, take a moment to think back on a time when you had an uncontrollable smile, and let that memory fuel you with happiness and positivity.

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    #125 - 3RD ANNIVERSARY WITH AUTHOR AND ENTREPRENEUR James Oliver, Jr. - 20171015

    #125 - 3RD ANNIVERSARY WITH AUTHOR AND ENTREPRENEUR James Oliver, Jr. - 20171015

    Author and Entrepreneur James Oliver, Jr. on the Curve the Cube Podcast

    Welcome to the THIRD ANNIVERSARY episode of the Curve the Cube Podcast!! My special guest on this milestone of a day is author and entrepreneur, James Oliver, Jr. of WeMontage, who wrote a book that I absolutely fell in love with and have discussing in pieces with a few of my most recent guests. His book, The More You Hustle, the Luckier You Get, provides a deluge of raw, relatable trials and triumphs that all of us shooting for a dream can find both humor and comfort in.

    In this episode, James parses out the difference between being a successful entrepreneur and having a successful business, and we touch back on those concepts I discussed earlier in this series of episodes:

    • Listening to that inner voice and honoring your true self
    • Going out on your own takes effing hard work
    • Keeping the faith
    • "Don't make safe choices in life because it's convenient to do so."

    James doesn’t pull any punches and was simply the PERFECT pick to sum up some of the main touch points I’ve been covering all along on this show. So….


    And, thank you from the bottom of my heart for listening for these past three years; as you've heard me say on the last couple of episodes, my plan has been to flipping the name of the show from from “Curve the Cube: Where Dreamers Become Doers” to “Dreamers Become Doers: Curve the Cube and Do the Impossible.” But, after a very thoughtful conversation with my mentor, Glenn the Geek from the Horse Radio Network, there is an even BIGGER change that I now have planned for the show and hope you can all get behind. As the coincidence of good timing would have it, Glenn and I will be spending some time together this weekend. So, he’ll join me in recording a fully fleshed-out announcement and explanation of that change. So, be sure to look for that, as it could even be released ahead of the next scheduled release date for the show, which would normally be the first.

    Follow James Oliver, Jr. on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


    If you are thinking of starting your own podcast, head to Libsyn.com and sign up with my promo code "IGNITE" to receive a free month of hosting with the leader in the industry.

    If you already HAVE a podcast and you are based out of Florida, go ahead and submit it to Florida Podcast Network's Directory. It's FREE and always will be. Head to FloridaPodcastDirectory.com.

    And, if you are in SOUTH Florida, visit us at PalmBeachPodcasters.com. Join us at a MeetUp and learn from your peers who've already been through a bit of the podcasting fire. We will be having our 2018 planning session soon, and would love for you to contribute YOUR thoughts!

    Music Beds courtesy of DJ John Hitta!!!

    DJ John Hitta

    To stay up on the latest with my guests, follow Curve the Cube on: Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | SnapChat (@FlintStoneMedia) | Tumblr | Pinterest | YouTube

    Copyright Flint Stone Media, LLC 2017.

    The Break Point

    The Break Point

    Have you ever experienced a break point? What do you think that means?

    Imagine someone close to you walking down a trail and you both know how to get there, but they take an unexpected turn into a rut. You don't know if you can get them out, what do you do? 

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    What do you do when you see someone you love reach their break point? What do you do when you reach our own break point? 

    Listen to learn more about how to get unstuck when you're in a situation that is keeping you stuck.

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    Small Soul Talk #90 On: 15 Lessons From Matthew McConaughey's 'Greenlights' Book

    Understanding Your Soul Self is a coaching channel created to help people redesign a meaningful life for themselves and rediscover their true purpose. The channel provides FREE podcasts and insightful information regarding personal transformation. I believe that everyone has a unique soul print and deep inner wisdom that knows what is truly important to them. But often, we get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to listen to our inner self. This free platform is designed to help you reconnect with your soul print and create a more fulfilling life. 

    To learn more about 'Understanding Your Soul Self' and my uniquely crafted programs created to enhance and support you on your journey visit my website below.

    For more information about course and coaching visit:


    New Episodes uploaded periodically. Stay tuned!

     Leave a comment and rate!


    Let's talk about greenlights.

    Here is the list of (15) Lessons From Matthew McConaughey's 'Greenlights' Book

    • Don't half a** it 
    • Leave 'your scent'
    • Don't stand there and be the 'cool guy'
    • Be Involved and relate
    • No pedistal
    • Freedom & travel
    • Don't need it. Want it.
    • Walk in like you own it.
    • Don't create drama.
    • Be "ok" with living
    • Shake on it. Keep your word.
    • Value your values
    • Don't be scared to start over.
    • Challenge > Ease
    • Put yourself in place to recieve it.

    Suggested Book:

    Greenlights - Matthew McConaughey

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    Folge 325 - Treffen sich 2 Dänen...

    itunes pic
    Na, was hast Du in die Tat umgesetzt vom Podcast am Montag? Oder bist Du noch glücklicher als die Dänen? Heute bleibe ich noch etwas bei den Dänen, obwohl wir schon in Schweden sind. Lass Dich also gerne inspirieren und mach alles mal etwas mehr für Dich. Guck weniger nach anderen! Hej do, aus Nyköping, südlich von Stockholm Von Herzen Dein „Podcast-Coach“ Thomas Reich www.thomas-reich.com P.S. Wenn Dir mein Podcast gefällt, freue ich mich sehr, wenn Du mir auf iTunes eine Bewertung - gerne mit 5 Sternen - hinterlässt. Herzlichen Dank. https://itunes.apple.com/de/podcast/der-salesdoping-podcast-mit/id840065460?mt=2 Willst DU in meinen Podcast? Dann bewerbe Dich mit einer kurzen Mail an mich. Was ist Dein Thema, für das ich Dich interviewen kann? Mail an: thomas@thomas-reich.com Du hast Fragen oder brauchst eine Lösung? Schreibe Thomas: thomas@thomas-reich.com oder Daniel: mail@daniel-helbig.com

    56 - Les facteurs de démotivation

    56 - Les facteurs de démotivation

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