
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the merger of Dunder Mifflin branches, Dwight's protective arc over Angela, and Jim's past interest in PamIn 'Traveling Salesman,' The Office's third season, Dwight covers for Angela, sales team pairs up for calls, and Michael learns about Dwight's corporate betrayal. This episode, a two-parter, was designed as one big arc to explore the merger of the two branches, with Dwight's protective arc over Angela and Jim's past interest in Pam as key elements.

      The third season of The Office, episode 12, "Traveling Salesman," was a pivotal two-part episode written by Mike Schur, Lee Eisenberg, and Gene Stupnitsky, and directed by Greg Daniels. Jenna Fisher (Pam) and Angela Kinsey (Angela) share behind-the-scenes stories about this episode, which saw Dwight covering for Angela, the sales team pairing up for calls, and Angela discussing her love life with Pam. Michael learned Dwight went to corporate behind his back, and Karen revealed Jim had a past interest in Pam. Greg Daniels, in an exclusive audio clip for their podcast, shared that these episodes were designed as one big arc to explore the merger of the two branches, with Dwight's protective arc over Angela being a highlight.

    • The Office writers intentionally paired characters in unexpected ways for cost savings and deeper relationshipsWriters strategically teamed up characters to enhance their relationships and save costs by shooting multiple episodes at the same location

      The writers of "The Office" intentionally paired characters together in unexpected ways for the two-episode storyline "Traveling Salesman," which helped deepen their relationships and add new dimensions to their characters. The episodes were shot in conjunction over a 10-day period to make the most of various locations, resulting in cost savings. A notable location was a coffee shop, which was used in multiple episodes, including one featuring a tattoo parlor next door in an upcoming episode. The coffee shop was a real location called Java Groove Coffee, but it has since closed and been replaced by a printing company.

    • Creating Illusions of Different Office Locations in The OfficeThe Office production team went above and beyond to create the illusion of various office locations for salesmen's visits using the same building, but NBC's addition of new content to repeats led to discrepancies between versions.

      The hit TV show "The Office" went to great lengths to create the illusion of various office locations for the salesmen's visits, using the same building and dressing it differently for each scene. This was accomplished at the Panorama Medical Plaza in Van Nuys, California. However, a subplot about Pam winning an art contest was cut from the Netflix version of the episode, creating a discrepancy between the two. This was due to NBC attempting to increase viewership by adding new content to repeats, resulting in two distinct versions of the episode. Overall, the show's production team was innovative in their use of locations and adaptable to network demands.

    • The Unpredictability of FriendshipFriendships can form quickly but sour just as easily, highlighting the importance of clear communication.

      The fleeting nature of friendship was explored in this episode when Pam's excitement over winning an art contest led to a quick bonding moment with Angela, only for their friendship to sour when Angela offered Pam a kitten as a gift. Meanwhile, a fan question was answered regarding the voice of Michael's talking computer, Harvey, which was revealed to be actor Mike Schur. Additionally, it was explained that some lines from the scene between Michael and Pam did not match up due to editing room cuts. In accounting, Kevin informed Angela that their tax forms were missing, but Angela assured him they had arrived that morning. A fan noted Angela's unusual hairstyle during this scene. Overall, the episode showcased the unpredictability of relationships and the importance of clear communication.

    • Angela's hairdo on The Office was a deliberate choice to represent her happinessActress Rashida Jones collaborated with hair designer Kim Ferry to create Angela's intricate pinwheel flower hairdo on The Office, which added depth to the storytelling and showcased the cast and crew's collaborative efforts.

      The intricately styled hairdo of character Angela on "The Office" was a deliberate choice to represent her happiness and love. The actress, Rashida Jones, worked closely with the hair designer, Kim Ferry, to create the unique pinwheel flower design. Jones shared that Angela might have had to endure discomfort during filming, as she couldn't lay down or even lean back during breaks due to the elaborate hairdo. Fans praised the stunning look, and Jones improvised the line about leaving jelly beans for Pam to add to the scene. Another notable reference was the callback to Andy's Willy Wonka comparison during the episode. Overall, the attention to detail in the character's appearance added depth to the storytelling and showcased the collaborative efforts of the cast and crew.

    • Michael's sales call day with humorous momentsThe Office's writing showcases intricate detail, humor, and character dynamics through scenes like Michael's sales call day.

      The show "The Office" is known for its intricate attention to detail and clever writing, as shown in a scene where Michael Scott gathers his sales team for a day of sales calls. During this scene, Phyllis' perfectly timed nose-blowing adds a humorous moment, which was intentionally scripted. The scene also includes callbacks to previous episodes and showcases the unique dynamics between characters, such as Jim and Dwight's history and Ryan's self-deprecating humor. The episode's attention to detail and well-timed humor demonstrates the show's ability to create engaging and memorable moments for its audience.

    • Inspired by reality shows, The Office's production team used lipstick cameras for car scenesThe Office's crew used lipstick cameras in cars for candid footage, following behind or in front with a team for guidance and feedback

      The production team of "The Office: An American Workplace" drew inspiration from popular reality shows like "The Amazing Race" for their documentary-style comedy series. They found it easier to reference reality shows due to the visual appeal, and one such example is seen in their use of lipstick cameras for car scenes. These tiny cameras were placed in the visors of the cars, allowing for the capture of improvised conversations between the characters while they drove around. The crew followed behind or in front of the cars with a director, sound person, and a mobile video screen to provide guidance and feedback. This method allowed the production team to get a lot of production value by getting out of the office setting, and resulted in authentic and candid footage.

    • Ensuring safe and efficient filming of driving scenes in 'The Office'The Office's production team went above and beyond to ensure safe and efficient filming of driving scenes, using lipstick cameras and coordinating with authorities. Characters continued to develop in office scenes, with Andy trying to undermine Dwight and Angela and Pam sharing a scene.

      During the filming of "The Office" (Season 2, Episode 11: "Product Recall"), the production team went to great lengths to ensure safe and efficient filming of driving scenes. They would clear routes, call highway patrol or police for permission, and make loops in specific neighborhoods. A notable first for this episode was the use of lipstick cameras in cars instead of having a camera operator in the back seat. Meanwhile, the office scenes showed Andy trying to undermine Dwight, Phyllis and Karen getting glam makeovers, and Ryan asking Stanley to lead a sales call. Angela and Pam shared a scene together, which was exciting for both actresses as they didn't have many opportunities to work together. The use of lipstick cameras resulted in slightly lower video quality compared to matte or Randall cameras. The episode also featured a nod to old tech with a mention of glamour shots, which have since been replaced by selfies and filters. In essence, the episode showcased both the production challenges and the character interactions that made "The Office" a beloved sitcom.

    • Small Talk and Unrequited FeelingsDeleted scenes revealed deeper layers of Pam and Toby's relationship and Dwight's pre-sales call routine, adding complexity to the characters and the show.

      The scene between Pam and Toby at the coffee shop revealed deeper layers of their relationship than what was shown on screen. A deleted scene showed that Pam took coffee orders to make small talk with her colleagues, including Toby, who ordered a chai latte, the same as Pam's. However, when Pam returned with the coffees, Toby threw his in the trash without getting to speak with her. This moment showcased Toby's unrequited feelings for Pam and his attempt to connect with her through their shared coffee order. Another interesting moment was Dwight's pre-sales call routine, which involved him getting amped up with Jim, who surprised him with a playful slap as they entered the building. This moment was scripted but Rain was genuinely startled, adding an authentic element to the scene. Overall, these small moments highlighted the complexities of the characters' relationships and added depth to the show.

    • Importance of improvisation in creating authentic momentsImprovised moments in film and TV can make scenes appear unscripted and authentic, enhancing audience engagement.

      Even scripted moments in films and TV shows can appear unscripted and authentic when actors improvise convincingly. This was evident in a scene from "The Office" where Rainn Wilson's character, Dwight, was slapped by Steve Carell's character, Michael, during a sales call. The unexpected reaction from the business owner they were meeting with added to the authenticity of the moment. During the filming of the scene, the actors were trained to hit each other using specific techniques to make the impact look more violent than it actually was. However, Wilson was genuinely taken aback by the improvisation, resulting in a genuine shocked expression that made it to the final cut. Moreover, the scene showcased Michael's ability to connect with people one-on-one, despite his struggles as a boss. The conversation about fishing served as a callback to a previous episode, and Andy's reaction to Michael's story demonstrated the art of fishing and the disdain for shooting fish. The DVD commentary revealed that Ed Helms and Steve Carell went off-script during the scene, and the business owner, Warren Sweeney, was caught off-guard by their improvisation. Despite his surprise, Sweeney's reaction was kept in the final edit, adding to the authenticity of the scene. Overall, the scene highlights the importance of improvisation in creating believable and engaging moments in film and television.

    • Effective communication and understanding client needsAcknowledging client frustrations and addressing concerns for good customer service leads to successful sales. Adaptability and understanding unique client needs are also crucial.

      Effective communication and understanding the needs of the client are key elements in making a successful sale. In the Office scenario, Dwight's ability to connect with a potential client by acknowledging their frustration with big companies and their customer service, and addressing their concern for good customer service, ultimately led to the sale. On the other hand, Ryan struggled to connect with his older clients due to his discomfort in the church setting and his inability to effectively communicate with them. The episode also highlights the importance of being adaptable and understanding the unique needs and preferences of different clients. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the fond memories shared by Jenna about her father and how even seemingly mundane experiences can leave lasting impressions.

    • Stanley saves Ryan's sales call and Angela reveals her middle nameStanley improvises to save a sales call, bringing joy to his day, while Angela's middle name 'Noel' is revealed, highlighting the office's quirky dynamics.

      In the scene from "The Office," Stanley saves Ryan's second unsuccessful sales call by improvising and making the client laugh, bringing joy to Stanley's day. Meanwhile, at the coffee shop, Angela speaks in code about her friend "Noel," revealing it to be her middle name, and Pam holds a list of coffee orders. The scene also highlights the height difference between the men in the office and B.J., making B.J. look even younger. The writers pitched different middle names for Angela during filming, with "Noelle" being the one ultimately chosen due to Angela's love of Christmas. Overall, the scene showcases the unique dynamics and relationships between the characters in the office.

    • Insights from 'The Office': Angela's hairdo inspired by 'Babylon 5', Phyllis' revelation, and Andy's toll booth receiptUnexpected revelations added depth to characters, including Angela's 'Babylon 5'-inspired hairdo, Phyllis' happiness for Karen, and Andy's potential infidelity speculation

      The inspiration behind Angela's unique hairdo in "The Office" came from her time working on the sci-fi show "Babylon 5." This tidbit was shared in real-time by Kim Ferry during a break, adding an unexpected and interesting layer to the character. Another notable moment was Phyllis' casual revelation to Karen about her happiness for Karen being with Jim, which was delivered with perfect timing and reaction from Rashida. Lastly, Andy's discovery of Dwight's toll booth receipt led to speculation about his whereabouts and potential infidelity, adding suspense to the episode. Overall, these behind-the-scenes insights add depth to the characters and make for engaging viewing.

    • Secrets and hidden relationships in the workplaceKeeping secrets in the workplace can lead to tension, emotional situations, and potential consequences like quitting rather than confessing

      Secrets and hidden relationships can lead to complex and emotional situations in the workplace. In the Office episode discussed, Dwight's unexplained absence and rumored relationship with Angela causes tension and leads to a heartfelt but unspoken confession in the break room. Meanwhile, Karen's denial about Jim's feelings for Pam and her own move for the wrong reason highlights the difficulty of acknowledging and dealing with truths that can be painful or embarrassing. Ultimately, Dwight's decision to quit rather than reveal his secret demonstrates the potential consequences of keeping secrets in a professional setting.

    • Dwight's Unique Funeral VisionThe group brainstormed ideas for a non-traditional funeral for Dwight, reflecting his dedication to work and quirky personality.

      Dwight Schrute from The Office would want his funeral to be a unique and meaningful event, reflecting his dedication to Dunder Mifflin and his quirky personality. He imagined being staged at his desk, continuing his work, and interacting with guests in an unconventional way. This idea of a non-traditional funeral was further explored with a humorous twist, involving a revelation of Larry's secret online activities. The group imagined a scene where this revelation would take place during the funeral, shocking the attendees and adding an unexpected element to the event. Overall, this conversation highlights the group's creativity and their appreciation for the unique qualities of the characters in The Office.

    • Angela's cats keep her from traveling for businessAngela's attachment to her multiple cats prevented her from making a business trip to New York, leading Dwight to step in and help.

      Angela's intense stare and inability to leave her cats behind for a business trip led her to rely on Dwight's help in the latest episode of "The Office." The discussion also shed light on the challenges Angela faces in managing her household with multiple cats, which made it impossible for her to make the trip to New York herself. The podcast hosts also touched upon the validity of a fan question about why Angela couldn't bring her tax forms herself and explained that her morning routine with her cats was a significant factor. Overall, the episode showcased the unique bond between Angela and Dwight and the lengths they go to help each other out.

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


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    Office Ladies
    en-usJune 12, 2024

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    Office Ladies
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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies
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    Office Ladies
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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies
    en-usMay 15, 2024

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    “Soul Boom: Why We Need a Spiritual Revolution”: https://www.hachettego.com/titles/rainn-wilson/soul-boom/9780306828270/


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    Audio excerpt courtesy Penguin Random House Audio from Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (And Other Concerns) by Mindy Kaling, narrated by the author. © 2011 by Mindy Kaling, ℗ 2011 Penguin Random House LLC

    464: How to Prevent Management Messes with FranklinCovey’s Scott Jeffrey Miller

    464: How to Prevent Management Messes with FranklinCovey’s Scott Jeffrey Miller

    Scott Jeffrey Miller shares powerful stories and principles for becoming the most effective leader you can be.

    — YOU'LL LEARN — 

    1) Why making time for one-on-ones is truly worth it.

    2) Three foundational principles for listening well.

    3) How to flourish as a leader by practicing the Law of Harvest.

    Subscribe or visit AwesomeAtYourJob.com/ep464 for clickable versions of the links below. 


    Scott J. Miller is Executive Vice President of Business Development and Chief Marketing Officer for FranklinCovey. Scott has been with the company for 20 years, and previously served as Vice President of Business Development and Marketing. His role as EVP and Chief Marketing Officer caps 12 years on the front line, working with thousands of client facilitators across many markets and countries.

    • Scott’s Book: “Management Mess to Leadership Success: 30 Challenges to Become the Leader You Would Follow” 

    • Scott’s Company: FranklinCovey

    • Scott’s Website: ManagementMess.com

    • Scott’s LinkedIn: Scott Jeffrey Miller

    • Twitter: @ScottMillerFC


    • Study: Dr. Deborah Tannen on Interruption in Conversation

    • Survey: Gallup on quitting

    • Video: “The Law of the Harvest”

    • Book: “Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter” by Liz Wiseman

    • Book: “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap…And Others Don’t” by Jim Collins

    • Book: “The Four Disciplines of Execution: Achieving Your Wildly Important Goals” by Chris McChesney, Sean Covey, Jim Huling


    • The Simple Habit meditation app can help your mind listen better. The first 50 listeners to sign up at SimpleHabit.com/Awesome get 30% off premium subscriptions.

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    796: How to Make Progress on Your Most Audacious Goals, Every Day with Grace Lordan

    796: How to Make Progress on Your Most Audacious Goals, Every Day with Grace Lordan

    Grace Lordan offers actionable solutions and tips to help bring you closer to your goals, one step at a time. 

    — YOU’LL LEARN — 

    1) How to free yourself from the fear of making mistakes 

    2) How to break free from impostor syndrome 

    3) How to stop stress from hijacking your day 

    Subscribe or visit AwesomeAtYourJob.com/ep796 for clickable versions of the links below. 

    — ABOUT GRACE — 

    Dr Grace Lordan is the Founding Director of The Inclusion Initiative and an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science.   

    Grace is an economist and her research is focused on quantifying the benefits of inclusion within and across firms, as well as designing interventions that level the playing field for under-represented talent within firms.  Grace served as an expert advisor to the UK government sitting on their skills and productivity board, is currently a member of the UK government’s BEIS social mobility taskforce and is currently on the Women in Finance Charter’s advisory board. 

    Her academic writings have been published in top international journals and she has written for the Financial Times and Harvard Business Review. Grace is a regular speaker and advisor to blue chip finance and technology firms. Think Big, Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want is her first book. 

    • Book: Think Big: Take Small Steps and Build the Future You Want 

    • Website: www.GraceLordan.com 


    • Book: Courage Is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave (The Stoic Virtues Series) by Ryan Holiday 


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