
    Trans Activist Emotional Blackmail, Silencing Women, and Redefining Words to Win Arguments, with Helen Joyce | Ep. 590

    enJuly 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Debate over Transgender Rights is Rooted in a LieBiological men cannot become women through self-identification, acknowledging this truth is essential for maintaining women's rights and safe single-sex spaces.

      The ongoing debate around transgender rights is rooted in the belief that biological men can become women through self-identification. However, as journalist and author Helen Joyce emphasizes, this is a lie. Transgender women are biologically male, and efforts to change this understanding are crucial for the transgender activist community in winning the debate. This debate is largely linguistic, as we cannot change our biological sex. The importance of acknowledging this truth is essential for maintaining women's rights and safe single-sex spaces.

    • The debate over women-only spaces and trans inclusion is rooted in linguistic constructs and speech acts.The inclusion of trans women in women-only spaces risks undermining their purpose and safety, as definitions inherently involve exclusion.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the definition of women and the inclusion or exclusion of trans women in women-only spaces is deeply rooted in linguistic constructs and the power of speech acts to shape reality. Those advocating for the inclusion of trans women argue that their speech act, "trans women are women," creates the desired reality, while those opposing it believe that allowing men into women-only spaces erases the very definition of what a women-only space is. The history of women-only spaces is rooted in protecting women from men, who are statistically more likely to commit sexual assault and violence. The push for inclusion, while seemingly positive, risks undermining the very purpose and safety of these spaces. It's essential to remember that definitions inherently involve exclusion, and the inclusion of one group necessitates the exclusion of another. The language of inclusion has become a buzzword, often used to silence those advocating for the preservation of women-only spaces, leading to a heated and often misunderstood debate.

    • Societal shift towards gender identity over biological sex endangers women's safety and privacyThe shift in societal norms and policies towards accommodating gender identity over biological sex increases the risk of sex crimes against women, including voyeurism and exhibitionism, with underreporting and societal pressure on women not to speak out contributing to the problem.

      The current societal shift towards accommodating gender identity over biological sex has significant implications for women's safety and privacy. This change in policy and societal norms has made it easier for men to commit sex crimes against women, including voyeurism and exhibitionism, with impunity. The statistics on these crimes are likely to be inaccurate due to underreporting and the normalization of male presence in women-only spaces. The ease of committing these crimes, coupled with the societal pressure on women not to report or speak out, is leading to an uptick in sex crimes against women. This situation also creates an opportunity for pedophiles to exploit the situation. It's essential for individuals and organizations to stand up for women's rights and privacy, and for laws to be enacted to protect women in women-only spaces.

    • Historical mistakes in the gay rights movement and the danger for trans rightsThe trans rights movement must learn from past mistakes in the gay rights movement and be vigilant against potential co-optation by predators, or risk endangering vulnerable populations.

      Historical mistakes from the gay rights movement in the 1970s and 1980s, which allowed pedophile movements to gain support and visibility, serve as a cautionary tale for the current trans rights movement. The gay rights movement, in an effort to align against their enemies, failed to recognize the potential harm and co-optation of their movement by pedophiles. Similarly, the trans rights movement today risks making the same mistake by dismissing concerns about the potential presence of predators in women's spaces as transphobic or bigoted. The danger lies in the fact that predators seek out vulnerable populations and use trustworthy positions to gain access. The current trans rights movement's sacred position is now held by trans women, making it difficult for critics to speak out without being labeled as hateful or transphobic. This dynamic can lead to dangerous situations, particularly for children, and it is crucial for the trans rights movement to be aware of this historical precedent and take steps to prevent co-optation.

    • Compromising Women-Only Spaces with Male Identifying as WomenAllowing biological males in women-only spaces can create confusion, silence women's concerns, and make children more vulnerable to predation. Listen to and respect our innate senses and fears, and advocate for free speech to facilitate open discussions on this issue.

      Allowing biological males in women-only spaces is not only confusing and problematic for women, but it also creates an environment that predators can exploit. The speaker argues that single-sex spaces, set up with the assumption of only one gender, have been compromised by the inclusion of males who identify as women. This not only silences women's concerns but also teaches children to ignore their instincts and boundaries, making them more vulnerable to predation. The speaker emphasizes the importance of listening to and respecting our innate senses and fears, rather than being silenced or ostracized for expressing discomfort. The speaker also acknowledges the role of censorship, particularly in media, in perpetuating trans ideology and limiting open discussion on the issue. They praise Elon Musk for his advocacy for free speech and his role in facilitating discussions on this topic.

    • Falsehoods about gender identity thrive on TikTok and Tumblr, creating a challenging environment for free speech, particularly for women.Social media platforms prioritize 'misgendering' over hate speech and antisemitism, creating a challenging environment for free speech, especially for women discussing gender issues.

      Social media platforms, particularly TikTok and Tumblr, have become a breeding ground for falsehoods regarding gender identity and related issues, with children spreading misinformation without adult intervention. These platforms are predominantly run by tech-savvy men who have been university educated and indoctrinated, leading to rules that prioritize "misgendering" over hate speech and antisemitism. This results in a challenging environment for free speech, particularly for women who wish to discuss these issues. YouTube, to some extent, has been more tolerant of such discussions. The importance of free speech, even when it involves disagreeable or incorrect ideas, is emphasized, as it allows for intellectual growth through engaging with diverse perspectives. The ongoing debate within the Republican Party regarding U.S. policy towards Ukraine serves as a parallel to the importance of open dialogue and the potential consequences of limiting free speech.

    • Importance of open dialogue and exposure to diverse perspectives, but limits to harmful viewpointsOpen dialogue is essential, but not all viewpoints should be platformed due to potential harm to vulnerable groups. Balance and professionalism are crucial in reporting on sensitive issues.

      Open dialogue and exposure to various perspectives are crucial for making informed decisions. However, there are limits to what viewpoints can be platformed without causing harm. The speaker expresses his disagreement with certain transgender activists' arguments, considering them abhorrent due to their potential harm to children and women. He believes that giving them a platform would do more harm than good, as seen in the example of Sarah Jane Baker, a man who identifies as a woman and incites violence against women. While journalists have a responsibility to report on such stories, they should ensure professionalism and balance. The speaker criticizes the lack of balance and professionalism in reporting on transgender issues and the ideology that turns institutions against their intended purpose.

    • Groups advocating for medical procedures to alter children's sexuality and gender identityHomophobic groups are advocating for medical procedures to prevent children who identify as gay from reproducing or experiencing orgasms, and women's rights organizations are campaigning against women's sports and spaces, creating confusion and complexity in gender debates.

      Certain organizations and individuals, including those identified as gay rights advocates, are pushing for medical protocols that can render children who identify as gay unable to reproduce or orgasm, and present themselves as the opposite sex. This perspective was expressed as homophobic and wicked, and it's disconcerting that these groups are advocating for such procedures. The discussion also touched upon the role of journalism in reporting on these issues, with concerns raised about censorship and the spreading of misinformation. Furthermore, women's rights organizations, which should be championing women's causes, are instead campaigning against women's sports and spaces, creating a situation where men are gaining access to areas previously reserved for women. This is a complex issue that requires clear language and understanding, and it's essential to recognize that the debate is not just between men and women, but rather men trying to enter women's spaces. The use of confusing terminology only adds to the confusion and makes it harder for people to grasp the core issues at hand.

    • Understanding Transgender Identity and AutogynephiliaTransgender individuals are those who identify as a gender different from their assigned sex at birth. Autogynephilia refers to straight men with a sexual attraction to themselves as women, potentially leading to intrusion into women-only spaces.

      The term "trans" in discussions about transgender individuals can be confusing, so a helpful mnemonic is to think of "trans" as meaning "not" or "fake," as in a "trans woman" being a "not-woman" or "fake woman." This discussion also touched upon the concept of autogynephilia, a term coined by sexologist Ray Blanchard, which refers to straight men who have a sexual attraction to the idea of themselves as women. These men may feel a strong urge to live as women and require validation from others, particularly women, to fulfill their desires. This can lead to intrusion into women-only spaces, which is a concern for many due to potential discomfort and privacy issues. It's important to remember that regardless of motivation, men are not welcome in women's spaces.

    • Autogynephiles and the Transgender MovementAutogynephiles, men with intense desires to be women, have significantly influenced the transgender movement through their activism and self-image. Controversy surrounds the validity of their motivations, with concerns about potential harm to children and indoctrination.

      The discussion highlights the role of autogynephiles, men who experience intense erotic arousal from the thought or image of themselves as women, in driving the transgender movement. These individuals' deep-seated desires and fantasies are central to their self-image and sexuality. Their motivation and activism have significantly influenced the acceptance and normalization of transgender identities. The discussion also touches upon the controversy surrounding the concept of autogynephilia and the debate around its validity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and addressing this issue to protect children from potential harm and indoctrination. Additionally, the speaker raises concerns about the impact of queer theory on young women and the potential for harm in validating and encouraging these desires.

    • Trans women's experiences vs. biologyTrans women may identify with aspects of womanhood some women find unpleasant, deriving pleasure from it as autogynephilia. Respect differences, promote inclusivity, and recognize that womanhood isn't owned or defined by any one group.

      Certain individuals, including some trans women, may eroticize aspects of womanhood that many women find unpleasant or undesirable, such as menstruation and dealing with sexism. This behavior can be seen as a form of autogynephilia, where these individuals derive sexual pleasure from identifying as women. This discussion also highlighted the issue of trans women claiming experiences, like menstruation, that they cannot biologically have. It's essential to recognize and respect the differences in experiences and understand that womanhood is not owned or defined by any one group. The focus should be on promoting inclusivity and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.

    • Men can't fully understand women's experiencesRespect women's spaces, particularly healthcare and trauma recovery, and criticize the intrusion of men, especially those with fixations, for retraumatizing women. Understand that autogynephilia is a phenomenon, but be cautious of medical validation and promotion of these fantasies.

      The experiences of identifying as a woman or desiring to be one are unique to men. Women simply are women, and their experiences and bodies are not up for debate or imitation. The speaker also emphasized the importance of respecting women's spaces, particularly those related to healthcare and trauma recovery, where women need to feel safe and supported. The speaker criticized the intrusion of men, especially those with fixations on being women or experiencing female trauma, into these spaces, which can retraumatize women. The speaker also highlighted the existence of autogynephilia, a phenomenon where men fantasize about being women, and criticized the medical industry for its involvement in validating and promoting these fantasies, often at the expense of women's rights and safety.

    • The Medicalization of Transgender Issues: Necessary or Harmful?The use of puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones for transgender adolescents remains a contentious issue, with critics arguing potential harm and advocates claiming necessity for well-being.

      The controversial topic of transgender healthcare, particularly for adolescents, has become a contentious issue in America. The medicalization of transgender issues, including the use of puberty blockers and cross-gender hormones, has been criticized both domestically and internationally. Critics argue that these procedures are unnecessary and potentially harmful, while advocates claim they are essential for the well-being of transgender youth. The debate is further complicated by the influence of queer theory, which challenges traditional notions of gender and reality. The political polarization in America has led many to adopt extreme views on the issue, with some Democrats and Republicans taking opposing stances based on their party affiliation rather than critical analysis. The interview given by Rachel Levine, a transgender official in the Democratic administration, illustrates the complexity of the issue and the evolving messaging from some transgender individuals. Despite claims that there are no medical procedures performed on prepubertal children, gender affirming care does involve some interventions, and the potential harm and benefits of these interventions are a subject of ongoing debate.

    • Speaker opposes use of puberty blockers and hormone therapy on minors with gender dysphoriaSpeaker believes these treatments interfere with natural development, potentially leading to asexuality, infertility, and sterility. They view it as a human rights abuse and a medical scandal.

      According to the speaker, the use of puberty blockers and hormone replacement therapy on minors with gender dysphoria is a harmful and irreversible process that can lead to asexuality, infertility, and sterility. They believe that these treatments interfere with natural development and can create a human being who can never be a normal adult. The speaker also criticizes those who advocate for these treatments for using half truths and deceptions to justify their use. They view it as a human rights abuse and a medical scandal of the 21st century. The speaker is so passionate about this issue that they have become a single-issue voter and will not support any politician who supports these treatments for minors.

    • Politician's Misinformed Stance on Transgender CareDespite a politician's support for parents' rights, the potential harm of irreversible cross-gender hormones for minors was overlooked, leading to criticism of misinformed stance influenced by trans lobby's misrepresentations. Media plays a crucial role in accurate reporting and avoiding emotionally contagious language.

      During a discussion, a politician attempted to distinguish between surgical procedures and cross-gender hormones for minors, but failed to recognize the irreversible consequences of the latter, such as infertility and asexuality. He expressed support for parents' rights, but overlooked the potential harm they could cause. The politician's stance was criticized as misinformed and influenced by misrepresentations from the trans lobby. The issue of transgender care raises serious concerns, as some parents may be motivated by social status or enjoy the drama, while others are coerced into accepting irreversible treatments due to fear of their child's suicide. The media plays a crucial role in informing the public about this complex and sensitive issue, ensuring accurate reporting and avoiding language that could be emotionally and socially contagious.

    • Experts question the evidence for gender affirming care's mental health benefitsDespite claims, the evidence for gender affirming care reducing suicide among transgender youth is of low certainty, and risks like sterility, medication dependence, and regret are significant. Experts recommend psychotherapy as the first line of treatment.

      The claim that gender affirming care reduces suicide among transgender and gender diverse youth is not supported by the best available evidence. Several experts from various countries have expressed concern in the Wall Street Journal, stating that the evidence for mental health benefits is of low certainty, while the risks, including sterility, lifelong medication dependence, and regret, are significant. They recommend psychotherapy as the first line of treatment instead. The speaker also notes that some professionals who advocate for gender affirming care may have been influenced by personal experiences or may be reluctant to admit they were wrong.

    • Transgender debates: Deep-rooted resentment, fear, and complexityTransgender debates involve deep-seated emotions, fear, and a complex divide due to recent ideology, age, and educational differences. Open, respectful dialogue is essential for understanding and acceptance.

      The intense debates surrounding transgender issues often involve individuals justifying irreversible decisions they've made, with some trans activists being driven by deep-seated resentment and envy towards women. The discussion also highlighted the fear and intimidation some parents face when their children adopt extreme ideologies, leading to a divide that can be difficult to bridge. Additionally, the relatively recent nature of this ideology and the significant age and educational differences contribute to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, it's crucial to push past simplistic labels and engage in open, respectful dialogue to foster understanding and acceptance.

    • The Dangers of Trans Inclusion for Children with Gender DysphoriaParents should be vigilant about their children's online activities and school environment, teach them that biological sex is not a construct, and avoid engaging in debates about gender identity with strangers.

      The push for trans inclusion in various spheres, including sports and education, can be detrimental to children who may be experiencing gender dysphoria. Many parents may miss the warning signs of their children's excessive online engagement and indoctrination into harmful ideologies. Female athletes who support trans inclusion may position themselves as morally superior, but it can put children in danger. A long-term study found that the vast majority of children with gender dysphoria grow out of it. Therefore, it's crucial to leave children alone and not encourage them to adopt unconventional gender roles. The current social contagion, particularly among girls, makes it challenging for parents to counteract the influence of schools and peer groups. It's essential to be vigilant about the school environment and teach children that biological sex is not a construct. Ultimately, it's crucial to protect children from being indoctrinated into harmful ideologies and cult-like environments. Parents should be open to discussing these issues with their children but set clear boundaries and avoid engaging in debates about pronouns or gender identity with strangers.

    • Transgender athletes in women's sports: Balancing inclusivity and fairnessThe UCI's decision to only allow those who identify as female and haven't undergone male puberty to compete in women's cycling events highlights the complexity of balancing inclusivity and fairness in sports. A recent poll shows that most Americans believe transgender athletes should compete based on their birth sex.

      The issue of transgender athletes competing in women's sports has been a contentious topic, leading to significant changes in policies. The World Cycling Organization (UCI) recently made headlines by announcing that only those who identify as female and have not undergone male puberty can compete in women's events. This decision was made due to the significant differences in strength, speed, and stamina between men and women, which become apparent during puberty. However, the implementation of this rule has been a challenge, as some sports have opted to forego testing for lower testosterone levels. The public's perception of this issue is clear, with a recent NBC News poll showing that 69% of Americans believe transgender athletes should only compete on the teams that correspond with their birth sex. Overall, the debate surrounding transgender athletes in women's sports highlights the complexity of balancing inclusivity with fairness in competitive environments.

    • Helen and Megyn's Productive ConversationHelen and Megyn had a meaningful discussion about important issues, with Helen showcasing courage and determination as a journalist. Upcoming interview with IRS whistleblowers.

      Helen and Megyn had a productive and meaningful conversation about important issues, with Helen showcasing her courage and determination as a journalist. They expressed their appreciation for each other's work and looked forward to continuing their discussion. Additionally, a significant upcoming interview was announced on the show, featuring both IRS whistleblowers, Gary Shapley and Joseph Ziegler, who will speak out on Joe Biden and Hunter Biden for the first time together. The Megyn Kelly Show is committed to bringing unfiltered, agenda-free conversations and exclusive interviews to its audience.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Video: Will Gibson-Smith

    Planning: Alex Barnett

    Production: Gabriel Radus

    Editor: Tom Hughes

    For exclusive daily videos from The News Agents visit Global Player: https://www.globalplayer.com/videos/brands/news-agents/the-news-agents/

    You can watch our interviews in full at https://www.globalplayer.com/videos/brands/news-agents/the-news-agents/

    The News Agents is a Global Player Original and a Persephonica Production.

    The News Agents is executive produced by Dino Sofos.

    Ep. 395 - Leftism Is A Religious Cult

    Ep. 395 - Leftism Is A Religious Cult

    The superstitious cultists on the Left are canceling JK Rowling for saying that biological sex exists. We'll discuss the Left's continuing plunge into collective madness and its campaign against science and reason. Also, the LGBT lobby is now demanding that Hallmark put a gay character in one of its movies. And I answer your emails.

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    Trans Ideology Harming Women, and Dangers of "Affirming" Care, with Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," Cat Cattinson, and More | Ep. 529

    Trans Ideology Harming Women, and Dangers of "Affirming" Care, with Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," Cat Cattinson, and More | Ep. 529

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Kellie-Jay Keen "Posie Parker," founder of the group "Standing For Women," to talk about how she got started talking about the issue of trans ideology publicly as a stay-at-home mother in 2018, why the U.S. is much more extreme on these issues than most of the rest of the world,  the rise of "trans widows," whether it's appropriate to use preferred pronouns, how YouTuber Mr. Beast’s co-star Chris Tyson is public transitioning, Tyson’s disturbing tweets uncovered now, Lia Thomas’ alleged “autogynephilia” sexual fetish, and more. Then Joey Brite, executive producer of "Affirmation Generation," joins the show along with detransitioner Cat Cattinson and therapist Stephanie Winn to discuss the dangers of gender affirming care, how sexual assault and struggling with sexuality can lead to gender dysphoria, how they've lost trust in the Democratic party because of its radical transgender ideology, how money may be a motivating factor in promoting these beliefs, the effect testosterone can have on a person’s voice, and more.

    Keen: http://www.standingforwomen.com/

    Brite/Cattinson: https://affirmationgenerationmovie.com

    Winn: https://www.sometherapist.com


    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Biden's Outrageous Title IX Changes Hurting Women and Men, with Alex Clark, Mary Morgan, May Mailman, Inez Stepman, and KC Johnson | Ep. 771

    Biden's Outrageous Title IX Changes Hurting Women and Men, with Alex Clark, Mary Morgan, May Mailman, Inez Stepman, and KC Johnson | Ep. 771

    Megyn Kelly opens the show by revealing for the first time she voted for Donald Trump in 2020, the reasons why that relate to her concerns about her daughter and sons, Biden’s outrageous changes to Title IX that help "trans" women but hurt biological women and men, the way it endangers girls and harms the due process rights of boys and men, and more. Then May Mailman and Inez Stepman of the Independent Women's Forum join to discuss why Biden’s new Title IX rules will hurt biological men and women, the infringement on parents' rights with these changes, why misgendering can now be punished as sex discrimination, how Biden's changes to stop discrimination actually leads to more discrimination, and more. Then KC Johnson, author of "The Campus Rape Frenzy," joins to discuss how Biden’s new Title IX rules will ruin men and boy’s due process on campuses, examples of when male students were wrongfully accused of sexual assault in cases on campuses, and more. And Alex Clark, host of "The Spillover," and Mary Morgan, host of "Pop Culture Crisis," join to discuss how young girls and women must fight back over radical gender ideology, campus degeneracy that has become the norm, the outrageous viral post from Andrew Tate and his influence with boys and men, whether the birth rate is a problem in America, "red pill" conservatives in our culture, a man setting himself on fire in front of the Trump trial, and more.

    Mailman- https://iwlc.org/invest/

    Stepman- https://www.iwf.org/

    Johnson- https://kc-johnson.com/

    Clark- https://www.youtube.com/@RealAlexClark

    Morgan- https://www.youtube.com/@PopCultureCrisis

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MegynKelly

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