
    Podcast Summary

    • Hosts share personal lockdown experiencesDespite the challenges of the lockdown, hosts found humor in their experiences, from injuries and festivals to cultural differences and small politics

      The hosts, Coco and Nishkumar, shared their personal experiences during the lockdown, including injuries, Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and honeymoon. Coco shared her unfortunate experience of breaking her hand and fainting at the hospital, while also expressing her skepticism towards the use of toilet paper. Nishkumar, on the other hand, shared his experience of attending the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and contracting COVID-19. They also discussed their disagreement with the British culture of using toilet paper and their admiration for Japanese toilets. Despite their light-hearted conversation, they touched upon the topic of small politics and the importance of addressing everyday issues. Overall, the episode showcased the hosts' unique perspectives and their ability to find humor in everyday situations.

    • The honeymoon phase of life and politicsA personal visit to a war museum during a honeymoon led to reflection on human cruelty. Meanwhile, UK politics saw a volatile week marked by tragic events, insensitive rhetoric, and a smear campaign against an immigration lawyer.

      The honeymoon phase of a relationship can be intense and unexpected, just like international politics. The speaker shared her personal experience of an emotional visit to a war museum during her honeymoon, which made her reflect on the capacity for human cruelty. Meanwhile, the political scene in the UK saw a controversial small boats week, marked by tragic events and insensitive rhetoric from government officials towards asylum seekers. Immigration lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie has been targeted in a smear campaign by the conservative party, adding to the already volatile situation. The past weeks have been challenging for Jacqueline, with threats and potential risks to her safety. Despite these challenges, she continues her work advocating for the rights of vulnerable individuals. The intersection of personal experiences and political events serves as a reminder of the complexities and consequences of our actions and words.

    • Unprecedented abuse of power by special adviserSpecial adviser leaked confidential info to smear lawyer, raising concerns about due process and misuse of power.

      The use of confidential information by a special adviser to the home secretary to launch a smear campaign against a lawyer, who has a voluntary role in a political party and is known for their work on human rights issues, is an unprecedented abuse of power. This incident, which has been described as a hit on the Labour party, involved the leaking of sensitive information to the media to damage the reputation of the lawyer in question. The lawyer, who was initially unaware that they were the target of this campaign, only realized when they started receiving messages from journalists asking for their opinion on various matters and then being told that they were the subject of an upcoming story. The incident raises serious concerns about due process and the misuse of confidential information, and it underscores the importance of maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of such information. It also highlights the potential for political opportunism and the manipulation of information for political gain.

    • Attack on a Human Rights Lawyer: Unprecedented Hostility Towards Legal ProfessionA human rights lawyer, Jacqueline McKenzie, was targeted with a 4-page dossier aiming to discredit her as an 'anti-British values' figure. This is a new level of hostility towards named individuals in the legal profession, coinciding with an expose on immigration firms and old allegations from the 1980s.

      The targeted attack on Jacqueline McKenzie, a human rights lawyer, marks a new level of unprecedented hostility towards named individuals in the legal profession. The attack, which included a 4-page dossier with her picture, aimed to discredit her as an "anti-British values" figure and present her as someone frustrating government plans. The timing of the attack coincided with an expose on immigration firms allegedly helping asylum seekers to doctor evidence. The response to the attack was unprecedented, with major organizations and individuals condemning it as unacceptable behavior. The attack also brought up old allegations from the 1980s, where McKenzie was associated with a social democratic group. The attack on McKenzie is a significant escalation in the hostility towards lawyers, particularly those advocating for human rights and social justice.

    • Lawyers Under Fire: A Controversial DebateImmigration lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie defends her role in high-profile cases and vocal advocacy, while the government faces criticism for perceived attempts to silence her through defamation.

      The discussion revolves around the controversial issue of lawyers, particularly those in the immigration and human rights field, being criticized for their roles in legal challenges against government decisions. Jacqueline McKenzie, a prominent immigration lawyer, shares her perspective on the matter, expressing her belief that she is being targeted due to her high-profile cases and her vocal advocacy for causes like Windrush. The Conservative Party has voiced concerns about abusive legal challenges, but McKenzie argues that she plays by the book and that the government could have found evidence of wrongdoing on her part if it existed. She also suggests that there may be elements of vengeance and a desire to silence her in the government's actions. McKenzie and her team are considering legal action against the government for defamation. The debate raises questions about the role of lawyers in a free society, the motivations behind criticism, and the potential consequences for those who speak out against powerful institutions.

    • The Importance of Physical Strength and ExerciseRegular exercise boosts physical and mental well-being, but be wary of misleading economic statistics.

      The importance of physical strength and exercise, even if it's not perfect, cannot be overstated. The speaker shares his personal experience of feeling strong and empowered after engaging in regular exercise, despite struggling with surfing. However, he also warns against irresponsible reporting of economic statistics, specifically regarding inflation and wage growth. The speaker argues that inflation falling does not necessarily mean prices are no longer increasing, and that wages reported as having increased the most since records began are actually decreasing when adjusted for inflation. He also criticizes the idea that the economy is doing well when many people are facing financial struggles. Overall, the takeaway is to be aware of the potential for misleading information and to prioritize physical and mental well-being.

    • Measuring the economy through people's experiencesTo understand the economy and hold those in power accountable, focus on measuring and discussing metrics like wages and living standards, rather than just GDP and inflation.

      The way we measure and understand the economy, often focused on metrics like GDP and inflation, can be disconnected from people's daily experiences and living standards. This disconnect can lead to a sense of optimism based on economic indicators, while people struggle with issues like stagnant wages and crumbling public services. To truly understand the economy and hold those in power accountable, we need to focus on measuring and discussing metrics that matter to people, such as wages and living standards. This would reveal a split economy, where the experiences of the powerful and the majority of people can differ greatly. Additionally, while no single person or institution controls the economy as a whole, there are powerful actors, such as governments, central banks, and corporations, that can significantly shape how economic dynamics affect people's lives.

    • Economic shocks disproportionately harm the working classDuring economic shocks, relief measures often favor the powerful, and it's essential to hold corporations accountable through policies like windfall taxes, while increasing media literacy and acknowledging historical context.

      During economic shocks like austerity and cost of living crisis, the response and relief measures disproportionately benefit the powerful rather than ordinary people. This is evident in the decision-making processes within big institutions, which prioritize economic growth and corporate profits over people's living standards. For instance, the response to inflation through interest rate hikes can lead to unemployment and decreased wages, benefiting the powerful at the expense of the working class. To hold corporate profits accountable, measures such as windfall taxes can be implemented, but require grassroots organization and political change. It's crucial to increase media literacy around economics and acknowledge the historical context when discussing wage statistics.

    • Misconceptions about the causes of the cost of living crisisCentral banks' response to inflation by pushing up unemployment and reducing workers' bargaining power benefits the wealthy, leading to further decreases in real wages for workers

      The current cost of living crisis is not being effectively addressed by the assumed causes of inflation, which is the greed of workers demanding wage increases. Instead, corporations have taken advantage of the situation to increase prices, and the response from central banks has been to cool down the economy by pushing up unemployment and reducing the bargaining power of workers. This approach, which benefits the wealthy, is likely to result in further decreases in real wages for workers, who have already experienced a decade of stagnant wages following the financial crisis and significant drops during COVID. It's essential to acknowledge the bleak reality of the situation but also to organize and take action to ensure that things improve.

    • Discussing the cost of happiness and Michelin-starred mealsMoney can't buy happiness, even for Michelin-starred chefs. Wealth inequality and morality of extravagant spending were also debated.

      Money can buy expensive meals and experiences, but it doesn't guarantee happiness. The most expensive meals discussed ranged from £300 to £12,000, with some of the fanciest meals coming from Noma in Copenhagen and Paul Bocuse in France. However, even Michelin-starred chefs can be miserable despite their wealth. The conversation also touched on the topic of wealth inequality and the morality of spending large sums of money on meals when some people have very little. It was noted that £1,000,000,000 is an unimaginable amount of money, taking 32 years to count all the zeros. The discussion ended with the question of whether it matters that some people have such vast wealth, or if they should be allowed to spend their money as they please.

    • Power and wealth interconnectedThe wealthy can use their influence to shape public opinion and policies, sometimes to the detriment of the environment or public good

      Wealth and power are interconnected and can be exchanged in various ways in society. The wealthy often have more influence, which can be used to their advantage. In politics, this can lead to certain individuals being perceived as more powerful than others, and they may use their influence to shape public opinion or policies. A clear example of this is the CEO of ExxonMobil, Darren Woods, who made record profits last year despite knowing about the negative impact of burning fossil fuels on the climate since the 1970s. Instead of raising the alarm, ExxonMobil suppressed the information and used the funds to deny climate change, making them a villain in this context. It's important to recognize the power dynamics at play in society and address the root causes of wealth and power imbalances.

    • Dig deeper into a company's true business practices despite good ESG ratingsActivists and individuals can challenge harmful policies and make a positive impact by investigating companies' true actions, protesting against harmful practices, and supporting organizations that promote positive change.

      While some companies may present themselves as sustainable or socially responsible through good ESG ratings, it's important to dig deeper and consider their true business practices. The example of ExxonMobil illustrates this, as the company had a good ESG rating but still invested in fossil fuels. Activists like Michaela Loach are taking a stand against such companies by protesting their involvement in events and even staging walkouts. Meanwhile, ordinary people can also make a difference by supporting organizations like the RNLI, which saves lives at sea regardless of background or means. These actions demonstrate the power of individuals to challenge harmful policies and make a positive impact.

    • Exploring Politics and Activism Beyond Traditional MethodsExplore various opportunities for activism based on individual passions and priorities. Engage with local communities and organizations to discover organic opportunities for involvement. Focus on getting involved in person for maximum impact.

      There are numerous ways for young people to get involved in politics and activism beyond traditional methods. From housing activism with organizations like Acorn and the London Renters Union, to climate activism, and even learning about policy through events, there are various opportunities to make a difference based on individual passions and priorities. Engaging with local communities and organizations is key to getting started and discovering organic opportunities for involvement. While social media platforms like Facebook can be a source of engagement, it may not always be the most productive use of time. Instead, focus on getting involved in person and meeting like-minded individuals in the activism and organizing community.

    • Supporting Communities in NeedCommunities are forming groups to help asylum seekers and promoting cross-cultural connections through simple traditions like yearbook signing.

      Communities are coming together to support those in need, regardless of their background or nationality. For instance, Stand Up to Racism Dorset has formed the Portland Global Friendship Group to help asylum seekers with essentials and a communal helpline. You can contact them through their Facebook page or email for more information. Additionally, a simple tradition like signing yearbooks at the end of the school year is a practice that transcends borders, with listeners from the UK, Australia, and the US sharing their experiences. It's heartening to see these connections and acts of kindness, especially in the face of adversity. If you'd like to get involved or share your own stories, you can contact the podcast at psuk@reducedlistening.co.uk or leave a voice message at 07514644572 (internationally, +7514644572). And if you enjoy the show, don't forget to vote for us in the British Podcast Awards!

    • Finding support and community in politicsDespite fears or past actions, engaging in politics can lead to valuable connections and a sense of belonging. The importance of a strong support system, both personally and professionally, was emphasized.

      Key takeaway from this episode of Pod Save the UK is that even those who are hesitant to enter politics due to past actions or fears of isolation can find support and community in the political process. The guests shared their experiences of feeling out of place or threatened, but ultimately found value in engaging with the political discourse. Additionally, the production team's dedication and hard work were highlighted, demonstrating the importance of a strong support system in political endeavors. Lastly, the episode reminded listeners to stay informed and engaged with current events, including the ongoing pandemic, by following the show on various platforms and subscribing to new episodes.

    Recent Episodes from Pod Save the UK

    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    Chris Packham Vs Taylor Swift: Will People or Politics Save Our Planet?

    The major parties have failed to pledge to make the radical changes needed to save our planet from climate catastrophe - but people power may well save us yet. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by conservationist Chris Packham to find out what more our politicians need to do and how citizens can get involved. Chris also questions the wisdom of Taylor Swift’s private jet usage and brings a suggestion of how she could help create change. 

    Later, Adrienne Buller drops by to explore GB Energy - Labour’s signature manifesto pledge that they’ve claimed to be the most radical climate policy ever. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

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    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    Who gets the power? Devolution and the General Election.

    It’s been a horrendous campaign for the Conservatives so far, careening from disaster to catastrophe, but the Tories don't have the exclusive on political drama. This week Nish and Coco focus on the action in the devolved nations, with a particular focus on Wales and Northern Ireland. 

    First, we check in with Welsh Journalist Will Hayward to learn about the recent vote of no confidence in First Minister Vaughan Gething and Labour’s manifesto pledge to tune up the current devolution agreements. Then, Coco chats to Plaid Cymru Leader Rhun ap Iorwerth, to learn more about Plaid’s ambitions for Wales and their plans to turn up the heat on Labour. 

    Later, we check in to Northern Ireland, speaking to journalist Amanda Ferguson about the stakes of the next election and whether allegations about former DUP leader Jeffrey Donaldson will have any bearing on the election. 

    Finally, the gang break out some of Coco’s recently rebranded charming and quizzical moments.


    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk 

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld


    Rhun ap Iorwerth

    Will Hayward

    Amanda Ferguson


    Audio credits:

    Sky News

    Blue Sky.mp3 by Sergmusic -- https://freesound.org/s/639933/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

    TikTok/ Suella Braverman 


    Useful links:

    Jo Stevens interview with S4C https://x.com/NewyddionS4C/status/1802786241852707250

    Constituencies and candidates: 

    Montgomeryshire and Glyndwr: https://whocanivotefor.co.uk/elections/parl.montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr.2024-07-04/montgomeryshire-and-glyndwr/

    Ynys Mon:






    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Manifesto deep-dive: Is Labour’s at all progressive?

    Following a week of political manifestoes dropping from UK parties - Nish & Coco take a deep-dive investigation to see how they hold up against one another. With a focus on manifestoes that have left-wing approaches - they discuss what policies are the most realistic and which hold up the best under scrutiny.  Joined by political journalist Zoe Grünewald, Nish & Coco look closely at welfare policies, the NHS, taxes and social care.

    Special guests Rebekah Pierre (author and social worker) and Helen Barnard (of the Trussell Trust) send the hosts their thoughts on which policies have the most potential for hope. 

    And there’s a return of WTF moments featuring an iconic UK hit song and Starmer’s comeback to a surprise protest.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Zoe Grünewald, political journalist

    Audio Clips:


    Institute for Fiscal Studies

    Times Radio

    Sky News

    Dawn Butler/Elson

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    How to make your vote count: is Tactical Voting a necessary evil? With Femi Oluwole

    The polls are indicating a landslide victory for Labour come the election on July 4th. But that hasn’t stopped the calls - from both the left and the right - for citizens to vote tactically. But what does that really mean in Britain’s broken electoral system?

    Joining Nish and Coco on the PSUK sofa is Femi Oluwole, activist and campaigner, and Joe Twyman, a seasoned pollster covering his 9th election. Together they discuss whether this is an election for people to vote with their heart or if being “strategic” is more important and whether our new parliament has any hope of delivering long overdue reform to our electoral system.

    We also hear from Jessica Garland from the Electoral Reform Society.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    Femi Oluwole, YouTube Campaigner, Tactical Voting activist

    Joe Twyman, Co-founder and director of Deltapoll


    Audio Clips:

    Sky News



    Channel 5



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!






    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    Why is it so hard to tax the rich? Would it fix our economy? With Gary Stevenson

    The UK’s sorry state of affairs when it comes to water and railways is both a massive problem and an opportunity for the incoming government. Water companies are teetering on the brink of collapse and it feels inevitable that they will soon fall back in to public ownership. But how can we pay for renationalised services? 

    Cat Hobbs from We Own It talks to Nish and Coco about the history of privatisation and the opportunities that renationalised services present to the UK. 

    And economist and activist Gary Stevenson explores how the public can rewrite the narrative on taxation - starting with a 1% tax on people with wealth of over £10,000,000. But why stop there? Coco and Nish ask about other potential boons to the state budget. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

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    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Cat Hobbs, Director of We Own It

    Gary Stevenson, the Activist and Economist behind Gary’s Economics

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!



    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    Jeremy Corbyn & Mhairi Black: Left Culled, Centre Cracked and Right Reformed?

    In week two of the campaigns for the upcoming General Election - the fight for the centre vote has become a focal point. But the crucial question remains - what will this do for the future of politics in the UK? Are we at risk of losing diversity across parties? And as Keir Starmer appears to be purging the left-wing factions of the Labour Party, Nish and Coco speak to former Labour leader and now independent candidate Jeremy Corbyn on whether he’s hopeful for a potential Labour government and what advice he has for Keir Starmer.

    Nish and Coco also speak to Mhairi Black about the challenges facing the SNP when trying to capture the electorate. They also discuss whether we are at risk of losing the kind of representation that the Left and younger voters need to bring about hope and change in society.

    There’s also a rundown of the first Sunak vs Starmer TV debate and a return of the best WTF moments from the week’s political campaigns.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

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    Jeremy Corbyn, Independent Candidate for Islington North

    Mhairi Black, former SNP Deputy Leader and MP for Paisley and Renfrewshire South

    Audio credits:



    Labour Party

    Sky News


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    Generational Warfare: Has Rishi Sunak’s electoral gambit misfired?

    It’s week one of the campaign and after a comical series of false starts, Rishi Sunak and the Tories have fired the first shots in a campaign of generational warfare. 

    Nish and Coco are joined by political correspondent Liz Bates to find out if there are votes to be won in these wedge politics. Later, they speak to Christine Jardine from the Liberal Democrats about their differences with Labour as well as the electoral battleground that is Scotland. And, as the campaign heats up - the WTF moments are multiplying. Nish, Coco and Liz dissect their favourites from the week.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Christine Jardine, Scottish Liberal Democrat MP


    Audio credits:


    Sky News

    Shrek - Paramount pictures

    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    What do the Trans & Non-binary community need most right now?

    Nish and Coco are joined by Abigail Thorn (actress, writer and host of PhilosophyTube) and Freddy McConnell (writer and journalist) to examine the issues facing the trans and non-binary community in the UK today. 

    In recent news, the current Tory government has proposed new guidelines for education in schools across England. Education Secretary Gillian Keegan said that gender identity should not be taught in schools to students of any age. Abigail and Freddy respond to these news headlines and also discuss The Cass review, a proposed new approach from the Labour Party around the Gender Recognition Act,  and which individuals need highlighting for their work on trans rights in the UK. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.

    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld


    Abigail Thorn, 

    Freddy McConnell, journalist

    Audio credits:



    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!


    Transactual Briefing on the Cass Review - https://transactual.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/TransActual-Briefing-on-Cass-Review.pdf

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Are these the last six weeks of Rishi Sunak and the Tories?

    Nish and Coco bring you a hot off-the-press special look at the announcement of a UK general election.

    On Wednesday 22nd May - Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next general election will be on Thursday 4th July 2024. It appeared to be a sudden decision that surprised even his own Conservative MPs. But this announcement brings a whole host of questions with it. What key issues will this election be fought on? Is the timing helpful to any party in particular? How will Sunak fare under the microscope? To answer those and many more - friend of the show Liz Bates makes an eager return. Alongside Nish and Coco - Liz discusses what drove Sunak to this announcement and whether Keir Starmer got something of a headstart on his campaign.

    There’s also discussion of how other parties might fare in this race from Lib Dems to the SNPs. And co-leader of the Green Party Adrian Ramsay gives his point of view.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Liz Bates, Sky News

    Adrian Ramsay, Co-leader, Green Party

    Audio credits:


    Sky News


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    The economy is growing, so why are we feeling poorer?

    The economy is growing, so why are we feeling poorer?

    The UK is officially out of recession - Rishi Sunak and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt have been banging the drum of the 0.6% GDP growth in the Jan-March quarter, but are things actually getting better?

    George Monbiot drops into the studio to demystify Neoliberalism - the invisible economic doctrine that has influenced UK politics and policy since the Thatcher years. George also brings some fresh ideas for how citizens can move away from being consumers and recapture our democracy. 

    Finally, Nish and Coco eviscerate Esther McVey’s campaign to ban that most dreadful example of civil service impropriety - the rainbow lanyard. 

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07494 933 444 (UK) or + 44 7494 933 444 (internationally)

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    George Monbiot, activist and writer


    Audio credits:



    The Guardian 


    Useful links:

    Come to see Pod Save the UK live at Edinburgh Fringe!

    The Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism (& How It Came to Control Your Life) by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison

    The Guardian - Latest GDP figures offer some better news – but boom-boom Britain it ain’t

    Related Episodes

    Sunak in Israel, by-elections and back to Bibby

    Sunak in Israel, by-elections and back to Bibby

    The crisis in Israel and Gaza presents a huge challenge for our politicians, both internationally and at home. With protests on the streets and spikes in religious hate crimes, every word uttered by our leaders is diplomatically loaded. Nish and Coco discuss the difficulties of Labour’s position, and then return to record a fresh section at the start of this podcast in reaction to Rishi Sunak’s surprise overnight visit to Israel.

    Pia Sinha of the Prison Reform Trust helps us understand why our prisons are full to bursting, and whether emergency action from the Justice Secretary will solve the problem. With asylum seekers being returned to the Bibby Stockholm accommodation barge, Anoosh Chakelian of The New Statesman, tells us about meeting some of those men. Plus she also gives us the lowdown on two very intriguing by-elections this week.

    Heroes and Villains returns, which is more bad news for disgraced former Tory MP Peter Bone. Plus find out why Coco and her cat could be heading for a divorce.

    Pod Save the UK is a Reduced Listening production for Crooked Media.


    Contact us via email: PSUK@reducedlistening.co.uk

    WhatsApp: 07514 644 572 (UK) or + 44 7514 644 572

    Insta: https://instagram.com/podsavetheuk

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/podsavetheuk

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@podsavetheuk

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/podsavetheuk

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/podsavetheworld



    Pia Sinha, Director of The Prison Reform Trust

    Anoosh Chakelian, Britain Editor of The New Statesman


    Audio credits:

    Sky News


    L'intégrale du mardi 17 mars

    L'intégrale du mardi 17 mars

    L’actualité vue par Richard Martineau : un discours inquiétant de Vladimir Poutine. Une jeune fille de 10 ans battue sauvagement. 

    La Rencontre Lisée - Mulcair avec Jean-François Lisée, ancien chef du Parti québécois et chroniqueur politique, et Thomas Mulcair, ancien chef du NPD et analyste politique (La Joute, chroniqueur au Journal) : bras de fer entre la caisse et la ville sur le REM de l’est. La levée factice de l’état d’urgence.

    Segment LCN avec Richard et Jean-François Guérin : désengagement chez les policiers au SPVM. L’armée canadienne selon Mélanie Joly.

    Entrevue avec Michel Kelly-Gagnon, président et directeur général de l’Institut économique de Montréal : un sondage commandé par l’IEDM conclut que plus de la moitié des Québécois sont pour l’exploitation des hydrocarbures dans la province au lieu d’importer tout le pétrole consommé.

    Chronique Crime et Société avec Félix Séguin, journaliste au Bureau d’enquête de Québecor : Québec laisse tomber un logiciel russe. Charest se distancie de Huawei.

    La Rencontre Proulx-Martineau avec Gilles Proulx, chroniqueur au Journal de Montréal Journal de Québec : les Irlandais de Montréal. Fin des mesures sanitaires. Les libéraux du Québec. 

    La Rencontre Daoust-Martineau avec Yves Daoust, directeur de la section Argent du Journal de Montréal et du Journal de Québec : l’inflation, l’inflation, l'in-fla-tion. Charest prend ses distances avec Huawei. 

    Entrevue avec Jacques Lapierre, virologue à la retraite : les cas de COVID-19 augmentent dans plusieurs pays d’Asie et d’Europe. Sommes-nous à l’aube d’une sixième vague au Québec? 

    Entrevue avec Paul Langevin, psychologue : les Québécois seraient-ils prêts à subir des restrictions à nouveau si les cas de COVID remontent dans le futur? 

    Chronique de Joseph Facal, chroniqueur au Journal de Montréal & au Journal de Québec : le 3e secret de Fatima. 

    La Rencontre Bock-Côté - Martineau avec Mathieu Bock-Côté, chroniqueur blogueur au Journal de Montréal Journal de Québec et animateur du balado « Les idées mènent le monde » à QUB radio : l’armée canadienne. La présidentielle Française. 

    Entrevue avec Jean-François Cloutier, journaliste au Bureau d’enquête de Québecor : les autorités canadiennes n’ont encore saisi aucun actif appartenant à des oligarques et proches du pouvoir russe.

    Une production QUB radio
    Mars 2022

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    Morning Bell 28 October

    Morning Bell 28 October

    Yesterday, the ASX200 struggled to find direction for most of the day, finishing flat as investors contemplated the possibility of interest rate hikes happening sooner rather than later. The best performing sector was the Communication Services sector, up 2%, while the Consumer Staples sector fell the most, down 2%. Uniti Group (ASX:UWL) led the gains, up 6%, following the company announcing it will be under taking a share buyback. The worst performer was a2 Milk (ASX:A2M). Investors were selling down a2 Milk shares, after the company released an update that revealed its margins were significantly lower compared to pre-COVID-19 levels. 

    In the US, the earnings season rally seems to have lost some of its momentum, with the S&P500 slipping from its record high and the Dow falling for the first time in four days. The Nasdaq closed flat, despite Microsoft and Alphabet reporting results that exceeded estimates. 

    After a mixed session on Wall Street, the futures are suggesting the Aussie share market will open 0.54% lower this morning.

    What to watch today:

    • In economic news, yesterday, the ABS released its key inflation reading. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 0.8% this quarter. Over the twelve months to the September 2021 quarter, the CPI rose 3.0%. The quarterly rise was driven primarily by a 7.1% jump in fuel and a 3.3% jump in new dwelling purchase costs. Today, investors will hear from RBA Deputy Governor Guy Debelle who will respond to the latest inflation figures. 
    • Australia and New Zealand Bank (ASX:ANZ) and Fortescue Metals (ASX:FMG) are set to report today. ANZ is set to release its full year results this morning. FMG will release its first quarter update, which should provide investors with an idea of just how badly the pullback in iron ore prices has impacted its margins. 
    • AGMs wise, there’s 14 companies holding theirs today. To list a few, South32 (ASX:S32), JB Hi-Fi (ASX:JBH) and Boral (ASX:BLD).
    • Companies going ex-dividend today include Bank of Queensland (ASX:BOQ) and Centrepoint Alliance (ASX:CAF).
    • Oil prices fell on Wednesday after crude stockpiles rose more than expected and fuel inventories unexpectedly increased last week in the US, the world’s largest oil consumer. The gold price steadied off the back of a softer dollar and US bond yields retreating, currently trading at $US1,796 an ounce. And the sea borne iron ore price continues to trade at around US$122 a tonne.


    Trading ideas:

    • Bell Potter has reiterated its BUY recommendation on IT company, Life360 (ASX:360), a company best known for its family location sharing app. Bell Potter has increased Life360’s price target by 16% to $12.50 (previously $10.75). 
    • Bullish charting signals have been identified in Carnarvon Petroleum (ASX:CVN), Uniti Group (ASX:UWL) and Tyro Payments (ASX:TYR), according to Trading Central.