
    TOTALLY EXTRA: Naming Cars, Boy's Clothes & a Solution for Angela's Mum

    enSeptember 09, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Creative toilet hacks in the workplace and festivalsImo's boyfriend leaves a poo as a deterrent at work, and the group reminisced about pulling out an out-of-order sign at festivals to avoid long lines. They also plan to bring a portable urinal device to events to avoid long restroom lines.

      The podcast "Lou Anna Toti Extra" hosted by Luana, Immo, and Imo Rose Hart, is known for its raw and explicit content. During this episode, they discussed various topics including workplace toilet habits. Imo shared that her boyfriend leaves a poo in the toilet at work as a deterrent, which Luana and Imo found to be a genius hack. They also reminisced about their festival days and their effective toilet hack of pulling out an out-of-order porta loo sign to avoid long lines. The podcast also mentioned their attendance at the NTAs, where they shared their plan to bring a Shee Wee, a portable urinal device, just in case they encounter long restroom lines. The discussion showcased the group's unique sense of humor and their ability to find creativity in everyday situations.

    • Discussing Exclusivity and Diversity in Award Ceremonies and Children's FashionTwo friends plan to gatecrash an award ceremony, highlighting the frustration of excluded attendees. Listeners discuss the lack of diversity and inclusivity in boys' fashion, suggesting a need for more options beyond stereotypical graphics.

      The excitement of attending award ceremonies often revolves around the red carpet experience. However, this year, only nominees are allowed on the red carpet, leaving three-quarters of attendees feeling excluded. Frustrated by this situation, two friends, Lou Anna and Imo, plan to gatecrash the red carpet event together. Meanwhile, a listener named Frida shared her concern about the limited and stereotypical fashion options available for boys. She suggested that plain clothes should be more readily available, as opposed to the typical dinosaur, digger, and monster graphics. The friends expressed their agreement and shared their own experiences with the poor quality of boys' clothing. Another listener, Hannah, added her frustration to the conversation with a comment about a petty incident. Despite their busy schedules, they all found time to express their thoughts on the podcast. Overall, the discussion highlighted the need for more inclusivity and diversity in various aspects of life, from award ceremonies to fashion for children.

    • Finding humor in daily life challengesDespite daily life challenges, there's always an opportunity to find humor and creativity in coping mechanisms, like planning a prank or advocating for etiquette.

      People can find creative ways to cope with the monotony and frustrations of daily life, even during challenging times. Hannah, a listener, shared her experience of dealing with her bosses' excessive COVID-19 discussions at work by planning a prank on one of them. Meanwhile, Jake ranted about the annoyance of being held up in shops by customers with large purchases. Both shared their frustrations in humorous ways, showcasing the importance of finding levity in everyday situations. It's essential to remember that while life can present numerous challenges, there are always opportunities to find humor and creativity in dealing with them. Whether it's through a harmless prank or advocating for supermarket etiquette, these small actions can help make the world a more enjoyable place.

    • Co-parenting and Social Media: A Source of Joy and PainCo-parenting on social media can bring complex emotions, focusing on the child's well-being is crucial.

      Social media can be a source of both joy and pain, especially when it comes to co-parenting after a relationship ends. Nancy shared her experience of feeling upset when her ex-partner, who left her when their child was a newborn, publicly portrays a happy family life on social media, including posts involving their shared child. While some listeners empathized with Nancy and agreed that it's understandable to feel hurt, others believed that focusing on the child's well-being is the most important thing. Ultimately, the discussion highlighted the complex emotions that come with co-parenting and the impact of social media on these emotions.

    • Raising emotionally stable children is key, even if it means personal sacrificesPutting a child's needs first, prioritizing emotional growth, and seeking comfort in valuable resources are essential for raising emotionally stable children.

      Raising emotionally stable and confident children is a parent's primary goal, even if it means taking time for oneself or allowing a consistent stepmom figure into their lives. Social media presence should not dictate the validity of a parent's love and dedication towards their children. Orla, the speaker in the text, acknowledges the difficulty of moving on after a heartbreaking breakup but emphasizes the importance of putting the child's needs first. Naming cars is a personal preference and does not hold significant importance compared to the emotional growth and stability of a child. The podcast, with its valuable advice, has been a source of comfort and guidance for Orla during stressful times in her life.

    • The Confusion of Naming Cars with Human NamesPeople connect with their possessions in unique ways, including naming them. Some prefer human names, but it might limit availability for human babies. Connections, whether with objects or people, are important and can lead to unexpected outcomes.

      People have unique ways of connecting with their possessions, including naming their cars. Some prefer giving them human names, while others stick to descriptive or playful names. The speaker expresses her confusion over the trend of naming cars with human names, as it might limit the availability of those names for human babies. She shares her own experience of naming her car Orla, but not using human names. The conversation then shifts to a story about how Ashley met her husband through a series of unexpected events, including a mutual rejection and eventual acceptance of each other. Despite the initial misunderstandings and rejections, they ended up getting married, and their friendship played a significant role in their relationship. The conversation ends with the speakers looking forward to attending a London gig together. Overall, the conversation showcases the importance of connections, whether it's with inanimate objects or people, and the unexpected twists and turns that life can take.

    • Sharing secrets and experiencesGroup discusses surprising confessions, suggests name changes, explores infidelity, and emphasizes data security

      People share secrets and experiences, some of which may be surprising or even scandalous. In the conversation, Ashley reveals her own confession about a wealthy businessman she had an affair with, while Grace suggests renaming a name to make it more appealing. The group also discusses the possibility of infidelity and how some people might turn a blind eye to it. The conversation also touches upon the topic of data security and the importance of backing up information. Despite the various confessions and discussions, the group seems to have a light-hearted and open-minded approach to sharing experiences and offering suggestions.

    • Wives find creative ways to cope with annoyances towards husbandsDespite seeming passive, wives find satisfaction in expressing emotions through playful revenge tactics, highlighting the complexity of relationships and the importance of healthy emotional expression

      Despite appearances, these wives are not passive victims, but rather, they find creative ways to cope with their annoyances and frustrations towards their husbands. The speaker, for instance, shares her playful yet satisfying revenge tactic of waking up early and giving her husband a "morning guff" when he's annoyed her. While some may view this behavior as petty, the speaker finds it to be a satisfying release. This discussion highlights the complexity of relationships and the importance of finding healthy ways to express and manage emotions. It also serves as a reminder that people are not always as they seem on the surface.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can: Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    It's time to get TOTALLY EXTRA. Extra chat, extra rants, extra bants, extra stories, nonsense and it's all about YOU.

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    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    Please review Global's Privacy Policy: https://global.com/legal/privacy-policy/
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