
    Throwback #AskGaryVee 246 with Logic : What to do When Everyone is Against Your Dreams

    enFebruary 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From difficult upbringing to successful rapperDetermination, business mindset, and focusing on passions can help overcome adversity and achieve goals

      Logic, a successful rapper, credits his determination and business mindset for his success, which helped him rise above a challenging upbringing. Despite growing up in a difficult environment with a drug-abusing father and surrounded by siblings selling drugs, Logic focused on his passion for music and saw it as a potential business opportunity. He worked multiple jobs while recording every night, and his mentality of looking at music and life from a business perspective set him apart. Logic's inspiring story reminds us that having a strong mindset and focusing on our passions can help us overcome adversity and achieve our goals.

    • Logic cherishes fan connectionsLogic values genuine fan interactions and considers these experiences the true measure of his success.

      For Logic, the connection with his fans is the most valuable aspect of his music career. He shared stories of surprising fans and the profound impact his music has had on their lives, emphasizing that these experiences are what truly drive him to create. Logic also spoke about the first time he felt the tangible success of his music, which came when he received a $1,000,000 check. However, even before that financial milestone, moments like hearing his music being played by a fan in the streets or at a young age, were what truly made his journey as an artist worthwhile. These genuine interactions and connections are what Logic cherishes and considers the real measure of his success.

    • A friend's belief and a year's time led to remarkable successBelief from loved ones, execution, a great team, perseverance, and speaking things into existence can lead to remarkable success

      Determination and support from loved ones can lead to remarkable success. The speaker, who was once homeless at 19, was given a year by his friend to turn his life around. He used this time to focus on his music and eventually signed with Def Jam. The speaker emphasizes the importance of execution and having a great team. He also shares his belief in speaking things into existence and setting goals. The speaker's journey is a testament to the power of perseverance and the impact of having people who believe in you. Additionally, the speaker discusses his appreciation for various music genres and how he listens to different music every day, despite not focusing on rap as much since his last album.

    • Maintaining balance in art and lifeSuccessful artists emphasize the importance of communication, understanding context, and prioritizing personal happiness for a healthy work-life balance.

      Staying connected and informed in the world of art and creativity, whether it's established artists or up-and-coming talent, is crucial for growth and understanding. Logic, a successful artist himself, emphasized the importance of balance between work and personal life, especially when it comes to relationships. He shared his experience of adjusting to his wife's needs and scheduling time together. Gary Vee added that communication and understanding the unique context of each person's background are essential for achieving a healthy work-life balance. Ultimately, it's important to prioritize personal happiness and not just focus on work or ambition.

    • Find Passion and Maintain Positivity for SuccessFind your passion, put in the work, and maintain a positive mindset for success, rather than relying on luck or negative energy.

      It's important to find what you're passionate about and put in the work to achieve it, rather than feeling like you constantly have to work more just for the sake of working. Positivity and a winner mentality can help you overcome negativity and obstacles. As the speaker shared, good energy put out into the world often attracts positive responses. It's also important to remember that success often comes from hard work and dedication, rather than luck. The speaker's personal experience is a testament to this, as he emphasized the importance of working hard and not letting others define your success for you. Additionally, the speaker's motto of peace, love, and positivity highlights the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and not getting bogged down by negativity or hate from others. Overall, the key takeaway is to find what you're passionate about, put in the work, and maintain a positive mindset to achieve success.

    • Investing in your business and hiring employeesSet financial goals, seek professional advice, focus on long-term growth, hire employees when affordable, reinvest profits, avoid frivolous spending.

      Investing in your business and hiring employees are crucial steps towards building a successful and sustainable enterprise. Garrett Hedden and Gary Vee emphasized the importance of setting financial goals, seeking professional advice, and focusing on long-term growth instead of short-term distractions. When it comes to hiring, they suggested that business owners should consider doing so as soon as they can afford it, as it becomes increasingly difficult to manage multiple aspects of the business alone. By investing in employees and the business, entrepreneurs can create a self-sustaining infrastructure and focus on growing their enterprise rather than constantly putting out fires. Additionally, both speakers advised against frivolous spending and encouraged reinvesting profits back into the business to maximize growth potential.

    • Hiring and letting go for business growthMaking intuitive hiring decisions, investing in employees, and being adaptable lead to business growth. Letting go of non-performing employees and seizing opportunities are crucial.

      Focusing on hiring the right employees and letting go of those who aren't a good fit is crucial for business growth. It's important to hire based on intuition and be willing to make quick decisions if necessary. Additionally, investing in employees and marketing at the right time can lead to greater opportunities in the future. Logic shared a personal story about his hustling background as a child, demonstrating the importance of starting small and learning valuable skills early on in life. Ultimately, being adaptable and willing to make tough decisions are key to entrepreneurial success.

    • Collaborate and learn from peers for growthFind and work with peers, build a following, and remain persistent for growth in personal branding.

      For startups, especially those focused on personal branding like a music producer, collaboration and interaction with peers is crucial. Gary Vee advises finding and working with producers you admire or see as competitors. This friendly competition leads to increased exposure and opportunities to work with rappers and their audiences. Additionally, creating content showcasing your process and expertise can help build a following and establish yourself as a go-to expert in your field. Patience is also essential, especially for young entrepreneurs. Keep honing your craft and learning from others while remaining persistent and focused on your goals.

    • Maintain a balanced life and keep pushing forwardFocus on passions, but don't neglect responsibilities. Use resources to start creating content and keep pushing forward despite initial setbacks.

      While it's important to focus on your passions and goals, it's equally important to maintain a balanced life. Don't neglect education or other responsibilities in pursuit of one thing. Use resources you have, like a phone or a simple camera, to start creating content and sharing it with the world. Remember that everyone starts somewhere and improvement takes time and dedication. Don't get discouraged by initial setbacks or rejections. Keep pushing forward and eventually, you'll make progress. As Gary Vaynerchuk said, "You start with all no's and then you get them to come yes."

    • Follow your passions and have a long-term planDespite obstacles and discouragement, stay true to your passions and have a clear vision for the future, as there are always other opportunities to pursue happiness.

      No matter what obstacles you face or what others may say, it's important to follow your passions and have a long-term plan. A 14-year-old named Victor expressed his frustration with feeling like he can't take his lacrosse skills to the next level and being discouraged by family and friends. The conversation evolved into a discussion about the importance of considering various career paths related to lacrosse and the value of education. The speakers emphasized that even if one's dream doesn't come true right away, there are always other opportunities to pursue and be happy. They also highlighted the importance of being optimistic and persistent, even when faced with skepticism. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of staying true to oneself and having a clear vision for the future.

    • Follow your passions for happiness and successFocus on personal happiness and passions, not societal expectations. Take risks and execute on your dreams, even if uncertain.

      Happiness and following your passions are the keys to success, even if the path to that success is uncertain. The speaker shares his own experiences of people who were told to pursue traditional careers but found greater success and happiness in unconventional paths. He encourages listeners to focus on their own happiness and passions, rather than societal expectations, and to take risks. He also emphasizes the importance of executing on your dreams rather than justifying them. The speaker's energy and enthusiasm for his own passions, particularly lacrosse, serve as an inspiration for listeners to do the same. Ultimately, the message is to prioritize happiness and follow your dreams, even if the outcome is unknown.

    • Following your passion and staying true to yourselfFind happiness by staying true to yourself and doing what makes you happy. Authenticity and self-belief are crucial for attracting an audience.

      Following your passion and doing things for yourself can bring great happiness. Gary Vee, in his conversation with Logic and a young fan named Sebastian, emphasized the importance of being true to oneself and doing what makes one happy. He shared his own experience of finding true happiness only when he learned to say "no" to those who didn't appreciate his work. Sebastian, a 15-year-old from South Carolina, was seeking advice on starting a YouTube channel and potentially collaborating with popular YouTubers. Gary Vee encouraged him to start filming himself and creating content, as filming oneself is a business in itself. However, he also emphasized the importance of being interesting and authentic to attract viewers. Gary Vee also reminded Sebastian and everyone else who wants to pursue their passions that it's essential to figure out if they're good enough to pull it off. He encouraged Sebastian to document his experiences during South Carolina's run in the NCAA basketball tournament and share it on social media. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of following one's passion, staying true to oneself, and being authentic to attract an audience. It's essential to start and figure out if one has what it takes to succeed.

    • Unexpected connections through social media interactionsEngaging on social media can lead to unexpected opportunities and meaningful conversations with influential figures, inspiring content creation and connection building.

      Engagement and interaction on social media platforms can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections. In the discussed conversation, Sebastian was thrilled to discover that Logic, a famous rapper, followed him on Instagram. This simple interaction led to a heartfelt conversation between Sebastian and Gary Vaynerchuk, where they discussed the importance of engaging with followers, creating content, and using hashtags effectively. The conversation ended with Sebastian expressing his intention to ask a thought-provoking question to his followers, inspired by the legacies of influential figures who spread love and peace despite facing adversity. The conversation underscores the power of social media to bring people together and create meaningful connections.

    • Stay curious and positive for successSuccess requires hard work, persistence, and a positive attitude. Keep asking questions, seeking answers, and striving for greatness.

      Success and happiness often come to those who continue to put in effort and maintain a positive attitude. The conversation with Gary Vee emphasizes the importance of asking questions, staying curious, and having a great energy and vibe. It's essential to keep pushing forward and not let setbacks discourage us. Gary Vee's enthusiasm and encouragement serve as a reminder to stay focused on our goals and keep moving forward. Ultimately, success requires hard work, persistence, and a positive attitude. Let's keep asking questions, seeking answers, and striving for greatness.

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    Who: Dana Wilde - Bestselling Author of Train Your Brain, Creator of The Celebrity Formula, and Host of Positive Mindset for Entrepreneurs

    What This Show is About: "Help! I've Been Trying to Build a Business for Twenty Years!"

    What do you do when you've tried several businesses and none of them work? This listener has been starting and stopping businesses for 20 years. Dana help her with a mindset shift!

    Dana Wilde, the #1 bestselling author of Train Your Brain, delivers motivation, marketing ideas, and business tips designed to breakthrough your limiting beliefs, and manifest freedom and success in your business. Dana Wilde goes beyond positive thinking and the Law of Attraction. This podcast is the ultimate in Entrepreneur Mindset. Click here to ask Dana: http://www.danawilde.com/askdana

    Please check out our episode notes below...

    02:00 - Discover the STORY that almost EVERY entrepreneur tells.

    03:00 - Find out the REASON that a lot of businesses are NOT successful or FAIL altogether.

    04:30 - Listen in to hear the "NORMAL" advice for starting a business.

    05:30 - Learn about the "BRAIN TRAINING" advice for being SUCCESSFUL in your business.

    08:30 - POSITIVE rant for thinking thoughts that FEEL GOOD.

    Resources from this Episode

    CLICK HERE to learn more about how to train your brain for FREE 

    CLICK HERE to take the FREE Marketing Superpower Quiz

    Where to Learn More:

