
    Tish and Brandi Cyrus: Disney, Daughters & Divorce [VIDEO]

    enFebruary 07, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Alex and Tish's playful dynamicFriends Alex and Tish's podcast recording features banter, role reversal, and a maternal-like Alex convincing Tish to keep paranoid content, highlighting their close bond and entertaining audience.

      The relationship between Alex Cooper (Alex) and her friend Brandy (Tish) is characterized by playful banter and a role reversal, with Alex often taking on a more maternal role. During their podcast recording, Tish shares stories and gets high, leading to paranoia and a desire to cut the content. However, Alex convinces her to keep it, finding the dynamic entertaining for their audience. The episode is sponsored by David's Bridal and Shopify, with the latter emphasized for its ability to help businesses grow. Alex describes her past experience as a controlling parent when her children were young but admits to enjoying having fun on a daily basis. The conversation between the two friends showcases their close bond and their ability to bring humor to various situations.

    • Tish Cyrus' close bond with Miley and her unique personalityTish's lenient parenting allowed Miley to explore her interests, leading to a successful music career. Strong family bond and open communication contribute to individual successes.

      Tish Cyrus, the mother of Miley Cyrus and five other children, shares a close bond with her daughters, particularly Miley, who she describes as having a "sparkle" that came from their experiences growing up. Tish was a strict parent to her oldest child, Brandy, but became more lenient as her children grew older. This leniency allowed Miley to explore her interests and develop her unique personality, which led to her successful music career. The Cyrus women have a strong bond and enjoy gossiping and sharing stories, creating a supportive and loving family dynamic. Despite the differences in parenting styles between Tish and her oldest child, Brandy, they have a deep understanding and appreciation for each other. The family's open communication and ability to adapt to changing circumstances have contributed to their strong bond and individual successes.

    • Sibling relationships and their evolution with parental figuresDespite strict upbringing, sibling relationships can evolve around shared experiences and substance use. Older siblings can introduce younger ones to new experiences, but roles can reverse as circumstances change.

      The dynamic between siblings, especially in the context of parental figures, can be complex and evolve over time. The speaker shares an example of being the older sister figure for her siblings, but also experiencing strict parenting growing up. She recounts how her relationship with her sister, Brandy, evolved around substance use, with Brandy introducing her to marijuana after a traumatic experience on tour. Despite her initial strict stance against drugs, the speaker eventually started using marijuana to help her sleep. Now, with roles reversed, Brandy is sober while the speaker continues to use marijuana. The speaker also shares a humorous anecdote about Miley Cyrus' infamous salvia incident, clarifying that it was not actually marijuana as commonly believed. Overall, this conversation highlights the intricacies of sibling relationships and how they can change and develop throughout life.

    • Navigating the Challenges of Leaving Home for College and Pursuing Personal GoalsDespite the difficulties of leaving home for college and facing new challenges, individuals can discover new passions and form meaningful connections that contribute to personal growth.

      The experience of moving to pursue personal goals and leaving behind familiar surroundings can be challenging, especially during formative years when individuals are expected to have a clear direction for their lives. This was the case for one individual in the group, who felt lost and disconnected during her first year of college, despite being committed to staying close to home. The homesickness and lack of direction intensified when her family moved to California for career opportunities. However, this difficult period also led to new experiences and discoveries, including the pursuit of music and forming friendships within the Disney World Everlife community. Ultimately, the unexpected fame that came with their family's television show was an added layer of complexity, but one that they could not have anticipated.

    • Navigating fame as a familyResilience, adaptability, and family support are crucial during times of change and adversity.

      Navigating fame with a large family can be incredibly challenging, but having the support of loved ones can make all the difference. Tish Cyrus shared a story about her family's experience with Miley Cyrus' rise to fame as a child star, and how the entire family had to adapt to the sudden phenomenon of Hannah Montana. Despite the challenges, such as constant attention from fans and the need for the whole family to be together, Tish emphasized that their family was not destroyed by Miley's success. Instead, she credits her husband's support and the importance of keeping her family together as the key to getting through the experience. Overall, Tish's story highlights the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the power of family during times of change and adversity.

    • Growing up in a famous family brings unique challengesBalancing career and parenting while dealing with people's motivations and leaning into challenges brings joy in the journey

      Fame can bring unique challenges, particularly for families with multiple talented members. Brandy Cyrus, a singer and actress, shared her experience of growing up in a famous family and the impact it had on her relationships and friendships. She described the difficulty of balancing her career and parenting responsibilities while dealing with the constant questioning of people's motivations for befriending or dating her due to her family connections. However, Brandy has learned to embrace her story and use her experiences as a bargaining chip rather than a burden. She expressed gratitude for her supportive friends and the skills her mother instilled in her to forge her own path. Ultimately, Brandy's message is that everyone faces challenges, and it's essential to lean into them and find joy in the journey.

    • Experiences of being a supportive partner and parentDespite the emotional toll, the speaker values the experiences and lessons learned from being a supportive partner and parent, and now embraces the unpredictability of life and staying true to oneself.

      Being a creative and supportive partner or parent can be both rewarding and challenging. The speaker shares her experiences of taking on a supportive role, allowing her partner to be the creative one, and the emotional toll it took on her. With her own family, she is now in a position to be the creative one, but finds herself without a playbook when unexpected situations arise. The speaker also reveals her tendency to pick fights, particularly against authority figures, and her past experiences of lying to her mother about having sex. Despite the challenges, the speaker expresses gratitude for the experiences and the lessons they have taught her. Ultimately, she embraces the unpredictability of life and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • The Challenges and Joys of Growing UpGrowing up involves complex experiences and societal pressures, requiring balance and support.

      Growing up comes with its share of challenges and experiences, some of which may not be easy to share with others. The speaker shared stories from her teenage years, including dating someone fresh out of rehab and lying to her mother about going to meet the Jonas Brothers. She also mentioned the societal pressure to abstain from sex entirely during her teenage years and the anxiety she felt when someone she knew had a child young. Despite the difficulties, the speaker also highlighted the joy and excitement of youth, such as meeting her favorite celebrities and forming strong friendships. Overall, the discussion underscores the complexities and contradictions of growing up and the importance of finding balance and support during that time.

    • Exploring a Potential Romantic Connection Across Age DifferencesDespite age differences, people can find common ground and consider a romantic connection. However, initiating contact and overcoming discomfort can be challenging. Authenticity and shared interests are key to building a strong relationship.

      The speakers in this discussion are considering the possibility of a romantic connection between two people, John and Brandi, despite their age difference. They feel that they share similarities and believe that they could have a good relationship. However, they also acknowledge the challenges of meeting new people and the discomfort of using dating apps or direct messages to initiate contact. They express their desire for someone who appreciates their outdoor lifestyle and values authenticity. The conversation also touches on the topic of being an advocate for older single women and the stigma surrounding dating apps and using social media for romantic connections. Ultimately, they encourage each other to take risks and put themselves out there, even if it feels cringy or uncomfortable at first.

    • Exploring the complexities of mother-daughter relationshipsAccepting and appreciating differences, personal growth, self-care, and communication are crucial for maintaining strong mother-daughter bonds.

      Despite the imperfections and quirks that can sometimes give us the "ick," the honesty and love between mothers and daughters, as well as the personal growth and self-discovery that comes with facing fears and embracing alone time, are valuable aspects of their relationship. The discussion between Tish and Brandy highlights the importance of accepting and appreciating each other's differences, as well as the significance of personal growth and self-care in maintaining a strong bond. Additionally, the conversation touches on the impact of fear and the passage of time on the decision to end a marriage. Overall, the conversation between Tish and Brandy showcases the complexities and nuances of family relationships and the importance of communication and self-discovery.

    • Finding freedom through ending unhealthy relationshipsEnding a long-term relationship can lead to personal growth and freedom despite initial fear and psychological struggles

      Ending a long-term relationship, even one that may seem unbearable, can lead to personal growth and freedom. The fear of the unknown, such as being alone or the potential loss of a loved one, can keep people in unhealthy situations. However, taking the leap to leave can ultimately result in feelings of relief and lightness. This was the experience of Brandy, who shared her story of overcoming the fear of being alone after her mother passed away and her divorce. Despite the initial fear and psychological struggles, she ultimately felt free and grateful for the new chapter in her life. It's important to remember that every situation is unique, and there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to ending a relationship. The key is to prioritize your own well-being and trust that new opportunities for growth and happiness will come.

    • The importance of self-reflection and growth in relationshipsRecognizing that relationships can change and prioritizing personal growth and happiness can lead to healthier partnerships.

      Relationships can evolve over time, and what may have seemed perfect in the past might not align with our values and desires as we grow older. The speaker shares her experience of observing her parents' marriage and her own relationship with Billy, which she once wanted to keep together at all costs. However, after reflecting on the situation and recognizing the hurt and sacrifices involved, she now wishes that her parents had prioritized their own happiness and well-being. The speaker also acknowledges the complexity of family dynamics and the role she played as a peacemaker, trying to help her parents work things out. Overall, this discussion highlights the importance of self-reflection and growth in relationships and the potential for personal development as we navigate the complexities of family and romantic partnerships.

    • Building respectful relationshipsIdentify disrespect, prioritize self-worth, and focus on personal growth and happiness. Avoid toxic relationships and prioritize peace and well-being in family dynamics.

      Relationships should be built on respect. Tisha shared her experience of enduring disrespect in her past marriage and how she learned to identify and avoid it in her current relationship. She emphasized that it's essential to recognize the signs of disrespect and prioritize self-worth. It's also crucial to remember that one should not stay in a toxic relationship out of fear or societal pressure. Instead, it's important to believe those who show you who they truly are and focus on personal growth and happiness. Navigating family dynamics and opinions can be challenging, but as the mother, it's essential to prioritize peace and prioritize one's own well-being.

    • Prioritizing Others' Happiness Over Your OwnPutting others first can lead to relinquishing control and unexpected connections, emphasizing the importance of self-care.

      Putting others' happiness before your own can lead to relinquishing control in relationships, even within families. In this discussion, Tish shared her experience of always prioritizing her siblings' happiness over her own, leading to a change in family dynamics where she now takes a step back and lets everyone handle their own conflicts. This shift was initially met with shock but has ultimately resulted in a more peaceful and independent dynamic. Tish's story also includes an unexpected connection with Dom from "Prison Break," which began as a harmless joke but eventually led to a real interaction when he DM'd her in 2016. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of self-care and the potential for unexpected connections in life.

    • Unexpected connections can lead to remarkable experiencesEmbrace new opportunities and have faith in oneself, as unexpected connections can lead to meaningful relationships

      Sometimes, unexpected connections can lead to remarkable experiences. The speaker shared a story about reaching out to an old crush, Dominic, whom she had been blocked by on Instagram years ago. With the encouragement of her friend, she contacted him, mentioning her production deal at NBCU, and they ended up meeting, falling in love, and getting married. The experience showed the speaker that even if she felt unworthy or doubted her worth, love and connection could still surprise her. It's essential to have faith in oneself and embrace new opportunities, as they may lead to unexpected but meaningful relationships.

    • The power of love and self-confidence in personal growthFinding a partner who validates your feelings and makes you feel seen and loved can lead to profound personal growth and transformation

      Love and self-confidence can lead to personal growth and transformation. Brandy's story highlights the importance of finding a partner who validates your feelings and makes you feel seen and loved. Her experiences with her mother's relationship and her own past struggles with self-worth have been significantly impacted by her current relationship with Dom. The emotional intelligence and understanding he brings to their partnership have helped Brandy heal and blossom into the best version of herself. It's never too late to find someone who makes you feel loved and appreciated, and that connection can lead to a profound impact on your life.

    • Mother-daughter bonding through podcastingDuring the pandemic, Brandy and Miley started a podcast to spend more time together, building a strong bond through mutual respect and love.

      The relationship between the mother-daughter duo, Brandy and Miley, in their podcast is built on a foundation of mutual respect, love, and the joy of spending time together. They decided to start the podcast during the pandemic when they both had free time and found it to be an enjoyable experience. The best part of working together is the increased time they spend with each other, while the worst part is the struggle to commit to a consistent recording schedule. Brandy, who is also a DJ, shared her passion for her craft and her recent decision to focus more on it. Overall, their podcast is a testament to their strong bond and their ability to entertain their audience with their flowing conversations.

    • Determination and hard work lead to significant accomplishmentsSuccess requires setting goals, working hard, empowering young girls, and giving credit to mothers' contributions

      Determination and hard work can lead to significant accomplishments and personal growth. Brandy, a successful entrepreneur, shared her excitement about her new residency in Vegas, emphasizing the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. She also highlighted the importance of empowering young girls to pursue their passions and giving credit to mothers for their contributions to their families. Brandy's openness about her own struggles and experiences resonated with the listeners, reminding them that no one has it all together and encouraging them to make changes if they're unhappy. The podcast, which feels like a conversation between friends, aims to help people realize that they have the power to create a second act in their lives. Brandy's story is a reminder that it takes effort, but the rewards are worth it.

    • Recognizing and Embracing IndividualityEmbrace unique personalities and value individuality to foster healthy relationships and move past toxic ones.

      Individuals, regardless of their roles in a family or their differences, deserve to be treated as unique and valuable. During a conversation on Collar Daddy, the hosts discussed their experiences with Miley and Noah Cyrus, noting their distinct personalities and the dynamic they brought to the table. The hosts also touched upon their past experiences with controlling relationships and how they learned to recognize and move past them. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of recognizing individuality and embracing differences, rather than trying to fit into preconceived roles or expectations. Additionally, the hosts highlighted the damaging effects of toxic relationships and the importance of recognizing and moving past them.

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