
    The Weight Loss Scientist: You've Been LIED To About Calories, Dieting & Losing Weight: Giles Yeo

    enFebruary 02, 2023
    What did Giles Yeo discover about obesity genetics?
    How does muscle mass impact healthy aging?
    What are the key numbers for sustainable weight loss?
    What influences weight gain as we age?
    Why is resistance training important for older adults?

    Podcast Summary

    • Giles Yeo's Journey to Understanding the Genetics of ObesityObesity is not solely a result of lack of willpower or self-control, but can be influenced by genetic mutations that disrupt the signal between fat and the brain.

      Giles Yeo's academic journey and expertise in genetics led him to focus on studying the genetics of obesity, particularly severe childhood obesity. He discovered that certain mutations in genes disrupt the signal between fat and the brain, causing the brain to think the body is starving even when it has excess fat. This understanding challenges the common misconception that obese individuals simply lack willpower or have poor self-control. Moving forward, Yeo expanded his research to include the genetics of all body weights and aimed to educate the public through shows, documentaries, books, and speaking engagements. His motivation stemmed from a personal love for food and a desire to uncover the biological factors influencing feeding behavior and body weight regulation.

    • Our Complex Relationship with FoodApproach food with knowledge, love, and understanding rather than fear and restriction.

      Our relationship with food is complex and varies among individuals. Some people respond to stress by eating, while others lose their appetite. Similarly, people have different attitudes towards food, with some viewing it as fuel and others finding comfort and relaxation in it. The speaker's academic research on how the brain controls food intake has sparked a personal interest and passion for understanding food, which has made him a better scientist. However, he observes that society's perspective on food is polarized. While many people enjoy and appreciate food, there is also a significant portion that fears it and promotes restrictive diets. It is important to approach food with knowledge, love, and understanding rather than fear and restriction.

    • The Rise of Orthorexia: Obsession with Perfect EatingFinding a balanced and healthy approach to eating is crucial, as excessive control and fear around food can lead to the development of orthorexia.

      The fear and obsession around food has led to the rise of orthorexia, a type of eating disorder characterized by the need for strict control over one's diet. Orthorexia is driven by a desire to eat perfectly and avoid any "improper" foods. This obsession can be triggered by curated food accounts on platforms like Instagram, where the portrayal of beautiful and idealized meals can distort reality and make individuals susceptible to the disorder. Moreover, the overwhelming amount of conflicting advice on diets and food choices adds to the confusion and can leave people feeling like they can't eat anything at all. It highlights the importance of finding a balanced and healthy approach to eating, free from excessive control and fear.

    • Customizing Your Diet for Optimal HealthFinding the right diet for you involves considering your unique biological, psychological, and lifestyle factors to create a sustainable and fulfilling eating plan.

      There is no one singular right diet for everyone. There are general principles that most people can agree on, such as reducing sugar intake, consuming less meat, and eating more vegetables. However, when it comes to applying these principles to our individual selves, it becomes challenging because eating is a very personal and visible act. We often judge others based on their eating habits, leading to conflicting opinions and information about the right way to eat. Additionally, genetic differences play a role in how individuals relate to food, their eating habits, and their risk for certain diseases. It is important to find the right diet for oneself, taking into account biological, psychological, and lifestyle factors in order to stick to it and thrive.

    • The Role of Lepton and MC4R Genes in Hunger and Body Weight RegulationMutations in the MC4R gene can greatly influence a person's weight and eating habits, making them more prone to obesity. Additionally, our brain's resistance to weight loss can contribute to weight regain after dieting.

      The lepton gene and MC4R gene play crucial roles in regulating hunger and body weight. The lepton gene is mostly binary, meaning it either functions or it doesn't. However, the MC4R gene is tunable, with various mutations affecting its functionality to different extents. These mutations can significantly impact a person's weight and eating habits. Approximately 200,000 people in the UK and a million people in the United States carry mutations in the MC4R gene, making them more susceptible to obesity. Losing weight can be challenging because our brain naturally resists it, regardless of our starting point. This resistance can contribute to weight regain after dieting.

    • Our brain's survival strategies contributing to weight gain in a food-abundant world.The abundance of cheap calories and the brain's outdated survival mechanisms lead to weight gain, emphasizing the importance of making conscious dietary choices.

      Our brain is wired to protect us and ensure our survival. In a feast-famine environment, where food scarcity was common, our brain developed strategies to keep us alive, such as making us hungry and lowering our metabolism when we lose weight. However, in today's feast-feast environment, where food is abundant and easily accessible, these strategies work against us and contribute to weight gain. The advancements in food production, preservation, and processing have made calories cheaper than ever before, leading to an increase in overnutrition-related deaths. It is important to understand that the problem lies not in the availability of food but in the quality of the food we consume. Overall, the conversation highlights the need for conscious and informed dietary choices in the modern world.

    • Combating the Global Emergency of ObesityObesity not only affects individual health but also poses a significant economic burden. Fixing the food environment and promoting healthier eating habits are crucial for addressing this issue.

      Obesity is a global emergency that needs urgent attention. The rise in obesity rates is not only causing health problems for individuals but also putting a significant economic burden on societies. Obesity leads to various diseases like diabetes, hypertension, and certain cancers, resulting in increased healthcare costs and reduced productivity. The direct healthcare costs alone are estimated to be billions of pounds annually, with the broader economic impact reaching even higher figures. To address this emergency, it is crucial to fix the food environment and promote healthier eating habits. While BMI can be useful on a population level, it may not accurately reflect an individual's health. Lastly, incorporating time-restricted eating, such as front-loading food with a big breakfast, may be beneficial for weight management.

    • Timing of meals and weight changeEating a larger breakfast can help reduce hunger levels throughout the day, but weight change is not significantly affected by meal timing if total calorie intake remains the same. Cutting calories from dinner may be more effective for weight loss.

      There is some truth to the saying "eat like a king at breakfast, a prince at lunch, and a popper at dinner." Our metabolism is highest during the day, so eating the biggest meal during the day allows us more time to burn the calories. However, a recent study showed that the timing of meals doesn't significantly affect weight change if the total energy intake throughout the day remains the same. The difference lies in hunger levels, as eating more at breakfast can make people feel less hungry throughout the day. For individuals trying to lose weight, it may be more effective to cut calories from dinner rather than breakfast. Ultimately, the advice of when to eat should take into consideration individual lifestyles and constraints. Eating late before bedtime is generally not recommended for weight loss.

    • The benefits and challenges of the keto dietA milder version of the keto diet may be helpful for those with certain health conditions, and consuming a high protein diet can lead to weight loss, but more research is needed on its long-term effects and safety.

      The keto diet, in its extreme form, is difficult to stick to due to its high fat content. However, there are milder forms of the diet that may be beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes or inflammation-related diseases. Protein is the most filling macronutrient, followed by fat, and then carbohydrates. Protein also requires more energy to digest and metabolize compared to fat and carbs. Consequently, consuming a high protein diet may lead to eating less and ultimately result in weight loss. Furthermore, it is important to note that the accuracy of calorie counts can be questionable, as protein calories are often overestimated due to the energy needed for metabolism. Further research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and safety of the keto diet.

    • Beyond calories: the importance of nutritional value in foodCalorie counting alone is not enough; prioritize the quality and nutritional content of food for overall health, not just weight loss.

      Calorie counting alone does not provide a complete picture of the quality of food we are consuming. While calories can give us a general idea of how much we are eating, they do not tell us anything about the nutritional value of the food, such as the amount of protein, fiber, types of fat, or sugar content. Focusing solely on calorie counting may help with weight loss, but it does not necessarily promote overall health. Caloric availability is another important factor to consider, as different food processing methods can affect the number of calories our bodies actually absorb. Therefore, it is crucial to prioritize the quality of food and its nutritional content rather than solely relying on calorie counts.

    • The limitations of counting calories as a measure of nutritional value.Calorie counting is not always accurate and does not take into account the varying nutritional values of different foods, so it may not lead to optimal health outcomes.

      Counting calories may not always be an accurate measure of nutritional value. As Giles Yeo and Steven Bartlett discuss, cooking celery can increase its calorie content significantly, highlighting how the same food can have different calorie counts depending on its preparation. This calls into question the reliability of calorie counting as a method for weight management or health improvement. While calorie counting can be a useful measurement tool when consistently applied to the same food, it does not account for the varying nutritional values of different foods. Therefore, it is important to consider the limitations and caveats of calorie counting and understand that focusing solely on calorie intake may not lead to optimal health outcomes.

    • Gluten Intolerance: Debunking the MisconceptionGluten intolerance is a genuine condition, but it affects only a small percentage of the population. Other factors such as lactose intolerance or dietary choices should also be considered when addressing gut-related symptoms.

      Gluten intolerance is a genuine condition, but it is only prevalent in a small percentage of the population. Celiac disease affects 1% of humans and is a severe allergic reaction to gluten. Additionally, approximately 3-4% of people may experience genuine gluten intolerance, which can cause gastrointestinal distress. However, for the majority of individuals, gluten is not an issue and can be consumed without any adverse effects. The widespread availability of gluten-free products has created a misconception that gluten intolerance is common among humans. It is essential to consider other factors that may affect gut health, such as lactose intolerance or dietary choices. Self-diagnosis should be approached with caution, and a proper medical evaluation is necessary to determine the specific cause of gut-related symptoms.

    • Food Intolerances and Dietary ChoicesWhile some individuals have genuine food intolerances, others may choose to avoid certain foods based on assumptions or beliefs. Genetic tests can provide insights into handling certain substances, but caution is needed when interpreting their results.

      A significant percentage of people have intolerances to certain foods, such as gluten and lactose. Approximately 1 to 4% of individuals have an intolerance, while around 25% choose to buy gluten-free products, either assuming they are intolerant or believing it to be a healthier option. However, it is important to note that gluten itself is not inherently bad unless consumed in excessive amounts. Similarly, lactose intolerance affects around 65% of adults due to a mutation that occurs when transitioning from breastfeeding to solid foods. Genetic tests can provide insights into a person's ability to handle lactose, caffeine, and alcohol based on individual genes. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting predictions about dietary responses, as some tests may overstep their bounds.

    • Understanding Genetic Tests and Diet: 23andMe vs. Whole Genome SequencingStarting with 23andMe can provide specific insights on diet-related concerns, but whole genome sequencing offers more comprehensive information, though at a higher cost. The controversy surrounding the term "plant-based" raises different perspectives on animal protein consumption.

      There are different genetic tests available to understand one's diet and predispositions. 23 andMe is a popular option that provides predictions based on a limited number of genes, but it has a large database of user data to improve its product. On the other hand, other companies offer whole genome sequencing, providing more comprehensive information but at a higher cost and with fewer users to improve their algorithms. Starting with 23 andMe can be a good place to ask specific questions about lactose, alcohol, and gluten intolerance. Additionally, the conversation highlights the controversy surrounding the term "plant-based," as it can mean different things to different people. While a plant-based diet can be healthy when supplemented correctly, some individuals within the plant-based community believe there is no safe dose of animal protein, which is not supported by science.

    • Accessibility and Feasibility of Plant-Based DietsWhile a plant-based vegan diet may not be accessible or feasible for everyone, a global goal should be to encourage a reduction in meat consumption by 10-20% for significant environmental benefits.

      While a plant-based vegan diet can be healthy with proper supplementation, it is not suitable or accessible for everyone. Veganism and plant-based diets are choices that privileged individuals can make, but it is not feasible for those in developing countries or those struggling to feed their families. It is essential to address the stereotypes surrounding plant-based diets, such as the notion that it is a diet for everyone. Instead, the focus should shift towards encouraging a reduction in meat consumption by 10 to 20%. This reduction would have significant environmental benefits and should be a global goal. Unfortunately, discussions around sustainable farming and fossil fuels often overshadow the importance of reducing meat consumption due to fear surrounding the farming lobby.

    • Making Small Changes for a Healthier Environment and YouEating less meat and making healthier food options accessible and affordable can encourage positive change. Market forces and critical thinking are key to making healthy choices.

      Making small changes in our meat consumption can have a positive impact on both the environment and our health. It is not necessary for everyone to become vegan, but rather to eat less meat on a regular basis. Implementing systemic changes such as making healthier food options more accessible and affordable can help encourage people to make healthier choices. Taxation may not be the most effective approach as it tends to disproportionately affect the poor and benefit lawyers. Market forces and innovation should be leveraged to make the environmentally friendly option the easier and more convenient choice. Additionally, the conversation highlights the importance of being critical of common beliefs, such as the perception that fruit juices are always healthy, as they can have similar sugar concentrations as sugary beverages like Coca Cola.

    • The Surprising Truth About Orange Juice and Alkaline WaterDrinking orange juice can lead to consuming excessive amounts of sugar, while alkaline water is ineffective at significantly altering the pH levels in our bodies. Opt for whole oranges or water instead.

      Orange juice, despite being perceived as a healthier alternative to sodas, is actually high in sugar and can be worse for you in some ways. While orange juice does provide some additional vitamins and minerals compared to sodas, it is still predominantly sugar. Drinking orange juice causes the sugar to be absorbed quickly into the bloodstream without any digestion process, whereas eating the whole orange slows down the absorption of sugar due to the fiber content, making you feel fuller for longer. Additionally, choosing to drink orange juice as a "healthy" option can be misleading, as it can lead to consuming excessive amounts of sugar. It is better to eat whole oranges or opt for other drinks like water instead. Furthermore, alkaline water is deemed a scam as it is based on a flawed understanding of how our bodies regulate pH levels. Our stomach acid neutralizes anything we consume, making it impossible for food or drink to significantly alter the alkalinity or acidity of our blood.

    • Finding the Right Approach to Weight LossWeight loss strategies should be personalized based on individual preferences and characteristics, as what works for one person may not work for another. Understanding oneself is crucial in finding the most successful method.

      Different diets and weight loss strategies work for different people based on their preferences and personality. Some individuals find success in following a restrictive plant-based diet like the alkaline diet because it aligns with their values and helps them lose weight. On the other hand, some people benefit from joining weight loss groups like Weight Watchers because of the sense of community and motivation they provide. However, it's important to recognize that not all strategies work for everyone. Public weigh-ins and certain weight loss programs may not be suitable for individuals who are shy or easily stressed. Additionally, genetics play a role in determining a person's weight range or set point, making it harder for some individuals to change their body shape and size compared to others. Overall, finding the right approach to weight loss entails understanding one's preferences and individual characteristics.

    • Understanding the Factors Behind Age-related Weight GainMaintaining muscle mass through exercise and making mindful dietary choices are essential for staying fit and active as we age.

      As we age, our metabolism slows down and we tend to gain weight. However, this weight gain is not solely due to age, but rather a combination of factors. One factor is that as we get older, we tend to become more sedentary and exercise less, resulting in a loss of muscle mass, which is metabolically active. Additionally, as we become more financially stable, we tend to eat richer foods and consume more calories. All of these factors contribute to weight gain over time. It is important to maintain muscle mass through regular exercise and make mindful choices about our diet in order to stay fit and active as we age.

    • The Importance of Maintaining Muscle Mass and Resistance Training for Healthy AgingPrioritizing resistance training and weightlifting as we age is crucial for overall health. Additionally, focusing on consuming enough protein, fiber, and limiting added sugars can lead to sustainable weight loss.

      Maintaining muscle mass and engaging in resistance training is crucial for healthy aging. As we get older, having enough muscle mass becomes a major determining factor for overall health, regardless of weight. The amount of muscle mass we have significantly affects our level of health as we age. Therefore, it is important to prioritize resistance training and weightlifting for as long as possible. Additionally, when it comes to sustainable weight loss, focusing on three key numbers can be helpful: consuming around 16% of daily energy from protein, aiming for 30 grams of fiber, and limiting added sugars to 5% or less of daily energy. By applying these principles, one can achieve a healthy and sustainable approach to weight loss.

    • The limitations of exercise for weight lossExercise alone may not lead to significant weight loss, as it can increase appetite and lead to overeating. Understanding the complexities of body positivity is important in addressing weight stigma.

      Exercise is not necessarily an effective strategy for weight loss, especially for individuals who are not Olympic athletes or professional riders. Exercise can be beneficial for weight maintenance and keeping the weight off once it has been lost. However, it is not a solution for initially shedding pounds. The reason behind this is that exercise tends to increase appetite, making it difficult to control diet and consume fewer calories. Additionally, our brain and psychology play a role in influencing our feeding behavior after exercise, often leading to overeating. The concept of body positivity is important in combating weight stigma, but it requires a deeper understanding of the health implications associated with excess fat. It's crucial to recognize the limitations and nuances of body positivity discussions.

    • Destigmatizing Obesity for Productive Discussions and Positive ChangesDestigmatizing obesity is crucial for addressing health issues associated with excess fat and implementing effective policies. Shaming individuals for their body image is counterproductive, and governments should take responsibility for creating positive changes.

      Obesity should be destigmatized in order to have productive discussions about health and policy. Giles Yeo emphasizes that every person has a different fat carrying capacity, and going beyond that capacity can lead to health issues. However, he highlights that blaming individuals for their obesity is not helpful, but rather, we need to address the health issues associated with carrying excess fat in a non-stigmatizing way. Steven Bartlett agrees and adds that shaming people for their body image is counterproductive for making positive changes. Giles Yeo's mission is to destigmatize obesity so that policymakers can allocate resources and implement policies that target the systemic issues contributing to obesity. This approach involves fixing the environment, making healthier food more affordable, and putting the responsibility on governments to create positive changes.

    • Making Healthy Food Affordable: A Key Step in Addressing ObesityBy making healthier food options more affordable and increasing their availability, we can influence consumer behavior and preferences, making nutritious choices the norm and improving public health.

      Making healthier food cheaper is crucial in addressing the obesity and diet-related epidemic. Giles Yeo emphasizes the need to provide affordable healthy options, even within popular indulgences like chocolate bars or frozen lasagna. By increasing the availability of fiber and protein in these products, healthier choices can become the default for everyone, regardless of their income. This approach aims to tackle the problem at its root by influencing consumer behavior and preferences. Additionally, Giles Yeo shares a personal experience about his mother's health scare, highlighting the importance of reassessing priorities and learning from challenging situations. Overall, this conversation emphasizes the significance of accessible and nutritious food options in improving public health.

    • Understanding the Impact of Parents' Health on Our Own WellbeingOur parents' health and genetic makeup can provide valuable insights into potential health risks for us. It is important to make informed lifestyle choices and seek evidence-based information for better health outcomes.

      Our parents' health and genetic makeup can serve as a valuable indicator of our own future health outcomes. While genetic tests may not provide a full picture, looking at our parents' health history can offer insights into potential risks and diseases we may be prone to. It can be a sobering realization to consider the impact of our parents' health on our own wellbeing and can prompt us to reassess our lifestyle choices and take preventive measures. Additionally, the conversation highlights the prevalence of pseudoscience even in hospital settings, where people grappling with serious illnesses may turn to unproven methods of improving their health. This emphasizes the importance of evidence-based information, like the books discussed, to guide our understanding and decision-making regarding health.

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    Can humanity handle AI or will it be our downfall? Yuval Noah Harari looks back at history to guide us through this uncertain journey ahead. Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is the author of multi-million bestseller books such as, ‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ and ‘Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow’.  In this conversation, Yuval and Steven discuss topics such as, how AI is disconnecting people, the best way to control fake news, how institutions drive trust, and how Trump could change democracy.  (00:00) Intro (02:31) Will Humans Continue To Rule The World? (06:48) Why AI Is The Biggest Game-Changer In History (10:34) Is AI Just Information Or Something More? (16:53) Can AI Manipulate Our Bank Accounts And Political Views? (21:42) How AI Will Affect Human Intimacy (23:44) Will AI Replace Teachers? (25:09) Why Online Information Is Junk (28:42) How Politicians Use Fear To Manipulate Us (31:52) Should There Be A Free Speech Movement (39:38) How Algorithms Are Shaping Global Politics And Increasing Fear (45:30) The Impact Of The US Election On Global Politics (48:48) What Trump Could Do To US Democracy (50:29) Can We Trust What We See On Social Media And The News? (55:37) Will AI Eventually Run Governments? (00:58:32) What Jobs Will AI Leave For Humans? (01:02:01) Which Jobs Will Be Automated By AI? (01:05:33) Is AI Conscious? (01:07:19) AI, Robots, And The Future Of Consciousness (01:10:01) Are We Living In A Simulation? (01:13:09) How Algorithms Control Our Lives (01:16:21) Understanding The AI Alignment Problem (01:21:13) The Relationship Between AI And Corporate Interests (01:25:04) The Growing Threat Of Totalitarian Governments (01:33:08) How The Algorithm Knows It's Fake News (01:38:01) Is Yuval Tempted To Log Off? (01:41:52) Will Humans Become Two Species? (01:44:00) What's The Solution To The Negatives Of AI? (01:49:17) The Last Guest Question Follow Yuval:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/7iXk5TnLAMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/eaKRt5rLAMb  You can pre-order Yuval’s book ‘NEXUS: A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to AI’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/Wae95KONAMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Get your hands on the brand new Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards here: https://appurl.io/iUUJeYn25v Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: linkedin/doac

    David Epstein: 10,000 Hours Is A Lie! The Morning Habit That’s Secretly Ruining Your Day!

    David Epstein: 10,000 Hours Is A Lie! The Morning Habit That’s Secretly Ruining Your Day!
    Does 10,000 hours make you a master, or have we been sold a lie? David Epstein provides the real solutions to boosting productivity and mastering skills   David Epstein is a journalist, speaker, and New York Times best-selling author of books such as, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’ and ‘The Sports Gene: Talent, Practice and the Truth About Success’.  In this conversation, David and Steven discuss topics such as, how to become more successful at work, the link between phone addiction and life challenges, how to master something new, and the importance of failure.  (00:00) Intro (02:31) Why Do You Do What You Do? (03:04) What Areas Of Self-Improvement Do You Focus On? (05:33) How Can People Get Better (06:16) The Connection Between Fulfillment And Growth (08:06) How To Be Successful And Fulfilled (12:18) How David Found His Purpose (14:34) What Is The 10,000-Hour Rule? (22:20) Why People Focus On Exceptions Rather Than The Norm (24:46) How To Boost Productivity (27:34) The Explore/Exploit Tradeoff (33:11) How To Increase Productivity At An Individual Level (36:27) Experiments You Should Be Running For Success (38:00) What Is Steven Great At But Not Utilizing? (40:23) David's Hidden Talents: What He's Not Using (42:23) How To Become A Better Learner (46:20) The Hypercorrection Effect (47:35) Building Connections Through Knowledge (54:06) What Is A Wicked Learning Environment? (56:11) The Secret Behind Nintendo’s Success (58:51) How Important Is Focus For Achieving Success? (01:01:23) Is Music Hurting Your Concentration? (01:05:58) The Impact Of Notifications On Your Brain (01:09:52) Why General Learning Beats Specialization (01:14:27) The Risks Of Specializing Too Early (01:20:00) How To Discover And Pursue Your Passion (01:22:28) Why Grit Is The Key To Success (01:25:31) How To Achieve Flow In Your Passion (01:27:29) Are Neurodivergent People Geniuses? (01:34:44) Apple & General Magic: How Focus And Constraints Lead To Success (01:38:32) Should We Be Concerned About AI? (01:47:24) The Most Important Idea We Haven't Discussed Yet (01:49:23) Can Trainability Be Measured? (01:50:46) What Are Serial Innovators? (01:54:11) The Most Important Idea In David's Work (02:00:49) The Dangers Of Specialism (02:04:33) What Is Your Biggest Fear & How Do You Plan To Face It Follow David:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/wckK1TuFsMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/aPFtIkxFsMb  You can purchase David’s book, ‘Range: How Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/HrmuHjgLtMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off ZOE: https://www.zoe.com/daily30 with an exclusive 10% discount on their first order of Daily30+ with the code PODCAST10 Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor

    Moment 177: You're NOT Lazy! This Is The REAL Reason You Procrastinate: The Performance Doctor
    According to Adam, procrastination is a natural part of the creative process, and rather than a method of avoiding hard work, it is a defence mechanism. Procrastination can be a method of protecting yourself against what you find to be psychologically challenging, or a way to avoid negative emotional feelings such as confusion, boredom, anxiety and fear. In order to beat procrastination, Adam says that you need to identify what negative emotions are stirred up by tasks that you consistently put off. Once you have identified these you can then change them by reframing them into a more interesting challenge. Listen to the full episode here: Spotify-  https://g2ul0.app.link//vmPPQfk3rMb Apple - https://g2ul0.app.link//1rhbS0d3rMb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Adam: https://adamgrant.net/

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!

    Andrew Huberman: You Must Control Your Dopamine! The Shocking Truth About Cold Showers!
    Your brain shapes your reality, and your reality shapes your life. World famous neuroscientist Andrew Huberman gives you the brain hacks to take control of your reality and life  Andrew Huberman is a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at the Stanford University School of Medicine and host of the health and science podcast, ‘Huberman Lab’.  In this conversation, Andrew and Steven discuss topics such as, how to break bad habits, the impact of pornography on the brain, how to increase dopamine levels quickly, and the best way to cure burnout.  (00:00) Intro (02:41) What Is Your Mission In Life? (05:55) How Andrew Huberman Became The Expert We Know Today (29:06) Unlocking High Performance By Loving What You Do (34:17) The Powerful Letter I Sent To My Parents (38:35) What It Takes To Make A Big Life Change (42:07) Neuroplasticity: How To Change Your Brain At Any Age (51:20) How To Break A Bad Habit For Good (01:00:44) Does Manifesting Actually Work? (01:08:06) Can Competition Be Destructive To Your Growth? (01:14:19) Understanding The Dopamine Loops In The Brain (01:20:13) How Our Body’s Dynamic Systems Help Us Overcome Challenges (01:26:09) Why More Is Not Always Better (01:32:20) How To Raise Your Baseline Dopamine Levels (01:33:33) Introverts vs Extroverts: Managing Your Energy Levels (01:40:26) Replenish Your Energy (01:46:34) The Importance Of Morning Sunlight For Your Health (01:49:42) The Hidden Dangers Of Shift Work (01:53:59) Understanding Food Addiction: Causes And Solutions (02:07:02) Sleeping Patterns: Biology vs Bad Habits (02:17:24) How Extreme Temperature Changes Affect Your Body (02:20:59) Ads (02:21:58) The Link Between Pornography And Dopamine (02:36:37) What’s The Best Alternative To Pornography? (02:42:58) The Surprising Link Between Fulfilment & Pornography Addiction (02:49:04) Why Social Interactions Are Crucial For Mental Health (03:00:51) How To Handle False Accusations (03:10:13) How I Felt Through The Whole Process (03:14:30) Why It’s Hard To Let Go And How To Overcome It (03:30:24) I Was Forced Into Therapy (03:45:18) Did You Thank Your Friends For Their Support? (03:50:50) Lessons A 12 And 9-Year-Old Taught Me (03:52:34) The Medicinal Effect Of Friendship (03:55:59) What Is The True Meaning Of Life & Why Do You Exist? Follow Andrew:  Podcast - https://g2ul0.app.link/0DRgdexCqMb  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/FdIdvMqCqMb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/4qZJRTtCqMb  You can pre-order Andrew’s book, ‘Protocols’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/9mouq1NCqMb Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed: https://bit.ly/PerfectTed-DIARY40 with an exclusive code DIARY40 for 40% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"

    The Dating Doctor: "Start Dating Like It's Your Job!", "Dating Apps Are Impacting Us More Than We Realise!"
    If love feels like magic, then Dr Orion is here to tell the truths behind the illusion  Dr Orion Taraban is a psychologist, host of the podcast ‘PsycHacks’, and the author of the book, ‘The Value Of Others: Understanding the Economic Model of Relationships to Get (and Keep) More of What You Want in the Sexual Marketplace'. In this conversation, Dr Orion and Steven discuss topics such as, the importance of sex in relationships, the best way to use dating apps, how monogamy benefits men, and the impact of pornography on dating.  (00:00) Intro (01:38) The Relationship & Sex Crisis (04:01) How The Relationship Crisis Is Affecting Us (06:07) Common Problems Men Are Facing In Modern Relationships (06:56) Are Dating Apps Really Helping? (07:31) The Crisis Of Masculinity: What Men Are Going Through (08:21) How Gender Dynamics Have Shifted Over Time (10:46) Andrew Tate And The Rise Of Performative Masculinity (14:57) Why Men Need To Feel Needed In Relationships (17:14) The Unique Challenges Women Face In Today's World (18:05) My Professional Journey: What Led Me Here (19:13) Understanding The Problems Both Men And Women Face (21:19) Applying Business Strategies To Improve Relationships (23:48) Why Women Seek Marriage: A Deeper Look (27:10) Helping Men Improve Their Lives And Relationships (29:38) How To Increase Your Attractiveness (30:57) The Importance Of Surface Marketing In Dating (33:52) How To Get Better At Meeting Women (36:05) Tips For Men To Boost Their Attractiveness (36:44) How Men Should Communicate Effectively (40:26) Why You Don’t Need Money To Attract Women (41:20) How I Completely Transformed My Life (43:46) Tips On Keeping A Partner Long-Term (46:19) Why A Relationship's First Crisis Is Crucial (48:44) Why The Top 10% Of Men Are Having The Most Sex (50:42) Is A Relationship An Exchange Of Value? (53:43) How Our Communities Have Evolved Over Time (56:25) Why Absence Can Be A Recipe For Better Sex (58:35) Is Monogamy Natural? Exploring The Debate (59:02) Is Gold Digging Just Another Transaction? (01:04:34) Why Men Are Terrified Of Women (01:07:07) What Really Happens To Beautiful People? (01:09:35) How To Turn A No Into A Yes (01:13:36) The Biggest Mistakes Men Make When Attracting Women (01:15:37) The Most Effective Pickup Line I’ve Used (01:18:11) How To Handle Interactions With Very Attractive Women (01:21:36) Should Women Make The First Move? Here’s How (01:25:02) What Is Love? Understanding This Complex Emotion (01:29:08) The Impact Of Porn On Modern Relationships (01:30:01) The OnlyFans Phenomenon: What It Means For Relationships (01:34:27) Libido, Sex, And The Role Of Pornography (01:38:53) How To Change A Man's Behavior For The Better (01:45:33) Advice For Those Struggling To Find Love (01:47:50) How AI Will Change Relationships Forever (01:52:50) How To Be A Man In 2024: Key Insights (01:57:54) Is Being Selfish The Key To Happiness? (01:59:41) Dr. Orion's Selection Criteria Explained (02:06:16) The Most Important Thing We Haven’t Discussed (02:14:53) The Final Question Every Guest Must Answer Follow Dr Orion:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/oxoUC58LoMb PsychHacks - https://g2ul0.app.link/YmonqmWbiMb  YouTube: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://amzn.to/4dwc71p  Spotify: You can buy Dr Orion’s book, ‘The Value of Others’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/42jhtE1biMb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor

    Moment 176: 5 RED FLAGS Of A Secret Narcissist: The Narcissism Doctor
    In this moment, clinical psychologist Dr. Ramani Durvasula discusses the characteristics of narcissistic individuals and how to recognise if you are in a narcissistic relationship. According to Dr. Ramani, narcissists are typically entitled, self-centred, lack empathy, and are highly socially perceptive. Early in a relationship, they can be attentive and say all the right things, but Dr. Ramani says that a shift usually occurs midway through the relationship when they become distant and passive aggressive. Dr. Ramani explains that there are key signs you can look for to determine if you are in a narcissistic relationship. By paying attention to the ‘3 Rs’ - Ruminate, Regret, and Recall - you can acknowledge the unhealthy behaviour of your partner and free yourself from the relationship. Listen to full episode here: Apple - https://bit.ly/3T06y39 Spotify - https://bit.ly/3ADaFvG Watch episode on Youtube - https://youtu.be/hTkKXDvSJvo?si=IaPSgnZc4FCAzTgQ

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    #414 Why You Can’t Stop Eating Ultra-Processed Foods: Dr Chris Van Tulleken

    Why do we all eat stuff that isn’t food and why can’t we stop? In this episode, Dr Chris van Tulleken, author of Ultra-Processed People explains all. As well as being one of the UK’s leading science broadcasters, Chris is a practising infectious diseases doctor in the NHS. He gained his medical degree at Oxford University and his PhD in molecular virology from University College London, where he is an associate professor. He works closely with the World Health Organization and UNICEF, and his research looks at how corporations affect human health.


    In this episode, Chris explores what may be the biggest public health crisis of our time: ultra-processed food, or UPF, for short. Many people these days, certainly most regular listeners to this podcast, will be aware of UPFs. But there’s still a lot of confusion around what they really are. For Chris, it’s simple: if it’s wrapped in plastic and has at least one ingredient you wouldn’t find in a home kitchen, it’s a UPF. If it makes a health claim on the packet? Ironically, it’s even more likely!


    A UPF is any food that’s processed industrially and created for big-business profit, rather than to provide nutrients. And here in the UK, UPF makes up 60 percent of the average diet. The trouble is, says Chris, UPFs have been shown to be the leading cause of early death in the world, ahead of tobacco. Even if you remain at what is considered a healthy weight, consuming UPFs still leaves you vulnerable to things like Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, dementia, anxiety, depression, inflammatory bowel disease, cancer and eating disorders.


    In this conversation, Chris provides a clear definition of the difference between processing and ultra-processing, and explains how our toxic food environment is designed to be addictive. We also discuss a whole range of different topics such as the need to see obesity as a condition and not an identity and the seemingly revolutionary idea that re-prioritising food shopping and cooking as a vital, enjoyable part of our day, could be a first step towards the societal change that’s urgently needed.


    This podcast episode is not about shame or blame - it’s about education and empowerment. Chris is a brilliant communicator who insists the prevalence and appeal of UPFs is not our fault. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with him - I hope you enjoy listening.

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    Show notes https://drchatterjee.com/414

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or qualified healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Why Counting Calories Doesn't Work for Weight Loss

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    If you are interested in learning more about Lyn's Healthy Weight Loss Program, visit this link: Healthy Weight Loss: Intuitive and Energy Healing for Women (heartfirehealingllc.com)

    To join Lyn's new FB community for women: Sisters on the Journey to More Vibrant Health | Facebook

    Berberine's Metabolic Magic: How it Enhances Your Health Through the Microbiome

    Berberine's Metabolic Magic: How it Enhances Your Health Through the Microbiome

    Hey there, welcome back to the Empowered Nutrition Podcast. I'm Erin Skinner, your host, and I'm excited to take you on a journey into the incredible world of Berberine in this episode. Together, we'll discover the superpowers of this natural plant compound and its profound impact on our digestive, metabolic, and hormonal health.

    Berberine: The Unsung Hero Imagine Berberine as the unsung hero of the supplement world. It's not a prescription drug, but it's gaining superstar status for its unique ability to kickstart the release of glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1). These GLP-1 superpowers are a game-changer in the realm of metabolic health.

    Safety First: Navigating the Berberine Universe Let's navigate the safety of Berberine. Most adults can embrace its benefits, but we need to be cautious. Expect some minor side effects like mild abdominal discomfort, constipation, or the occasional bout of nausea. But a word of advice, Berberine is best suited for those facing health challenges. For healthy individuals, it may not be the supplement you're looking for.

    Witness Berberine's Breathtaking Feats Prepare to be wowed by Berberine's breathtaking feats. It swoops in to save the day in the battle against diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), high cholesterol, and the formidable obesity villain. It's a powerful ally, but having healthcare professionals as your sidekicks when introducing Berberine to your health journey is a smart move.

    Dosing Drama and Cautious Calm Let's dive into the dosing drama. The script reads 500 milligrams, two to three times a day, for one to six months. Berberine may be a powerful ally, but long-term alliances should be approached with caution. Especially if your medication squad is already on standby.

    Berberine's Secret Weapons Discover Berberine's secret weapons as I unravel the six primary mechanisms through which it conquers the battlefield. From rallying nitrate-reducing bacteria to amping up short-chain fatty acid production, this hero doesn't back down. It's all part of the grand plan to reduce inflammation, optimize bile metabolism, foster Akkermansia bacteria growth, and control hormones to slay the dragons of appetite and sugar cravings.

    Calling All Health Warriors Berberine steps into the spotlight when health warriors face particular adversaries. When weight loss resistance, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and PCOS are the battlegrounds, Berberine is your trusty sword. For other quests, consult your healthcare professionals for guidance.

    Enduring Legacy The awe-inspiring aspect of Berberine? Its enduring legacy. Even after Berberine exits the stage, its impact on the gut microbiome continues to shine. It's like having a guardian angel looking out for your health, long after the final bow.

    The Final Act As we wrap up this episode, I hope you've gained a newfound appreciation for the superpowers of Berberine. This superhero in supplement form may be your ticket to a healthier, happier future.

    References used in this podcast episode:

    1.The Natural Medicine’s Database: Berberine (Professional Monograph) https://info.trchealthcare.com/natmed-ppc

    2.Zhang Y, Gu Y, Ren H, et al. Gut microbiome-related effects of berberine and probiotics on type 2 diabetes (the PREMOTE study). Nat Commun. 2020;11(1):5015.

    3.Habtemariam S. Berberine pharmacology and the gut microbiota: A hidden therapeutic link. Pharmacol Res. 2020;155:104722.

    4.Zhang L, Wu X, Yang R, et al. Effects of Berberine on the Gastrointestinal Microbiota. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2020;10:588517.

    5.Och A, Och M, Nowak R, Podgorska D, Podgorski R. Berberine, a Herbal Metabolite in the Metabolic Syndrome: The Risk Factors, Course, and Consequences of the Disease. Molecules. 2022;27(4).

    6.Cao RY, Zheng Y, Zhang Y, et al. Berberine on the Prevention and Management of Cardiometabolic Disease: Clinical Applications and Mechanisms of Action. Am J Chin Med. 2021;49(7):1645-1666.

    7.Wang H, Zhang H, Gao Z, Zhang Q, Gu C. The mechanism of berberine alleviating metabolic disorder based on gut microbiome. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 2022;12:854885.

    8.Li J, Meng P, Zhang J, He M. Effect of Berberine Hydrochloride on the Diversity of Intestinal Flora in Parkinson's Disease Patients. Contrast Media Mol Imaging. 2022;2022:8381870.

    9.Ming J, Yu X, Xu X, et al. Effectiveness and safety of Bifidobacterium and berberine in human hyperglycemia and their regulatory effect on the gut microbiota: a multi-center, double-blind, randomized, parallel-controlled study. Genome Med. 2021;13(1):125.

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    Balanced Nutrition: Eating Salad with a Side of Fries and Understanding Body Composition

    Balanced Nutrition: Eating Salad with a Side of Fries and Understanding Body Composition

    In this episode, we sit down with health coach Jenn Trepeck to discuss basic nutrition advice and simple steps to eat healthier. Jenn shares her philosophy on nutrition, emphasizing that it's not about restriction or deprivation, but rather about balance and moderation.

    One of the topics we explore is the idea that you can eat salad with a side of fries and still be healthy. Jenn explains how this can be done by focusing on the overall balance of your meals and making healthier choices the majority of the time.

    We also dive into the difference between BMI and body fat percentage, and why body fat percentage is a more accurate measure of health. Jenn shares some simple steps for improving your body fat percentage, including focusing on strength training and eating a balanced diet.

    Finally, we discuss the dangers of getting caught up in all the different types of nutrition trends, and how to approach nutrition in a way that works for your individual needs and goals.

    Whether you're looking to improve your nutrition, gain a better understanding of your body composition, or simply get some practical tips for eating healthier, this episode is full of valuable information and insights from a seasoned health coach. Tune in to learn more about how to eat well and live a healthy, balanced life.

    #nutritiontips #healthyeating #balanceddiet #bodycomposition #bodyfatpercentage #BMI #nutritioneducation #healthylifestyle #healthcoach #dietaryhabits #nutritiontrends #moderation #balance #fitnesspodcast #healthpodcast

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