
    Podcast Summary

    • UK Property Market Boom Amidst Mortgage Lender ChangesThe UK property market continues to grow despite potential concerns over mortgage lender changes, but the removal of stress tests could lead to future credit crunch risks and unsustainable borrowing.

      The UK property market has experienced unprecedented growth in the first half of the year, defying expectations for a market downturn. However, the removal of mortgage affordability stress tests by UK mortgage lenders, as announced by the Bank of England, could potentially lead to concerns about a future credit crunch and the sustainability of the property boom. The loan-to-income limit remains in place, but the removal of the stress test could result in borrowers taking on more debt than they can afford, particularly if interest rates rise in the future. This development, coming at a time when economic memory of past consequences seems to be fading, adds an element of uncertainty to the property market landscape. Stay tuned to The Property Podcast for more insights and analysis on this evolving situation.

    • Apple Pay simplifies property investing with Portfolio appProperty investors can easily deposit funds and invest using Apple Pay on the Portfolio app. Cities like Liverpool, Manchester, and Nottingham are currently outperforming the market with strong growth.

      The Portfolio app has made investing in property even easier with the introduction of Apple Pay, allowing users to deposit funds and invest with just a swipe of their finger. Additionally, the hosts discussed the mid-year review of their property market predictions, highlighting the strong performance of cities like Liverpool, Manchester, and Nottingham, with all three currently topping the growth charts. Despite the unpredictable events of the first half of the year, the hosts expressed optimism about their earlier picks and looked forward to evaluating the rest of their predictions in the upcoming market update. The question of whether the property boom is over also loomed large, but the hosts decided to save that discussion for a later segment. Overall, the ease of investing through the Portfolio app and the strong performance of certain cities provided a positive outlook for property investors amidst the uncertainties of the current market.

    • Housing market growth and uncertaintyDespite some predictions coming true, the housing market's growth rate and potential price drops remain uncertain due to factors like inflation, interest rates, and unpredictable assets like Bitcoin.

      The housing market has seen a 4.8% price increase year-to-date according to Nationwide, and if the current growth rate continues, the predictions for London's 4% growth and overall market growth might still hold. However, the future of the market's growth rate and potential price drops is uncertain. Inflation, which was predicted to be 5%, might even exceed that number. The base rate, initially predicted to stay under 1%, has risen to 1.25%, and might drop again. The FTSE, which was predicted to be 10% higher than its starting point, has technically met that prediction despite recent collapses. Bitcoin, with one prediction of a 30% drop met and another of an all-time high still a possibility, remains an unpredictable asset. Overall, while some predictions have held true, others remain uncertain, and the housing market and broader economic landscape continue to evolve.

    • Will the Housing Market Peak in 2022?Economic uncertainties like potential recession, high inflation, rising interest rates, and falling wages could lead to a decline in house prices, but the housing market trend could continue for the remaining half of 2022.

      The housing market has seen a significant boom this year, but there are valid concerns about whether this trend will continue. People are questioning if this is the peak of the market, given the potential for a recession, high inflation, rising interest rates, and falling wages. The uncertainty surrounding these economic factors could lead to a decline in house prices. The US market, in particular, is experiencing more panic due to the dramatic fall in stock markets and tech sectors, which could potentially impact the US housing market. Despite these concerns, it's important to remember that there is still half a year left in 2022, and many factors could influence the housing market in the coming months.

    • Economic uncertainty doesn't always lead to house price declineDespite potential recession, low unemployment and stable wages support house prices, and economic indicators suggest no imminent major triggers for significant price decrease.

      Despite the current economic uncertainty and potential for a recession, history shows us that house prices are not always negatively impacted. The strength of the job market in the UK currently is a significant factor in this, as unemployment remains low and wages are keeping up with inflation. A recession alone may not significantly impact house prices unless there is a major trigger such as generalized panic, forced sales, or a significant decrease in wages. Based on current economic indicators, these triggers do not seem imminent. It's important to remember that the word "recession" can cause unnecessary panic, and it's essential to look beyond the label and consider the underlying economic factors.

    • UK Job Market Strength Boosts Housing MarketThe UK's strong job market is driving up wages, helping people afford mortgages amidst rising house prices. However, inflation adjustments show less significant growth, and easy access to debt could continue growth.

      The current job market in the UK is strong, with more vacancies than applicants, giving employees the power to demand higher wages. This inflationary pressure is good for the housing market, as it helps people afford mortgages even with rising prices. However, it's important to note that when adjusting for inflation, property price growth is not as significant as it seems. Additionally, easy access to debt, both for commercial and consumer transactions, could lead to continued growth in property prices this year, despite some potential slowdown. While there are signs of a potential slowdown, the data currently indicates that a significant fall in property prices is unlikely. Therefore, while some may question if the property boom is over, it seems more likely that we are experiencing a sustainable period of growth rather than a bubble.

    • Property Market Growth in Current Economic ContextDespite significant price growth, current economic conditions suggest moderate real growth and continued expansion, but regular updates are necessary to stay informed.

      While property prices are currently growing at a significant rate, the economic context is different from the period leading up to the 2008 crash. The key difference is that inflation is currently much higher than it was then, meaning real property price growth is more moderate. Additionally, property prices are not currently running ahead of everything else, but rather, everything is growing rapidly. Based on this analysis, it is unlikely that the property market will experience a sudden and jarring end to its growth. However, it is important to keep in mind that market conditions can change, and regular market updates are crucial for staying informed. Overall, the current economic climate suggests that property price growth is likely to continue for the time being.

    • Embracing imperfection in time managementInstead of striving for perfection and endless productivity, accept the limitations of time and focus on making the most of it.

      That the book "4000 Weeks" by Oliver Burkeman offers a unique perspective on time management. Instead of focusing on trying to do more and be more productive, the book encourages readers to accept that they can't manage all the time they have and that perfection is an unattainable goal. With a runtime of under 6 hours, this book may be an appealing follow-up to longer reads. The message of the book was found to be enjoyable, useful, and reassuring all at once by the speaker, who plans to reread it in the future. The book serves as a reminder that it's okay to not have everything figured out and that trying to do too much can be overwhelming. Instead, we should focus on making the most of the time we have and finding peace with the imperfections of life.

    Recent Episodes from The Property Podcast

    ASK435: Should I set up one company or many? PLUS: Should I be trying other brokers?

    ASK435: Should I set up one company or many? PLUS: Should I be trying other brokers?

    Happy Tuesday! We’re back with two more listener questions! 

    • (0:43) Paul currently has three buy-to-let properties and intends to grow his portfolio to ten in the future. Each property is currently held in a separate SPV, and he's trying to decide if he should continue putting his new properties in their own SPVs or combine them all into one. Aware of the pros and cons of each method, Paul seeks advice from Rob & Rob on what to do. What will they suggest? 
    • (5:09) Lee’s been searching for the best deal for his mortgage renewal and wonders if he should stick with the advice of one mortgage broker or talk to a few to get a better range of options. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJuly 02, 2024

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    TPP589: The 5 surprising areas where property is booming

    Location is everything in property investing, and this week Rob & Rob reveal the UK’s top 5 areas for property growth. Forget the usual city hotspots - these under-the-radar locations are stealing the show. Tune in as the guys share their theories on what's driving these areas' success and learn how you can leverage this information to shape your own investment strategy. Can you guess which ones made the list? Hit play to find out! 

    • (0:49) News story of the week 
    • (3:40) The best performing areas for property growth… 
    • (7:25) Kicking off with city hotspots  
    • (8:25) The top 5 performing areas revealed 
    • (15:30) Other notable areas 
    • (17:15) What’s driving these locations success 
    • (19:43) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 27, 2024

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    ASK434: Is now the right time to sell this property? PLUS: What do I do about this arrangement fee?

    It’s time for your weekly dose of Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:42) Gary’s recently inherited a flat in Notting Hill that he plans to sell and use the proceeds to invest in a cheaper property with better growth potential. But the current value is about 20% less than its original purchase price, leaving him unsure whether to hold off for better market conditions or sell now for the best possible price. 
    • (3:28) Ryan’s wondering if he should add his arrangement fees to his mortgage or pay them off in full, so he turns to Rob & Rob for their advice. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 25, 2024

    TPP588: June Market Update

    TPP588: June Market Update

    Get ready for one of our juiciest market updates yet, as we bring you the latest happenings in the property world, including a build-to-rent mini special packed with fascinating rental stats. But that’s not all - we dive into the hottest topic right now: the election! 

    What’s the latest updates? The manifestos are out, but what do they mean for property investors? Did The Robs see anything that worries or excites them? Join us as they break down all the news and share their beliefs on politics. Will they lose your vote? Let’s find out... 

    • (0:55) The latest data on house prices 
    • (2:20) Some interesting news on rents 
    • (5:40) What’s happening with build to rents 
    • (7:57) Let’s talk politics 
    • (14:40) Hub Extra 

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    Build to rent: 


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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 20, 2024

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    ASK433: How do I value new build properties? PLUS: Are flats with cladding an opportunity?

    Rob & Rob are back to offer their advice to two more listeners! 

    • (0:45) Mussa is curious to know if flats with cladding still face a negative perception, even with EWS1 certificates. He seeks Rob & Rob’s advice on whether these properties offer good capital growth potential or should be avoided as property investments. 
    • (3:48) Thomas is at a loss on how to properly value new build properties since there are no comparable ones in the area. He turns to the guys for their expertise and guidance. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 18, 2024

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    TPP587: How to avoid a leasehold nightmare

    The most frequent questions we receive are about leaseholds, and given they make up around 40% of the property market it’s crucial for every investor to understand them. Tune in as Rob & Rob deep dive into the topic, discussing the pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold, shedding light on ground rents and service charges, and bringing you up to speed with the latest changes from the Leasehold Reform Bill.  

    • (0:58) News story of the week 
    • (3:27) Let’s talk about leaseholds… 
    • (4:25) What actually is a leasehold? 
    • (6:06) The pros and cons of leasehold vs freehold 
    • (7:01) How about ground rent? 
    • (9:50) Details on the Leasehold Reform Bill 
    • (12:40) What about service charges? 
    • (21:37) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 13, 2024

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    ASK432: Who should I vote for? PLUS: Do I really need to pay this fee?

    It's Tuesday, and that means it's time for Ask Rob & Rob! Join us as we tackle two new listener questions… 

    • (0:44) Tom wonders what property investors should be looking for in each party's manifesto for the upcoming July election. He's curious if any appear to favour landlords and investors and which might introduce stricter policies. He turns to Rob & Rob for their insights to help him decide who to vote for based on his investment strategy. 
    • (2:44) Jalon received a payment request from the Information Commissioner's Office and wants to know if the fee is something he’s required to pay as a small property investor. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 11, 2024

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    TPP586: Should property investors be scared of Labour? (Election special)

    It's the topic that sparks the most passionate debates: politics! With the unexpectedly early election just around the corner, what does this mean for the property market, and will a potential new government bring significant changes? Join us as Rob & Rob tread on dangerous territory, sharing their thoughts and opinions on the possible impact of a Labour government! 

    • (0:40) News story of the week 
    • (2:49) Let’s get into it… 
    • (3:20) What’s happened as a result of the election being called early? 
    • (6:40) What will happen in the run-up? 
    • (8:40) What will happen if Labour win? 
    • (16:30) What do we make of it all? 
    • (22:18) Hub Extra 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 06, 2024

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    ASK431: Would you rent to someone with a CCJ? PLUS: What type of company should I set up?

    Let's dive into your questions and get some answers on this week's Ask Rob & Rob! 

    • (0:38) A potential tenant with a CCJ has applied to rent Chris's property. The tenant has a guarantor, and the lettings agent offers a protected rent scheme. He wonders if this provides enough protection or be cautious and asks Rob & Rob for their advice. 
    • (3:10) Ashley’s at the start of her property journey and unsure whether to set up an SPV or a limited company. She wants to know the difference between the two and which option would be best for her situation. 

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    The Property Podcast
    enJune 04, 2024

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    AOB: What do Rob & Rob actually DO?

    In this candid peek behind the curtain, Rob & Rob delve into what they actually do on a day-to-day to keep their £100m property business running. 

    From handling operations to marketing and growth initiatives, they get raw about their current roles and responsibilities - and how the wrong role had Rob D considering if it was his time to leave the business... 

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    The Property Podcast
    enMay 31, 2024

    Related Episodes

    Could house prices really crash from here?

    Could house prices really crash from here?

    Mumblings of potential big house price falls have emerged again recently to delight the crashists. The 40% number was even mentioned - and that's not happened in a while. The property market is clearly slowing down - and prices are falling in London - but is all this talk of a crash overdone? After a report emerged from an LSE professor a fortnight ago, This is Money readers have been reliving the old house price crash article dream - and the debate in the comments has been as heated as ever. So what's behind all this? Is the warning too dire, or just a dose of realism? Simon Lambert and Lee Boyce join Georgie Frost in the studio to delve into the figures, Britain's history housing boom and bust and ponder just how overpriced homes are. Also on this week's show, we look at whether the gig economy works or needs an overhaul and more protection, and why Jaguar decided to launch the E-Pace - the new car it expects to ramp up its sales ambitions - into the air at high speed.

    TPP389: Market Update - August 2020

    TPP389: Market Update - August 2020

    It’s the episode you’ve been waiting a whole month for. It’s August’s market update! 

    There’s so much that’s happened in August, it’s been crazy! 

    Normally you would expect August to be a bit of a quieter month, with people taking time off, going on holiday or just spending time with their children during the school holidays. 

    However, given the current circumstances, that’s not been the case at all and some certain topics that the guys are going to discuss today have been quite surprising. 

    Here’s what The Robs are going to be talking about on today’s episode:

    • Property prices
    • Evictions
    • Mortgages
    • Insurance
    • Taxes
    • The economy

    Plus a whole lot more just in case that wasn’t enough for you. 


    Not only are Rob & Rob bringing you the market update, but they’ve also been on the phone talking to none other than Robert Kiyosaki, the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, just in case you didn’t already know.

    Now we’re going to be keeping all the juicy details from that conversation for next week, but Robert Kiyosaki does actually have a virtual event on this weekend! It’s on Sunday at 8am for the Global Crisis Summit so if that’s something you’d be interested in, you can get your virtual ticket here.


    If any of the job roles that Rob & Rob discussed in today’s episode and you’d like to apply, you can go and check out the full job roles right here


    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    Make sure you’ve liked and subscribed to our YouTube channel where we upload new content every week! 

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

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    TPP313: Brexit and how to handle the mid-cycle wobble

    TPP313: Brexit and how to handle the mid-cycle wobble

    Everyone has gone a bit Brexit mad this week, so Rob & Rob are here to discuss what’s going on, how they feel about it and what you should be doing.

    If you tuned into The Property Podcast last week, you’ll have heard some of our Hubbers giving their views on Brexit.But today, it’s Rob & Robs turn to tell it like it is.

    Before they dig in, it’s worth taking a look at the media hype we’re dealing with right now: 

    UK property market at weakest since 2012 as Brexit takes toll

    UK property market at its weakest for six years, says Rics

    UK house prices take pre-Brexit hit, says Nationwide

    Brexit gloom to hit housing market into 2019, says RICS

    Birmingham and Manchester benefit from Brexit blues

    UK house prices make surprise 5.9% rise in February, Halifax says

    If you’re familiar with the 18-year property cycle (if not, you can learn more here) then you’ll know that we’re heading into the mid-cycle dip. And today The Robs will be sharing exactly where they think the market will head post-dip.

    So, if you fancy a bit more Brexit madness - tune into this week’s Property Podcast. We promise, it’s a good one!

    In the news this week, and sticking with the Brexit theme, the BBC have released an article explaining what the 7 possible outcomeswould be if the government was to get an extension on Brexit. What would each potential scenario mean?

    And whilst we’ve got you, make sure you sign up to become one of our Hubbers and receive our valuable (weekly) Hub Extra emails. Create your free account here.

    We’d love to hear what you think of this week’s Property Podcast over on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. You might even have a topic you’d like us to cover in the future - if so, pop us a message on social and we’ll see what we can do.

    If that wasn’t enough, you can also join our friendly property community on the Property Hub forum.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Unlocking the Market: Sweet Spot Ahead? 🏡🔑

    Unlocking the Market: Sweet Spot Ahead? 🏡🔑
    Join Ryan Hills as he uncovers the latest developments in the real estate market. With mortgage rates trending lower and home prices continuing to rise amidst a tight inventory, we're exploring the possibility of reaching a pivotal moment in the industry. Are we about to unlock a sweet spot for both buyers and sellers? Dive into our analysis to understand the current market dynamics and what they could mean for the future of real estate. Stay tuned for insightful discussions and expert opinions
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    TPP533: A global property crash?

    TPP533: A global property crash?

    Around the world, some property markets are holding up – while others are crashing. What’s causing this pattern, and what could it mean for the future of the UK market?  

    • (0:44) News Story of the week 
    • (3:16) Want to join the team? 
    • (3:49) The global house market 
    • (4:33) Looking at the numbers 
    • (5:27) How has this happened? 
    • (8:08) Where does this leave the UK? 
    • (10:37) What’s going to happen to the UK? 
    • (12:10) Why have we told you this? 
    • (13:15) Hub Extra 

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