
    Top Line Revenue and Niche Advertising on Instagram!

    enFebruary 03, 2015

    Podcast Summary

    • 1. Utilize social capital to hire an assistantOffer alternative forms of compensation to hire an assistant when financial resources are limited, building long-term relationships and future benefits.

      Building relationships and utilizing social capital can lead to hiring an assistant even when financial resources are limited. Gary Vaynerchuk shared his personal story of how he hired DRock, who initially created a video for him for free, leading to a full-time position. He suggested that entrepreneurs can use their networks and offer alternative forms of compensation to find and hire an assistant when they may not have the necessary capital. This approach not only helps in the short term but also builds long-term relationships and can yield significant benefits in the future.

    • Exploring Alternative Ways to Barter and TradeInstead of relying solely on traditional currency, consider offering services or goods in exchange for needed items through social media, email lists, or platforms. The future may bring a major platform for such bartering and trading within the next 15 years.

      There are creative ways to barter and exchange services instead of relying solely on traditional currency. This was discussed in the context of an editing mistake during a podcast episode, where the suggestion was made to leverage social media, email lists, and even Craigslist to offer services or goods in exchange for the needed edit. The speaker also predicted the emergence of a major platform for such bartering and trading within the next 15 years. He emphasized that in our modern society, there is a lot of inefficiency in the exchange of goods and services, and encouraged actively seeking out opportunities for barter, using assets such as time, skills, or possessions. The speaker's personal experience and belief in the power of barter exchange was shared throughout the conversation.

    • Effective Instagram strategies for musiciansFocus on delivering value, build genuine connections, use platform features, offer talents for exposure, and invest in relationships.

      Making promises you can't keep is a risky business move. Instead, focus on delivering value and building genuine connections. Regarding musicians looking to establish themselves on Instagram, the key is to utilize the platform's unique features effectively. This includes creating engaging 15-second videos, using relevant hashtags, and reaching out to influencers in the music space for potential collaborations. While financial compensation may not always be an option, offering your talents in exchange for exposure can be a valuable investment in your career. Additionally, dedicate significant time and effort to building relationships with potential collaborators and fans through direct messaging and email outreach. Remember, authenticity and persistence are key to success on Instagram and in the music industry.

    • Expanding reach in a niche communityConsistently reach out to hundreds or thousands, create engaging ads, build relationships within community, and connect with influencers and manufacturers for opportunities.

      Building a following and expanding your reach, especially in a niche community, requires consistent effort and persistence. Gary Vaynerchuk suggests getting as much exposure as possible, even if it means reaching out to hundreds or thousands of people, as the alternative is losing out on opportunities. He also recommends creating entertaining and integrated commercials, like those from the 1950s and 60s, to effectively engage audiences. For those starting out, focusing on building relationships within their specific community and reaching out to influencers and manufacturers can lead to valuable opportunities. It's important to remember that self-promotion can be uncomfortable, but it's a necessary part of growing a following and achieving success.

    • Driving revenue growth and controlling expensesFocus on revenue growth, invest in human infrastructure, and keep expenses below sales to ensure financial stability and long-term business growth.

      Focusing on top line revenue and controlling expenses are crucial for business growth. The speaker, Gary, shares his competitive nature and how he applies it to driving revenue in his company, VaynerMedia. He explains that while increasing revenue may not lead to immediate profit, the investments in human infrastructure and learnings will pay off in the long run. He emphasizes the importance of ensuring expenses don't exceed sales to maintain financial stability and grow the business. The speaker's successful entrepreneurial career, where he grew a business from $3 million to over $50 million in five years, is a testament to his expertise in this area.

    • Finding a new audience for higher-priced productsEngage with influencers and give away products to build buzz for higher-priced items, expanding your audience and potentially increasing ROI

      Growing a business requires taking risks and investing in offense, whether that be through marketing efforts or hiring additional help. Alicia from Alicia Bags faced this challenge when releasing a higher-priced product and wondered how to market it to her current audience. The answer, according to Gary, is to find a new audience by engaging with influencers and giving away products to build buzz. While it may be scary to go out and find a new audience, the potential return on investment can be significant. Additionally, it's important to understand that not every member of your current audience may be able to afford your new product, but some may grow with you financially or aspirationally. Overall, the key is to put yourself out there and take calculated risks to drive growth for your business.

    • Gary Vaynerchuk values community engagement and feedbackGary Vaynerchuk appreciates community members' feedback and engagement, considering it crucial to his content creation process. He encourages more active participation in comment sections to strengthen the community.

      Gary Vaynerchuk values the engagement and consistency of his community members, particularly those who regularly leave comments on his YouTube videos and podcast. He considers their feedback essential to his content creation process and appreciates their contributions to the discussions. Gary also mentioned that he is a "feedback animal" and that without the comments, he may consider quitting the show. Therefore, he encourages his listeners to engage more actively in the comment sections and thank their favorite commenters. This not only benefits Gary but also fosters a stronger sense of community among his followers.

    • Engagement and interaction are key to content consumption and creationFocusing on audience engagement and interaction leads to deeper understanding and meaningful connections between content and its audience.

      Engagement and interaction are crucial for both the consumer and the content creator. The way we consume content, be it TV or OTT, tablets or iPads, is a continuous process of questioning and answering. For creators, focusing on top-line revenue can be a means of staying relevant and maintaining attention, which in turn leads to more sales. However, being prepared and clear in communication is essential to ensure a smooth interaction. The conversation also touched upon the importance of being curious and asking questions, as it leads to a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Ultimately, the goal is to create a meaningful connection between the content and its audience, fueled by engagement and interaction.

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