
    TPP370: 4 property investors give us millions to spend!

    enApril 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • New property investment rules to knowCapital gains tax deadline shortened to 30 days, stricter energy efficiency standards for rentals, mortgage interest relief system transition complete, potential impact on mortgage holiday usage on future lending eligibility

      Several important changes in property investment and financing have recently taken effect, and it's crucial for investors to be aware of these updates. The capital gains tax deadline for reporting and paying taxes on property sales has been reduced to 30 days. Additionally, the rules around minimum energy standards for rented properties have become stricter, with the ban on renting out properties with an EPC rating of F or lower. Furthermore, the transition to the new mortgage interest relief system is now complete. As for mortgage holidays, there is evidence suggesting that taking one might impact future lending eligibility, but this is still a developing situation. Stay informed and consult your broker for specific advice.

    • Considering a mortgage payment holiday? Think twice.Mortgage payment holidays can impact your relationship with your lender and increase long-term repayments if not necessary.

      While mortgage payment holidays can provide financial relief during difficult times, they should not be taken lightly. The email discussed in the podcast reveals that lenders have the ability to contact tenants for rent confirmation if a mortgage holiday is requested. This means that attempting to take a mortgage holiday without a genuine need could potentially harm your relationship with your lender and negatively impact your financial situation in the future. The interest on the missed payments is rolled up and added to the loan, resulting in higher repayments in the long run. It's crucial to carefully consider your financial situation and only take a mortgage holiday if it's necessary. The property market remains a popular topic, with plenty of content being released, including podcasts, courses, and a YouTube channel. A new course covers property expenses and whether they're worth incurring to help save money. Don't forget that the podcast is also available on YouTube, along with other valuable resources.

    • Starting Early: James' Struggle to Buy His First PropertyRegardless of approach, having a solid strategy and starting early are crucial for successful property investing.

      Having a solid strategy is crucial for successful property investing. Rob and Rob, hosts of a popular podcast, discussed this concept with four listeners at the start of their investing journey, each with unique circumstances. James, a 20-year-old listener, asked for advice on buying his first investment property while still living with his parents. He had saved around $10,000 and could save $500 monthly. James considered two approaches: using his savings to buy a second property or waiting two years to buy a property under the government's Rent a Room Scheme. Rob and Rob commended James for his savings discipline and offered their thoughts on both strategies. They emphasized the importance of starting early and sticking to a plan, regardless of the approach chosen. Ultimately, having a well-thought-out strategy, whether it's saving and living frugally or using government schemes, can set investors up for long-term success. Listeners are encouraged to submit their questions to propertyhub.net/ask for personalized advice.

    • Should I use savings for a first home or buy-to-let?Consider personal circumstances and expert advice when deciding whether to use savings for a first home or invest in a buy-to-let property, as potential returns and challenges differ for each option.

      When considering whether to use your savings for buying a first home or investing in a buy-to-let property, the decision should not be based solely on numbers. While you'll lose the government bonus of £3,000 if you use your first-time buyer's ISA for a buy-to-let, the potential returns from a well-invested property could offset this loss and even provide a faster route to saving for a down payment on a personal home. However, securing a mortgage as a first-time buyer and first-time landlord can be challenging, so speaking with a mortgage broker is essential. Ultimately, the choice depends on personal circumstances, including emotional factors like living arrangements and comfort levels. It's crucial to weigh both options carefully and consult with experts before making a decision.

    • Balancing present and future in property investingApproach property investments with clear financial goals and research for informed decisions.

      When it comes to investing in property, especially at a young age, it's important to find a balance between living in the moment and planning for the future. While it's exciting to consider investments like buy-to-let properties in areas like Manchester, it's crucial to remember that these are investments first and foremost. The emotional connection to property can be a good thing, but it's essential to approach investments with a clear understanding of your financial goals and what you want your life to look like. When considering an inheritance, it's especially important to take a step back and carefully consider your options before making any decisions. By focusing on your long-term goals and doing thorough research, you'll be in a better position to make informed investments that will pay off in the future.

    • Focus on long-term goals when dealing with large sums of moneyAvoid hasty investment decisions, network for deals, and prioritize patience and diligence for optimal returns.

      When dealing with a large sum of money, especially after a sudden acquisition, it's essential to avoid hasty investment decisions and instead focus on long-term goals. Rushing into investments without proper planning can lead to suboptimal outcomes. For those seeking high returns, the buy-refurb-refinance strategy is possible, but it requires extensive research and effort to find undervalued properties and execute successful refurbishments. The process involves networking with industry professionals and agents to identify potential deals and learn from their experiences. Aiming for unrealistic returns, such as 40% per year, is ambitious and may not be achievable without proper planning and execution. Ultimately, patience and diligence are key to making informed investment decisions and maximizing returns.

    • Considering Strategies for Investing £3,000,000 in PropertyWith £3M to invest, consider large-scale buy-to-let or ambitious projects like development or build-to-let, but carefully weigh goals and circumstances before deciding.

      Investing a large sum of money in property requires careful consideration and a solid strategy, especially when it comes to generating income. While it's possible to achieve a good return on investment (ROI) and reinvest the profits through refinancing, continuously redeploying cash for new projects can be a full-time job. Buying properties to rent out can provide income and portfolio growth, but it may not put cash directly in your pocket right away. With £3,000,000 to invest, potential strategies include large-scale buy-to-let or more ambitious projects like development or build-to-let. However, goals and individual circumstances should be taken into account before making a decision.

    • Investing in fewer, larger properties or portfolios is more efficientConcentrating investments in fewer properties or portfolios can lead to fewer transactions, less admin, and potentially higher returns through bulk buying, but thorough research is crucial to avoid poor quality investments or overpaying.

      Investing in a smaller number of larger properties or a ready-made portfolio can be more efficient and profitable than buying a large number of individual properties. This approach concentrates the admin and management, allows for fewer transactions, and can result in a higher return due to bulk buying. However, it's essential to be careful and do thorough research to avoid investing in poor quality properties or overpaying. The potential rewards are greater, but so are the risks. It's crucial to proceed with caution and not rush into investments.

    • Investing: The Importance of Thorough ResearchDedicating time to research upfront increases chances of successful investing. Utilize resources like Property Club and free digital resources from Money Saving Expert.

      Thorough research is crucial for successful investing. The discussion emphasized the potential risks and rewards of a significant investment amount. However, the consensus was that dedicating time to research upfront can help investors make informed decisions and increase their chances of success. The hosts recommended becoming a Property Club member for additional resources and weekly Hub Extra emails. In this week's Hub Extra, they shared a list of free digital resources from Money Saving Expert, which includes meditation apps, educational materials, and entertainment options. By investing time in research and utilizing available resources, investors can enhance their knowledge and make more informed decisions.

    Recent Episodes from The Property Podcast

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    Location is everything in property investing, and this week Rob & Rob reveal the UK’s top 5 areas for property growth. Forget the usual city hotspots - these under-the-radar locations are stealing the show. Tune in as the guys share their theories on what's driving these areas' success and learn how you can leverage this information to shape your own investment strategy. Can you guess which ones made the list? Hit play to find out! 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (3:40) The best performing areas for property growth… 
    • (7:25) Kicking off with city hotspots  
    • (8:25) The top 5 performing areas revealed 
    • (15:30) Other notable areas 
    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    It’s time for your weekly dose of Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:42) Gary’s recently inherited a flat in Notting Hill that he plans to sell and use the proceeds to invest in a cheaper property with better growth potential. But the current value is about 20% less than its original purchase price, leaving him unsure whether to hold off for better market conditions or sell now for the best possible price. 
    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 25, 2024

    TPP588: June Market Update

    TPP588: June Market Update

    Get ready for one of our juiciest market updates yet, as we bring you the latest happenings in the property world, including a build-to-rent mini special packed with fascinating rental stats. But that’s not all - we dive into the hottest topic right now: the election! 

    What’s the latest updates? The manifestos are out, but what do they mean for property investors? Did The Robs see anything that worries or excites them? Join us as they break down all the news and share their beliefs on politics. Will they lose your vote? Let’s find out... 

    • (0:55) The latest data on house prices 
    • (2:20) Some interesting news on rents 
    • (5:40) What’s happening with build to rents 
    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    Rob & Rob are back to offer their advice to two more listeners! 

    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 18, 2024

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    The most frequent questions we receive are about leaseholds, and given they make up around 40% of the property market it’s crucial for every investor to understand them. Tune in as Rob & Rob deep dive into the topic, discussing the pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold, shedding light on ground rents and service charges, and bringing you up to speed with the latest changes from the Leasehold Reform Bill.  

    • (0:58) News story of the week 
    • (3:27) Let’s talk about leaseholds… 
    • (4:25) What actually is a leasehold? 
    • (6:06) The pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold 
    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for Ask Rob & Rob! Join us as we tackle two new listener questions… 

    • (0:44) Tom wonders what property investors should be looking for in each party's manifesto for the upcoming July election. He's curious if any appear to favour landlords and investors and which might introduce stricter policies. He turns to Rob & Rob for their insights to help him decide who to vote for based on his investment strategy. 
    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    It's the topic that sparks the most passionate debates: politics! With the unexpectedly early election just around the corner, what does this mean for the property market, and will a potential new government bring significant changes? Join us as Rob & Rob tread on dangerous territory, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the possible impact of a Labour government! 

    • (0:40) News story of the week 
    • (2:49) Let’s get into it… 
    • (3:20) What’s happened as a result of the election being called early? 
    • (6:40) What will happen in the run-up? 
    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    Let's dive into your questions and get some answers on this week's Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:38) A potential tenant with a CCJ has applied to rent Chris's property. The tenant has a guarantor, and the lettings agent offers a protected rent scheme. He wonders if this provides enough protection or be cautious and asks Rob & Rob for their advice. 
    • (3:10) Ashley’s at the start of her property journey and unsure whether to set up an SPV or a limited company. She wants to know the difference between the two and which option would be best for her situation. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    In this candid peek behind the curtain, Rob & Rob delve into what they actually do on a day-to-day to keep their £100m property business running. 

    From handling operations to marketing and growth initiatives, they get raw about their current roles and responsibilities - and how the wrong role had Rob D considering if it was his time to leave the business... 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 31, 2024

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    TPP585: Reviewing 3 real listener deals: Which would we buy?

    Running a £100m property business means Rob & Rob have spent countless hours analysing deals and today they’re delving into three investment opportunities our listeners have sent in! 

    They share their decision-making process, break down the pros and cons, run the numbers, and reveal which deal they’d be happy to invest in. 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (1:51) Real listener deals… 
    • (2:12) Deal 1: Two-bedroom apartment in Sheffield city centre 
    • (19:27) Deal 2: Four-bedroom detached house in Bath 
    • (26:49) Deal 3: Three-bedroom semi-detached house in Liverpool 
    • (35:20) Which deal would Rob & Rob buy? 
    • (39:57) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Welcome to another captivating episode of "The Investors Corner," where your hosts Ian, Mike, and Andy guide you through the latest and most compelling trends in the investment world. Whether you're a seasoned investor or taking your first steps in the property market, this episode is filled with essential insights.

    What We Discuss:

    1. Fractional Investing – The New Buy-to-Let?

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    Join us for this in-depth discussion filled with critical insights for property investors and enthusiasts. Whether you're seasoned in the property market or just starting out, this episode is packed with valuable knowledge you won't want to miss.

    Subscribe to Investors Corner for your weekly dose of expert property investment insights and strategies. Stay ahead in the ever-evolving UK property market.

    Your hosts are Andy & Mike. 

    Links for social media: 

    Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/AvocadoPropertyAgents

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    LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/avocado-property/

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    Will rising interest rates kill the buy to let market...through the eyes of a mortgage broker

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    If you would like more information, have a specific question for us or maybe you'd like us to host a specific guest, then please send us a DM, your feedback and involvement is important @TheLandlordPage

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    In This Episode:

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    As we wrap up our inaugural episode of 2024, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of our listeners. Your support is what drives us. We hope this episode has not only been enjoyable but also a valuable resource in your investment journey. Our mission is to empower investors and landlords like you with insightful advice and strategies, helping you make informed and successful decisions. Here's to a prosperous year ahead in your investment ventures!

    Stay Connected

    Don't forget to subscribe to The Investors Corner for more insightful episodes. Share your thoughts and questions with us on socials here:

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