
    This is the Real State of the Union (Ep 1945)

    enFebruary 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Wokeness vs. Skills in the New York City Fire DepartmentThe prioritization of wokeness over skills in the NYC Fire Dept could lead to dangerous consequences. Some chiefs are protesting, but leaders like DeSantis and Trump are pushing back against wokeness. Businesses can also benefit from a payroll tax refund program.

      The prioritization of wokeness and identity politics over skills and expertise in various institutions, including the New York City Fire Department, is a troubling trend that could lead to dangerous consequences. An anonymous email from a concerned fire department member highlighted this issue, with fire chiefs reportedly self-demoting in protest of a new commissioner's focus on wokeness. This issue extends beyond the fire department, as noted by Bill Maher, who warned about the potential for these cultural revolutions to turn on their creators. However, there is hope with leaders like Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump spearheading a revolution against wokeness, which is gaining momentum. Businesses, meanwhile, can benefit from tax refunds through a little-known payroll tax refund program, which can provide significant financial relief. Go to getrefunds.com to learn more.

    • Culture wars impacting political shifts and institutionsThe push for DEI can compromise essential skills and expertise, potentially impacting patient care and political decision-making.

      The culture wars are leading to significant political shifts, as seen in the election of Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. The left's push for an egalitarian society, which can lead to a lack of meritocracy and prioritization of diversity, equity, and inclusion over actual skills, is a concern. This trend is not limited to politics but is also affecting institutions like education and healthcare. For instance, medical schools prioritizing DEI training over healthcare skills could potentially compromise patient care. The stakes are high, as seen in life-threatening situations like house fires, where trained first responders risk their lives to save others. The push for DEI should not come at the expense of essential skills and expertise.

    • Political agendas impacting NY Fire Dept.Political agendas, like racial quotas and CRT, may prioritize certain groups over others in the NY Fire Dept., jeopardizing safety. Media bias during political speeches can also skew public perception.

      Political agendas, such as racial quotas, Critical Race Theory (CRT), and wokism, are influencing personnel decisions at the highest levels of the New York Fire Department, potentially putting lives at risk. This comes as the fire department is in turmoil after several high-ranking officials stepped down due to a new commissioner's lack of firefighting knowledge and focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. If discrimination based on race is not fully banned, there is a risk of prioritizing certain groups over others, potentially leading to dangerous consequences. Additionally, during a Republican presidency, the media acts as an adversary, challenging every statement made, while during a Democratic presidency, they act as an advocate and let most lies go unchallenged. During the State of the Union address, it is crucial to get the facts and the real state of the union, as the media may not provide an accurate representation.

    • Biden's Employment Numbers vs. American ExperiencesDespite historically low unemployment and recent job growth, many Americans feel financially worse off. Unadjusted job numbers show a decrease, and the economy's growth rate has slowed, indicating potential contraction.

      While the Biden administration may emphasize the historically low unemployment rate and recent job growth during the State of the Union address, it's important to consider the actual experiences of Americans. Contrary to the administration's message, a significant number of people feel financially worse off, as indicated by polling data. Furthermore, while the jobs report may show an increase in employment, the raw, unadjusted numbers reveal a decrease in jobs. Additionally, the economy's growth rate has slowed down compared to the previous quarter, which suggests an economic contraction rather than expansion. These discrepancies highlight the importance of examining facts beyond opinions and acknowledging the potential disconnect between economic indicators and individual experiences.

    • Economy is decelerating despite GDP growthReal final sales growth is weak, manufacturing in recession, job market rough, and inflation negatively impacting wages. Honesty and solutions are needed to address these challenges.

      Despite the fourth quarter GDP number suggesting economic strength, the underlying economy is decelerating. Real final sales to domestic purchasers only grew by 0.2%, and the manufacturing sector is in recession. The job market is rough, and inflation is negatively impacting wages. These are real issues that need acknowledgement and solutions. The economy is not accelerating, and it's important to address these challenges honestly. The economy affects real people with real lives, and it's crucial to focus on finding solutions rather than wishing for a recession or downplaying the issues. The facts are the facts, and we must acknowledge them to move forward. Additionally, it's important to consider the larger context, including factors like gas prices, the border, and fentanyl, when assessing the state of the union.

    • Gas prices and border control: Unprecedented challenges under Biden's administrationGas prices reached historic highs and border encounters hit record levels during Biden's presidency, presenting significant challenges that persist despite attempts to downplay them

      President Joe Biden's handling of gas prices and border control issues are areas of significant concern, with gas prices reaching unprecedented highs during his presidency and border encounters reaching record levels. The reduction in gas prices from their peak does not negate the initial failure, and the increase in border encounters and related issues, such as fentanyl deaths, remain a pressing issue. Despite attempts to downplay these issues by some media outlets, the data shows that these are unprecedented challenges under Biden's administration.

    • Crime and Economic Concerns in Democratic-Run Cities and National Security CrisisCrime is a significant issue in 27 out of the top 30 crime-ridden cities, which are run by Democrats. Real wages have decreased, leading to a 2% decrease in real average weekly earnings. National security is at risk due to people in government being bought and sold to foreign governments, such as China.

      The increase in crime in some cities, particularly those run by Democrats, is a concern that should not be dismissed. While Republicans may be accused of worrying about nothing, the reality is that crime is a significant issue in cities where Democrats hold power. For instance, 27 out of the top 30 crime-ridden cities are run by Democrats. Furthermore, real wages have decreased, leading to a 2% decrease in real average weekly earnings from December 2021 to December 2022. This is the real state of the union, and it's essential to acknowledge these facts rather than delivering optimistic speeches that don't address the underlying issues. Another critical issue is the national security crisis caused by people in our government being bought and sold to foreign governments, such as China. This is not just about a spy balloon; it's about the perilous state of our country's security. Therefore, it's crucial to stay informed and take action to address these challenges. Additionally, MyPillow offers a solution to a common problem with towels that don't dry effectively, and you can get a six-piece towel set for only $49.99 with promo code Bongino.

    • Downplaying Chinese Spy Balloon IncidentSome dismiss Chinese espionage despite past outrage over Russian collusion. This is a psychological attack on America and a sign of weakness. Take it seriously and understand potential consequences.

      The Chinese spy balloon incident is being downplayed by some on the left as no big deal, despite the potential serious implications. Mike Lindell, the speaker in this text, argues that this response is hypocritical, as the same people who were outraged over alleged Russian collusion during the Trump presidency are now dismissive of Chinese espionage. Lindell believes that this is a psychological attack on America and a sign of weakness from the current administration. He encourages listeners to take this seriously and recommends the movie "The Road" as a way to understand the potential consequences of such actions. Overall, Lindell emphasizes the importance of recognizing and addressing national security threats, rather than dismissing them as trivial matters.

    • Psychological warfare in a post-apocalyptic world and its potential escalationThe movie 'The Road' offers a practical perspective on survival in a post-apocalyptic world, while also warning about the potential use of psychological warfare tactics, such as EMP devices and holograms, which could cause widespread damage and escalate in the future.

      The discussion revolves around the movie "The Road," which portrays a post-apocalyptic world where resources are scarce and survival is a constant struggle. The movie, based on Cormac McCarthy's book, provides a practical perspective on the harsh realities of such a situation. The speaker also warns about the potential use of psychological warfare, including the use of balloons with EMP devices, which could cause widespread damage to electrical grids. The Chinese government has reportedly considered using psychological attacks, including holograms and virtual reality, as part of their warfare strategies. The speaker emphasizes that these threats should not be taken lightly and that psychological warfare tactics are likely to escalate. The discussion also touches upon the leftist insurrection in Oklahoma, which received little media attention due to the political bias of the mainstream media.

    • Media bias in reporting on protestsUnderstanding media bias is crucial. Peaceful protests can be portrayed differently based on political ideologies, while some groups promote American values and manufacturing.

      The media's narrative can significantly influence how events are perceived. In the discussion, the speaker highlighted the contrasting coverage of a protest in Oklahoma, where conservative values were at stake, compared to the January 6th Capitol riots. The media portrayed the Oklahoma protest as a peaceful gathering, while the January 6th event was labeled an insurrection. This selective coverage underscores the importance of being aware of media bias and the need for a thorough house cleaning in government to ensure equal treatment for all political ideologies. Additionally, the speaker emphasized that some groups, like We The People Holsters, prioritize American values and manufacturing, offering high-quality, patriotic products.

    • Biden shows no remorse or accountability for classified documentsBiden and progressives prioritize power over admitting mistakes and taking responsibility, allowing them to avoid apologies and maintain authority

      President Joe Biden and his team have shown no remorse or accountability regarding the discovery of classified documents in his possession, despite admitting to having them without authorization. Biden's responses have been inconsistent and dismissive, and he has blamed others or external circumstances for various issues, such as inflation and economic difficulties. This attitude reflects a broader trend among progressives, who prioritize government power over admitting mistakes or taking responsibility. This mentality allows them to avoid apologizing for their actions and maintain their position of authority, even when faced with criticism or evidence of wrongdoing.

    • Governments and individuals disregard contradictory studies on masks and COVID-19Despite scientific evidence suggesting masks have minimal impact on virus transmission, some continue to promote their use and discredit contradictory studies, demonstrating a trend towards disregarding facts for ideological beliefs.

      Despite scientific evidence suggesting masks do not prevent the spread of respiratory viruses, governments and certain individuals continue to promote their use, often disregarding contradictory studies. This trend was exemplified in discussions about a meta-analysis on masks and COVID-19, which concluded masks have minimal impact on virus transmission. However, rather than acknowledging this, some individuals and media outlets continued to assert the opposite, even accusing those challenging their stance of "stochastic terrorism." This behavior was also observed in the push for more government-run healthcare, despite evidence of its failures in places like the United Kingdom. Overall, it seems that a willingness to disregard facts and scientific evidence in favor of ideological beliefs is a growing trend, particularly on the political left.

    • AOC vs Bongino: Selective Focus on Political ViolenceBongino accused AOC of selectively focusing on certain incidents of political violence and using it as a political tactic, while ignoring others. He urged his audience to support his channel for consistent content.

      Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was criticized by Dan Bongino for selectively focusing on certain incidents of political violence while disregarding others. Bongino accused AOC of being a "useful idiot" for the communist cause and using the term "violence" selectively to silence opposing views. He also mentioned instances of violence against Republicans, such as the shooting of Steve Scalise, the attempted assault on Brett Kavanaugh, and the attack on Bongino and his wife. Bongino urged his audience to subscribe and follow his channel to support his content, which consistently ranks high in subscribers and followers. Despite the heated rhetoric, it's clear that Bongino believes AOC's use of the term "violence" is a political tactic rather than a genuine concern for safety.

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