
    Trump Liable for Sexual Abuse

    enMay 10, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Donald Trump found liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean CarrollA Manhattan jury ordered Trump to pay Carroll $1,000,000 for sexually abusing and defaming her in a case stemming from an encounter at Bergdorf Goodman in the 1990s. The verdict brings attention to the long-lasting implications of sexual misconduct allegations.

      A jury in Manhattan found former President Donald Trump legally liable for sexually abusing and defaming E. Jean Carroll, ordering him to pay her $1,000,000 in damages. This stemmed from an encounter in the mid-1990s when Carroll, a prominent advice columnist, said Trump approached her at Bergdorf Goodman department store and asked for her advice on buying a gift for a girl. The encounter, which Carroll described as charming at the time, ultimately led to a lawsuit alleging rape and defamation. The trial brought unexpected attention to the nearly 30-year-old allegation and resulted in a landmark verdict. This case serves as a reminder of the long-lasting implications of such allegations and the importance of addressing them in a court of law.

    • Encounter in the store leads to unwanted sexual advanceConsensual interactions are crucial, unwanted sexual advances are traumatic, and reporting incidents to authorities is important.

      The encounter between the woman and the man in the store started off playfully with the man trying on a bodysuit for her, but quickly turned into an unwanted sexual advance. The woman tried to resist and ultimately managed to escape, but was left feeling violated and traumatized. The incident highlights the importance of consent in all interactions, especially those of a romantic or sexual nature. The woman's initial reaction was to seek support from her friends and later report the incident to the police. The incident serves as a reminder that sexual assault can happen to anyone and that it is important to speak out and seek help if you are a victim.

    • A new law allows survivors of sexual abuse to seek justice decades laterThe Adult Survivors Act in New York grants survivors a new 1-year window to file lawsuits for sexual offenses, enabling them to hold abusers accountable for crimes committed long ago.

      E. Jean Carroll, a woman who accused Donald Trump of rape, was unable to hold him legally accountable due to the statute of limitations. However, she became a key advocate for the Adult Survivors Act in New York, which granted survivors of sexual offenses a new 1-year window to file lawsuits, even if the statute of limitations had previously barred such actions. With this new law, Carroll was able to file a civil lawsuit against Trump for damages and reputation, providing a means for her to seek accountability in a way that was not previously possible. The passing of this law represents a significant step forward for survivors of sexual abuse, allowing them to seek justice and hold their abusers accountable, even for crimes committed decades ago.

    • Civil trial standard of proof lower than criminalIn a civil trial, a plaintiff only needs to prove their claims are more likely than not true, unlike criminal trials where beyond a reasonable doubt is required.

      The standard of proof in a civil trial, like the one involving E. Jean Carroll's allegations against Donald Trump, is much lower than in a criminal trial. Carroll's lawsuit, which includes allegations of battery and defamation, went to trial a few weeks ago in federal court. The case relied heavily on Carroll's testimony and contemporaneous accounts from friends who she told about the alleged assault soon after it happened. Two other women also testified about their own experiences with Trump, which were allowed as relevant to Carroll's allegations. The lower standard of proof in civil trials means that a plaintiff only needs to prove that their claims are more likely than not true, rather than beyond a reasonable doubt in criminal cases.

    • Evidence presented against Trump in civil trialCarroll's lawyers presented witnesses, contemporary corroboration, and Trump's own words to establish claim, while Trump's defense did not call any witnesses and he did not attend or testify.

      During the civil trial between E. Jean Carroll and Donald Trump, Carroll's lawyers presented evidence that included witnesses, contemporary corroboration, and Trump's own words from the Access Hollywood tape and a deposition, which helped establish her claim that Trump had sexually assaulted her. Trump's defense, on the other hand, did not call any witnesses on his behalf, and Trump himself did not attend the trial or testify. It remains unclear why Trump's lawyers did not have him testify, as he had previously denied knowing or interacting with Carroll that night.

    • Trump's Lawyer Casts Doubt on Carroll's CredibilityTrump's lawyer focused on questioning Carroll's memory and motives during her rape trial, while Carroll emphasized the fear that silences women during attacks.

      During the trial of E. Jean Carroll's rape allegation against Donald Trump, Trump's lawyer, Joseph Tacopina, focused on casting doubt on Carroll's credibility. He questioned her memory of the precise date and location of the incident, and challenged why she didn't scream for help. Carroll countered that women often don't scream during attacks due to fear. Tacopina also argued that Carroll brought the lawsuit for status and political reasons, and that Trump denied the allegations. The jury, whose identities were kept anonymous to prevent potential harassment, returned a verdict in less than three hours without notes or questions. Ultimately, the defense's strategy was to portray Carroll as an untrustworthy teller of the story, while Trump maintained his innocence.

    • First U.S. President held accountable for sexual misconductA New York jury found former President Trump liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll and defaming her, marking a significant milestone in the Me Too movement.

      Former President Donald Trump was found liable for sexually abusing E. Jean Carroll in a New York court. The jury did not find that Trump raped Carroll but determined that she had proven he had sexually abused her. Trump had previously denied all allegations, including knowing Carroll or being at the store where the incident allegedly took place. The jury also found Trump liable for defamation regarding statements he made about Carroll on Truth Social. Carroll sued Trump to clear her name and get her life back, and the verdict was seen as a victory for her. This case marks a significant milestone in the Me Too movement, as it is the first time a former U.S. President has been held accountable for sexual misconduct allegations in a trial. Trump has announced plans to appeal the verdict. New York State Senator Brad Hoylman, who wrote the law that allowed Carroll to sue Trump, stated that the verdict demonstrated the importance of the law.

    • White House and House Speaker Fail to Reach Debt Ceiling DealDespite the White House's insistence on an unconditional debt ceiling increase and House Speaker McCarthy's demand for spending cuts, no consensus was reached, with Senator Feinstein's return to the Senate Judiciary Committee crucial for confirmations and investigations.

      The debate over raising the debt ceiling and avoiding a financial crisis remains at an impasse between President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. While they met at the White House, no consensus was reached, with the president insisting on an unconditional debt ceiling increase and McCarthy demanding spending cuts. Meanwhile, Senator Dianne Feinstein returned to Washington after a medical absence, restoring the Democratic majority in the Senate Judiciary Committee and allowing for the confirmation of federal judges and investigations into Supreme Court justices' ethics. Despite her request to be replaced, Republicans blocked the move, making her return crucial. The stalemate between the White House and House Speaker continues, with no sign of new movement.

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