
    Time Does Not Heal All Wounds (Ep 1064)

    enSeptember 11, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Patriot Mobile and Timeshare Relief with Dan BonginoListeners learned about Patriot Mobile, a cell phone company supporting conservative values, and Wesley Financial Group's assistance in getting out of timeshare contracts.

      During the Dan Bongino show, they discussed various topics including switching to Patriot Mobile, a conservative cell phone company that provides reliable nationwide coverage and supports values such as gun rights, freedom of speech, secure borders, and the sanctity of life. They also talked about the struggles of getting out of timeshares and how Wesley Financial Group can help. Bongino shared his personal experience as a Secret Service agent during 9/11 and how the event left a lasting impact on him and his generation. The show was brought to you by Wesley Financial Group, who helps people get out of timeshare contracts. Remember, if you're stuck in a timeshare nightmare, go to icanceltimeshare.com and mention the Dan Bongino show for free information.

    • A routine arrest turns into a tragic day of terrorismOn September 11, 2001, a routine arrest call was overshadowed by a devastating terrorist attack, highlighting the importance of being prepared for the unexpected.

      The events of September 11, 2001, were a shocking and unexpected reality for many people, even those in law enforcement who were directly impacted. During a routine arrest, an agent received a call from the New York office reporting a bombing at the World Trade Center. At first, it was assumed to be a poorly timed joke, but as events unfolded, it became clear that this was a tragic and devastating terrorist attack. The agent, Paul Sadler, who had flying experience, quickly assessed the situation and confirmed that it was not an accident. The day was filled with chaos and uncertainty as the full extent of the damage and loss became clear. This experience served as a stark reminder of the importance of being prepared for the unexpected and the devastating impact of terrorism.

    • The Impact of 9/11 on Individuals and CommunitiesThe events of 9/11 left a profound impact on people's lives, causing fear, loss, and grief, but also bringing communities together in remembrance and honor of those lost.

      The events of September 11, 2001, left an indelible mark on people's lives, no matter where they were in the world. The speaker shared personal stories of how the tragedy affected him and his friends, including the fear of losing loved ones, the inability to make contact, and the sense of loss and grief. The speaker also paid tribute to those who lost their lives that day, including a firefighter whose body was never found. The experience brought people together, and they remembered and honored those who were lost. The speaker also touched upon other topics, such as a controversial CNN story, but the overarching theme was the impact of 9/11 on individuals and communities.

    • CNN's report on Trump and Russians discreditedCNN's story about Trump sharing sensitive info with Russians, putting an informant's life at risk, has been debunked. The media coverage itself might have endangered the informant before Trump took office.

      CNN's report about the CIA and FBI using debunked sources to spy on a presidential candidate, specifically their story about Trump giving up sensitive information to the Russians leading to the endangered life of an informant, has been widely discredited. The media coverage itself, including CNN's own reporting, may have put the informant in danger before Trump even took office. The timeline shows that CNN reported on the laptop bomb threat a month before Trump's alleged sharing of the information with the Russians. This raises questions about the accuracy and thoroughness of CNN's reporting, and their potential motivation to create a narrative that gives the FBI and CIA cover for their actions.

    • Russian source's credibility questionedSkepticism advised on Russian intel, source's credibility in doubt, agencies' motives unclear, validity of situation questioned

      The allegations of a Russian source providing misinformation to intelligence agencies about Trump should be viewed with skepticism. The source's credibility is in question, and it's unclear if the agencies were aware of the disinformation or were intentionally using it to justify their actions. Additionally, the idea that officials went to great lengths to exfiltrate this source from Russia, only for him to be easily found by reporters, raises questions about the validity of the entire situation. It's important to remember that this is just one theory, and more information needs to surface before drawing definitive conclusions. In other news, the importance of a good night's sleep was emphasized, with Bowling Branch sheets being recommended for their softness and comfort that only improves with age.

    • Significant economic improvements under TrumpThe poverty rate decreased by 1.4 million, real median earnings increased by 3.4%, and 2.3 million more full-time workers in 2018 compared to 2017 under Trump's economy

      Contrary to liberal claims, the American economy under President Trump has shown significant improvements, as indicated by the latest data from the Census Bureau. The poverty rate decreased for the fourth consecutive year, with 1.4 million fewer people living in poverty in 2018 compared to 2017. Furthermore, real median earnings for all workers increased by 3.4%, and the number of full-time year-round workers grew by 2.3 million between 2017 and 2018. These figures challenge the narrative that the Trump economy only benefits the rich and that wages are stagnant. It's crucial to recognize the truth behind economic data and not be swayed by political agendas.

    • Income inequality decreases, middle-class income growsRecent data shows income inequality decreased, with the top 20% holding less income and the Gini index declining. Middle-class households in the 20th to 40th percentile experienced the largest income growth in 2018. Remember, income groups are not static and constantly change, so individual factors matter.

      Contrary to popular belief, middle-class earnings, median income, and income inequality are not stagnant or growing. According to recent data from the Census Bureau, income inequality actually decreased as the share of income held by the top 20% and the Gini index both saw significant declines. Additionally, households in the 20th to 40th percentile experienced the largest increase in average household income in 2018. It's important to remember that when discussing income groups, the arguments can be misleading as the groups are not static and constantly change. The rich are not the same people who were rich before, and the same applies to the middle class and the poor. Therefore, it's crucial to consider individual factors when analyzing economic data. However, it's also essential to acknowledge that the number of uninsured Americans has increased since the start of the Trump administration.

    • Improving economy and poverty decline contribute to increase in uninsured AmericansThe increase in uninsured Americans is due to a combination of factors including the improving economy, fewer people qualifying for Medicaid, and the repeal of the individual mandate.

      The increase in the number of uninsured Americans is not solely due to Trump's policies, but also because of the improving economy and fewer people qualifying for Medicaid. The media and some liberals are focusing on the increase in uninsured Americans as a problem, but it's not that simple. The editorial board of The Wall Street Journal explains that this dip in health insurance coverage is a natural result of the economy improving and poverty declining. Additionally, the repeal of the individual mandate has allowed more people to opt out of buying insurance they don't want. This is a complex issue, and it's important to understand the reasons behind the data before making assumptions. The Democrats and the media may want to frame this as a problem with Trump's policies, but the truth is more nuanced.

    • Unions limiting self-checkout counters despite potential job lossesUnions trying to prevent automation may hinder their members' job security, highlighting the importance of securing life insurance coverage.

      Unions were warned about the potential job losses caused by pushing for high minimum wages, but now they're trying to limit self-checkout counters in response. This is a major face palm moment as automation continues to increase due to the inability of some workers to generate the required value for their wages. The easiest way to prepare for the unexpected is to ensure you have life insurance coverage. Policy Genius makes it easy to compare and buy life insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, and disability insurance in minutes. Don't wait, go to PolicyGenius.com today.

    • Oregon's Community Protection Act may lead to job loss through automationThe proposed Community Protection Act in Oregon could limit the number of checkout counters in grocery stores, potentially leading to job loss through automation and negatively impacting retiree wealth and the economy with Elizabeth Warren's proposed 'accountable capitalism act'.

      The proposed Community Protection Act in Oregon could limit the number of cell service checkout counters in grocery stores, potentially leading to job loss through automation. This comes after a push for a $15 minimum wage, which many warned would result in automation. The union's actions are seen as not representing the interests of workers, as they may cause businesses to go under and result in job loss. Elizabeth Warren's proposed "accountable capitalism act" could also negatively impact retiree wealth and the economy as a whole, according to critics. These actions could result in significant job and economic losses.

    • Misconception about wealth and stocksContrary to Elizabeth Warren's narrative, the middle class holds a significant amount of wealth in stocks and investments, making them vulnerable to changes in the market.

      Contrary to popular belief, the middle class holds a significant amount of wealth in the form of stocks and other investments. Elizabeth Warren's narrative of targeting the wealthy one percent as the primary owners of stocks and bonds is misleading. According to the Federal Reserve, older Americans, particularly seniors, hold a large portion of the country's wealth and stocks. The idea that only the wealthy are affected by changes in the stock market is incorrect. The real money lies with the middle class and retired Americans who have worked and saved throughout their lives. Elizabeth Warren's proposed Accountable Capitalism Act aims to change the fiduciary responsibility of corporations from serving their shareholders to serving various stakeholders. However, shareholders, including the middle class, are the true owners of the companies through their stock ownership. This shift could negatively impact the middle class and retirees who rely on their investments for retirement income.

    • Elizabeth Warren's Accountable Capitalism Act and its potential conflictsThe Act proposes companies prioritize multiple stakeholders, potentially leading to conflicts and legal battles, while critics argue companies are already accountable to various stakeholders

      According to the discussion, Elizabeth Warren's Accountable Capitalism Act proposes that companies with over a billion dollars in revenue would be required to prioritize multiple stakeholders, not just shareholders, leading to potential conflicts and legal battles. Critics argue that this could result in national bankruptcy and collapse the economy. Instead, they believe companies are already accountable to various stakeholders, including shareholders, regulators, and the public. Another topic touched upon was John Bolton's departure from his role as National Security Advisor, with differing accounts on whether he resigned or was fired. The discussion highlighted the disagreement between Bolton's and Trump's foreign policy perspectives.

    • Conflicting views on America-first policy lead to Bolton's resignationBolton resigned due to disagreements over peace talks with Taliban, marking the anniversary of 9/11 and his departure from White House

      John Bolton's resignation as National Security Advisor was due in part to conflicting views with President Trump's America-first policy. The final straw was the aborted peace talks with the Taliban at Camp David, which led to a heated disagreement. Bolton wanted to resign over this issue, but didn't do so publicly. Elsewhere in the news, it's important to remember the significance of September 11th, a day of devastating attacks on the United States. Bolton shared his thoughts on the day's importance, reminding listeners to share the history with their children. The day also marked the anniversary of John Bolton's departure from the White House.

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