
    The World is Burning: Your Guide to the Current Uprisings

    enOctober 29, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Meaningful Connections in Uncertain TimesCreating social bonds, having fun, and addressing health needs are essential for personal growth and community resilience in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, Chumba Casino, ZYN, ProNamel, and activists from around the world are leading the way in these areas.

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network, emphasizes the importance of building meaningful social bonds with those around us. This not only helps create a more connected community but also prepares us for natural disasters. Meanwhile, having fun and enjoyment are crucial aspects of life, as shown by Chumba Casino's social casino games. For those seeking a smoke-free future, ZYN nicotine pouches offer a new way to satisfy nicotine cravings without smoke or spit. ProNamel Intensive Enamel Repair toothpaste and mouthwash help protect tooth enamel, which is irreversibly lost once gone. Albert Einstein's words about future wars may have been prescient in their time, but today's global conflicts are less about nations and more about people fighting for freedom against authoritarian rule. Activists from various parts of the world, including Chile, Lebanon, Rojava, and Hong Kong, are taking to the streets to demand change. The future of everyone listening to this depends on what we all do in the coming year and a change, and understanding these issues is a crucial step towards making a difference.

    • Global uprisings: A prelude to more revolutionsProtests in Hong Kong have evolved from a single issue to a series of demands for democratic rights and freedoms, inspiring similar movements worldwide.

      The current global uprisings, which can be traced back to the protests in Hong Kong, are a prelude to more revolutions. The people of Hong Kong, who have been fighting for democratic rights and freedoms, have shown innovative tactics to resist state power despite the use of violence by authorities. Their movement has evolved from a protest against a single law to a series of demands, including an investigation into police brutality, universal suffrage, and the release of jailed activists. The protests have inspired other acts of resistance around the world, such as those in Catalonia, where people have been fighting for their language, identity, and democratic rights for over a century. Despite the use of force by authorities, the protests continue, and it is impossible to know how they will end. However, the powerful images coming out of these protests have inspired people around the world to stand up for their rights and freedoms.

    • Catalonia learns from Hong Kong protestsCatalonia's separatists adopt 'be a tsunami' principle, using tech for mass civil disobedience, inspired by Hong Kong's success, but controversial tactics raise questions

      The struggle for autonomy in Catalonia, Spain, has been influenced by the protests in Hong Kong. The Catalonian separatists have adopted the "be a tsunami" principle from the Hong Kong protesters, advocating for formless, shapeless, leaderless, and nimble protests to counteract state power. This has led to mass civil disobedience, including occupying airports and causing significant damage to infrastructure. The Catalonians have learned from the Hong Kong protests the importance of using technology to mobilize and inform the people. Despite the differences between the two societies, the Catalonians have been inspired by the success of the Hong Kong protests in gaining international attention and support. However, the use of destructive activism, such as damaging infrastructure and causing financial damage, is a controversial tactic that raises questions about the effectiveness and morality of such protests.

    • Struggles for autonomy and independenceDespite international support, authoritarian governments often unite against movements for autonomy and independence, using excessive force and financial costs as challenges.

      The struggles for autonomy and independence in places like Hong Kong and Catalonia, as well as the fight against ISIS in Rojava, Syria, highlight the alignment of authoritarian powers against the people they oppress. Despite international sympathy and solidarity among activists, these governments often stand together to protect their own interests. The financial costs of protests and the potential for excessive force by law enforcement are just some of the challenges these movements face. The future outcomes of these struggles are uncertain, but the importance of generating mass awareness and international solidarity remains clear. As seen in the abandonment of the Syrian Democratic Forces in Rojava, dictators and authoritarian powers will always prioritize their own relationships over the rights and freedoms of their people.

    • Rojava's Humanitarian Crisis: A Threat to Global Women's RevolutionThe Turkish attack on Rojava has led to a humanitarian crisis, with many dead, refugees, and ISIS prisoners on the loose. The region has invited in the Assad regime and Russian army, risking gender equality gains and potential genocide.

      The autonomous region of Rojava, which was once a beacon of peace and optimism, is now in chaos following a Turkish attack. The situation has led to a humanitarian crisis, with many dead, refugees, and ISIS prisoners on the loose. Rojava's response has been slow, and essential services, such as water and food, are in short supply. The region has invited in the Assad regime and Russian army out of desperation, despite a history of opposition to Assad. The women's revolution in Rojava, which has made significant strides in gender equality, is at risk if the regime takes over. The women of Rojava are determined to protect their gains but face a great risk. The international community can help by raising awareness, demonstrating, donating, and boycotting Turkish goods. The situation in Rojava is a humanitarian crisis, a potential genocide, and a threat to the global women's revolution.

    • Solidarity and action matter most for supporting communities in needSupporting communities in need requires more than just financial aid - solidarity and public action, such as protests and advocacy, can make a greater impact and build stronger, more connected communities.

      Solidarity and action, rather than just financial aid, are crucial for supporting communities in need. This was emphasized in discussions about the situations in Rojava, Hong Kong, Catalonia, and Santiago, Chile. For instance, while donations to organizations like the Kurdish Red Crescent can help, the people of Rojava and other communities value solidarity and public action, such as protests and advocacy, even more. This sentiment was echoed by activists in Santiago, Chile, who highlighted that their protests were about more than just a 4% increase in public transportation costs. By standing together and taking action, we can make a greater impact and build stronger, more connected communities.

    • Protests in Chile due to high inequality and metro faresDespite reversing metro fare hike, Chile's protests persist due to deep-rooted issues like inequality, corruption, and lack of access to education.

      In Chile, the combination of high minimum wages and expensive metro fares, coupled with deep-rooted issues like inequality, corruption, and lack of access to education, have led to widespread protests. With a Gini coefficient of 0.50, Chile has one of the highest levels of income inequality on the planet. The burden of funding the government falls disproportionately on the poor, while the wealthy evade taxes and maintain control. Despite President Pinera's reversal of the metro fare increase, protests continue due to the underlying issues that have long plagued the nation.

    • Protests in Chile Escalate into Violence and Military InterventionChile protests began over subway fare hike, escalated into violent clashes with security forces under new, more authoritarian government, resulting in martial law and excessive use of force against demonstrators, with conspiracy theories fueling unrest

      Chile is experiencing widespread unrest and military intervention for the first time since the end of the Pinochet dictatorship. Protests, initially sparked by a subway fare increase, have escalated into violent clashes between citizens and security forces. The government has declared martial law and applied brutal force against demonstrators, labeling them as criminals or looters. Witness accounts and video evidence show excessive use of force by the military and police. The current wave of protests follows a shift in government leadership from a more center-left presidency to a more authoritarian one, emboldening security forces to act with impunity against protesters. Conspiracy theories have emerged around the burning of buses and power company headquarters, adding complexity to the already volatile situation.

    • Suspicions of Arson Attacks During Chilean ProtestsConspiracy theories can distract from real issues and harm solidarity during protests, but the massive protests in Chile demonstrated genuine anger and not a conspiracy.

      During the civil unrest in Chile, there were suspicions about the origin of arson attacks on a power company and buses. While some believed it was protesters, many Chileans suspected it was the police or government to justify harsher measures. Conspiracy theories, such as one linking the unrest to Venezuelan President Maduro, also emerged but lacked evidence. These theories can divert attention from the real issues and harm international solidarity with activists. Ultimately, the massive protests on the streets of Santiago demonstrated that this was a genuine expression of anger and not a conspiracy.

    • Protesters in Chile and Lebanon draw inspiration from each other's movementsProtesters in Chile and Lebanon are driven by long-standing grievances and feelings of desperation, inspired by each other's movements and fueled by economic inequality, corruption, and lack of representation.

      Chilean and Lebanese protesters have found inspiration in each other's movements, with Chileans learning tactics from Hong Kong and both countries experiencing mass protests driven by long-standing grievances and feelings of desperation. In Chile, people have taken to the streets in defiance of a curfew, while in Lebanon, over a million people marched against their government in response to a tax on WhatsApp and the government's incompetent response to wildfires. These protests have been years in the making and have been fueled by frustration over economic inequality, corruption, and a lack of representation. While some may point to specific triggers, such as the WhatsApp tax or the transit fare hike, the root causes run much deeper. These movements serve as a reminder of the power of grassroots organizing and the potential for collective action to bring about change.

    • The power of mass participation in bringing about changeFocusing on concrete issues, mobilizing large numbers, and disrupting the status quo can lead to significant change in deeply divided societies

      The power of unity and mass participation can bring about significant change, even in deeply divided societies. The protests in Beirut, Lebanon, started as a seemingly impossible challenge due to the deeply ingrained sectarian system. However, by focusing on concrete issues that resonated with the majority, mobilizing large numbers of people, and disrupting the status quo, activists were able to force the government to make concessions. This script for effective change has been seen in various protests around the world, and while it's not a guarantee of success, it offers a roadmap for bringing about meaningful change. The success of these protests in Lebanon serves as a reminder that even in the most seemingly insurmountable circumstances, the power of the people can bring about transformative change.

    • Experience joy, community, entertainment, and sustainabilityMonopoly Go brings joy with novel challenges, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community bonds, Chumba Casino offers entertainment and potential winnings, and the natural hybrid mattress ensures a comfortable and sustainable sleep.

      Monopoly Go offers endless fun and excitement with its constantly changing challenges, tournaments, and rewards. Neighbor to Neighbor emphasizes the importance of building community connections in our neighborhoods. Chumba Casino provides entertainment and the chance to win prizes. The natural hybrid mattress by Leesa and West Elm ensures a good night's sleep while supporting sustainable practices. Abdel Fattah al Sisi's actions highlight the importance of preventing protests and maintaining control to avoid potential unrest. In summary, Monopoly Go brings joy and novelty, Neighbor to Neighbor fosters community bonds, Chumba Casino offers entertainment and potential winnings, and the natural hybrid mattress ensures a comfortable and sustainable sleep. Abdel Fattah al Sisi's actions serve as a reminder of the importance of maintaining control to prevent unrest.

    • Protests in Egypt and Iraq: A Ripple EffectDespite Egypt's calm facade, 60,000 political prisoners remain. Iraq's protests against corruption lead to violent crackdowns. Both countries' futures impact global democracy and human rights.

      Despite the fizzling out of protests in Cairo and the seemingly secure reign of Egyptian President Sisi, with 60,000 political prisoners still in jails, the world's authoritarians continue to view such developments with optimism. Meanwhile, in Iraq, protests against corruption and incompetence have led to violent crackdowns, with over 100 people killed so far. The people of Iraq deserve attention and solidarity, as their future freedom is tied to ours. The Syrian civil war served as a catalyst for increased global instability, leading to the rise of extremist groups and a refugee crisis. The world's failure to effectively respond to the Syrian conflict has resulted in a ripple effect, with protests and unrest spreading to other nations. It's essential to recognize that these events are interconnected, and the future of democracy and human rights around the world depends on our collective action.

    • The importance of community involvement and activismDon't ignore the world's problems, stay engaged in your community, and make a difference. Whether through activism, community building, or personal time, every effort counts.

      It's easy to ignore the world's problems and focus on our own, but doing so means missing out on opportunities to make a difference and contribute to a better future for all. The discussion touched on the importance of activism and community involvement, even if it's just a small commitment of time. Neighbor to Neighbor was introduced as an organization that helps build stronger communities and encourages people to connect with their neighbors. Meanwhile, Lucky Land Slots was advertised as a way to win prizes and take a moment for yourself. However, the most significant message was the call to action to get involved and make a difference in the world around us. So, whether it's through activism, community building, or simply taking a moment for yourself, it's essential to stay engaged and not let opportunities pass by.

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    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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