
    TPP047: Should you invest for yield or capital growth?

    enFebruary 06, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Investing for Yield or Capital Growth: Expert InsightsTwo Robs discuss the age-old question of yield vs capital growth, sharing their experiences and resources from the property hub. Listeners share success stories and appreciation for the inspiring and informative content.

      The property podcast, hosted by Rob Benz and Rob Dicks, provides valuable insights and motivation for property investors every Thursday. This week's episode, number 47, focuses on the age-old question of whether to invest for yield or capital growth. The hosts draw from a popular thread in the property hub and share their own experiences and resources. Listeners have left positive reviews, sharing their success stories and appreciation for the podcast's inspiring and informative content. Mikey, number 7, praises the tried-and-tested formula of two experts sharing their insights and recommendations. Andy B. shares how the podcast gave him the motivation to finally take action and buy his first buy-to-let property. Mark Ward also shares his success story of buying his desired house and first buy-to-let property thanks to the podcast and the Property Hub. The hosts also mention a useful resource of the week, a calculator, which they believe listeners might find interesting. Overall, the Property Podcast offers a supportive community and valuable information for those interested in property investment.

    • UK government's revenue surge from property marketThe UK government saw a 19.5 billion pound increase in revenue in H2 2013 due to the booming property market, driven by rising property prices and lack of threshold adjustment.

      The UK government is experiencing significant revenue growth due to the booming property market. With stamp duty, corporation tax, income tax, VAT receipts, national insurance, and other income sources, the Treasury saw a massive 19.5 billion pound increase in the second half of 2013 compared to the same period the previous year. This surge in revenue is primarily due to the increase in property transactions driven by rising property prices and the lack of adjustment in the threshold. Meanwhile, in the Property Hub community, a member initiated a conversation about whether investors should focus on yield or capital growth when investing in property. This topic is worth exploring further as both approaches have their merits. Historically, capital growth was the primary focus, but with the financial crisis and subsequent market stagnation, monthly cash flow has gained more attention. As we delve deeper into this topic, we will discuss the advantages of targeting high-yielding properties versus those with the most potential for capital growth.

    • Capital growth vs rental yield in property investmentCapital growth offers long-term wealth creation and lower tax implications but is less predictable. Rental yield provides steady cash flow and certainty in financial projections but may limit potential profits. A combination of both strategies may be ideal for successful property investment.

      Both capital growth and rental yield are important strategies in property investment, each with their unique advantages and challenges. While capital growth offers long-term wealth creation and lower tax implications, it is less predictable as the growth rate depends on external factors. Rental yield, on the other hand, provides a steady cash flow and offers more certainty in financial projections. However, it is essential to consider the potential use of profits along the way before deciding on a strategy. Properties in prime locations that focus on capital growth tend to be less risky and attract good quality tenants. Ultimately, a successful property investment strategy may involve a combination of both capital growth and rental yield, depending on individual financial goals and circumstances.

    • Capital growth vs high yield in property investingNew investors should focus on positive cash flow to ensure financial stability and avoid gambling on potential capital growth. A balanced approach combining both strategies is often the most effective.

      When it comes to investing in property, there are different strategies to consider: capital growth and high yield. Both have their merits, but it's essential to have a clear end goal in mind. Cash flow is crucial for all investors, as it ensures financial stability and allows for efficient investing. New investors, in particular, should focus on positive cash flow to avoid gambling on potential capital growth. However, a balanced approach that combines both strategies is often the most effective. Sitting down to model the financial implications of each strategy and considering personal circumstances can help determine which one is best. Ultimately, the key is to make informed decisions based on thorough research and a well-thought-out plan.

    • Balancing yield and growth in real estate investingSuccessful real estate investors balance high yields with potential growth by researching location and market fundamentals, making returns during holding period, and selling when yield compresses.

      Investing in real estate properties for high yield and growth is not a mutually exclusive goal. However, it requires thorough research and understanding of the property's location and market fundamentals. High yield properties are often cheap due to low prices or high rents. When looking for such properties, it's essential to determine if they are underpriced and will appreciate over time or if they are in areas with little growth potential. A successful investor, Matt Smith, follows this strategy by buying properties with high yields, making returns during the holding period, and selling when the yield compresses, signaling the start of capital growth. This approach allows him to reinvest profits in more profitable opportunities. The key is to balance yield and growth by carefully analyzing the property's location and market conditions.

    • Identifying areas with good fundamentals for high yield and capital growthSuccessful property investments come from areas with strong fundamentals offering both high yields and capital growth. Adapt investment strategies based on goals, such as selling or refinancing.

      A high yield in a property market with good fundamentals can lead to successful investments. Matt's experience of achieving both high yield and capital growth in his investments demonstrates that these two aspects are not mutually exclusive. The key is to identify areas with good fundamentals that also offer high yields. This strategy can be adapted to different investment goals, such as selling properties or refinancing and moving funds to new investment areas. The importance of yield and capital growth was a topic sparked by a forum post, and the hosts encourage listeners to suggest more podcast topics and share their thoughts in the forum. The resource of the week was also suggested by a forum member and is a discussion on the benefits of renting versus owning a home for investment purposes.

    • Weighing the pros and cons of buying vs rentingConsider individual circumstances and market conditions when deciding between buying and renting, use calculators and expert advice to inform decision, weigh long-term benefits of homeownership against flexibility and efficiency of renting.

      When deciding whether to buy or rent a property, it's essential to consider the specific circumstances of your situation and the market conditions in your area. The New York Times calculator mentioned in the podcast is a useful tool for comparing the costs of buying and renting, but Martin Gordon's blog, Simple Money Lifestyle, provides valuable context and clarity on how to use the calculator effectively. Ultimately, the decision to buy or rent depends on individual circumstances, and it's important to weigh the long-term benefits of homeownership against the flexibility and efficiency of renting. Listeners are encouraged to check out the show notes for links to both the calculator and Martin's blog for further information. Next week, the podcast will discuss how to take advantage of cash deals in real estate.

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    The Property Podcast
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    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

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    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
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    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    • (0:49) News story of the week 
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    • (35:20) Which deal would Rob & Rob buy? 
    • (39:57) Hub Extra 

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    The post TPP020: Yields Explained, Rants and a new intro appeared first on The Property Hub.

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    So today, with the help of James Nelis from InvestorKit, we're looking at Townsville.

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    And that’s just what we’ll be doing in this episode!


    We’ve got three suburbs in different areas of Townsville that are all showing positive trends in those three categories.


    So if you’re looking to diversify into QLD or you already have a property in Townsville, this episode is sure to have nuggets of gold that'll help you on your investing journey!


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    Disclaimer: All discussions are general in nature and should never be considered financial advice, please seek your own professional financial advice. The content displayed on the website, podcast, and blog is the intellectual property of Pizza and Property. You may not reuse, republish, or reprint such content without our written consent.

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    ASK264: Does rental income or capital growth give the biggest gains? PLUS: What’s the minimum yield I should accept?

    ASK264: Does rental income or capital growth give the biggest gains? PLUS: What’s the minimum yield I should accept?

    We’ve got another two great property questions on Ask Rob & Rob this week.

    The first question this week is from Argent.

    Argent wants to know where property investors can make the biggest gains. He knows Rob & Rob tend to focus on capital growth, but he thinks it’s more the income that gives the biggest gain, as this is the cash that hits your bank account each month. 

    Listen as Rob D takes us on a mini history lesson while drawing on his own personal experience. Yes, you need to have a bit of faith for capital growth but today Rob explains why both are equally as important. 

    You can also deliberately tilt your portfolio in the favour of one or the other. How? Listen to find out. 

    The second question comes from Daniel.

    Daniel is a long-time Property Podcast listener and he’s looking to get his first property. 

    He’d been focusing on the ‘ideal yields’ of between 8-10% but when he’s running the numbers, he’s finding the best he can get is 6% or lower. He’s wondering if he bought at 6% whether it’d be a huge mistake. 

    Rob B takes the lead with this one (as Daniel specifically used Liverpool as an example). Listen as he talks Daniel through what to look for in his next deal and how it’d affect yields. He also explains how to focus on location and consider the pros and cons of desirable vs less desirable places. 

    The difference of an extra % or two on the yield could be minimal in the short-term but a winner in the long-term.

    Do you have a buy to let or property investment related question for Rob & Rob? You could feature on the next episode by giving us a call on 013 808 00035 and leaving a message with your name and question (normal UK call rates apply). 


    Or if you prefer, click here to leave a recording via your computer instead.

    The next question on Ask Rob & Rob could be yours. 

    Have you joined us over on the Property Hub Forum yet? Our online community is friendly, informative, and the members are waiting to welcome you with open arms. So get yourself over and introduce yourself.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Investing In Real Estate Is Easy Isn't It? feat. Michael Yardney

    Investing In Real Estate Is Easy Isn't It? feat. Michael Yardney

    Learn how to master the art of property investment

    Many people think property investment is a quick way to get rich, but it’s not. It is an orderly approach to building wealth over time. It is a long-term game that requires strategic planning. You need to deeply understand the property market because it involves buying and holding properties. You have to focus on areas with high growth potential and consider factors such as demographics, lifestyle preferences, and affordability.

    Michael Yardney is a renowned property investor and expert in the field. With over 50 years of experience, he has been voted one of Australia’s 50 most influential Thought Leaders. And while he is best known as a property expert, Michael is also Australia’s leading expert in the psychology of success and wealth creation. He is a #1 best-selling author of 9 books and frequently challenges traditional finance advice with innovative ideas on property investment, personal finance and wealth creation.

    Key takeaways:

    • Property investment is not easy, but it can be simple with the right knowledge and strategies
    • It is important to understand that property investment is a long-term wealth-building strategy
    • Finding a knowledgeable and experienced property advisor or coach can greatly increase the chances of making sound investment decisions
    • Researching and analyzing local markets, demographics, and future development plans are very important for investment
    • Investing in properties requires capital and careful financial management
    • Maintaining a long-term outlook and effectively navigating the fluctuations of the real estate market are crucial
    • Managing emotions and avoid making decisions based on short-term market conditions
    • Aspirational suburbs with growth potential and increasing demand tend to be good investment choices

    All this and more, on this week’s episode of THE TOOLSHED.

    Join the toolshed - thetoolshedpodcast.com

    Stay tuned for more episodes because we will be talking to more key figures, who are contributing to the industry. So, don’t forget to subscribe to the show to get that episode as soon it gets released. Until then, stay healthy.




