
    Toxic Masculinity: The Rise & Fall Of The Red Pill Manosphere & Why Men Feel Lost | Destiny PT 1

    enJuly 03, 2023
    What does true happiness require according to Tom Billion?
    How does material attachment impact inner peace?
    What role does community play in personal fulfillment?
    Why is individuality important yet potentially empty?
    What qualities define true masculinity as discussed in the podcast?

    Podcast Summary

    • The importance of inner peace and self-improvement for true happinessFocus on inner peace and self-awareness for genuine happiness, avoid material attachment and external validation, and strive for authentic self-improvement

      Finding true happiness and fulfillment requires a focus on inner peace and self-improvement from the start, rather than being lured in by material goods or the promise of external validation. This was a theme that emerged during a thought-provoking conversation between Tom Billion and Destiny on the Impact Theory podcast, where they discussed the manosphere and the Red Pill community. They touched on the dangers of fostering material attachment and the importance of community and self-awareness. Additionally, Tom shared his own experiences with confidence and independence, suggesting that having a strong grasp on reality and the ability to make effective predictions can contribute to happiness. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of authentic self-improvement and the dangers of chasing after superficial goals. To listen to the full conversation and gain more insights, be sure to subscribe to Impact Theory and tune in for part 2.

    • Navigating Challenges and Seizing OpportunitiesHaving a clear sense of direction, the ability to navigate challenges, recognizing opportunities, and preparation are key to making progress in life, even during difficult times.

      Even in the face of adversity and hardship, having a clear sense of direction and the ability to navigate through challenges can help individuals overcome obstacles and make progress in life. This person's story highlights the importance of having a strong foundation of thought and a clear north star to guide decision-making, even during difficult times. Additionally, luck plays a role in our lives, but it's important to recognize and prepare for opportunities when they arise. The person in this conversation acknowledges the role of luck in their successes, but also emphasizes the importance of hard work and preparation. They also emphasize the significance of understanding one's own strengths and weaknesses, and how small factors like the types of video games they grew up playing or being born at the right time, played a role in shaping their path in life. Ultimately, the ability to navigate challenges and seize opportunities, combined with a clear sense of direction and preparation, can lead to significant progress and growth.

    • Luck and Hard Work: The Recipe for SuccessSuccess often results from a mix of lucky events and hard work. High self-esteem is a crucial component of success, but it can be vulnerable to external challenges.

      The speaker's success in life was largely due to a combination of factors, including being a good reader, having an aptitude for math, and working hard to master technology, all of which came about through a series of lucky events. He acknowledges that he could have easily ended up in a very different place if certain circumstances had been different. The importance of luck in shaping one's life is a theme that bothers him, as he reflects on the advantages his son has simply because of his financial resources. The speaker believes that his high self-esteem is the most important attribute that has powered him throughout his life. However, he notes that if someone were to try to derail his success, they could target his self-confidence, as it is a crucial component of his overall success.

    • The importance of resilience and self-relianceEmphasize communication, resilience, and self-reliance to help your son navigate challenges effectively.

      Resilience and self-reliance are crucial traits for overcoming adversity and dealing with challenging situations, whether they be in personal life or online. The speaker's ability to push through difficult experiences, including financial struggles and hateful online interactions, has been a driving force in his life. If raising a son as a video game character, the ideal man would possess these same attributes, enabling him to face and overcome challenges effectively. The speaker acknowledges that his own upbringing, marked by financial instability and academic struggles, has shaped his character, and he strives to be available and supportive for his son, helping him navigate similar challenges. If the speaker were to leave a set of ideas for his son to grow into a fulfilling man, he would emphasize the importance of communication, resilience, and self-reliance, as well as the value of focusing on tasks and overcoming obstacles rather than sabotaging oneself.

    • Respect from Expertise and DedicationTrue strength and respect come from individuals who excel in their passions, treat others with respect, and inspire growth. Sadly, positive male role models are often absent in modern media and society, leading to misdirection of aggression and toxic outcomes.

      True strength and respect come from individuals who excel in their passions, treat others with respect, and inspire growth. The speaker recalls teachers who commanded respect not through force or anger, but through their expertise, dedication, and high expectations. These figures inspired awe and a deep sense of disappointment when their students fell short. The speaker laments the lack of such role models in modern media and society, expressing concern over the misdirection of male aggression and the absence of effective channels for its transformation. In essence, the speaker argues that true masculinity is not toxic, but the misuse of aggression and the absence of positive male role models can lead to toxic outcomes.

    • Using media to guide young boys into positive actionsMedia, like the Mighty Ducks, can inspire boys to transform raw potential into responsibility through self-control and collaboration.

      Media, like the Mighty Ducks movies, can serve as a powerful tool to guide young boys in channeling their emotions and energy into positive actions. The movies show the transformation of a boy with raw potential into a responsible team player, demonstrating the importance of self-control and collaboration. This message resonates with many men today, particularly those in the Red Pill community, who feel they have untapped potential but lack direction. As someone who has experienced success in various areas of life, it's essential to engage with these communities and offer guidance, rather than dismissing their energy. By sharing personal experiences and values, one can help these individuals find their path to personal growth and responsibility. It's crucial to recognize the potential dangers in the lack of positive male role models and the negative consequences of irresponsible use of power and influence. Ultimately, it's essential to encourage men to add value to others and strive for self-improvement, rather than focusing solely on wealth and material possessions.

    • Navigating Gender Imbalance and Toxic Masculinity in Education and BusinessRecognize the importance of positive masculinity and nuanced perspectives in education and business. Utilize technology to stay competitive and protect personal data.

      Society's expectations and the impact of COVID-19 have led to a gender imbalance in education, with women outpacing men in college achievement. However, it's essential to recognize that not all aspects of masculinity are toxic and need to be completely discarded. Instead, we should focus on capitalizing on the positive aspects while minimizing the negatives. The same principle applies to defining oneself in opposition to something. For instance, instead of solely criticizing the competition in business, entrepreneurs should use advanced technology and platforms like Shopify to stay competitive. Additionally, individuals can take control of their personal data through services like DeleteMe to protect their privacy. Overall, it's crucial to approach issues with a nuanced perspective and avoid extreme solutions.

    • Understanding the importance of balancing polarities in societyRecognizing the role of biology in shaping behaviors and the need for diverse perspectives can prevent societal imbalances and promote progress.

      A healthy society requires the balance between different polarities, be it right and left, male and female, or any other dichotomy. Biology plays a significant role in shaping our behaviors and moods, making it essential to understand the evolutionary influences on our actions. When one side dominates, there can be negative consequences, leading to pathologies. Modern culture's push towards eliminating one side, such as the feminization of men, can result in societal imbalances. People need various influences, including role models and guidance, to develop a well-rounded perspective. The mistake of labeling certain groups as the enemy can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. It's crucial to acknowledge and appreciate the importance of diverse perspectives and the tension they create, as this tension is what drives progress and a functioning society.

    • The Danger of Overemphasizing IndividualityNeglecting community and connection with something greater than ourselves can lead to spiritual emptiness, despite individual achievements.

      The pursuit of individuality, as promoted by liberal ideologies, can lead to a sense of spiritual emptiness if we neglect the need for community and connection with something greater than ourselves. This atomization can result in people becoming overly focused on their personal achievements, leading to a void in their lives. It's crucial to recognize this and strive for balance between individuality and a sense of belonging to something larger. This need for connection can manifest in various ways, such as through family, religion, or community, and ignoring it may contribute to feelings of unhappiness despite achieving societal markers of success.

    • Pursuing human flourishing for individual and collective happinessFocus on skills that matter, evaluate actions for human flourishing, and align with the human flourishing concept for greater impact.

      The pursuit of individual and collective happiness or fulfillment should be the ultimate goal for humans, as it leads to human flourishing and the creation of value through collaboration. This can be achieved by working hard to acquire skills that matter to us and elevate us and others. It's essential to evaluate the real-world results of our actions to determine if they increase or decrease human flourishing. The debate should focus on this overarching goal, rather than getting bogged down in minor details or ledger-level concerns. The human flourishing concept aligns with Sam Harris's moral landscape idea.

    • Balancing human flourishing and potential trade-offsConsider the long-term impact of choices for human flourishing, avoiding extreme sacrifices for short-term pleasure.

      While the pursuit of human flourishing is a worthy goal, it's essential to define what it means and consider the potential trade-offs. Some people may prioritize immediate pleasure or experiences over long-term goals, such as retirement or having children. Others may prioritize longevity or health span. Ultimately, finding balance and considering the potential consequences of our choices is crucial. For instance, while some may argue that maximizing human flourishing could mean giving everyone a lethal dose of heroin for a brief moment of intense pleasure, the reality is that such a choice would come with severe consequences. Instead, it's essential to consider the long-term impact of our decisions and strive for a meaningful and balanced approach to human flourishing. Additionally, it's essential to remember that everyone's priorities and frames of reference may change throughout their lives.

    • The power of perspectiveUnderstanding and shaping our frame of reference can help us live more intentional and satisfying lives, even when the journey is challenging.

      Our perspective, or frame of reference, shapes our entire experience of life. It's not an objective truth but a set of beliefs, values, and choices that influence how we see ourselves and the world. This frame of reference can be malleable, and people often don't realize how distorted their perceptions can be. For instance, some people in the red pill community might admire wealth and women, thinking that having those things will make them admire themselves. However, when they finally obtain them, they might find that their desired frame of reference hasn't been met, leading to disillusionment. Instead, it's crucial to have a clear end goal in mind and find fulfillment in the journey towards it, even when it's challenging. Ultimately, understanding and shaping our frame of reference can help us live more intentional and satisfying lives.

    • Building Confidence is an Independent ProcessFocus on personal growth for confidence, disregard external factors like wealth or validation.

      Confidence and self-worth are not dependent on external factors like wealth or validation from others. The speaker emphasizes that building confidence is an independent process, and it's essential to focus on personal growth rather than being swayed by external factors like positive or negative comments. Regarding the Tate brothers and the red pill community, the speaker acknowledges the fractured nature of the community and the conflicting ideologies within it. The Tate brothers, who have distanced themselves from the red pill community, represent contrasting viewpoints, with some elements promoting traditional conservative values and others advocating for more unconventional behaviors. The speaker notes the ongoing conflict and media strategy employed by the brothers as they navigate potential legal consequences. Lastly, the speaker shares their thoughts on the importance of leadership skills, drawing parallels between leading groups in video games and real life. They emphasize the value of learning and applying these skills in various contexts.

    • Balancing Optimism and RealismSeek out diverse perspectives, including those who challenge your ideas, to make better decisions and ensure growth.

      In business and in life, it's crucial to have a "devil's advocate" or a person who challenges your ideas and brings up potential problems. This tension keeps you grounded and helps you make better decisions. In the beginning, seek out people who share your excitement and vision, but later bring in those who see problems and offer solutions. This balance between optimism and realism is essential for success. Additionally, fulfillment and happiness are important but often hard to sell, especially when compared to flashy lifestyles. Confidence in oneself is the most valuable asset, even if it may not always seem that way. Remember, checking your strategies against reality is vital for growth, and overcoming challenges is an essential part of personal development.

    • The Limits of Money and FameMoney and fame can't buy self-respect or true happiness. Focus on building inner happiness and self-respect instead.

      Money and fame, while desirable, cannot buy self-respect or true happiness. The speaker shares his personal experience of realizing this after achieving financial and professional success, but still feeling empty and unfulfilled. He emphasizes that the only thing that truly matters is how one feels about themselves, and that it's a difficult concept to communicate to others, especially those who are still chasing after material wealth and external validation. He uses the analogy of the Cassandra complex, where one knows the truth but is not believed, to describe the challenge of trying to warn younger generations about the limitations of money and fame. Ultimately, the speaker encourages listeners to focus on building self-respect and inner happiness, rather than relying on external sources for fulfillment.

    • Misplaced focus on material wealth can lead to unhappinessFocus on using wealth intentionally to bring happiness, not on accumulating it for its own sake.

      Material possessions, fame, and wealth, while they can provide certain benefits and be useful tools, do not inherently bring happiness or self-acceptance. The speaker shares a personal experience of observing his wealthy family's relentless pursuit of more, ultimately leading to financial instability and dissatisfaction. Conversely, his poorer relatives, despite their lack of material wealth, seemed content and joyful. The key is to have a clear understanding of what one hopes to achieve with wealth and to intentionally use it to bring happiness to oneself or others. The pursuit of wealth for its own sake can lead to a misplaced focus and missed opportunities for genuine happiness.

    • Understanding societal context and personal goalsDefine personal goals (North Star) and ensure actions align, adapt to societal changes instead of restricting measures.

      People can be easily influenced by cool marketing messages, especially those promoting wealth and success, and may confuse these messages with reality. It's essential to define one's personal goals (North Star) and ensure that actions align with them. The speaker shares his personal experience of learning the art of attracting women and the importance of understanding the current societal context, which may contribute to a perceived "mating crisis." Women's increasing desire for education, autonomy, and career opportunities has led them away from traditional roles, making it challenging for men to establish meaningful relationships. The solution doesn't lie in restrictive measures but rather in understanding and adapting to the changing societal landscape.

    • The Complex Decision to Have Children or NotThroughout history, societal changes and personal freedom have influenced the decision to have children, leading to declining birth rates. Biology or societal pressure may be driving factors, but the complex decision is influenced by various factors.

      The desire for children and starting a family comes with significant challenges and friction, leading some people to opt for personal freedom instead. This pattern is seen throughout history as industrialization and women's access to opportunities lead to decreasing birth rates. The question remains whether this desire is driven by biology or societal pressure. While some argue that there is an evolutionary push for women to have children, others suggest that societal norms and availability of options may be the primary factors. Ultimately, the decision to have children or not is complex and influenced by various factors. The sex rate decline, which may be renormalizing, is a reflection of the increasing choices and options available to individuals.

    • Mating crisis for men: Societal and individual factorsMen face a mating crisis due to societal messages, sedating influences, fear of rejection, and women's natural inclination towards hypergamy, leading to pressure on men to perform well in relationships

      Societal changes and individual preferences have led to a mating crisis for men, with women having more choices and men feeling less compelled to pursue relationships due to various cultural factors. This includes societal messages that being male is toxic, sedating influences like pornography and video games, and the fear of rejection. Men are not encouraged to improve their skills in pursuing relationships, and women's natural inclination towards hypergamy puts pressure on men to perform well and rise at the same rate. The speaker's personal experience of growing up with close female friends contributed to his comfort around women and success in relationships. Overall, this complex issue stems from a combination of societal and individual factors.

    • Balancing masculine and feminine traits and effective communicationAuthentic communication and empathy are essential for building meaningful relationships. Balancing masculine and feminine traits and actively listening with genuine interest can help prevent negative interactions.

      Effective communication and understanding people's feelings are crucial in building connections with others, especially in romantic relationships. The speaker emphasizes the importance of having a balance between masculine and feminine traits, as well as actively listening to and showing genuine interest in others. He also mentions the influence of Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People" on his people skills development. The speaker's experiences show that being kind and complimenting others can help prevent negative interactions. Overall, the key takeaway is that authentic communication and empathy are essential for building meaningful relationships.

    • The power of genuine interest in building connectionsAsking for help and showing genuine interest can make people feel good and help build relationships. Authenticity and clear communication are essential to building meaningful connections.

      Effective communication and genuine interest are key to building connections with people. The speaker shares how asking for help and showing genuine interest can make people feel good and help build relationships. Manipulation, on the other hand, implies being disingenuous, and the speaker believes that most of their interactions come from a place of genuine interest. The speaker also discusses the influence their spouse has had on their personal and professional growth, and how open communication and understanding each other's preferences have been essential to their long-term relationship. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of authenticity and clear communication in building meaningful connections with others.

    • Effective communication and respect in relationshipsApproach interactions with respect, playfulness, and an understanding of individual differences.

      Effective communication and respect are key in building meaningful relationships. The speaker shares an experience where they learned that being willing to walk away, while still being charming and playful, can be attractive to some people. However, it's essential to ensure that the interactions remain respectful and not mean-spirited. The speaker also acknowledges the challenge of finding a balance between respect and playful banter, especially for women, and emphasizes the importance of understanding individual preferences and boundaries. It's important to remember that everyone's communication style is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. Overall, the takeaway is to approach interactions with respect, playfulness, and an understanding of individual differences.

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    5 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire | Tom Bilyeu (Replay)

    5 Proven Ways to Become a Millionaire | Tom Bilyeu (Replay)
    On Today's Episode: What these five guests have in common is that they figured out what it would take to get rich and once they got the core principles down, built their foundation, and went to work on being relentless about becoming world class, wealth became a byproduct of doing whatever it takes. Do you have the grit to tie your identity to the person you need to become to reach that next level? Jaspreet Singh is the CEO and founder of Money Mindset and Market Briefs. Check out the full Impact Theory episode with Jaspreet Singh: https://youtu.be/42k9vH3OXI0 Brendon Burchard is a best selling author and a world renowned motivational speaker and high performance coach. Check out the full Impact Theory episode with Brendon Burchard: https://youtu.be/Q-xVb3V_zqI David Meltzer is a speaker, author, investor, and co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing. Check out the full Impact Theory episode with David Meltzer: https://youtu.be/yT98z1iTHnU Glenn Stearns is the CEO and Founder of @kindtpo and a serial entrepreneur that has starred in Undercover Billionaire. Check out the full Impact Theory episode with Glenn Stearns: https://youtu.be/M7xylRAp_uw Ken Honda is an entrepreneur and best-selling author of the book, Happy Money. Check out his full Impact Theory episode here: https://youtu.be/PtifGrHy60g [Original air date: 9-8-22]. SHOW NOTES: 0:00 | Introduction 0:20 | Make Your Money Work For You 24:37 | You Need It vs. Just Wanting It 39:43 | Signs You Will Be Rich 1:05:13 | Billionaire Lessons You Need 1:30:22 | The Secret to Wealth CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 2

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 2
    Welcome to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this riveting episode, Tom sits down with Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, to dive deep into the intricacies of our evolving financial landscape. Together, they explore why people are willing to sacrifice privacy for convenience, the challenges of financial independence, and the implications of impending inflation. Arthur and Tom dissect the potential collapse of the fiat financial system, cryptocurrency as an alternative, and the role of large asset managers. They discuss economic strategies, including government policies, the risks and rewards of various investments, and the impact of geopolitical events on financial stability. From the nuances of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the global trend of de-dollarization and Japan’s economic capacity, this conversation covers it all. Join us as we navigate the uncertainties of the financial markets, the future of digital money, and strategies for navigating high volatility. Whether you're an investor, a crypto enthusiast, or just curious about the future of the global economy, this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss. FOLLOW ARTHUR Newsletter - https://cryptohayes.substack.com/ X - https://x.com/CryptoHayes IG - https://www.instagram.com/arthur__hayes/ Website - https://maelstrom.fund CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 1

    Will This Debt Crisis Collapse The US Economy? | Arthur Hayes Mashup PT 1
    Welcome to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu. In this riveting episode, Tom sits down with Arthur Hayes, co-founder of BitMEX, to dive deep into the intricacies of our evolving financial landscape. Together, they explore why people are willing to sacrifice privacy for convenience, the challenges of financial independence, and the implications of impending inflation. Arthur and Tom dissect the potential collapse of the fiat financial system, cryptocurrency as an alternative, and the role of large asset managers. They discuss economic strategies, including government policies, the risks and rewards of various investments, and the impact of geopolitical events on financial stability. From the nuances of Bitcoin and Ethereum to the global trend of de-dollarization and Japan’s economic capacity, this conversation covers it all. Join us as we navigate the uncertainties of the financial markets, the future of digital money, and strategies for navigating high volatility. Whether you're an investor, a crypto enthusiast, or just curious about the future of the global economy, this episode is packed with insights you won't want to miss. FOLLOW ARTHUR Newsletter - https://cryptohayes.substack.com/ X - https://x.com/CryptoHayes IG - https://www.instagram.com/arthur__hayes/ Website - https://maelstrom.fund CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Why Modern Men Are Lost: The Disturbing Truth | Chris Williamson (Replay)

    Why Modern Men Are Lost: The Disturbing Truth | Chris Williamson (Replay)
    Gender roles and equality continue to be a hot topic of discussion. As women make progress in the workplace, gender pay gaps improve, educational opportunities are getting better as women break glass ceilings. Every action has a reaction and now we’re starting to see unintended problems arise for men. There is a mating crisis stemming from the masculinity crisis that has men and women questioning what it means to be a man. Chris Williamson is a podcaster, YouTuber, and former professional party boy. His podcast Modern Wisdom is the inside journey of him learning out loud from some of the most interesting people on the planet. He’s working on his first book about the mating crisis and joining Tom in this thought provoking conversation about masculinity that doesn’t diminish femininity. With women outperforming men in education and earning more than men in 2023 while also being the gatekeepers of sex men are turning to porn and video games, while women struggle to find male partners that complement their success. Chris is very clear that this important conversation is not about putting the breaks of women, but rather solving how to put the gas on men to become worthy partners that add value, protect and preserve his relationship and family. [Original air date: 2-2-23]. Follow Chris Williamson: Website: https://chriswillx.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChrisWillx Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chriswilliamsonlife/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx/ Podcast: https://chriswillx.com/podcast/ FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Everything Wrong with the West | Jordan Peterson PT 2

    Everything Wrong with the West | Jordan Peterson PT 2
    Welcome back to Impact Theory with Tom Bilyeu! Today, we dive into Part 2 of our enlightening conversation with the renowned psychologist and philosopher, Jordan Peterson. In this episode, Tom and Jordan explore the complexities of emerging as a genuine individual and the delicate dance between order and chaos in shaping our identities. They critique the oversimplified notion of self-defined identity and discuss the profound impact of beliefs on emotions and behavior. We delve into some weighty concepts, from the definition of God and the reality of evil to the negotiation of identity through childhood and social structures. Jordan shares thought-provoking insights on the transformative power of narratives, the importance of confronting suffering with courage, and the timeless battle against entropy. SHOWNOTES 00:00 Guidance on life's journey, find inner spirit. 18:00 Alternative truth embedded in tradition and consensus. 28:07 Identity is practical, like a dramatic role. 40:11 Child and adolescent socialization, peer influence importance. 48:33 Book discusses psychoanalysis, reframing self-narrative for success. 54:44 Identity politics based on unalterable, arbitrary characteristics. 01:12:54 Transition from internet dad to theologian analyzed. 01:18:39 Spontaneous speech captures living spirit of exploration. 01:26:17 Church distorts Christ's message to fit society. 01:35:33 Understanding stories shapes our internal incarnation. 01:49:50 Story of Tiamat and Marduk in historical context. 01:55:53 Encourage evolutionary perspective, conquer internal demons heroically. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Oracle: Take a free test drive of OCI at https://impacttheory.co/oraclepodAugust24  Shopify: Sign up for a $1/month trial period at https://impacttheory.co/shopifyAugust24pod Found Banking: Sign up for Found for FREE today at https://impacttheory.co/FoundITAugustpod AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to Quickbooks Payroll to get 50% off 3 months HubSpot: Check out HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently! FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Replay: Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Future Tech, Singularity, and Swearing Explained

    Replay: Tom Bilyeu Q&A: Future Tech, Singularity, and Swearing Explained
    Tom Bilyeu and Cindy field questions from the Impact Theory Community including: *Have you considered creating an Impact Theory University Master's Degree Program? *Perhaps along the lines of Singularity University, but online and aiming at a much larger global audience… *What is your number one tool for building rapport with your guests? *When setting up Impact Theory, what was the hardest hurdle that you had to overcome? *In Steven Johnson's book, Where Good Ideas Come From, he speaks about the commonplace book. *Do you journal or write when you read? What it would look like to find the next 1000 Elon Musks. And more. CHECK OUT OUR SPONSORS EightSleep: Head to https://impacttheory.co/EightSleeppodAugust24 and use code IMPACT to get $350 off your Pod 4 Ultra. Netsuite: Head to https://impacttheory.co/NetsuitepodAugust24 for Netsuite’s one-of-a-kind flexible financing program for a few more weeks! Range Rover: Explore the Range Rover Sport at https://impacttheory.co/landroverpodAugust24 Betterhelp: Visit https://impacttheory.co/betterhelppodAugust24 today to get 10% off your first month. AG1: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://impacttheory.co/AG1pod. Aura: Secure your digital life with proactive protection for your assets, identity, family, and tech – Go to https://aura.com/impact to start your free two-week trial. Quickbooks: Go to https://impacttheory.co/quickbooksJuly24 to get 50% off 3 months of Quickbooks Payroll! HubSpot: Go to https://impacttheory.co/hubspotpod and use HubSpot’s Starter CRM Suite  for FREE and get all of the essential tools, education, and support your business needs to grow efficiently!  FOLLOW TOM: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tombilyeu/ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tombilyeu?lang=en Twitter: https://twitter.com/tombilyeu YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@TomBilyeu What's up, everybody? It's Tom Bilyeu here. If you're serious about leveling up your life, I urge you to check out my new podcast, Tom Bilyeu’s Mindset Playbook —a goldmine of my most impactful episodes on mindset, business, and health. Trust me, your future self will thank you. LISTEN AD FREE + BONUS EPISODES on APPLE PODCASTS: apple.co/impacttheory Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    “You got to pat yourself on the back, that you’re very strong.”

    Start your 7 Day Free Trial of Viall Files + here: https://viallfiles.supportingcast.fm/ 

    Please make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss an episode and as always send in your relationship questions to asknick@theviallfiles.com to be a part of our Monday episodes. 

    To Order Nick’s Book Go To: https://www.viallfiles.com 

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