
    The war for Reddit, new MacBook Air, and Meta's Twitter competitor

    enJune 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reddit's API Monetization Sparks Outrage from Developers and UsersThousands of subreddits went dark in protest of Reddit's decision to monetize its API, causing temporary platform outage. Developers and users are concerned about potential commercialization of the platform.

      The future of Reddit's developer community and the platform's users are at a crossroads due to the company's decision to monetize its API. This has led to a significant protest, resulting in thousands of subreddits going dark and even a temporary platform outage. The situation escalated when popular Reddit app developer Christian Selig, who runs Apollo, received calls from Reddit regarding their new API policy. Selig, initially reassured by a New York Times article stating Reddit apps would not be affected, later found out this was not the case. The situation sparked a larger conversation about the future and soul of Reddit, with many users concerned about the potential commercialization of the platform. The outcome of this conflict remains to be seen.

    • Reddit's Discussion with App Developers about MonetizationReddit aims to form more equitable partnerships with app developers by charging for data access, focusing on smaller apps initially, and offering better API access and communication.

      Reddit's recent conversation with third-party app developers about monetizing the use of their platform's data was initially vague but turned out to be a promising discussion about forming more equitable partnerships. The representative explained that Reddit cannot sustainably continue providing data for free to businesses relying on it, and the proposed pricing structure seemed reasonable to the app developers involved. However, there was no mention of charging large AI companies during these conversations, and the focus was on smaller apps. The potential benefits of this new relationship include better access to APIs and improved communication with Reddit. Historically, Reddit's API has been seen as great by developers, despite some limitations and the lack of monetization options. Overall, this shift towards monetization and partnerships could lead to a clearer, more sustainable future for both Reddit and the developers using their platform.

    • Unexpected costs from API provider can lead to app abandonmentClear communication and transparency from API providers is crucial to prevent unexpected costs and potential app abandonment.

      A lack of communication and transparency from the API provider, in this case Reddit, can lead to unexpected costs and potential abandonment of a third-party app. The speaker shared a personal experience where the API provider announced significant pricing increases, which came as a shock and ultimately led to the end of the app's use of the Reddit API. Initially, the relationship between the app and Reddit was positive, with the API being well-documented, easy to use, and responsive. However, the first red flag came when new features stopped being added to the API, indicating a possible lack of investment or interest in third-party apps. The turning point came when Reddit announced pricing for the app, which would have cost $20 million a year. The speaker was taken aback by the figure and felt that the cost was not feasible for a small app. Despite Reddit's intentions not to kill third-party apps, the speaker felt that the cost was prohibitive for a small operation. The conversation between the speaker and Reddit was brief, with the speaker expressing shock and the Reddit team expressing their intent to not harm third-party apps. However, the damage was done, and the speaker ultimately decided to abandon the use of the Reddit API. This experience highlights the importance of clear communication and transparency from API providers to third-party developers. Sudden and unexpected costs can be detrimental to the success and sustainability of a third-party app.

    • Reddit's sudden API pricing change and its impact on third-party appsReddit underestimated the importance of third-party apps and their impact on user base, leading to a backlash from developers due to rushed and insensitive pricing change, and lack of communication raised doubts about Reddit's true intentions towards power users.

      Reddit may have underestimated the importance and impact of third-party apps like Apollo on their platform and its user base. The sudden and significant pricing change for their API came across as rushed and insensitive to developers like the speaker, leading to a backlash. Despite initial statements suggesting a desire to keep third-party apps, the aggressive timelines and lack of communication raised doubts about Reddit's true intentions. The speaker expresses confusion about the apparent change in stance and believes that Reddit could have handled the situation more effectively by acknowledging the value of power users and engaging in open dialogue.

    • Reddit API pricing controversy between Apollo app developer and RedditThe cost of using Reddit's API for third-party apps led to a heated exchange between Apollo app developer and Reddit, despite potential collaboration opportunities.

      The cost of using Reddit's API for third-party apps like Apollo has become a contentious issue, leading to a personal and public feud between the app developer and Reddit. The developer, who tried to present the numbers and express his concerns about the pricing, was met with defensiveness from Reddit, resulting in a heated exchange. Despite the personal nature of the conflict, the developer stated that if Reddit had approached him with a reasonable offer or a way to work together, he might have considered selling the app or collaborating. The unexpected mention of Apollo during Apple's WWDC event was a highlight for the developer, providing a positive moment amidst the controversy.

    • Estimated cost to operate Apollo app post Reddit API pricing changeDeveloper estimated losing money on existing subscribers, high cost per user, and potential loss of free users led to app shutdown

      The cost of continuing to operate the Apollo app, following Reddit's API pricing change, was estimated to be significantly more than the app's revenue. The speaker, who developed the app, shared that the cost per user would be around $2.50 for an average user, but for heavier users, it could reach up to $7.50 per month. With the short notice given before the pricing change took effect, the speaker estimated that they would be losing money on existing yearly subscribers, who had already paid for a year of service. Additionally, the speaker mentioned the complexity of implementing a subscription model and the potential loss of free users, who may not be willing to pay for the app. Ultimately, the speaker decided to shut down the app rather than continue operating at a loss.

    • Reddit's Pricing Changes Threaten Apollo App's FutureReddit's new pricing structure for API access may force Apollo app to shut down due to large, unmonetizable bills, and the speaker dislikes introducing ads or collaborating with Reddit for alternative solutions.

      The speaker is facing significant financial challenges due to changes in Reddit's pricing structure for API access. These changes will result in large, unmonetizable bills for the speaker, making it difficult for them to continue operating their app, Apollo. The speaker also values the direct relationship with their users and dislikes the idea of introducing advertising into their app. The situation is further complicated by Reddit's perceived unwillingness to collaborate or offer alternative solutions. The speaker is currently exploring options, but the future remains uncertain.

    • Clear communication and compromise could have prevented Reddit API controversyEffective communication and compromise could have prevented a pricing dispute and potential app shutdown, but damage may already be done.

      Clear communication and compromise could have prevented the controversy surrounding Reddit's API pricing and Apollo app's potential shutdown. If Reddit had been more open to negotiation, such as reducing the price or offering more time for transition, the situation might have been resolved amicably. Additionally, acknowledging mistakes and extending an olive branch could have helped mend relationships. However, at this point, the damage may be irreparable, as the issue has grown into a larger concern for the Reddit community, involving accessibility and NSFW content. While fixing the API pricing issue may help soothe some tensions, it may not be enough to fully address the broader concerns and restore trust.

    • Reddit's recent actions raise concerns over transparency and responsivenessReddit's lack of clear communication and proactive approach to content policies and API access has left users feeling ignored and frustrated, demanding clearer communication, opt-in systems, and a more proactive approach.

      Reddit's recent actions have raised concerns among its community regarding the company's transparency and responsiveness. Historically known for its community-focused approach, Reddit's recent engagement in corporate speak and lack of clear communication around content policies and API access has left users feeling ignored and frustrated. The community's primary demands include clearer communication, opt-in systems for explicit content, and a more proactive approach to addressing content issues. Despite Reddit's existing mechanisms for controlling explicit content, the company has yet to extend these systems to the API, leading to confusion and mistrust. The politics of the situation have come into play, with Reddit seemingly reluctant to engage in open dialogue about the issue, leaving users feeling that they have more trust in the community than the company itself. Effective communication and transparency are key to regaining the community's trust and resolving these concerns.

    • Decentralized Social Media: A Daunting TransitionDevelopers and users face challenges in transitioning from centralized to decentralized social media platforms due to the complexity and resources required.

      We are witnessing a significant shift in the social media landscape, with many companies, including Reddit, shutting down their APIs and driving users towards centralized services. This change is causing some developers and users to explore decentralized alternatives like Mastodon and Lemmy. However, making the switch can be a daunting task, especially for those who have invested time and resources into building apps around centralized platforms. The speaker, for instance, is considering shutting down Apollo due to Reddit's API policy change but is hesitant due to the complexity and work involved in transitioning to a decentralized platform. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a wish for a decentralized norm but is unsure if they have the capacity to make the move at this time.

    • Mixed emotions as speaker faces potential end of Apollo appSpeaker feels disappointment but holds onto hope, considers new opportunities, and encourages taking breaks from tech work.

      The speaker is feeling a mix of emotions as they face the potential end of their job and the app they've worked on, Apollo. They're feeling a sense of disappointment, but also a small glimmer of hope that things might change at the last minute. They've seen the strong community response to the situation, and they believe that the CEO, Steve, understands the situation and has the potential to make things right. However, they're also preparing for the possibility that the app will shut down and they'll need to move on. They're considering other opportunities, such as working for a tech publication or focusing on a side project they've been working on. They also share a regret of not taking a year off to be a bartender and encourage others not to make the same mistake. Overall, they're trying to stay positive and make the best of the situation.

    • Meta CEO confident in pricing advantage for Quest 3Meta believes pricing edge for Quest 3 will give them a competitive advantage against Apple's Vision Pro for several years

      During Meta's all-hands meeting following Apple's Vision Pro launch, Meta's CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed confidence in their ability to compete, specifically regarding the pricing of their upcoming Quest 3 headset. Zuckerberg believes this pricing advantage will give Meta a competitive edge against Apple for the next few years. The meeting also served as a rallying cry for Meta employees after a challenging few years, with Zuckerberg addressing the company's vision and competition. The timing of the meeting and Apple's launch were coincidental, but provided an opportunity for Meta to address the Vision Pro directly with its employees.

    • Mark Zuckerberg's response to Apple's Vision Pro headsetZuckerberg sees potential competition but acknowledges challenges for Apple and Meta in creating effective, affordable AR headsets. Apple's initial focus on general-purpose computing and developer innovation could give Meta an edge in social and gaming spaces.

      Mark Zuckerberg's public response to Apple's Vision Pro headset indicates a sense of cautious optimism rather than fear. Apple's high-end positioning and initial lack of focus on social or gaming features in the Vision Pro may give Meta some breathing room in the market. However, Apple's history of releasing cheaper devices and the potential for future competition could still pose a threat. Zuckerberg acknowledged that Apple hasn't yet solved the challenges of creating an effective, affordable AR headset, which Meta is also grappling with. Apple's initial focus on general-purpose computing and developer innovation could give Meta an edge in the social and gaming spaces. For now, Meta seems to be taking a wait-and-see approach, with Meta's Horizon social world experiment for the Quest facing challenges and Apple's Vision Pro still in its infancy.

    • Apple and Meta's contrasting approaches to the metaverseApple focuses on high-quality, premium metaverse experience with Vision Pro, while Meta prioritizes affordability and accessibility with Quest 3. Both aim to dominate the market, but their unique strengths and priorities differ.

      Apple and Meta, two tech giants, are approaching the metaverse and extended reality technology from vastly different perspectives. Apple, as a hardware company, is focusing on delivering a high-quality, immersive experience with its Vision Pro, but at a premium price. Meta, on the other hand, is prioritizing affordability and accessibility with its Quest 3, while also emphasizing its long-term strategy as an advertising company. Both companies aim to dominate the metaverse market, but their contrasting approaches reflect their unique strengths and priorities. Apple's CEO, Tim Cook, seems less convinced about the Vision Pro, and is looking forward to AR glasses for a potentially larger market. Meta's Mark Zuckerberg, however, is more enthusiastic about the Quest 3 and the future of the metaverse. Ultimately, the competition between these two tech giants will shape the future of the metaverse and extended reality technology.

    • Meta's Text-Based Social Media App: A Rival to TwitterMeta, formerly Facebook, is developing a text-based social media app as a rival to Twitter, reflecting Mark Zuckerberg's long-held belief in the importance of text-based information utilities and his desire to reduce dependence on competitors like Apple.

      Meta, formerly Facebook, is intensely focused on creating its own tech platforms to reduce dependence on competitors like Apple and to challenge rivals such as Twitter. Mark Zuckerberg's passion for Meta's headset and metaverse projects stems from Apple's dominance during the mobile era and the resulting app store disputes. Meta's new text-based social media app, based on Instagram and integrating with Activity Pub, is its answer to Twitter, reflecting Zuckerberg's long-held belief in the importance of text-based information utilities. Despite Twitter's challenges and Meta's resources, the move to create a decentralized social media platform may present unique scaling and monetization challenges. Zuckerberg's recent interview with Lex Friedman highlighted his long-standing interest in text-based information utilities and his belief that Twitter should have a larger user base. The tech industry continues to witness a rich rivalry between these companies, with Meta aiming to lead in the next computing paradigm.

    • Meta's latest attempt to compete with TwitterMeta's new app Threads, aimed at competing with Twitter, faces uncertainty due to Meta's past failures with standalone apps and the rise of decentralized platforms like Activity Pub.

      Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has a history of attempting to replicate the success of other social media platforms, specifically Twitter, but with little success. Their latest effort, a new app called Threads, which is a standalone app aimed at competing with Twitter, has a questionable future given Meta's past failures with standalone apps and the current popularity of decentralized social media platforms like Activity Pub. Meta's interest in Activity Pub may lie in the promise of user portability and data ownership, addressing concerns of power users about the fragility of centralized platforms. Despite being the largest social media company, Meta still relies on Twitter for major announcements and may be motivated by a desire to capture the energy and audience engagement typically associated with Twitter. Ultimately, Meta's success in the Twitter space remains uncertain.

    • New 15-inch MacBook Air with larger screenApple releases a larger MacBook Air to revitalize PC market and attract new customers, maintaining similar user experience despite bigger screen.

      Apple's new 15-inch MacBook Air is a larger version of the popular MacBook Air, providing a bigger screen while maintaining a similar user experience. This release comes after a decline in PC sales for Apple and other companies, with many consumers holding onto their existing devices. Apple may be releasing this product to create buzz and attract new customers, as the PC market becomes increasingly competitive. Monica Chin, from The Verge, has had a chance to review the new MacBook Air and reported that the experience using it is very similar to the 13-inch version, but the screen is significantly larger. The MacBook Air is just one of several new Macs Apple announced recently, including the Mac Studio and Mac Pro. The company's strategy to release these new products may be an attempt to revitalize the PC market and attract customers looking for new and innovative technology.

    • Manufacturers experiment with new laptop featuresApple's larger 15-inch MacBook Pro offers more screen space and longer battery life, enhancing productivity for multitasking and long documents.

      PC manufacturers are experimenting with various features to make laptops more appealing, such as new screen sizes and keyboard placements. However, some of these changes are unnecessary and go against established design principles. On the other hand, Apple's release of a larger 15-inch MacBook Pro caters to consumers' demand for more screen space and longer battery life due to the larger size. The larger screen significantly enhances productivity, especially for multitasking and long documents, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking a larger screen without paying for a 16-inch model.

    • Longer battery life in 15-inch MacBook ProThe 15-inch MacBook Pro offers longer battery life due to a larger battery, but the larger screen consumes power, making the difference not significant. The superior speakers make it an ideal choice for multimedia consumption.

      The 15-inch MacBook Pro offers improved battery life compared to the 13-inch model, but it's not a significant difference. The larger battery is offset by the larger screen, which also consumes power. However, the longer battery life, combined with the superior speakers, makes the 15-inch MacBook Pro an excellent choice for multimedia consumption. Despite the added weight and size, many users find the enhanced audio experience worth the trade-off. Overall, the decision to upgrade to the larger model depends on individual preferences and priorities.

    • Heavier 15-inch MacBook Air: Size, weight versus performanceThe new 15-inch MacBook Air is heavier than the 13-inch model, offering better performance and more screen size at the cost of increased weight.

      The new 15-inch MacBook Air is heavier than expected, weighing over three pounds. This is a significant departure from the lightweight experience of the 13-inch MacBook Air. While it offers better performance and more screen size, potential buyers should be aware of the increased weight. The decision between the 13-inch and 15-inch MacBook Air now comes down to a simple choice: size and weight versus performance and screen real estate. The MacBook Pro, with its better processor and more ports, remains a more expensive option for those requiring more power and connectivity. Overall, the new MacBook Air offers a good balance of portability and performance for most users, but the weight difference is an important consideration.

    • M1 Pro vs M1 Air: Differences in Performance and PortsM1 Pro offers better performance and more ports than M1 Air, making it a better choice for power users and those needing more connectivity options. M1 Air stands out in its price range for its impressive performance and battery life, surpassing Windows laptops in the same category.

      The M1 Pro MacBooks offer significantly better performance, especially in graphic-intensive tasks, compared to the M1 Air. However, the M1 Air's port selection, with both USB-C ports on the same side, may not be ideal for some users, particularly those who require more flexibility in plugging in peripherals or charging the laptop. The M1 Pro MacBooks, on the other hand, offer more ports and a larger chassis, providing more options for connecting devices. When comparing the M1 Air to Windows laptops in the same price range, Apple's offering stands out for its combination of performance and battery life, which is not matched in the Windows world. Overall, the decision between the M1 Pro and M1 Air depends on the user's specific needs and preferences, with the former being a better choice for those requiring more power and flexibility in terms of ports.

    • New MacBook Pro with M2 chip: A portable powerhouseThe M2 chip delivers impressive battery life and performance, making the new 13-inch MacBook Pro a strong contender for those seeking a lightweight 15-inch laptop. Babylist is a trusted source for baby tech information.

      The new 13-inch MacBook Pro with the M2 chip offers impressive battery life and performance, making it a strong contender for those seeking a lightweight 15-inch laptop. The 15-inch category is dominated by gaming laptops, but there are some ultra-portable options like the LG Gram 15 and Galaxy Book Pro. The M2 chip delivers significant improvements in battery life compared to its predecessors, making it a compelling choice for those prioritizing portability. Regarding the new Mac Studio and Mac Pro, the testing plan involves evaluating the performance improvements of the new chips, comparing it to the Mac Pro, and understanding why someone would choose the more expensive Mac Pro over the Mac Studio. The Mac Studio is expected to be the default choice for most people due to its nicer design and similar performance to the Mac Pro, which comes with a much higher price tag. When it comes to finding reliable sources of information on baby tech, it's essential to find trusted sources. Babylist, a baby registry website, has been helpful for many parents, providing useful recommendations and reviews. Additionally, it's crucial to be cautious of SEO and look for reputable sources, such as expert reviews, consumer reports, and trusted retailers.

    • Navigating the Overwhelming World of Baby ProductsRely on trusted sources, consider audio-only monitors, and prioritize privacy and security when preparing for a new baby.

      When it comes to preparing for a new baby, it can be overwhelming to navigate through the countless recommendations and products available. The speaker suggests relying on trusted sources, such as experts, reviews, and personal recommendations, to help narrow down the options. They also recommend using tools like chatbots to identify popular products, but to be cautious about the information they provide. When it comes to baby monitoring technology, the speaker advises choosing trusted companies and considering audio-only monitors, which can be more effective and less intrusive. Overall, the key is to wait for specific use cases before purchasing items and to prioritize privacy and security. As the speaker notes, the list of necessary baby items can be long, and it's important to avoid unnecessary purchases and complications.

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    Inside the Google algorithm

    Inside the Google algorithm
    The Verge's Nilay Patel, Alex Cranz, and David Pierce discuss Google's algorithm leak, OpenAI content deals, and more tech news from this week. Further reading: Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation Google confirms the leaked Search documents are real An Anonymous Source Shared Thousands of Leaked Google Search API Documents with Me; Everyone in SEO Should See Them Secrets from the Algorithm: Google Search’s Internal Engineering Documentation Has Leaked Unpacking Google's massive Search documentation leak How SEO moves forward with the Google Content Warehouse API leak Google responds to leak: Documentation lacks context Vox Media and The Atlantic sign content deals with OpenAI Google scrambles to manually remove weird AI answers in search  Apple’s WWDC may include AI-generated emoji and an OpenAI partnership OpenAI CEO Cements Control as He Secures Apple Deal Custom GPTs open for free ChatGPT users OpenAI has a new safety team — it’s run by Sam Altman Why the OpenAI board fired Sam Altman  Elon Musk’s xAI raises $6 billion to fund its race against ChatGPT and all the rest New Galaxy Z Flip 6 and Galaxy Ring details have leaked, courtesy of the FCC The Fitbit Ace LTE is like a Nintendo smartwatch for kids  Discord’s turning the focus back to games with a new redesign The business behind Unnecessary Inventions’ millions of followers Welcome to Notepad, a newsletter on Microsoft’s era-defining bets by Tom Warren Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 31, 2024

    Why Microsoft bet on Surface

    Why Microsoft bet on Surface
    Today on the flagship podcast of open smart home standards:  03:25 - Microsoft’s Pavan Davuluri, leader for Windows and Devices, joins the show to discuss the future of the AI PC and what’s next for Microsoft’s hardware Microsoft’s new Windows chief on the future of the OS, Surface, and those annoying ads Microsoft’s big bet on building a new type of AI computer  Microsoft Build 2024: everything announced 30:25 - The Verge’s Jen Tuohy and David Pierce discuss the latest updates in the smart home world in a segment called “Does Matter matter yet?” The Dyson WashG1 is the company’s first dedicated mop Amazon’s Matter Casting is shaping up so nicely, I want to use it everywhere Matter 1.3 arrives with new device type and features Smart lighting company Brilliant is looking for a buyer Google launches new Home APIs and turns Google TVs into smart home hubs  01:13:20 - David answers a question from the Vergecast Hotline about AI-powered search engines.  Google is redesigning its search engine — and it's AI all the way down  Google CEO Sundar Pichai on AI-powered search and the future of the web Email us at vergecast@theverge.com or call us at 866-VERGE11, we love hearing from you. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
    The Vergecast
    enMay 28, 2024

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    #582: Mark Zuckerberg on Long-Term Strategy, Business and Parenting Principles, Personal Energy Management, Building the Metaverse, Seeking Awe, the Role of Religion, Solving Deep Technical Challenges (e.g., AR), and More

    #582: Mark Zuckerberg on Long-Term Strategy, Business and Parenting Principles, Personal Energy Management, Building the Metaverse, Seeking Awe, the Role of Religion, Solving Deep Technical Challenges (e.g., AR), and More

    Brought to you by Eight Sleep’s Pod Pro Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating, Magic Spoon delicious low-carb cereal, and Helium 10 all-in-one software suite to sell on Amazon. 

    Mark Zuckerberg (FB/IG) is the founder, chairman, and CEO of Meta, which he originally founded as Facebook in 2004. Mark is responsible for setting the overall direction and product strategy for the company. In October 2021, Facebook rebranded to Meta to reflect all of its products and services across its family of apps and a focus on developing social experiences for the metaverse—moving beyond 2D screens toward immersive experiences like augmented and virtual reality to help build the next evolution in social technology.

    He is also the co-founder and co-CEO of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative with his wife Priscilla, which is leveraging technology to help solve some of the world’s toughest challenges—including supporting the science and technology that will make it possible to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by the end of the 21st century.

    Mark studied computer science at Harvard University before moving to Palo Alto, California in 2004.

    Please enjoy!

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    And now, my dear listeners—that’s you—can get $250 off the Pod Pro Cover. Simply go to EightSleep.com/Tim or use code TIM at checkout. 


    This episode is also brought to you by Magic Spoon cereal! Magic Spoon is a low-carb, high-protein, and zero sugar cereal that tastes just like your favorite sugary cereal. Each serving has 13–14g of protein, 4g of net carbs, and 0g of sugar. It’s also gluten free, grain free, soy free, and keto friendly. And it’s delicious! It comes in your favorite, traditional cereal flavors like Cocoa, Frosted, Peanut Butter, and Blueberry.

    Magic Spoon cereal has received a lot of attention since their launch. Time magazine included it in their list of Best Inventions of 2019, and Forbes called it “the future of cereal.” My listeners—that’s you—get $5 off and a 100% happiness guarantee when you visit MagicSpoon.com/Tim and use code TIM. And some great news for Canadian listeners: Magic Spoon now also ships to Canada!


    This episode is also brought to you by Helium 10Helium 10 is an all-in-one software suite designed to help entrepreneurs launch, manage, and scale a profitable e-commerce business on Amazon and Walmart.com. Whether you are an entrepreneur who wants to start a business on your own terms or you want to scale your existing e-commerce operations, Helium 10 is here to help. They process more than 2 billion data points daily, have a robust 450+ million ASIN database, and provide at-a-glance analytics like seasonal trends for products, profit estimates, and more.

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    How did teenage Mark get involved in the world of competitive fencing? [07:01]

    What does Mark find particularly compelling about classical studies and history? [10:00]

    Influential and recommended science fiction related to virtual realities. [13:32]

    How do Mark and his team get an organization of a hundred thousand people on board with long-term project plans that can extend into the next decade and a half? [17:26]

    What does Mark do to get comfortable with discomfort and manage his energy for whatever the day throws his way? [23:05]

    How long does Mark think it will take for us to realize VR technology as immersive as presented in Ready Player One? What kind of progress can we expect to see in the not-too-distant future? [27:02]

    The challenges of making VR a satisfying, nausea-free experience for everyone. [33:35]

    Projections for the societal effects of people earning sustainable livelihoods in the metaverse. [39:00]

    The new values being built into Meta’s cultural operating system — and the old values being adapted — to prepare for a more distributed, more honest, and faster future. [44:16]

    Challenges presented by moving from a Web2 to a Web3 world. [57:35]

    Mark’s assessment of Meta’s oversight board. [1:03:07]

    To what does Mark credit the longevity of his unique partnership with Sheryl Sandberg, and in what ways has it shifted his life and business over the past 15+ years? What does he consider to be Sheryl’s superpowers? [1:07:49]

    How did Mark’s family dynamics growing up shape who he is today and how he parents his own children? [1:12:52]

    What role, if any, does religion play in Mark’s life? [1:20:40]

    Did Mark go through an emo phase early in life? [1:24:53]

    Of the annual personal challenges Mark undertook for 10 years, which were the easiest — and the most difficult? [1:26:12]

    Does Mark foresee navigating the metaverse on multiple mobile devices running OSes not necessarily under Meta’s control, or will there be a more efficient, unifying device in the works? [1:30:49]

    Parting thoughts. [1:35:15]


    For show notes and past guests, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren Aronofsky, and many more.

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    Confronting Jason Oppenheim On The 2022 Real Estate Bubble | Selling Sunset

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    Today we're speaking with Jason Oppenheim from The Oppenheim Group - Selling Sunset on Netflix - Enjoy! 

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    *Some of the links and other products that appear on this video are from companies which Graham Stephan will earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus. Graham Stephan is part of an affiliate network and receives compensation for sending traffic to partner sites. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

    21 - A New Frontier for Life & Work

    21 - A New Frontier for Life & Work
    There’s a new frontier called Web 3.0, aka the Metaverse, encompassing AI, VR, blockchain, crypto, tokens, smart contracts, decentralised organisations, and more.

    It’s going to merge our physical and digital worlds in ways we have yet to imagine, and impact our lives, the way we work and the way we do business. And it’s already happening.

    In Season 4, we're exploring these concepts to help create a foundation of understanding for how they may impact on our resilience, wellbeing, creativity and productivity. Episode 21 is a high level overview of blockchain, fiat vs sound currencies, and digital assets such as cyrptocurrency, NFTs and more.

    You need to be signed up to the free Cadence Newsletter to access the transcript: https://growthsessions.co/cadence/

    Resources used to research and compile this episode:











    25 - Creativity, Productivity & Business in the Metaverse

    25 - Creativity, Productivity & Business in the Metaverse
    The creative, productive and business aspects of using the metaverse & web3. How might it help or hinder us? What are the opportunities for problem solving they might provide?

    In Season 4 of the Creating Cadence podcast, we've been exploring Web 3, the Metaverse, Blockchain and other connected concepts and enabling technologies. To help create a foundation of understanding for how they may impact on our resilience, wellbeing, creativity and productivity in the near and far future.

    You need to be signed up to the free Cadence Newsletter to access the transcript and resource links mentioned in the episode: https://creatingcadence.co/subscribe/

    It’s free to subscribe, plus you get a free audio training resource.

    37 - The Mindful Metaverse - Caitlin Krause, TRIPP

    37 - The Mindful Metaverse - Caitlin Krause, TRIPP
    Caitlin Krause, Chief Wellness Officer of TRIPP, talks about the mindful metaverse and opportunities to support our creativity, wellbeing and productivity in the digital world using emerging technologies.

    In season 7, Mich Bondesio considers how emerging technology is currently helping us in our work and our wellbeing. She also interviews 5 people who are at different stages of engaging with this technology in their lives and businesses.

    In episode 37, Mich chats with Caitlin Krause, who aside from her role at TRIPP, is also a metaverse strategist, an author, an educator, and the founder of MindWise.

    Resources referenced in the episode can be found in the show notes and transcript at https://creatingcadence.co/episodes

    Sign up to the Cadence newsletter for more thoughts and resources relating to topics covered this season.

    It’s free to subscribe, plus you get a free audio training resource: https://creatingcadence.co/subscribe/

    Creating Cadence is available on all major podcast platforms and a few players too. Don't forget to subscribe and rate us, so others can find Creating Cadence too. :)

    Podcast Production by Growth Sessions
    Music: "Changing Their Minds" By Klimenko Music (Premium Beat)
    Podcast Banner Image: Ivan Mercado (Unsplash)