
    Triple Play: Final Fantasy VI

    enFebruary 25, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Opera house scene's impactThe opera house scene in Final Fantasy 6 captivated new and experienced players, showcasing the game's potential for immersive storytelling and visuals, despite earlier tedious elements.

      The opera house scene in Final Fantasy 6 was a standout moment for Maddy, who had never played the game before, despite the game's earlier tedious elements. The opera house's visuals and theatricality made her forget the previous frustrations and appreciate the game's potential for narrative and environment. However, she acknowledged the game's slow pace as a drawback. Kirk and Jason, who had more experience with the game, shared Maddy's appreciation for the opera house scene but also acknowledged the game's tedious aspects, such as random battles and lengthy sections. Overall, the group's discussion highlighted the balance between the game's strengths and weaknesses, making it an intriguing and memorable JRPG experience. If you're interested in hearing more about their thoughts on Final Fantasy 6, become a MaxFun member to access bonus content.

    • Personal preference and context impact the enjoyment of 'Final Fantasy 7'Despite outdated mechanics, 'Final Fantasy 7's vast size and rich story make it a classic worth exploring, with modern versions offering options to improve the experience for some players.

      The experience of playing "Final Fantasy 7" depends largely on personal preference and the context of when one first encountered the game. For some, like Maddie, the tedium of constant random battles and lack of control over the pacing can be a major turnoff, especially as an adult. However, for others, like Kirk, the game's music and the nostalgia of playing it as a child make up for the tedium. Additionally, modern versions of the game offer options to skip or selectively engage with battles, making the experience more enjoyable for some players. Ultimately, the game's vast size and rich story make it a classic worth exploring, despite its aging mechanics.

    • Contrasting Experiences: Repetitive Combat vs Simple StoryThe game offers a unique blend of repetitive combat and a simple, engaging story, inviting players to use their imagination to fill in the gaps.

      The game's combat and story offer contrasting experiences. The combat is filled with repetitive tasks and time-wasting activities, while the story is simple yet engaging, leaving room for the player's imagination. The lack of depth in the story and the old-fashioned graphics create an intriguing experience that invites players to fill in the gaps with their own ideas. Despite not being the type of game the speaker would have sought out as a child, they find themselves enjoying the laid-back, imaginative experience it provides. The game's minimalist storytelling and broad character archetypes create a fun, albeit hollow, adventure.

    • Game's story felt disjointed and hard to followThe game's large cast of characters and inconsistent tone made it difficult for the speaker to connect with the story.

      The game's story, while engaging in parts, was found to be overwhelming due to the large number of characters and storylines, which made it difficult for the speaker to connect with them all. Additionally, the game's tone was described as silly and absurd, with elements of slapstick comedy, which felt at odds with the more serious moments and made it seem more like a children's cartoon than a deep and immersive RPG experience. Despite these criticisms, the speaker did appreciate the charming sprite animations and the unique humor they brought to the game. Overall, the game's story felt disjointed and hard to follow, with too many characters and tonal shifts.

    • Optional scenes impact game story significantlyFinal Fantasy 6 uses optional scenes to add depth and complexity, with consequences based on party configuration. The game's tone shifts dramatically in the second half, contrasting earlier, lighthearted parts.

      "Final Fantasy 6" is a game filled with unexpected twists and tonal disparities. The story is told through optional scenes, some of which have significant consequences based on party configuration. For instance, Edgar and Sabin's coin-flip scene, which leads to Edgar staying behind to rule and Sabin following his dream. Another example is Locke's story, which is also explored through optional cut scenes. The game's tone shifts dramatically in the second half, presenting a stark contrast to the earlier, more lighthearted parts. This tonal disparity can be jarring, but it also adds depth and complexity to the game's narrative. Additionally, the game explores serious themes like identity and emotional detachment, often juxtaposed with goofy or lighthearted moments. Despite the game's limited visual capabilities, it manages to convey emotional depth through storytelling. Overall, "Final Fantasy 6" is a game that embraces a wide range of ideas, from the silly to the serious, creating an engaging and memorable experience.

    • A game full of surprises and depthFinal Fantasy VI's rich storytelling and variety make it a classic worth revisiting despite minor flaws, thanks to its handcrafted approach and significant resources required to create a diverse experience.

      "Final Fantasy VI" is a game full of surprises and depth, with both its characters and mechanics. Although some elements may seem silly or outdated, they often hide deeper meanings and backstories. The game's vast content, including optional scenes, adds to the overall experience, making it easier to overlook minor flaws. The game's tone and pacing are reminiscent of an opera, with moments of slapstick and drama intertwined. Despite some outdated elements, the game's rich storytelling and variety make it a classic worth revisiting, even if it was built with a "thousand million ideas and no one said no to any of them." The game's handcrafted approach, with its constant shifts in setting and characters, sets it apart from modern RPGs due to the significant resources required to create such a diverse experience.

    • Innovative RPG with broad scope and varietyBreath of Fire II offered a unique RPG experience with groundbreaking features like splitting parties and defending choke points, but its lack of depth and subtle storytelling left some players feeling disconnected.

      "Breath of Fire II" was a groundbreaking RPG for its time due to its broad scope and variety, but it came at the cost of depth and subtle storytelling. The game featured innovative elements like splitting parties and defending choke points, which were not common in RPGs at the time. However, these elements could be seen as throwaway experiences for some players. The game's story sometimes suffered due to the lack of depth and subtlety, with characters expressing sadness and emotions without much exploration. The broad brush painting approach allowed for a unique experience, but it didn't resonate with everyone. The phantom train sequence, for instance, left some players feeling disconnected due to the sudden introduction of a new character and concept. Despite these criticisms, the game's innovative features and broad scope made it a standout title for its time. The game's creators had to make choices based on the technology available to them, and they opted for a variable experience with a lot of variety instead of a deep, subtle story. Overall, "Breath of Fire II" was a game that pushed boundaries and offered a unique experience, even if it didn't always hit the mark in terms of depth and storytelling.

    • Memorable moments and cinematic gameplay in Final Fantasy TacticsFinal Fantasy Tactics offers a unique RPG experience with memorable moments, cinematic techniques, and powerful characters, each with distinct abilities.

      Final Fantasy Tactics brings memorable moments and unique gameplay elements together, creating a cinematic RPG experience. Players can create overpowered parties with powerful characters, each with distinct abilities. The game references various movie genres and incorporates cinematic techniques, such as camera pans and focus effects. A standout sequence is the opera house scene, which was groundbreaking for its time with an entire musical sequence integrated into the game. These memorable moments and character interactions remain etched in the minds of players, even after multiple playthroughs. Despite its unevenness, the game's impact on RPG genre and its memorable moments make it a classic.

    • Unexpected humor in a tragic love storyThe complex backstory between Locke and Celeste in 'Neoverse' offers unexpected humor, while the game's intricacies can be tedious, but the engaging story keeps players invested.

      The complex backstory between Locke and Celeste in the game, despite being tragic, is also filled with unexpected elements that add humor to the narrative. However, some aspects of the game, such as the numerous systems and UI changes, can be tedious and detract from the overall experience. Despite these issues, the story's intrigue keeps players engaged and invested in the characters' relationships. The romantic tension between Locke and Celeste is a significant part of the game's story, but it's not just the typical love triangle. Locke's past with Celeste, including her amnesia and eventual death, adds depth to his character and motivates his actions. However, the way her story unfolds is unexpectedly funny, with an extra layer of amnesia adding to the tragedy. On the other hand, the game's intricacies, such as managing various systems and remembering character HP, can be tedious and detract from the immersive experience. The UI changes and lack of clear information can make it challenging to optimize strategies effectively. Despite these issues, the game's story keeps players engaged and invested in the characters' journeys. The complex relationships, unexpected humor, and intriguing plot twists make for an entertaining experience, even with its minor flaws.

    • Classic JRPGs and their enduring elementsClassic JRPGs, like 'Final Fantasy VI', have influenced modern games with features like menuing for equipment and random encounters, despite some finding them tedious. Developers' tech limitations led to these elements, but improvements make for better experiences.

      The classic JRPG "Final Fantasy VI" from the 90s, despite being a game of its time, continues to influence modern JRPGs with elements like menuing for equipping espers and relics, random encounters, and the use of world maps as shorthand for vast game worlds. These elements, while perceived as tedious by some, are cherished by others and have become part of the genre's establishment. The developers of these games often had limitations in technology, leading to the inclusion of these features. While some may find the original versions of these games challenging, the fondness for them remains, and improvements like skipping and better ports make for more enjoyable experiences. Ultimately, the JRPG genre, with its rich history and enduring elements, continues to captivate audiences.

    • Hosts discuss favorite and least favorite book elements, Bria shares her experience with Bravely Default 2Bria enjoys the game's challenging combat system but is disappointed by its predictable storyline

      The hosts of Reading Glasses, Bria Grant and Mallory O'Meara, discuss their favorite and least favorite elements in books. Bria shares her recent experience playing Bravely Default 2, a new JRPG game for the Nintendo Switch. She finds joy in the game's old-school turn-based combat system and its elaborate job system. However, she feels underwhelmed by the story, which revolves around finding the crystals of earth, water, fire, and wind, a common trope in JRPGs. The game's combat system requires careful planning and timing to maximize damage, making it a challenging and engaging experience. Despite her initial excitement, Bria expresses her frustration with the predictable storyline, leaving her questioning the value of rehashing familiar tropes in storytelling.

    • Challenging our assumptions and seeking new informationExplore past perspectives with a critical mindset and reevaluate misconceptions through fresh sources like Bravely Default and 'You're Wrong About' podcast

      Our perspectives on the past, whether it be in gaming or historical events, can often be skewed or incomplete. Bravely Default, a JRPG released around 2012, was initially seen as a fresh homage to classic RPGs but now feels less unique due to the influx of similar games. Meanwhile, the podcast "You're Wrong About" challenges listeners to reevaluate their understanding of historical scandals and public figures. For instance, the hosts delve deep into the misconceptions surrounding Princess Diana and Monica Lewinsky, among other subjects. These episodes may be enlightening but also unsettling as they expose the flaws in our collective memory. Both Bravely Default and "You're Wrong About" serve as reminders to question our assumptions and seek out new information. The hosts of "You're Wrong About" are not only informative but also entertaining, making the learning process enjoyable. Some recommended episodes include those about Yoko Ono and John Lennon, Ebonics, and OJ Simpson.

    • Insights into the O.J. Simpson trial from a podcast and a unique gaming experience from a video gameDiscover historical insights through the 'American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson' podcast or immerse yourself in a challenging JRPG with 'Demon's Souls'

      Both the "American Crime Story: The People v. O.J. Simpson" podcast and the video game "Demon's Souls" provide unique and engaging experiences. The podcast offers intriguing insights into the O.J. Simpson trial, with a particular focus on lesser-known characters like Kato Kaelin and Paula Barbieri. Meanwhile, "Demon's Souls" is a challenging and immersive JRPG with a distinctive difficulty curve. Both the podcast and the game offer opportunities to learn and be entertained in different ways. The podcast stimulates the mind and provides a deep dive into a historical event, while "Demon's Souls" offers a fantastical and engaging gaming experience. If you're looking for a thought-provoking podcast or a challenging game to play, these recommendations are worth considering.

    • Sekiro's unique world tendency system sets it apart from other Souls-like gamesThe world tendency system in Sekiro changes the game's state based on player actions, adding a greater challenge, but is not well-explained and requires players to kill invaders to level up.

      Learning from our discussion about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is that the game sets itself apart from other Souls-like titles with its unique world tendency system. This system, borrowed from Demon's Souls, changes the world's state based on certain player actions. A lighter tendency results in easier enemies and quest events, while a darker tendency makes the game more challenging. Players can only achieve a darker tendency when they die as a human, making it harder to maintain. To make the game more challenging, some items and quest events require a pure white tendency. Unfortunately, the system is not well-explained in-game, and players can easily make their world darker without realizing it. To make matters worse, co-op against bosses does not raise the world tendency, and players must instead kill invaders to level up. Despite these quirks, the world tendency system adds an interesting layer to the game and is a welcome addition for players who enjoy a greater challenge. Additionally, playing online through PlayStation Plus is essential to experiencing the game in its entirety, as many features and elements become active only when connected to the internet.

    • A standout title for PS5 with immersive gaming experienceDemon's Souls on PS5 is a progress-driven game with impressive graphics, soundtrack, and cooperative multiplayer, making it an appealing alternative to games with less tangible progress and a potential system seller.

      "Demon's Souls" on PS5 is an engaging and progress-driven experience that has been well-received by gamers, including Maddie and James. The game's cooperative multiplayer and Monster Hunter-like energy make it a great launch title and a potential system seller. James, who had recently finished playing "Final Fantasy 6," expressed his desire to play "Dark Souls" after their discussion, highlighting the complementary nature of these games. Players appreciate the sense of progress and tangible accomplishments in "Demon's Souls," making it an appealing alternative to games where progress is less tangible. The game's impressive graphics and soundtrack add to its overall appeal. Overall, "Demon's Souls" is a standout title for PS5 that offers an immersive and rewarding gaming experience.

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    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
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    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
    enJune 20, 2024

    LIVE from Summer Game(s) Fest in Los Angeles!

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    Maddy: Dune Part Two

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    • Alan Wake II: Night Springs


    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

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    Triple Click
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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    One More Thing:

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    Maddy: Elden Ring

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    Jason's interview with Jake Solomon: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-05-14/game-makers-at-midsummer-studios-look-to-take-on-the-sims

    Lorelei and the Laser Tampon: https://www.polygon.com/gaming/24162613/lorelei-and-the-laser-eyes-tampon-why-reason-item

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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    One More Thing:

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    Maddy: Hades 1

    Jason: The Lost Shtetl (Max Gross)


    Featuring an excerpt from “The Crossroads” by Darren Korb from Hades 2

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
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    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Triple Click
    enMay 16, 2024

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    One More Thing:

    Maddy: Master Chef

    Jason: Demon Copperhead (Barbara Kingsolver)


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Is Nostalgia A Good Thing?

    Jason's been playing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, a game that feels a lot like Suikoden, which made the Triple Click gang wonder: how does nostalgia impact our enjoyment of video games? Can it make games better? Worse? Both at once? Let's discuss!

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Fiasco (Jason Morningstar)

    Maddy: Hades 2 technical test

    Jason: Girls5eva


    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    How To Make Good Video Game Lore

    When is video game lore good? When is it bad? This week, the Triple Click gang talks about Skyrim books, Elden Ring item descriptions, Destiny guns, and all the other delectable morsels of plot that exist underneath the stories of video games. 

    One More Thing:

    Kirk: Heavenly Creatures (1994)

    Maddy: Tales of Kenzera: Zau

    Jason: Eiyuden Chronicles


    Mossbag’s Hollow Knight Lore video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XDiWYFGGqY

    Triple Click LIVE in LA! Saturday, June 8, 6:30PM at the Teragram Ballroom: https://teragramballroom.com/tm-event/triple-click-podcast/

    Preorder Jason’s Book! https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/jason-schreier/play-nice/9781538725429/

    Support Triple Click: http://maximumfun.org/join

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    Je vous mets toutes les références dont je parle dans cet épisode, un peu de manière désordonnée, à vous de piocher :

    Livres :

    1.Le Guide de la naissance naturelle, Ina May Gaskin, éditions mama. Indispensable pour comprendre le fonctionnement de son corps au moment de l’accouchement. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    2. La Naissance en BD découvrez vos supers pouvoirs, Lucile Gomez, éditions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    3. Accoucher par soi-même. Laura Kaplan Shanley, editions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)

    4. L’enfantement, entre puissance, violence et jouissance, Hélène Goninet, éditions mama. Spoiler on parle de sexualité ;)


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    Contact professionnels :

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    Isabelle Deputier sur Bordeaux

    Films : 

    Accoucher autrement, Camille Teixeira

    Birth Story, Ina May Gaskin 

    O renascimento do parto Netflix

    Remerciements à mes copines qui ont eu un grand rôle : Olivia, Leslie, et Nan

    Lien pour un article sur l’accouchement à domicile aux Pays Bas. https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2016/08/22/aux-pays-bas-accoucher-a-domicile-n-est-pas-un-projet-alternatif-c-est-juste-normal_4986309_3224.html

    Article : Quand les sages-femmes hospitalières assistent à des accouchements à la maison


    Je suis Clémentine Sarlat votre hôte.

    Si vous avez aimé cet épisode, n’hésitez pas à le partager sur les réseaux sociaux @lamatrescence

    Et sinon, mettez 5 étoiles, ça aide vraiment, merci!

    J’ai aussi ouvert un compte youtube avec des cours de yoga réservés aux femmes enceintes et aux nouvelles mamans. 

    A la semaine prochaine, prenez soin de vous

    Création originale : Clémentine Sarlat

    Production : Clémentine Sarlat

    Enregistrement : Clémentine Sarlat

    Invitée : Clémentine Sarlat

    Musiques libres de droits : https://icons8.com/music 

    Musique intro : by BELAIR Tonight Tonight

    Musique outro : Abloom https://icons8.com/music 

    Lien web : https://linktr.ee/clemsarlat

    Réseaux Sociaux :

    Instagram : Clem Sarlat + La Matrescence 

    S2E5 Bubonic Plague, Haunted Hotels and Jerry's Bible Study Adventures

    S2E5 Bubonic Plague, Haunted Hotels and Jerry's Bible Study Adventures

    In this episode, the guys reminisce over some recent D&D fun, discuss why they love audiobooks and tell a story of the ridiculous mishaps when trying to get to Bible Study.  Enjoy!

    Support the show

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    Instagram: www.instagram.com/officialchristianinfluence/

    Episode 5 - Why Can't We Be Friends Kim Davis?

    Episode 5 - Why Can't We Be Friends Kim Davis?
    Do aliens exist, did humanity finally discovered the missing link, are movie rental establishments dying or possibly thriving? That's right, we tackle the big questions here on For Your Distraction? Plus Brandon brings us his review on M. Night Shyamalan's new movie The Visit and one of the most anticipated games of the year, Metal gear Solid 5! Opening Theme by Zach Skraba End Song - Why Can't We Be Friends by War