
    This is How You Scale Your Business AND Stay Authentic

    enAugust 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Meaningful Connections Leads to Personal and Professional GrowthFocusing on people and building authentic connections can lead to personal growth and financial success. Prioritize loving people over numbers and do what you enjoy to create lasting impact.

      Focusing on people and building meaningful connections can lead to personal growth and financial success, even if it's not the traditional business approach. Gary Vee shared a personal story about how a conversation with him years ago gave one attendee, Elizabeth, the permission to prioritize loving people over numbers, and it has significantly impacted her business and life since then. Gary emphasized that being nice and doing things you enjoy can lead to success, not because he wants it to be the case, but because it's the reality. He encouraged everyone to stop chasing trends and instead look inside and focus on what they love and the people they're working with. Percy, a follower from Blockstars, asked about the significance of trading cards in VeeFriends' web 3 strategy. Gary shared that he went to a sports card convention to understand the community and the potential of the space better, as he believes in observing and analyzing trends quickly to create content around them. The conversation also touched on the idea that confidence and humility are not mutually exclusive, and being insecure and humble can be challenging to contain. Overall, the discussion highlighted the importance of authenticity, focusing on people, and staying true to oneself in both personal and professional endeavors.

    • From Unaware to Potential Customer through Personal ConnectionPersonal interactions and education can turn an unaware prospect into a potential customer. Adapting and enjoying the process can lead to growth and success in business.

      Creating a strong connection with customers is crucial for business success, whether in the physical or digital world. A gentleman at a card show went from being unaware of a company and its offerings to becoming a potential customer through personal interaction and education. For business owners, scaling a business while maintaining personal connections can be challenging. One solution is to charge more for services, but another option is to adapt and add to your philosophical approach. Additionally, focusing on enjoying the process rather than solely seeking a breakthrough can lead to growth and success.

    • Finding motivation from within vs. seeking validation from othersStar Wars analogy highlights importance of self-motivation and fulfillment from within, rather than seeking validation from others. Healthy communication and accountability crucial for children's mental health.

      We all have the inherent desire to prove ourselves to others, but it's essential to find the motivation to live for ourselves instead. This was a theme that emerged during the conversation. The speaker drew an analogy between the light and dark sides in Star Wars, emphasizing that both sides ultimately reach their goals but are driven by different things. However, true fulfillment comes from being driven by our own desires rather than the need for validation from others. Another important topic that came up was the impact of technology and social media on children's mental health. The conversation touched upon the potential negative effects of constant screen time and the need for healthy communication and accountability. The speaker shared how he was inspired by Gary's content and how it helped him turn his life around, emphasizing the importance of seeking inspiration and motivation from within. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of self-motivation, healthy communication, and accountability in leading fulfilling lives.

    • Balance and accountability in the digital ageFocus on education and finding balance in the digital landscape, rather than demonizing technology. Human accountability is crucial in navigating its evolving nature.

      Balance and accountability are key in navigating the evolving digital landscape. TikTok, like many other digital platforms, uses algorithms to deliver content that caters to users' interests. While regulation has a role, human accountability is crucial. The conversation around the dangers of technology should focus on education and finding balance, rather than demonization. In the context of entrepreneurship, it's essential to have conviction in one's pursuits and empathize with the concerns of others. Ultimately, success can help shift perspectives. There's no need to convince others to see the world the same way; instead, focus on being a positive influence and leading by example.

    • The impact of authentic kindness from early role modelsAuthentic kindness from parents and young children can inspire us to live authentic lives and extend kindness to others, creating a positive ripple effect in the world.

      Authentic kindness, especially from our earliest role models like parents and young children, can have a profound impact on our lives. Parents may navigate through fear and use their children as a proxy to their own self-esteem, but their love and concern for us often stems from a place of wanting to protect us from failure and societal judgment. The purest form of kindness is often seen in young children, who act selflessly and empathetically without any ulterior motives. These experiences can inspire us to live authentic lives and extend kindness to others, making a positive ripple effect in the world.

    • Observing and Connecting with People from Diverse BackgroundsEmpathy, understanding, and open-mindedness lead to valuable insights and personal growth. Breaking prejudices and hiring from diverse backgrounds can lead to success.

      Observing and understanding people from different age groups and backgrounds can lead to valuable insights and personal growth. The speaker shares his experience of judging his daughter negatively for getting a tattoo, which led him to reflect on his priorities and ultimately change his perspective. He also shares how he broke the norm of not hiring family and friends in his business, leading to its success. The speaker encourages everyone to observe and connect with people from diverse age groups and backgrounds, as there's a lot to learn from them. Empathy, kindness, and understanding are essential in building meaningful relationships and overcoming prejudices. The speaker's story highlights the importance of introspection and being open-minded to new experiences.

    • Focus on what sets your business apart and enjoy the processStrive for exceptional products, find joy in the journey, and stay true to your vision for long-term success.

      Focusing on the things that are most on fire in your business, along with the things you enjoy the most, will help you grow and reach the next phase. However, it's important to remember that success doesn't come overnight and requires patience. To differentiate yourself from competitors, it's essential to strive for exceptional products or services. This means putting in the work to figure out what sets your business apart and not being discouraged by others in your industry. Additionally, it's crucial to find enjoyment in the process and maintain conviction in your product market fit. As a young entrepreneur, it's natural to feel pressure to keep up with industry standards, but staying true to your vision and putting in the effort to create something exceptional will set you apart in the long run.

    • Creating a personal brand on social media with unconventional methodsProvide value, bring uniqueness, resonate with audience, and execute strong projects in NFT and Blockchain industries. Emotionally fit and reach out to larger audience for personal growth.

      Creating a personal brand on social media, even if it seems unconventional or outlandish, can still attract a following and even corporate clients. However, it's important to note that this approach may exclude some people but it can also include those who resonate with the silly or ridiculous persona. The key is to provide value and bring something unique to the table. Another takeaway is that NFTs and Blockchain technology are profound, but success in this space requires executing a strong project and building demand. Failure is common in various industries, but it doesn't mean the technology itself is worthless. Emotional fitness, which aims to transform people's relationship with uncertainty, can also be scaled through content creation and reaching out to a larger audience. The world has billions of people, and daily, consistent efforts are necessary to make a difference.

    • Staying true to your mission and valuesFocusing on helping others and making a positive impact is key to growth and fulfillment, rather than seeking validation or commercial success.

      Focusing on making an impact and helping others, rather than seeking validation or commercial success, is the key to growth and fulfillment for creatives and entrepreneurs. Darienne, a 26-year-old business owner and TEDx speaker, shared her desire to expand her reach and make a larger impact. However, she felt stuck after her initial success and was unsure of how to progress. Gary, a seasoned speaker and entrepreneur, offered guidance, emphasizing the importance of staying focused on the work itself and the positive impact it can have, rather than the size or prestige of the platform. He shared his own experience of starting small and building a successful career through consistent effort and a commitment to helping others. Mel, a business owner in the hair extension industry, shared her struggle with the changing landscape of her industry and the importance of adapting to new realities. She encouraged a mindset of innovation and embracing change, rather than clinging to outdated ideas and requirements. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying true to one's mission and values, and the power of focusing on helping others and making a positive impact, rather than seeking external validation or success.

    • The importance of being open to changeFear of changing one's mindset or approach can limit growth. Be open to new opportunities and let go of rigid ideologies to expand your market and reach greater success.

      Fear of changing one's mindset or approach, even when it could lead to greater opportunities, can be a significant barrier. This was a topic of discussion during a conversation where the speaker expressed concerns about expanding their business to include individuals who may not be fully qualified. However, it was pointed out that holding onto such an ideology could limit growth, and that it might be necessary to let go of that mindset in order to reach a larger market. Another topic that came up was the challenge of raising capital for a startup with no experience or track record. In this case, it was suggested that creating content about the business idea and being truthful with investors could help instill confidence, even if success is not guaranteed for every investor approached. Lastly, there was a light-hearted exchange about the importance of persistence and resilience in the face of setbacks, as illustrated by a speaker who shared his own experiences of failing multiple times before finding success. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of being open to change, staying persistent, and having faith in oneself and one's product.

    • Embracing challenges for personal growthBuild confidence, earn credibility, and live without regrets by taking action and focusing on authentic connections.

      Having no regrets and pursuing your dreams, no matter the obstacles, is essential for personal growth and contentment in life. Emma shared her experience of building confidence and credibility as a public speaker despite coming from a different culture and language, emphasizing the importance of taking action and not letting fear hold you back. Gary encouraged Ethan to earn credibility for his app business through genuine customer engagement rather than traditional marketing campaigns. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of living without regrets, taking action, and focusing on authentic connections with others.

    • The Power of Face-to-Face Interactions and Values in BusinessSuccess comes from genuine connections and staying true to your values. Find a cause or brand that aligns with you and give it your all.

      While money can provide opportunities, the most effective way to build a genuine and successful business is through face-to-face interactions and staying true to your values. The speaker shared their experience of finding success through door-to-door sales and emphasized the importance of not letting money confuse your priorities. They suggested hiring someone who shares your values to help scale your business while you focus on what you do best. The speaker also addressed the challenge of balancing work and family life, encouraging finding a balance instead of neglecting either. Lastly, they expressed gratitude for the support and encouragement received during the event. Kyle, a digital marketing agency owner, shared his success story of working with a company called Sharing Kindness, which teaches children resilience, kindness, and gratitude. They launched a game on Kickstarter and sold 15,000 units, aiming to reach a million homes. The takeaway from Kyle's story is the importance of finding a cause or brand that aligns with your values and going all in to make a difference.

    • Consistent and creative content output is crucial for social media successUtilize various platforms for organic content and focus on skill development for young entrepreneurs to build successful social media communities.

      To build a successful social media community around a product or idea, consistent and creative content output is key. Utilizing various social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, YouTube Shorts, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Meta, with a focus on organic content, can help reach and engage a larger audience. Additionally, for young entrepreneurs, focusing on honing skills and not worrying about standing out from the competition is essential for success. A powerful question from the audience suggested sharing nervous system regulation tools to help teams be more calm, alive, and productive. While it seemed more like a pitch, the offer was welcomed and encouraged to be further explored through email.

    • The power of storytelling and good intent in building strong brandsStay true to your interests, respect yourself and others, and focus on storytelling and good intent to build a successful brand

      Building a strong brand is crucial for ecommerce businesses, as emphasized by the success of VeeFriends and VeeCon. Gary Vaynerchuk emphasized that while math and ads are important, the art and emotion of storytelling and good intent are what truly sets successful brands apart. For individuals, especially those facing pressure to conform to traditional career paths, it's essential to stay true to your interests and not seek validation through external means like respect from others. Instead, focus on respecting yourself and others, and the respect will follow.

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    Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”

    “If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”


    Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs

    LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979

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