
    The Weak Case Against President Trump, with Rep. Byron Donalds, Arthur Aidala, Dave Aronberg, and Brad Smith | Ep. 522

    enApril 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Manhattan DA's Trump case: Political and ComplexDA Alvin Bragg's case against Trump for business record falsification involves multiple felony counts, but some question the validity of the charges and Bragg's motivations

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump for alleged business record falsification by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is a complex issue with political undertones. Megyn Kelly expressed her disappointment with James Comey's tweets about the situation, believing it to be small and petty. The case, which allegedly involves Trump's attempts to silence individuals with negative stories about him before the 2016 election, has resulted in 34 felony counts. However, some legal experts question the validity of these charges, as they stem from the piecemealing of one alleged action into multiple counts. Bragg's history of reducing violent crime felonies to misdemeanors and his strong interest in white-collar crimes have raised questions about his motivations. Trump's former attorney, Michael Cohen, and the CEO of the National Enquirer, David Pecker, are cooperating with the investigation. The reliability of Cohen's testimony, given his previous convictions, remains a concern.

    • New York DA Alvin Bragg accuses Trump of record falsification to hide a crimeDA Alvin Bragg alleges Trump falsified records to conceal an unspecified crime, potentially related to campaign finance or election law, and the case is ongoing

      New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg alleges that Donald Trump and others engaged in a scheme to falsify business records with the intent to cover up an underlying crime. This allowed Bragg to charge the crimes as felonies, despite the statute of limitations on misdemeanors having expired. The underlying crime is not explicitly stated in the indictment, but Bragg has suggested it may involve campaign finance violations or violations of New York state election law. Trump's legal team has denied any wrongdoing and argues that the payments were legal reimbursements to his attorney, Michael Cohen. The case is ongoing, and legal experts are analyzing the potential implications for election law and presidential immunity.

    • Manhattan DA's Trump Indictment: Confusion and UncertaintiesThe Manhattan DA's indictment against Trump and the Trumps Organization left many unanswered questions and appeared weak due to the lack of a clear second crime to conceal.

      The indictment against Donald Trump and the Trumps Organization for alleged financial crimes presented by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg during the press conference on Thursday, March 30, left many questions unanswered. Arthur, who was present at the courthouse, shared that Joe Zacopino and Susan Nicholas, the defendants, seemed confident and assured him that the indictment contained no election law violation, let alone the stacking of crimes as alleged. The experts on the show agreed that the case appeared weak and that the prosecution's lack of a clear second crime to conceal weakened their position. The potential charges, such as federal campaign finance violations, state election law violations, and tax fraud, each come with their own challenges and uncertainties. The greatest threat for the prosecution may be the case getting dismissed before it reaches a jury.

    • Distinguishing between lawful and unlawful election influenceHaving the intent to influence an election is not a crime unless the means used are unlawful. Merely spending money or trying to hide records does not automatically make an action a campaign expense or contribution.

      The intent to influence an election is not enough for a criminal charge under federal or state election laws. The laws require that the means used to influence the election be unlawful. Merely having the subjective intention to influence an election does not make an action a campaign expenditure or contribution under federal campaign finance law. For example, spending money on a suit or trying to seal personal records for the purpose of influencing an election would not be considered campaign expenses. These distinctions are important for understanding the potential charges against former President Trump and the legal complexities involved in election influence cases.

    • Objective nature of campaign contributionsPayments made with personal funds, not campaign funds, do not constitute illegal campaign contributions even if intended to influence an election.

      While individuals may have subjective intentions, what matters in determining if an expenditure is a campaign contribution is its objective nature. The discussion revolved around the hypothetical scenario where three individuals, including Brad, Cohen, and Pecker, met to discuss paying off women to prevent damaging information from coming out before an election. The former FEC head argued that this would not be considered an illegal campaign contribution as long as the payment was not made using campaign funds. The conversation also touched upon the concept of "catch and kill," where media outlets suppress stories that could harm individuals or organizations. The key point is that even if the individuals involved had the subjective intent to influence an election, the payment itself would not be considered a campaign expenditure unless it was objectively used for that purpose.

    • Payments for personal matters not campaign expendituresLegal experts agree that Trump's payments for personal matters, such as hush money, do not qualify as campaign expenditures under current campaign finance laws.

      According to the legal experts in the discussion, payments made to influence personal matters, such as hush money, cannot be considered campaign expenditures under current campaign finance laws. These payments are considered personal expenses and do not meet the requirement of being made solely for the purpose of influencing an election. Even if a candidate could have used campaign funds for such payments, the regulations from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) state that only obligations that exist because of campaigning qualify as campaign expenditures. Therefore, even if Trump had used campaign funds for these payments, it would not have been a legal campaign expenditure. Furthermore, there is no limit to how much a candidate can donate to their own campaign, but they would still need to report such expenditures. Overall, the experts agree that there is no federal election law crime committed by Trump in this case.

    • Federal prosecution of campaign finance violations during electionsThe legality of prosecuting campaign finance violations during elections is uncertain, with the key distinction being whether payments were made before or after the election.

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump for allegedly violating state election law hinges on the idea that he conspired to promote his candidacy by unlawful means. However, as a previous case involving John Edwards shows, it's not clear-cut whether the federal government can prosecute such a case. The key difference seems to be that the Edwards case involved payments made after the election, while the Trump case alleges payments made during the campaign. Despite this, a federal judge once allowed a similar case against Edwards to go to trial, which some argue was a wrong decision. Ultimately, the interpretation of campaign finance laws can be subjective, and there is no clear precedent or Supreme Court ruling on this specific issue. Additionally, Brad's mention of state tax law seems to be a less significant point in the discussion.

    • Trump Indictment Criticized as 'Victimless Crime'Legal experts question merit and timing of Trump indictment over alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, with some calling it a 'victimless crime' due to lack of clear victim or harm to the state.

      The indictment of Donald Trump by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg over an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels is being criticized as a "victimless crime" by legal experts and former prosecutors. The payment, which was made through Cohen's law firm and reimbursed by Trump, resulted in more money going to the New York State coffers through tax payments. The lack of clear victim or harm to the state has led some to question the merit and timing of the case. Additionally, former DA Cyrus Vance's decision not to pursue the case and the federal prosecutors' decisions not to take it on have raised doubts about the strength of the evidence. The case is expected to be a complex and closely watched legal battle.

    • Donald Trump's Legal Case: Testimony of Michael Cohen and Potential CrimesThe ongoing legal case against former President Trump centers around Michael Cohen's testimony and potential election law violations. Debate continues on the statute of limitations and political motivation, with potential implications for future investigations of high-profile figures.

      The ongoing legal case against former President Donald Trump hinges on the testimony of Michael Cohen and the investigation of potential underlying crimes. While some argue that the statute of limitations has passed and the case is politically motivated, others believe that the potential crimes involved, such as election law violations, could have significant implications. The debate continues over whether the DA, Alvin Bragg, should have pursued the case more aggressively and whether it meets the threshold for indicting a former president. The discussion also touched on the role of federal prosecutors and the interpretation of election law. Ultimately, the outcome of this case could set a precedent for future investigations of high-profile political figures.

    • Historic Trial of Donald Trump at Manhattan Criminal CourtDespite being a misdemeanor charge, Trump's trial at Manhattan Criminal Court required significant resources. The specific crime Trump is accused of concealing is unknown, but his lawyers plan to argue he had no intent.

      The trial of Donald Trump at the Manhattan Criminal Court on March 30, 2023, was a historic event with significant resources allocated, despite being based on a misdemeanor charge. The speaker, a lawyer, was able to attend due to his representation of the New York State Court Officers Union and personal relationships with law enforcement personnel. The charges against Trump involve allegedly falsifying business records with the intent to conceal another crime, but the specific crime has not been identified. Trump's lawyers plan to argue he had no intent or didn't know about the alleged payments. The speaker criticizes the resources spent on the case, suggesting they could have been used more effectively in high-crime areas. The speaker expresses mixed feelings about the situation, acknowledging Trump's actions may have provoked the investigation but also questioning the DA's actions.

    • Michael Cohen's Credibility in Question During Trump ProsecutionDespite Cohen's questionable credibility due to past lies, the prosecution has corroborating evidence and conflicting statements from Trump, suggesting Trump's involvement in a payment to conceal a crime.

      Michael Cohen, a former attorney for Donald Trump, is a key figure in the ongoing prosecution against Trump, but his credibility is questionable due to his history of lying. Cohen has been recorded discussing a payment to buy the silence of a woman allegedly involved with Trump, and he claimed to have no information on Trump during a conversation with his legal adviser, Bob Costello, when he was under investigation. However, this claim doesn't add up, as Cohen allegedly took out a large loan to make the payment and didn't inform Trump about it. The prosecution has corroborating evidence, including tapes and testimony from David Pecker, and Trump has made conflicting statements about the situation. Despite some legal experts suggesting that Cohen may not be a reliable witness, the prosecution is likely to argue that Trump was aware of and involved in the payment to conceal the underlying crime.

    • Trump vs Bragg: A Battle Over Campaign Finance LawsThe legal dispute between Trump and Bragg hinges on the interpretation of campaign finance laws and the extent of preemption under the Federal Election Campaign Act.

      The ongoing legal battle between Donald Trump and the Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg revolves around the interpretation of campaign finance laws. Trump's team argues that Bragg lacks jurisdiction to enforce potential violations of federal election law, but Bragg's lawyers argue that the underlying crime could be the Federal Campaign Act itself. The debate centers around the extent of preemption under the Federal Election Campaign Act and whether state laws can be enforced concurrently. Trump's team also argues that the payments in question were personal expenses and not primarily for the campaign. If this argument holds, the records violations would be reduced to misdemeanors, making them past the statute of limitations. Trump has urged his legal team to exercise decorum and avoid inflammatory statements, but he has also criticized the investigation as political interference.

    • Legal Consequences for Trump's ActionsTrump's actions in an ongoing legal case could result in fines or jail time due to potential violations of a gag order and threats towards a prosecutor.

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump involves potential violations of a gag order and threats towards a prosecutor, which could result in significant consequences including fines and even jail time. The situation is complex, with various players involved, including the district attorney, Melvin Bragg, and the judge presiding over the case. Trump's actions, such as retweeting a controversial image and making public statements, have raised concerns about potential legal repercussions. The political implications of this situation are significant, with potential consequences for the country's unity and the perception of the justice system. The situation highlights the importance of adhering to legal procedures and the potential consequences of not doing so.

    • The Significance of Trump's Arrest in American PoliticsThe media's obsession with Trump and ratings-driven coverage has led to an overreach in analysis, distracting from the American people's concerns. Trump's arrest underscores the need for a focus on issues and wellbeing, with Mark Levin's perspective adding credence to this perspective.

      The arrest of Donald Trump marks a significant moment in American politics, with the media and political landscape becoming increasingly divisive and focused on personal grievances rather than the law and the wellbeing of the American people. The media's obsession with Trump, driven by ratings, has led to an overreach in coverage and analysis, with body language analysis and speculation dominating the narrative. Trump's body language during the court appearance was described as angry and irritated, but it is important to note that this is his normal posture in meetings. The average American is dealing with their own financial and global concerns, and the spectacle of the Trump arrest and subsequent coverage may seem trivial in comparison. Mark Levin's perspective that Trump is the only viable candidate to withstand the radical left's harassment and undoing of norms adds credence to this takeaway. Overall, this moment highlights the need for a focus on the issues and the wellbeing of the American people, rather than personal grievances and ratings-driven coverage.

    • Democrats' tactics against political opponentsDemocrats use ridicule, demoralization, demonization, and criminalization against opponents to advance their agenda, as seen in their treatment of Trump, who remains popular among Republicans despite legal issues.

      The Democratic playbook against political opponents includes ridicule, demoralization, demonization, and criminalization. This was evident in their treatment of former President Donald Trump, who refused to yield to their agenda. The question for any Republican considering stepping into a leadership role is whether they are prepared to face this constant onslaught. The Democrats' ultimate goal is to advance their agenda, and they will not stop until they achieve it. Trump's unwavering commitment to his beliefs and America First policy made him the top choice for getting crucial work done in a short period. Despite the legal issues Trump is currently facing, his approval among Republican voters has only increased. If the Democratic tactics continue during the primaries, it is likely that voters will rally around Trump due to the perceived political persecution. In a general election, independent voters and soft Democrats may consider the potential for four more years of a struggling economy under Biden versus a return to economic prosperity under Trump.

    • Democrats' pursuit of Trump seen as overreach and potentially backfiringThe ongoing investigations and lawsuits against Trump may not resonate with voters and could harm Democrats' reputation, as some see it as an attempt to suppress information and distract from important issues.

      The ongoing legal actions against Donald Trump by Democrats and media outlets could be perceived as overreach and potentially backfiring, as some of his supporters see him as a victim rather than a villain. The multiple investigations, targeting, and lawsuits against Trump and his family are seen as an attempt to suppress information and distract from important issues, such as the economy, border security, and foreign policy. The focus on alleged paperwork issues and phone calls may not resonate emotionally with voters, and Democrats risk being seen as engaging in mean-spirited, un-American arguments. The history of Democrat interference in elections through suppression or manipulation of information adds to this perception. While Democrats may feel the need to go after Trump to motivate their base, it could also elevate him and potentially harm their own reputation.

    • Emotions and Politics in City Elections and Presidential InvestigationsCity elections can be swayed by emotional connections, while presidential investigations cause political division and set concerning precedents. Leaders must consider emotional ties, policy implications, and potential persecution's impact on unity.

      Politics and emotions often intertwine in elections, even when it comes to choosing leaders in cities facing significant challenges. Chicago, for instance, rejected a seemingly reasonable candidate and instead opted for a more radical one due to the emotional connection of having a black leader. Meanwhile, the ongoing investigation into a former president is causing political division and setting a concerning precedent, with potential implications for future elections. The current administration's handling of the situation has been perceived as smug and dismissive, which could come back to bite them. It's crucial for political leaders to be mindful of the emotional ties and policy implications in their decisions, as well as the potential for political persecution and its impact on the unity of the country.

    • Potential Challenges for the 2024 Presidential NomineesDespite investigations against a potential Republican nominee and a controversial record of the current Democratic president, the election outcome will depend on how each candidate addresses the issues and public reaction.

      The upcoming presidential election could potentially pit a nominee with criminal investigations against another candidate with a controversial record. According to Congressman Byron Donalds, if former President Donald Trump becomes the nominee, he may face challenges due to ongoing investigations. However, Donalds argues that the current administration, led by President Joe Biden, has its own issues, such as a porous border, a struggling economy, and a weak foreign policy. He also points out the practical challenges of prosecuting a sitting president. Ultimately, Donalds believes that the American people will look beyond the personal attacks and focus on the issues that matter most to them. The outcome of the election will depend on how each candidate handles the situation and how the public responds to the allegations against both candidates.

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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Edited and mixed by Suresh Pawar

    Silicon Valley’s History of Fumbles with Capitalism

    Silicon Valley’s History of Fumbles with Capitalism

    Silicon Valley is notorious in the global economy and the American psyche. According to author Malcolm Harris, the Bay Area tech hub and California at large are a laboratory for the worst consequences of capitalism–centuries in the making. Harris unpacks this theory in his book “Palo Alto: A History of California, Capitalism, and the World.” He joins Kai to dig into the global history of Silicon Valley and his upbringing in the region. 

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    “Notes from America” airs live on Sunday evenings at 6pm ET. The podcast episodes are lightly edited from our live broadcasts. Tune into the show on Sunday nights via the stream on notesfromamerica.org.