
    TPP424: Is investing in city centres a thing of the past?

    enApril 29, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Laffer Curve effect and increased property transactionsLower stamp duty taxes might lead to increased economic activity and subsequent revenue for the government, as shown by a 22% increase in stamp duty receipts in March 2023

      The reduction in stamp duty taxes in the UK might not have decreased government revenue as expected, but instead, it could have encouraged more property transactions due to the Laffer Curve effect. This means that lower taxes can lead to increased economic activity and subsequent revenue for the government. The recent data showing a 22% increase in stamp duty receipts in March compared to the previous year is an example of this phenomenon. However, it's important to note that this could be a temporary boost, and the long-term impact remains to be seen. The death of city centers is another topic discussed on the property podcast, with a contrarian view suggesting it might present a unique investment opportunity. Stay tuned for more insights on that and a special Hub Extra offer.

    • Ripple effect in property marketsThe ripple effect in property markets, where prices rise in city centers and people look for more affordable options nearby, could mean that city centers are not doomed but instead experiencing a temporary lull before the next wave of growth.

      The trend of people moving out of city centers and the perceived decline of urban markets might not be as clear-cut as the commentary suggests. While cities have underperformed compared to their surrounding regions over the last 12 months, the discrepancy in growth rates is significant. For instance, Liverpool city center is growing by 6.4%, while the region as a whole, including suburban areas, is growing by 16.3%. This ripple effect, where prices rise in city centers and people look for more affordable options nearby, has been a consistent pattern in the property market. It's essential to consider this context when evaluating the current state of city centers and whether it presents opportunities for investors. The ripple effect, a natural progression in property markets, could mean that city centers are not doomed but instead experiencing a temporary lull before the next wave of growth.

    • UK Cities vs Regions: Growth Rates Diverge During PandemicDuring the pandemic, UK regions have experienced higher growth rates than cities due to people's preference for larger spaces and peaceful environments.

      The growth rates for cities and their surrounding regions in the UK have seen a significant discrepancy during the pandemic, with regions experiencing much higher growth rates than cities. For instance, Liverpool's city growth rate is 6.4%, but its region's growth rate is 16.3%. This trend is not limited to Liverpool alone, as Manchester and Leeds have also shown similar patterns. The reasons for this trend are not surprising, as people have been working from home and rethinking their priorities, leading them to prefer larger spaces with gardens and more peaceful environments. However, the question remains whether this trend will continue or reverse as lockdowns ease and people regain confidence. Before the pandemic, there was a clear trend of people gravitating towards city centers due to their convenience, vibrant atmospheres, and access to tech services. It remains to be seen if this trend will resume as the UK moves towards normalcy.

    • Cities will continue to attract residents despite WFH trendThe WFH trend may decrease demand for city center property but cities' infrastructure, entertainment, and convenience will keep attracting residents, and pricing discrepancies cannot be sustained indefinitely.

      While the trend of working from home will lead to some decrease in demand for city center property, it is unlikely to completely reverse the popularity of living in cities. The flexibility offered by working from home will lead to more people working from the office only a few days a week, but the infrastructure, entertainment, and convenience opportunities that cities provide will continue to attract many residents. The huge pricing discrepancies between city centers and regions cannot be maintained indefinitely, but the appeal of cities will endure for those who value the benefits they offer.

    • Cities in the UK offer unique living experiences based on amenities and proximityLondon's size and green spaces offer urban conveniences with a nature connection, while Liverpool's access to countryside and beaches enhances urban life. UK cities' future remains bright, with investment opportunities in the current market.

      Cities in the UK offer unique living experiences, and their appeal to residents will depend on what each city provides and its proximity to desirable amenities. London, with its vast size and abundant green spaces, allows residents to enjoy urban conveniences while still feeling connected to nature. In contrast, cities like Liverpool offer quick access to the countryside and beaches, making the urban experience less of a compromise. The future of cities in the UK remains bright, as the benefits they offer are still present despite the temporary reversal of the trend during the COVID-19 pandemic. Property investors may find an opportunity in the current market, as growth in cities is expected to resume, but there is currently less interest in city center properties compared to suburban areas.

    • Unique opportunity to negotiate discounts on city center propertiesInvestors can negotiate discounts on city center properties due to current market conditions, but this trend is expected to change soon. Act fast to secure the best deals.

      The current market conditions offer a unique opportunity to negotiate discounts on properties in city centers, which has not been the case in the last few years. With everyone focusing on investments outside city centers, developers in the city are more willing to offer discounts to make sales. However, this trend is expected to change as more people become aware of the opportunity, so it's essential to act now. Property Hub Invest can help investors take advantage of this situation by sourcing off-market deals in city centers, but individuals can also negotiate directly with developers. The key is to be brave and go against the trend, as contrarian investments often yield the best returns.

    • Investing in city center properties: A unique opportunityConsider investing in city center properties for potential upside, but do thorough research beforehand. Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield, and Derby are some promising cities.

      There's a unique opportunity to invest in property, particularly in city centers, due to a set of circumstances that may not occur again. Despite the fact that research is still necessary, this is an opportune time to negotiate deals in these areas, whether it's for new builds or secondhand stock. Being a contrarian and stepping away from the crowd can lead to greater upside potential. Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Nottingham, Sheffield, and Derby are some of the cities mentioned as strong contenders for investment. Remember, the key is to do your research and make informed decisions based on the numbers. We encourage listeners to share their success stories, no matter the size.

    • Engage with Propertyhub community and discover Class CentralExpand your knowledge base by engaging with Propertyhub community and utilizing free courses from Class Central

      There are numerous ways to engage with the Propertyhub community, including the forum and email, and sharing success stories and positive reviews is greatly appreciated. Additionally, the hosts introduced an exceptional resource called Class Central, a search engine for free courses offered by universities, some of which come with certificates. This platform provides an opportunity to learn various subjects at high quality, often for free, making it an invaluable discovery in the vast digital world. So, engage with the Propertyhub community and expand your knowledge base through resources like Class Central.

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    Build to rent: 


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    Rob & Rob are back with your monthly update and this one is a must listen! 

    With HUGE numbers across the board the guys have never reported on stats like this, in fact, we might start calling this update the record high edition.  

    From soaring property prices and rents to surging mortgage products and Welsh news, Rob & Rob have a lot to cover. 

    All the links you need are right below: 

    Property Prices 


    Cladding Issue    




    And finally... 

    Hub Extra 

    We spend so much time on our phones, so this week's Hub Extra is trying to improve that experience. 

    We’re sure it’s no news to you that you can organise the apps on your phones into little folders and you can name these things to help you keep things organised. 

    But have you ever considered naming them something a little more motivational? 

    Instead of popping all your banking/investing apps into a folder called ‘finance’, switch it out for ‘Make X amount of money this year’. 

    Whilst this might seem a little silly, when you’re picking up your phone 100+ times a day this little mental nudge might help keep you on track. 

    A further little tip straight from Rob B, is if you have an iPad as well as your iPhone, move any of those apps that you find distracting off your phone and onto your iPad. 

    And if you’d like to find out more about Portfolio you can do that here

    Let’s get social

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do. 

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week!  

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