
    Tim Miller: A Season of Grifters and Crackpots

    en-usJune 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Significant Events: Trump IndictmentLegal experts agree with the strong and airtight case against Trump in the indictment, with factual points that are irrefutable, even Trump himself has not disputed them, and the reaction to it includes non-political experts in prosecutorial matters.

      The indictment of Donald Trump has been a significant event, with Special Counsel Jack Smith leading the investigation with a strong and airtight case. The indictment has been met with widespread agreement from legal experts, both within and outside the political sphere. The factual points presented in the indictment are so irrefutable that even Trump himself has not disputed them. This is a notable development, as the response to the indictment has not been limited to the "never Trump" crowd or political commentators, but has also included experts in prosecutorial matters who are generally non-political. The indictment and the reaction to it serve as a reminder of the ongoing legal challenges facing Trump and the seriousness of the allegations against him.

    • Donald Trump Indictment: Significant Shift in Republican ReactionsThe indictment of Donald Trump for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal has led to a notable shift in reactions from Republican figures, with some expressing criticism and reluctance, indicating a potential turning point in the political landscape.

      The indictment against Donald Trump for his role in the payment of hush money to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal is significant due to the damning evidence presented, including a tape where Trump appears to admit to the crime. The indictment has led to a notable shift in reactions from Republican figures, with some expressing reluctance and even criticism of Trump's actions. The indictment has been widely covered in the media, and the reaction from the Republican Party and its leaders has been a topic of discussion. It is notable that even some more conservative figures have spoken out against Trump's actions, indicating a potential turning point in the political landscape. The indictment itself is a significant development in the ongoing legal proceedings against Trump, and it remains to be seen how this will play out in the coming days and weeks.

    • Marco Rubio's defense of Trump: Not a spy or actively selling secretsThe political response to Trump's actions remains contentious, with some advocating for a unified stance against him and others fearing the consequences of such action, while the discussion of pardons highlights a desire to move past the trial and conviction.

      Marco Rubio's defense in the ongoing political drama hinges on the argument that Trump, despite his actions, is not a spy or actively selling secrets to hostile foreign powers. This perspective, which some view as a desperate attempt to minimize the severity of the situation, highlights the divisive nature of the political landscape. The Republican Party's response to Trump's actions remains a contentious issue, with some believing that a unified stance against him could make a difference, while others fear it could lead to a stronger backlash. Additionally, the rapid shift towards discussing pardons for Trump suggests a collective desire to move past the trial and conviction. Overall, the situation underscores the deep divisions within the political sphere and the challenges of finding common ground.

    • Politicians and Trump Supporters Advocate for Pardons or Downplay Legal IssuesSome politicians and Trump supporters are advocating for pardons or downplaying the significance of Trump's legal issues to maintain base support, but this strategy may not be accepted by the public and could impact future elections.

      Some politicians and supporters of former President Trump are advocating for pardons or downplaying the significance of his legal issues, viewing it as a way to maintain the base's support. This includes figures like Nikki Haley and Ron Desantis, who are seen as trying to appease the Trump cult following. Another example is Vivek Ramaswamy, who is taking a more aggressive approach by publicly supporting Trump and even considering a potential pardon lawsuit against President Biden. The motivation behind these actions is the belief that the base will continue to support them regardless of Trump's legal troubles. However, this strategy may ultimately fail as the public may not accept such actions as a legitimate way to move past the legal issues. Additionally, there is a new development in the Florida political scene with Miami Mayor Francis Suarez, a former Democratic voter, entering the Republican gubernatorial race, which could add an interesting dynamic to the upcoming election.

    • Miami Mayor Francis Suarez's Shift to MAGA MovementMayor Suarez is aligning with the MAGA movement and tech bros to gain prominence in the Republican party, leveraging the Trump era's realignment and grifting trends.

      Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is capitalizing on the political realignment of the Trump era by aligning himself with the MAGA movement and tech bros, despite previously identifying as a moderate Republican. This wave of realignment, similar to that of Elon Musk, presents an opportunity for him to gain prominence within the Republican party, which may have otherwise been difficult for him due to the long line of established figures. Additionally, there are suggestions of grifting and troublemaking at play, with Roger Stone's presence in South Florida raising some eyebrows. The mayor's sudden shift towards the MAGA movement and association with figures like Musk can be seen as a calculated move to ride this wave and gain recognition, rather than an authentic alignment with the movement. The Trump era has seen an influx of grifters who have been able to quickly rise to the top ranks, and Suarez seems to be following this trend. The mayor's actions, such as offering to pay for a restaurant tab and then not following through, are reminiscent of Trump's behavior and highlight the leniency with which the former president is treated.

    • RFK Jr's Approval Ratings Differ Significantly Among PartiesRFK Jr's Kennedy legacy and alignment with MAGA right resonate with some Republicans, causing a significant disparity in approval ratings between parties, while Democrats continue to support him due to dissatisfaction with Biden and Kennedy loyalty.

      RFK Jr's approval ratings among Republicans significantly outweigh those among Democrats, despite his controversial views on key political issues. This disparity can be attributed to his alignment with the MAGA right and conspiracy theorists, as well as his Kennedy legacy, which resonates with some Republicans. Despite his stance on issues like democracy, COVID, public health, and Ukraine war, which are major concerns for voters, RFK Jr has gained support from a portion of the Democratic primary due to dissatisfaction with Joe Biden's age and a smaller group of Kennedy loyalists. The question remains as to why these Democrats continue to support RFK Jr despite his controversial positions.

    • Manipulative tactics exploiting far-left fringe for third-party candidateRight-wing figures are exploiting the far-left fringe to promote a third-party candidate, aiming to widen the political divide and distract from the main election contest. However, such a candidate would face significant obstacles to winning the presidency.

      The far-left fringe of the Democratic party, which includes some anti-vaxxers and anti-establishment figures, is being exploited by right-wing figures like Steve Bannon and Alex Jones to promote a third-party candidate, possibly former Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida. This intentional "rat fuck" strategy aims to widen the political divide and distract from the main election contest between the two major parties. Despite the appeal of a third-party option, the reality is that such a candidate would face significant obstacles to winning the presidency. However, DeSantis' entry into the race could change the dynamics of the election by shifting the focus to an ideological battle. It's essential to be aware of these manipulative tactics and the potential consequences they may have on the electoral process.

    • Cuccinelli's Support for DeSantis Raises ConcernsCuccinelli's endorsement of DeSantis could sway Republican voters, while careless handling of sensitive info by campaign associates poses a security risk.

      The presence of Ken Cuccinelli, a prominent Republican figure, openly discussing his support for Ron DeSantis in a public setting raises questions about the potential overlap between DeSantis donors and those who might consider a third-party option in a Trump vs. Biden electorate. The speaker, Rick, explains that such voters could make a significant impact on the election outcome. Additionally, the careless handling of sensitive information by high-profile individuals associated with the DeSantis campaign could pose a security risk. The speaker's anecdote about overhearing Cuccinelli's conversation in an airport illustrates this issue.

    • DeSantis Faces Challenges in Republican Primary Due to Far-Right AssociationsDespite leading Ted Cruz's 2016 campaign team, DeSantis trails in NH polls due to limited base appeal and association with far-right figures. Absence of concrete evidence against Biden complicates matters.

      Ron DeSantis is facing a significant challenge in the Republican primary due to his association with far-right ideologues like Ken Cuccinelli. A recent New Hampshire poll from American Greatness shows DeSantis trailing behind Donald Trump with only 12% of the votes, while Ted Cruz-like figures such as Chris Christie and Tim Scott are performing better. DeSantis' reliance on the same team from the 2016 Ted Cruz campaign, including Jeff Roe and Ken Cuccinelli, could lead him down the same path as Cruz, who won Iowa but got trounced in New Hampshire. The problem for DeSantis is that New Hampshire voters are not primarily evangelical, and his base is not large enough to compete with other candidates in the three primary categories: working-class MAGA types, Boston suburban types, and traditional conservatives. The absence of concrete evidence or "smoking gun tapes" in the ongoing allegations against Joe Biden further complicates matters for DeSantis and his allies, as they continue to hold on to unsubstantiated claims.

    • Allegations of Financial Improprieties Involving Biden and SonOngoing unsubstantiated allegations of financial misconduct by Biden and son from an anonymous source have been extensively reported, but lack solid evidence. Journalistic credibility requires reporting on all newsworthy stories, even if implausible.

      There are ongoing allegations regarding potential financial improprieties involving President Joe Biden and his son Hunter, specifically regarding payments from an executive of Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma. These allegations come from a single anonymous source and have not been substantiated with concrete evidence. Despite the lack of solid evidence, some news outlets, like Fox News, have reported on these allegations extensively. The discussion also touched upon the inconsistency in how such allegations are treated versus other potentially newsworthy issues, such as foreign payoffs. The speaker expressed concern over the potential for cognitive dissonance and the importance of maintaining journalistic credibility by reporting on all newsworthy stories, even if they seem implausible at first.

    • The Importance of Thoroughly Investigating AllegationsDon't dismiss allegations based on embarrassment or strangeness. Thoroughly investigate before jumping to conclusions.

      Just because something seems strange or embarrassing doesn't necessarily mean it's untrue. The Hunter Biden laptop story, which was initially dismissed by many, ultimately proved to be true, but it primarily revealed personal and embarrassing information about Hunter Biden, rather than any wrongdoing on Joe Biden's part. The standard for evidence required to make an allegation against a public figure is much higher than a single email or text message. The discussion also touched upon the asymmetry in the amount of evidence needed to make an allegation versus the evidence presented, and the observation that Father's Day often receives less recognition than Mother's Day. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of thoroughly investigating allegations before making assumptions or jumping to conclusions.

    • Embrace continuous improvementThe Bulwark podcast highlights the importance of continuous learning and improvement, both personally and professionally. Through dedicated teamwork and collaboration, we can achieve great things and never settle for mediocrity.

      Importance of continuous learning and improvement. The Bulwark podcast is a testament to this, as it is produced, engineered, and edited by dedicated individuals who strive for excellence in their craft. Katie Cooper, the producer, and Jason Brown, the engineer and editor, work together to create a high-quality podcast that provides valuable insights and discussions. This process doesn't end with one episode or one season. Instead, they commit to doing it all over again, ensuring that each new episode is just as engaging and informative as the last. This dedication to continuous improvement is a valuable lesson for us all. Whether it's in our personal lives or in our professional careers, we can all benefit from embracing the idea that there is always room for growth and improvement. Furthermore, the production of the podcast also highlights the importance of teamwork and collaboration. Katie and Jason work together to bring the podcast to life, showcasing the power of combining different skills and perspectives to achieve a common goal. In essence, the Bulwark podcast serves as a reminder that we should never settle for mediocrity and that there is always room for improvement, whether it's in our personal or professional lives. By embracing this mindset and working together with others, we can achieve great things and continue to learn and grow.

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