
    Podcast Summary

    • The Blind Boy Podcast to Feature Waterford Whispers News and International TourThe Blind Boy Podcast, hosted by a comedian, is having live shows in Ireland and planning an international tour in 2020. The host will interview Waterford Whispers News and offset his carbon footprint for flights.

      The Blind Boy podcast, hosted by the comedian and satirist, is having two live shows in September 2019 in Waterford and Killarney, with a few tickets still available. The podcast host is looking forward to interviewing Waterford Whispers News, a popular Irish satire group. In 2020, the podcast will have an international tour, with the host traveling to various countries where the podcast has a listenership. Despite his awareness of climate change, he plans to offset his carbon footprint by using carbon calculators and making payments to offset his flights. The host also addresses criticism from online detractors who accuse him of hypocrisy for flying while virtue signaling about climate change.

    • Reducing carbon footprint through travel offsetsDonating to renewable energy and carbon absorption projects offsets travel emissions and contributes to the fight against climate change. Be aware of the impact of our actions, even when under the influence, and strive for ethical choices.

      Individuals can reduce their carbon footprint by offsetting the emissions from their travels through donations to renewable energy and carbon absorption projects. The speaker shares an example of how he offset the carbon emissions from a long-haul flight for €130 and donated it to a cause. This simple action can contribute significantly to the fight against climate change. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of being aware of the impact of our actions, even when under the influence, and striving for ethical choices in all aspects of life. The story of Andy the Goose, a real-life disabled goose who was given shoes and tragically murdered, serves as a reminder of the importance of compassion and the impact of our actions, even the small ones.

    • The Shriners: A Lighthearted Breakaway from Traditional FreemasonryThe Shriners, a subset of Freemasonry, are known for their oriental styles, fez hats, and philanthropy in children's hospitals, but face conspiracy theories due to Freemasonry's secretive nature and members' power and influence.

      The Shriners are a unique sect of Masonry that emerged in New York in the 1800s. They broke away from traditional Freemasonry, seeking a more lighthearted and fun approach. This group adopted oriental styles, including the wearing of fez hats, and became known for their involvement in children's hospitals and helping those with lost limbs. Despite their seemingly harmless public image, there are conspiracy theories surrounding Freemasonry's secretive nature and the power and influence of its members. The Shriners, as a part of this larger organization, may also be subject to such speculation.

    • Mysterious death of Andy the goose owned by Freemasonry sectA Freemasonry sect's involvement in the violent death of a famous goose named Andy, who wore children's shoes and was known for his newfound fame, raises questions about the secret society's role in the community and potential motives for the animal's death.

      The mysterious death of Andy the famous goose, who wore children's shoes and was owned by a member of a unique American Freemasonry sect, raises intriguing questions. This secret society, where grown men dress in 18th century orientalist clothes and drive tiny cars in parades, may have been involved in Andy's death. The violent and ritualistic nature of the goose's decapitation and public display of his body suggests a message being sent, possibly due to Andy's newfound fame. The lack of information available online about Andy and his owner adds to the mystery, making it an intriguing subject for a proper investigative podcast. The Freemasonry sect's secrecy and power in the community could have played a role in the goose's death, making it a potential case of a human inflicting violence on an animal for unknown reasons.

    • Discussing Developmental Psychology with a Hard-Hitting ApproachExplore developmental psychology in a thought-provoking manner, support the podcast through Patreon, and consider ethical purchasing options like lab-grown diamonds and charitable initiatives.

      Last week's podcast discussed the mysterious case of "Andy the ghost" in great detail. The speaker expressed regret for not giving the story the proper investigation it deserved and warned others against consuming large amounts of alcohol and cigarettes before engaging in cognitive tasks. This week, the speaker plans to discuss developmental psychology in a hard-hitting way. The podcast is supported by listeners through Patreon, and the speaker encourages those who enjoy the podcast to consider becoming patrons to support the production. The speaker also mentioned an ocarina pause for potential ad insertions and promoted Blue Nile's lab-grown diamonds and Bombas' charitable initiatives. Overall, the podcast aims to provide entertainment and solace to listeners and offers multiple ways to support the production.

    • Word-of-mouth and social media drive podcast growthPodcasts can grow through personal recommendations and social media shares, with one speaker citing a large international listenership from these channels. A new discussion topic may explore societal changes leading to potential extension of adolescence to age 24, based on research.

      Word-of-mouth and social media engagement play a significant role in expanding the reach of a podcast. The speaker mentioned that his podcast, which has a large international listenership, has grown primarily through personal recommendations and social media shares. Additionally, the speaker plans to explore the relevance of the film "Home Alone" in 2019 and discuss the concept of extending adolescence and declaring adulthood at age 24, based on new research from psychologists. The speaker believes that societal changes have resulted in 18-year-olds today not reaching the same milestones and levels of autonomy as they did 20 years ago, leading to a suggestion that adulthood should begin at age 24. The speaker also noted that the human brain continues to develop physically until age 23, but the new suggestion of extending adulthood is not based on this information alone.

    • Changes in milestones of adulthood for young adultsSocietal and technological factors have altered the experiences and markers of adulthood for 18-year-olds, impacting their acceptance of responsibilities and mastery of maturity and autonomy. Social media's prevalence may decrease the need for physical interaction and communication, further affecting these experiences.

      The experiences and markers of adulthood for 18-year-olds today are different than they were in the past due to various societal and technological factors. These changes include less frequent driving, fewer ritualistic ceremonies, and less frequent sexual activity. The speaker suggests that these milestones help individuals accept adult responsibilities and master maturity and autonomy. However, the prevalence of social media has led to a decrease in the need for physical interaction and communication, which may contribute to a decrease in these experiences for young adults.

    • Transition to adulthood delayed for young adultsEconomic factors and societal changes hinder young adults from achieving independence and adult responsibilities, crucial for mental health and self-identification as adults.

      Societal changes and economic factors are contributing to a delay in the transition to adulthood for young adults. The speaker emphasizes that the ability to live independently and assume adult responsibilities, such as cooking, paying rent, and making decisions, is crucial for mental health and self-identification as an adult. However, due to economic reasons and the lack of opportunities, particularly for those who grew up during the recession, young adults are facing challenges in achieving this milestone. The speaker shares personal experience of how losing a parent and moving out on one's own were major turning points in their development into an adult. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of providing young adults with opportunities for independence and self-sufficiency to help them reach maturity and autonomy.

    • Early Adulthood: The Path to Independence and Personal GrowthIndependence in early adulthood leads to increased confidence, deeper parent relationships, and the ability to practice self-talk and challenge irrational thoughts.

      Gaining autonomy and independence in one's early adulthood can lead to significant personal growth. By taking responsibility for one's own life, such as living independently, budgeting, and cooking, an individual's confidence and self-esteem can increase dramatically. This newfound sense of adulthood also allows for a deeper and more mature relationship with parents, as they are no longer seen as authority figures but as flawed human beings. Additionally, the ability to engage in self-talk and challenge irrational thoughts, a crucial component of cognitive behavioral therapy, requires a level of adult confidence that comes with independence. Overall, living autonomously in one's early adulthood can provide the foundation for a strong internal voice and the ability to cope with life's challenges.

    • Living with Parents Affects Young Adults' Mental Health and DevelopmentEconomic factors are causing young adults to live with parents longer, impacting their mental health and personal growth. Society may need to redefine adulthood to accommodate this trend.

      The economic situation is forcing many young adults, particularly in major cities, to live with their parents longer than previous generations. This living arrangement can have negative impacts on mental health and personal development. The speaker believes that this trend is a result of economic factors and may require society to redefine adulthood to better fit the current context. Historically, adulthood was defined by physical development and economic necessity, but now it may need to be extended to account for the lack of opportunities for responsibility and independence. The speaker doesn't offer a definitive solution, but acknowledges the issue as a significant concern for young people around the world.

    • The Emergence of Adolescence in America during the 1920sConsumerism led to targeted advertising towards teenagers, cars gave them freedom and privacy, and the importance of education created a unique teenage culture in America.

      The concept of adolescence or teenagers as we know it today emerged in America during the 1920s. This was driven by two main factors: the birth of consumerism and the availability of automobiles. With the rise of consumerism, marketers needed to sell more goods, leading to the invention of advertising that targeted young people. At the same time, the availability of cars gave teenagers a newfound freedom and privacy, leading to the development of dating and sexual experimentation. Additionally, the realization of the importance of an educated workforce led to the creation of high schools and the emergence of a unique teenage culture. These factors combined to create the concept of adolescence and the teenager identity in America, which was not as prevalent in other parts of the world until later.

    • The Invention of Adolescence and Extension of AdulthoodAfter WW2, America's new wealthy middle class created adolescence and extended adulthood to 18 years, impacting consumerism and popular culture. Today, discussions consider extending adulthood to age 24, reflecting societal norms' complex relationship with age, autonomy, and maturity.

      The concept of adolescence and the definition of adulthood have evolved significantly throughout history. After World War 2, America experienced an economic boom and the emergence of a new wealthy middle class. This generation wanted to give their children a sense of freedom and happiness, leading to the invention of adolescence and the extension of adulthood from 12 to 18 years old. This cultural shift had a profound impact on society, leading to the rise of consumerism and the development of popular culture targeted at teenagers. Fast forward to today, and there are discussions about extending adulthood to age 24. While it may seem absurd, historical precedent shows that societal norms regarding age and maturity can change. In the film "Big," a child becoming an adult overnight was once seen as hilarious, but now, adults behaving like children is becoming more normal. These shifts in societal norms reflect the complex relationship between age, autonomy, and maturity.

    • Grown adults setting elaborate traps for intruders is now commonplaceIn today's society, grown adults engaging in elaborate home protection is normal, reflecting extended adolescence and anxiety. UnitedHealth Care TriTerm Medical plans offer flexible, budget-friendly coverage lasting nearly 3 years.

      The concept of a grown adult setting elaborate traps to protect their home from intruders, as depicted in movies like Home Alone, is no longer considered strange or unusual in today's society. With the rise of content creation platforms like YouTube and the popularity of stunts and pranks, even grown adults engage in such behaviors. Therefore, if Home Alone were remade with Macaulay Culkin, now 38, playing the protagonist, it would not seem out of place or absurd. Instead, it would reflect the reality of extended adolescence and the anxiety that comes with being left alone at home. The need for health insurance, however, remains constant and unchanged. UnitedHealth Care TriTerm Medical plans offer flexible and budget-friendly coverage that lasts nearly 3 years in some states. For more information, visit uhone.com.

    Recent Episodes from The Blindboy Podcast

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    Mal-être chez les jeunes

    Bienvenue sur  Annasyo, le podcast "Pour une Enfance Protégée", dédiée aux jeunes.

    L'objectif est de les informer, pour les protéger. Alors, n'hésitez pas à leur faire écouter !

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    N'hésitez pas à liker et à partager, si vous aussi, vous souhaitez oeuvrer pour une enfance protégée


    Je suis Sybille DUBOST, Consultante, Coach certifiée RNCP et Thérapeute Holistique pour enfants & pour adulte.

    J’ai à cœur d’intervenir tant pour les enfants que pour leurs parents dans la bienveillance, la générosité et l’authenticité.

    Le podcast est publié : sur toutes les chaînes audio (deezer, apple podcast, spotify...), sur le site annasyo.fr, sur la chaîne Youtube annasyo

     *************************************************************************************************************************************** Réalisation & Montage du podcast par Marie-Cécile Drécourt de Podcast Esperluette : https://www.esperluette-podcast.fr/

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    Je vous souhaite une bonne écoute.

    N'hésitez pas à liker et à partager, si vous aussi, vous souhaitez oeuvrer Pour une Enfance Protégée.


    Je suis Sybille DUBOST, Consultante, Coach certifiée RNCP et Thérapeute Holistique pour enfants & pour adulte.

    J’ai à cœur d’intervenir tant pour les enfants que pour leurs parents dans la bienveillance, la générosité et l’authenticité.

    Le podcast est publié : sur toutes les chaînes audio (deezer, apple podcast, spotify...), sur le site annasyo.fr, sur la chaîne Youtube annasyo

     *************************************************************************************************************************************** Réalisation & Montage du podcast par Marie-Cécile Drécourt de Podcast Esperluette : https://www.esperluette-podcast.fr/

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