
    Trump: I won’t be a dictator “except for day one”

    enDecember 06, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Former President Trump hints at potential authoritarian actions if reelectedTrump suggests he might act as a 'dictator' if reelected, raising concerns about potential misuse of government power against opponents.

      During a recent town hall, former President Donald Trump hinted at potential authoritarian actions if he's reelected, stating he would only be a "dictator" on day 1. However, he did not directly deny reports of seeking retribution against opponents or using government power against enemies. Meanwhile, President Biden admitted he might not have run for reelection if Trump hadn't entered the race. The political landscape is focusing on these candidates' potential second terms, with intensifying scrutiny on their plans and past rhetoric. Trump's plans for justice department control and use against enemies have gained attention due to his dominance in the polls. These actions, if implemented, could significantly impact the country.

    • Biden and Trump: The 2024 Election RivalryBiden's campaign focuses on Trump as a threat to democracy, while Trump attacks Biden's fitness. Both parties prepare for a potential rematch, but Democrats struggle to define their own agenda.

      During a recent fundraiser, President Joe Biden expressed his belief that the 2024 election will be a rematch against Donald Trump, emphasizing the stakes of the campaign and Trump's threat to democracy. Trump, in turn, has been ramping up attacks against Biden's mental and physical fitness, and has publicly stated that he doesn't think Biden will be the Democratic nominee. This dynamic highlights the animating feature of Biden's campaign, which centers around the threat posed by Trump to the country. However, the Democrats face a challenge in articulating their own agenda beyond opposing Trump, as they struggle to define what they stand for. Despite the ongoing Republican primary, both parties seem to be gearing up for a potential showdown between Biden and Trump.

    • Trump's comment about being a dictatorTrump's ambiguous comment about being a 'dictator' likely referred to his plans, not an actual threat to rule authoritarly.

      During a recent interview, former President Trump hinted at being a "dictator" in his first term, but this comment should be understood in the context of his past rhetoric and the way his supporters perceive him. Trump's ambiguous statement about being a "dictator" was more likely a reference to his plans to close borders and drill for oil, rather than an actual threat to establish authoritarian rule. However, there are unambiguous statements Trump has made that could potentially be used against him in ongoing legal cases, such as his intention to weaponize the Department of Justice against his political opponents. In the filing for the federal case surrounding Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election, special counsel Jack Smith is using evidence of Trump's post-January 6th endorsement of rioters to establish the former president's motive and intent on that day. Smith must be careful when using this evidence, as the indictment does not directly accuse Trump of sending the rioters to the Capitol.

    • Two-tiered justice system concernsThe Speaker's decision to shield rioters' identities raises concerns about unequal justice and the Speaker's commitment to the Constitution, potentially alienating moderate voters.

      The House Speaker's decision to protect the identities of rioters involved in the Capitol insurrection raises concerns about a two-tiered justice system and the Speaker's commitment to upholding the constitution. This issue resonates with the former president's base, who appreciate his perceived "fighter" mentality. However, it may not appeal to moderate or swing voters, who are looking for solutions to pressing issues like healthcare and economic concerns. The former president's focus on his own power and his past accomplishments may not be an effective message for an incumbent seeking re-election. Additionally, the former president's repeated indictments and comparisons to Al Capone highlight his history of legal troubles. Overall, the discussion underscores the challenges facing both parties in appealing to a diverse electorate and the importance of addressing substantive issues.

    • Senate Briefing on Ukraine Aid Disrupted by Immigration DebateThe Senate briefing on Ukraine aid was disrupted due to a heated argument over immigration policies, delaying critical aid for Ukraine and causing frustration for President Biden.

      The ongoing debate over foreign aid for Ukraine has turned into a heated argument over immigration policies, causing a disruption in the Senate briefing. President Biden expressed his frustration over the delay in aid, emphasizing its importance for both the US and the world. The White House proposal includes significant border funding, but Republicans are demanding more policy changes to secure their support. The tensions are expected to continue as the deadline to send critical aid to Ukraine approaches. Meanwhile, intense fighting in Gaza and a powerful atmospheric river of rain and snow in the Pacific Northwest are causing destruction and flooding in their respective regions.

    • Intensifying Conflict in Gaza: House-to-House Battles and Humanitarian CrisisIsrael's military operation in Gaza, aimed at demilitarizing the region, is expected to continue into January, but the post-conflict needs of governing and caring for the Palestinian population remain unaddressed.

      The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza continues to intensify, with house-to-house battles being reported in Khan Yunus, and the United Nations expressing concern over the humanitarian crisis. Israel's military offensive is expected to continue into January, according to US officials, with a potential shift towards a more localized strategy focusing on Hamas militants and leaders. However, a retired general is skeptical that the operation will end by then, given the complexity of urban combat and the size of the operation. Israel's goal of demilitarizing Gaza can only be achieved by the Israeli Defense Forces, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, but the post-battle requirements of governing and caring for the large Palestinian population remain unaddressed. The conflict is expected to continue, with political solutions yet to be explored.

    • The Republican Primary Race: A Contentious Battle for the Number 2 SpotThe January 6th federal case against Trump could potentially impact the outcome of the Republican primary race, with Liz Cheney considering a third-party candidacy to prevent Trump's election, but the feasibility is uncertain.

      The Republican primary race continues to be contentious, with Nikki Haley and other contenders vying for the number 2 spot behind Donald Trump. Trump is expected to skip the debate, and the race is marked by deep divisions within the party. Michael Smirconish, CNN political commentator, believes that the January 6th federal case against Trump could potentially determine the outcome of the race, with a significant number of votes expected to be determined by March. Liz Cheney, a potential contender, has expressed her intention to prevent Trump from being elected and has even considered a third-party candidacy. However, the feasibility of such a move is questionable given the current political landscape. Trump continues to downplay concerns about authoritarianism, redefining the term to appeal to his base. The race remains unpredictable, with many factors at play.

    • Democratic divide over Israeli-Palestinian conflict and Hamas' use of sexual violenceDemocrats grapple with condemning Hamas' actions while maintaining party unity, creating a contentious issue that could last until 2024 elections. Republicans face challenges with Ukraine funding in a shifting political climate.

      The political divide among Democrats regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically concerning Hamas' use of sexual violence against women, continues to be a contentious issue. Democratic Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal faced backlash for her initial response on CNN, leading her to issue a clarifying statement unequivocally condemning such acts. This situation highlights the tension between moral clarity and maintaining a balanced discourse, making it challenging for meaningful dialogue on the complex and nuanced issues at hand. The division within the party could potentially last until the 2024 elections, as young progressives put pressure on leaders to take a stronger stance on the Palestinian cause. The issue of Ukraine funding also presents a significant challenge for Republicans, with changing voter sentiment and a tight legislative majority. Overall, these issues underscore the complexity and sensitivity of international conflicts and the difficulty of addressing them in a politically charged environment.

    • Mike Pence could testify in Georgia's election interference trialFormer VP Pence may provide crucial insights as he's been added to witness list in Georgia's election interference case, potentially revealing unique role in events leading to Capitol attack.

      Former Vice President Mike Pence could testify in the trial of former President Donald Trump in Georgia's election interference case. This development comes as prosecutors have officially added Pence to their witness list. Pence's testimony could be crucial as he was a key figure in the broader conspiracy case that Georgia prosecutors are planning to present. Trump's team is also pushing for access to documents, including Pence's contemporary notes, that are currently with the special counsel but not in the possession of the district attorney's office in Georgia. These documents could be essential for Trump's defense. It remains unclear when the trial might take place or if Pence will ultimately testify. However, given his unique role in the events leading up to the January 6th Capitol attack, his testimony could potentially provide significant insights into the case.

    • Mike Pence to Testify in Trump Trials, Witness Lists Grow LongMike Pence is set to testify in upcoming trials against Trump. Prosecutors want to present Trump's past statements and actions as evidence of his support for Capitol rioters. Long witness lists in election subversion cases may delay trials before the election.

      Mike Pence, a key figure in the Capitol riots, is expected to testify in the upcoming trials against Donald Trump. The prosecutors in the federal election subversion case have filed a motion to introduce evidence of Trump's prior statements and actions that may show his intent to sympathize with the rioters. The scale of the witness lists in these cases, particularly in Fani Willis' Rico case, suggests that not all trials may be completed before the election. Trump's recent comments about potentially being a dictator if reelected have raised concerns among political figures, but it remains to be seen if these warnings will impact his grip on the Republican Party, including his support among evangelicals.

    • Evangelicals view contemporary politics as a cosmic spiritual clashWhite evangelicals' attachment to Trump stems from their belief in America as a God-ordained kingdom under siege, merging flag and cross, seeing political disputes as a cosmic battle between good and evil

      Key takeaway from Tim Alberta's book "The Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory" is that white evangelicals' attachment to Donald Trump can be explained by their belief in America as a kingdom ordained by God, under siege from secular and godless forces. This apocalyptic mentality has led to a merging of the flag and the cross, with fighting for the flag seen as fighting for God. Evangelicals view contemporary political disputes as a cosmic spiritual clash between good and evil, leading them to support Trump despite his actions being antithetical to Christian virtue. This mindset justifies desperate measures to save Christian virtue and the country, even if it means sacrificing it. It's essential to understand that for many evangelicals, this is not about Republican versus Democrat, but good versus evil.

    • Author's personal experience with backlash and the spread of radicalism in churchesAmidst religious extremism, compassionate Christians feel helpless. The author calls for pastors to take a stand against radicalism within their congregations.

      The author, Timothy O'Brien, wrote "The King and the Power and the Glory" as a response to the backlash he faced from members of his own church following the release of his first book critical of Donald Trump. During his father's funeral, O'Brien was confronted with accusations of being part of the deep state and undermining God's ordained leader. This experience led him to observe the spread of radicalism in churches around the country and the feeling of helplessness among compassionate Christians. The book ultimately advocates for a pastor taking a stand against extremism within their congregations. Additionally, the ongoing conflict between Israel and Gaza was discussed, with US officials predicting the current phase of Israel's ground invasion could end in just a few weeks and transition to a lower intensity strategy. This comes as the Biden administration warns Israel to exit the current phase to maintain international support. The battle continues, with Israeli forces continuing to strike Hamas targets and intense battles ongoing. The US has also announced its intention to bar extremist Israeli settlers from entering the United States, sparking criticism from Israeli officials.

    • US imposes visa restrictions on West Bank settlersThe US has imposed visa restrictions and travel bans on West Bank settlers involved in violence against Israelis and Palestinians, potentially affecting an unspecified number of people.

      The United States has announced visa restrictions and travel bans on extremist settlers in the West Bank who have been inciting or carrying out violence against Israelis and Palestinians. This move comes after a surge of violence in the region since October 7th, and it could also apply to family members of those targeted. The number of people affected is unclear. Meanwhile, premature babies from a defunct hospital in Gaza have been evacuated and are being cared for in Egypt. In the political arena, Hispanic voters, particularly in the key battleground state of Nevada, are expected to play a significant role in the upcoming elections. The state has gone blue in the last four elections, but there are signs that Republican inroads could spell a bigger opening for the party. Elsewhere, a man in his thirties is in custody for a killing spree across Central Texas that left 6 people dead and 3 injured, including 2 officers. The motivation behind the shootings and any connections between the different scenes are still under investigation.

    • Nevada voters expressing dissatisfaction with education system and considering switching partiesHispanic voters in Nevada, traditionally democratic, are considering voting for Republican candidates due to dissatisfaction with education system. Older voters, historically Republican, are concerned about inflation and interest rates, and some voters want new candidates and a departure from the current political status quo.

      The political landscape in Nevada, a state that has swung democrat in recent presidential elections, is showing signs of change. Hispanic voters, who have traditionally leaned democratic, are expressing dissatisfaction with the education system and are considering voting for Republican candidates who support school choice. Older voters, who have historically voted for Republicans, are expressing concerns about inflation and interest rates. These voters, who have been loyal to their parties for decades, are expressing a desire for a return of the compassionate, pro-working class Republican party. However, the current political climate remains volatile, and it is unclear whether Trump and Biden will be the only contenders in the upcoming presidential race. Some voters are expressing a desire for new candidates and a departure from the current political status quo. The upcoming primaries will be a crucial test of these shifting political currents.

    • Political developments in Middle East and USThe Middle East sees progress for premature babies evacuated from Gaza, while the US political scene heats up with potential impeachment inquiry against President Biden, emphasizing the importance of due process

      There are significant developments on multiple fronts. In the Middle East, premature babies evacuated from Gaza are making progress in their recovery in Egypt. Meanwhile, the political scene in the US is heating up with talks of a potential impeachment inquiry against President Biden. Republican Congressman Tim Burchett from the oversight committee discussed the ongoing investigation, stating that the process must be followed despite the White House's stonewalling. Additionally, former President Trump has weighed in, expressing his belief that President Biden deserves an impeachment inquiry. House Speaker Mike Johnson expects sufficient support for the vote next week. Amidst all this, the health of the premature babies in Egypt serves as a reminder of the importance of following due process, no matter the circumstances.

    • Emphasizing connections between Hunter Biden, President Biden, and potential influence-buyingFormer President Trump's past actions and campaign promises were discussed, raising concerns about potential influence-buying during their tenures. The ongoing border crisis in Texas and Arizona was highlighted as a significant challenge for the federal government.

      During the discussion, the importance of establishing a connection between various independent issues, particularly those involving Hunter Biden, President Biden, and potential influence-buying during their tenures, was emphasized. The former president's past actions and campaign promises were also touched upon, with concerns raised about his stance on abiding by the law in a potential second term. However, it was noted that the former president would have to go through proper legal processes if he were to overstep his bounds. Additionally, the ongoing border crisis in Texas and Arizona, with thousands of migrants arriving daily and resulting in the shutdown of international bridges, was highlighted as a significant challenge for the federal government.

    • Rising Migrant Apprehensions and Political Tensions at the Southern BorderPolitical tensions escalate as former President Trump makes authoritarian statements, while President Biden expresses concern for American democracy. Meanwhile, CBP faces challenges processing migrants in rugged areas, and the Republican debates heat up with Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Chris Christie leading the race.

      There is a significant increase in migrant apprehensions at the southern border in areas like Eagle Pass, Texas, and Lukeville, Arizona. This has created challenges for Customs and Border Protection in transporting and processing the migrants, especially in rugged and desolate areas. Meanwhile, political tensions continue to rise as former President Donald Trump has been making increasingly authoritarian statements on the campaign trail, while President Joe Biden has expressed concern about the potential threat to American democracy if Trump wins again. At the same time, the Republican presidential debates are heating up, with Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis being the front-runners, and Chris Christie also campaigning aggressively in New Hampshire. The stakes are high for all candidates as the Iowa caucuses approach.

    • Republican Primary: Trump's Dominance ChallengedVoters dissatisfied with Trump's recent actions and criminal cases are exploring alternatives like DeSantis and Haley, but Trump remains a formidable contender in the Iowa caucuses, focusing heavily on the state to maintain his dominance.

      The Republican primary race leading up to the Iowa caucuses is still wide open, despite former President Donald Trump's continued dominance in the polls. Many voters, like Sally Hoffman and Karen Hannah, who previously supported Trump, are now considering alternatives such as Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley due to their dissatisfaction with Trump's recent actions and distractions from his criminal cases. However, even though some voters are looking for an alternative, Trump remains a significant force in the race and is focusing heavily on Iowa to maintain his dominance. Ultimately, the outcome of the Iowa caucuses will depend on which candidate can effectively show Trump to be vulnerable and convince undecided voters to switch their allegiance.

    • Uncertainty in the Republican Primary RaceThe Republican primary race remains uncertain with potential challenges to Trump from candidates like Haley, DeSantis, and Christie. New Hampshire could be a game-changer, but Trump's campaign is putting in significant effort in Iowa and New Hampshire. The contrasting approaches of the candidates and Biden's reluctance to step down add to the uncertainty.

      The Republican primary race for the presidency is still uncertain, with potential challenges to Donald Trump from candidates like Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Chris Christie. New Hampshire, which holds the first primary after Iowa, could be a game-changer if one of these candidates performs well there. However, the Trump campaign is expected to put in significant effort in Iowa and New Hampshire to solidify their support. The contrasting approaches of the candidates, with some unwilling to directly challenge Trump, and Biden's reluctance to step down, add to the uncertainty of the race. Trump's comments about dictators have also raised concerns. While some see an opening for a change in leadership, others believe it may be too late for that. Ultimately, the outcome of the primaries will depend on how effectively each campaign executes their strategy and how voters respond.

    • Political discourse focuses on Trump's actions and statements, border crisis, and immigration reformTrump's words cause concern for potential violence, allies make inflammatory statements, border crisis and immigration reform are debated, funding needed for immigration system fix, political rhetoric raises concerns for democracy's future

      The ongoing political discourse revolves around the actions and statements of former President Donald Trump and their potential impact on democracy. Trump's supporters take his words seriously but not literally, while his detractors take them literally but not seriously. Trump's allies, such as Kash Patel and Steve Bannon, have made inflammatory statements, causing concern about the potential for violence and attacks on the media and political opponents. The border crisis and immigration reform are also at the forefront of political debates, with funding for Ukraine and Israel being a critical point of contention. Homeland Security Secretary Alejando Mayorkas emphasized the need for funding to address the immigration crisis and the broken immigration system, which has been a long-standing issue. The Biden administration has presented legislation to fix the system, but Republican senators are using the opportunity to force action on border policy changes. The situation at the border and the political rhetoric raise concerns about the future of democracy and the potential for violence.

    • Governors from various states urge Biden admin for more resources to address border crisisGovernors from multiple states are requesting federal assistance to manage the immigration crisis and its impacts on border security and local economies. FBI Director Wray highlights heightened threats to US security, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance.

      Governors from both sides of the aisle are urging the Biden administration for more resources and support to address the ongoing immigration crisis at the border. Governors from Illinois, Arizona, and other states have communicated their need for federal assistance, particularly in dealing with the influx of migrants being sent to their cities. The situation has led to challenges in border security, economic strain, and a call for Congress to act and provide additional funding. Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned of heightened threats to the US, including the potential for a terror attack, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance and security measures.

    • Discussing safety measures for religious institutions and politicsSecretary Mayorkas suggests hiring security, building fences, installing cameras, and maintaining relationships with law enforcement for religious institutions' safety. Liz Cheney aims to prevent Trump's return to the White House, but her popularity among parties shows a significant split.

      Ensuring safety and security, particularly for religious institutions, is a crucial concern that requires various measures. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas discussed recommendations, including hiring security personnel, building fencing, installing cameras, and maintaining relationships with local law enforcement. However, the reality is that increased protection is necessary for people to practice their faith freely. Meanwhile, in politics, former Republican congresswoman Liz Cheney expressed her commitment to preventing Donald Trump from returning to the White House and even floated the idea of a third-party run. However, her popularity among Democrats and Republicans shows a significant partisan split, which could potentially impact the 2024 presidential race. Additionally, President Biden and CNN's Anderson Cooper shared personal stories about dealing with grief and loss. These discussions highlight the importance of safety, the complexities of politics, and the human experience of coping with tragedy.

    • President Biden's Personal Losses and LeadershipPresident Biden shares his deep, ongoing grief over the loss of his first wife and daughter, and his son. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and discussing grief, and how it can lead to finding purpose beyond the pain.

      President Joe Biden's experiences with grief have deeply shaped his life and his leadership. In this revealing interview, he discusses the ongoing pain he feels from the loss of his first wife and infant daughter in 1972, and the death of his son Beau in 2015. Despite the passage of time, Biden shared that he still feels overwhelmed by grief and grapples with questions of what could have been done differently. The interview underscores the importance of acknowledging and discussing grief, and how it can lead to finding purpose beyond the pain. This is a unique perspective from a president, as most have kept their personal losses private. Understanding Biden's experiences with grief is essential to understanding his views on suffering, work, purpose, and the presidency itself. The conversation also highlights the ripple effects of not talking about grief, and the importance of encouraging open discussions about loss.

    • Biden's Personal Losses and Irish HeritageBiden shares the importance of family connections and how his Irish heritage provides comfort during tough times.

      President Joe Biden's relationship with his family, particularly the loss of his son Beau, has deeply influenced how he operates as a leader. During a recent interview, Biden spoke candidly about the importance of maintaining close connections with his surviving children and grandchildren. He also shared how his Irish heritage and the rosary given to him by Irish prisoners have provided him comfort and solace. This raw and personal side of Biden was on full display, reminding us of the human element behind the presidency. Additionally, in other news, CEOs of America's largest banks will testify on Capitol Hill, and the Israeli military is carrying out an intense operation in Gaza. Taylor Swift was named Time Magazine's Person of the Year, and legendary screenwriter and producer Norman Lear passed away at the age of 101.

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    Craig "Sawman" Sawyer On Child Brutality & Trafficking At Border & Beyond- The Church-Negligent- How You Could Be Aiding A 50B Industrial Complex

    Ready for a real conversation about what's happening to the bodies and souls of our children? Yes, migrating children are still God's babies- and ours. I'm not agreeing with illegal migration- it's an abomination to order and contributes to a $38-$50B industry. Craig 'Sawman' Saywer, Former Seal Team 6, bada** extraordinaire launched his new documentary Contraland- showcasing the very real urban, border and suburb industrial complex of trafficking our kids. What is YOUR role in this? Well, that's where it gets REAL interesting. Some of you may unfollow me and that's ok, but you know I'm right.

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    Ep. 1524 - The Culture War Is In Full Swing, And Democrats Are Losing

    Ep. 1524 - The Culture War Is In Full Swing, And Democrats Are Losing

    Democrats search for answers after Roe v. Wade is overturned; Generation Z reconsiders a life of promiscuity and hedonism, to the media’s consternation; and the Supreme Court upholds religious freedom again.

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