
    Tim Alberta: Trump Has an Evangelical Problem

    en-usApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Surrender to Authorities in New YorkDespite media frenzy and high stakes, Trump follows familiar playbook and maintains support, amidst other significant events including a contested supreme court election, a mayoral race, and Finland's joining of NATO, the impact of this news will be felt for a long time.

      We find ourselves once again at the center of a Trump-dominated news cycle, with the former president surrendering to authorities in New York City on Arrangement Day to face 34 reported class e felonies. Despite the media frenzy and the high stakes nature of the event, some aspects remain the same, as Trump continues to follow a familiar playbook and many supporters remain committed. The news comes amidst other significant events, including a highly contested supreme court election in Wisconsin, a mayoral race in Chicago, and Finland's joining of NATO. Despite the repetition and the surprising level of continued support, it's clear that the impact of this news will be felt for a long time.

    • Three Groups Within the Republican PartyThe Republican Party's inability to move past Trump is due to unwavering MAGA supporters, those who will vote for him despite reservations, and a middle third swayed by GOP leaders' defense of Trump

      The Republican Party's inability to move on from Donald Trump can be attributed to the existence of three distinct groups within the party. The first group, the "Die Hard" or MAGA supporters, are unwavering in their loyalty to Trump. The second group, those who are not particularly fond of Trump but will still vote for him in a general election, are in a holding pattern, hoping for the storm to pass. The third and most interesting group is the middle third, who dislike Trump personally but view his presidency as mostly successful. These individuals are swayed by the actions of Republican leaders, who, out of fear of the MAGA base, continue to defend Trump and influence the middle third to view criticisms of him as politically motivated. This dynamic has played out repeatedly over the last 7 or 8 years, creating a situation where the party is stuck in a loop, unable to move forward.

    • Understanding the Persistence of Corrupt PoliticsDespite evidence of corruption and divisive actions, some individuals continue to support certain political figures, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to understand the underlying factors

      Despite the significant changes in American politics over the past 7 years, the inability of individuals to collectively challenge the corrupt and divisive actions of certain political figures remains a persistent problem. This issue was discussed in relation to the actions of former President Trump and the lack of intervention from members of his own party. The speaker expresses frustration and disbelief that despite the evidence of Trump's unacceptable behavior, there are still tens of millions of people who admire him. They may know of his corruption and lies but continue to support him. The speaker questions whether political journalists, like themselves, are the only ones left who can explain what's happening in America and suggests that a multidisciplinary approach, involving sociologists, theologians, psychologists, and historians, may be necessary to fully understand the cultural, economic, and political factors that have contributed to this situation.

    • Fear and Perceived Threats Fueled Trump's BaseTrump's ability to tap into deep-rooted fears and perceived threats helped him maintain a strong base of support, despite controversies and investigations.

      The Trump presidency was characterized by a deep-rooted fear among certain voters that the country was losing its way, and Trump was perceived as the fighter standing up against perceived threats. This fear was fueled by a distrust of institutions, a sense of polarization, and macroeconomic developments that created a feeling of unequal playing fields. Trump's unique ability to tap into this fear helped him maintain a strong base of support, even in the face of controversies and investigations. However, it remains to be seen how long this support will last, as the cumulative effect of these investigations and indictments may eventually wear on voters. The transformation of the religious right and their continued support for Trump despite his actions remains a significant puzzle in understanding this period of American history.

    • Evangelical Alliance with Trump Faces CracksEvangelical leaders hesitant to commit to Trump due to legal issues and divisive politics, donors and political organizations mobilizing against him, uncertainty surrounding 2024 Republican primary

      The political landscape is uncertain and unpredictable leading up to the 2024 Republican primary, particularly regarding former President Donald Trump's potential nomination. Despite his past strong support from the evangelical community, many influential leaders in this group are now unwilling to commit to backing him. This shift is due to a combination of factors, including legal issues and growing disillusionment with Trump's divisive politics. Furthermore, donors and political organizations are already mobilizing against him, indicating a well-funded opposition campaign. The situation is fluid, and it's essential not to assume that current polling trends will continue or that Trump is guaranteed to be the nominee. The evangelical alliance with Trump, once seen as unshakable, is now showing cracks.

    • Trump's Comments on Pro-Lifers Damage RelationshipsTrump's comments after midterms blamed pro-lifers, damaging relationships, despite past support and actions.

      Trump's comments after the midterm elections, where he blamed pro-lifers for the losses of candidates like Herschel Walker and Carrie Lake, caused significant damage to his relationship with evangelical organization leaders. This was particularly surprising as Trump had previously signaled his support for their cause by gathering evangelical leaders and vowing to deliver on their issues, including overturning Roe v. Wade. Trump's comments were seen as a betrayal, and despite his past actions on their behalf, the sense of betrayal was palpable. The transactional nature of their relationship was exposed, leading to a painful acknowledgement for those who had believed Trump was genuinely supportive of their cause. Trump's comments overshadowed his past achievements on their issues, and repairing the relationship will require more than just an apology or acknowledgment of his past actions.

    • Exploiting the rupture between Trump and evangelicalsMike Pence aims to win evangelical votes by offering similar policies to Trump but with a more respectful demeanor.

      Mike Pence's path to the Republican nomination lies in exploiting the rupture between Trump and the evangelical community, who feel betrayed by Trump's actions. Pence, a longtime ally of the religious right, aims to deliver the same policy wins as Trump but in a more respectful and humble manner. However, some religious conservative voters appreciate Trump's unconventional and non-humble approach as a key factor in his ability to get things done. Despite this, many influential figures in the evangelical community are considering other options, but some, like Tony Perkins, have not ruled out supporting Trump in the primary.

    • Conservative discontent towards Trump's handling of pro-life issuesSome conservatives are displeased with Trump's approach to pro-life issues and see DeSantis as a potential alternative due to his fighting spirit and adherence to principles, but DeSantis faces challenges in building relationships within these circles.

      There is a growing discontent among some conservative groups towards former President Trump, particularly regarding his handling of pro-life issues. Some individuals are expressing their frustrations publicly, accusing Trump of prioritizing personal grievances over the mission to make America great again. They believe DeSantis could be the alternative, offering a mix of Trump's fighting spirit and Pence's adherence to principles. However, DeSantis has yet to effectively build relationships and alliances within these circles, which could hinder his chances of becoming a viable contender. Trump, who has generally kept his base close, has not addressed this issue, surprising many loyal supporters. Some speculate that Trump's arrogance and belief in his accomplishments for the pro-life movement may be contributing factors.

    • Exploiting the Abortion Issue: Trump and DeSantis' Different TacticsTrump and DeSantis are using the abortion issue to appeal to different segments of the Republican base. Trump's previous nuanced views on the issue could be a vulnerability, while DeSantis' signing of a 6-week abortion ban could solidify his support among evangelical and single-issue voters.

      Both Trump and DeSantis are exploiting the abortion issue in their own ways to appeal to different segments of the Republican base. However, Trump's response to the Florida heartbeat bill could be interesting as he has previously shown more nuanced views on the issue, even defending Planned Parenthood during the 2016 primary debates. Trump's lack of strong pro-life beliefs could be a vulnerability for him in the upcoming primary, especially among evangelical and single-issue voters. DeSantis, on the other hand, is expected to use the signing of the 6-week abortion ban as a way to appeal to these voters and potentially launch his presidential campaign. Trump's response could either solidify the gap between the two or provide an opportunity for Trump to regain support from this crucial voting bloc.

    • Evangelical support for Trump: Complex and nuancedDespite conflicts with values, some evangelicals continue to support Trump, while others view his scandals as political prosecution. New scandals could fracture this support, but the divide between elite and grassroots remains a key factor.

      The political support for Donald Trump among the evangelical base remains complex and nuanced, despite his personal scandals and policies that may conflict with their values. While some may have made their peace with his behavior, others view it as a political prosecution and continue to support him. However, if Trump's struggles continue and new scandals emerge, the cumulative effect could lead to a fracturing of this support. The question of how the payoffs to porn stars will impact the evangelical base is still unclear, but it may serve as another point of contention. Ultimately, the divide between the evangelical elite and the grassroots remains a significant factor in understanding the dynamics of this relationship.

    • White evangelical voters' disillusionment with Trump may not significantly impact their voting patterns during a general electionDespite expressing discontent with Trump, white evangelical voters are likely to stick with him in a general election due to the binary choice dynamic. However, in a primary setting, their support could potentially shift if Trump is not the nominee.

      While white evangelical voters may express disillusionment with Donald Trump at the grassroots level, their support for him remains strong in a general election due to the binary choice dynamic. However, in a primary setting, there seems to be a growing disappointment with Trump, which could potentially lead to a shift in their voting decisions. For instance, if Trump were not the nominee and the alternative was someone like Mike Pence, the decision-making process for evangelical voters could change significantly. Overall, the level of disillusionment with Trump among white evangelical voters is noticeable, but it may not translate into a significant shift in voting patterns during a general election. Tim Alberta, a staff writer at The Atlantic and author of American Carnage, shared these insights based on his extensive reporting in evangelical churches.

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