
    Trump's Looming Prosecution, and Fired For Not Being "Woke" Enough, with Alan Dershowitz, Dr. Tabia Lee, and Michael Cunningham | Ep. 513

    enMarch 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Investigations against Trump raise concerns of selective prosecutionThe ongoing investigations against former President Trump in New York and Georgia are raising concerns about selective prosecution and the potential misuse of the legal system to target a political figure.

      The ongoing criminal investigations against former President Trump, specifically in New York and Georgia, are raising concerns about selective prosecution and the potential misuse of the legal system to target a political figure. Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard Law School professor and author, discussed these concerns on The Megyn Kelly Show. In New York, the investigation centers around a $130,000 payment made to Stormy Daniels by Michael Cohen on Trump's behalf, allegedly to suppress an affair. While technically it could be considered a violation, Dershowitz argues that the real motivation is to "get Trump," as the Manhattan District Attorney seems determined to prosecute him. In Georgia, the situation is similar, with the grand jurors expressing frustration over the foreperson's media tour and the potential impact on the case against Trump. Dershowitz warns that these investigations set a dangerous precedent, as they risk politicizing the legal system and undermining the principles of due process and civil liberties.

    • Political Enemies Targeted by Criminal Justice SystemThe criminal justice system is being used to target political enemies, potentially setting a dangerous precedent for selective prosecution based on political affiliation.

      The criminal justice system in America is being weaponized against political enemies, as seen in the ongoing investigations against former President Donald Trump. The discussion highlighted the potential misuse of statutes to turn non-crimes into felonies, specifically in the case of Trump's record keeping regarding a payment to Stormy Daniels. The concern is that this sets a dangerous precedent for selective prosecution based on political affiliation. The complexity of the situation involves the involvement of a former Trump lawyer, Michael Cohen, who has turned against his former employer and is now cooperating with the investigations. The outcome of these investigations could set a significant legal precedent and have broader implications for American politics.

    • Politically charged case against Trump involving Stormy Daniels and Michael CohenThe Trump-Daniels case highlights the importance of truth, democracy, and the potential dangers of politicizing the criminal justice system.

      The ongoing criminal case against Donald Trump, involving Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, is a complex and politically charged situation. Trump has cooperated fully with investigators, emphasizing the importance of truth and democracy. However, using Michael Cohen as a witness could be a mistake due to his questionable character. The defense would also face challenges if they try to disprove Trump's affair with Daniels. The case's outcome could have significant implications for the criminal justice system, potentially turning it into a political weapon. Prosecutors should only bring charges against a future presidential candidate if they have a strong case and clear evidence. The situation underscores the importance of maintaining the constitutional principles that protect individual rights and prevent the weaponization of the justice system.

    • Investigations against Trump not as clear-cut as they seemThe ongoing investigations against Trump are complex and raise concerns about ambiguous statements, selective prosecution, and constitutional principles.

      The ongoing investigations against former President Trump, such as those in Georgia and New York City, are not as clear-cut as they may seem. While there have been allegations of Trump urging officials to find or invent votes in Georgia, the interpretation of his words is ambiguous, and it's not appropriate to charge someone based on an ambiguous statement. Additionally, the criminal law is not supposed to be creative, but rather based on existing principles. The hard left, who are pushing for Trump's prosecution, are seen as more dangerous than the right due to their potential erosion of constitutional principles. The ongoing investigations in DC, regarding January 6th and classified documents, also raise questions about selective prosecution and the First Amendment. It's important to remember that the criminal justice system should be based on clear and unambiguous evidence, not political agendas.

    • Cases against Alec Baldwin and Kim Potter: Complex Questions of Criminal Responsibility and NegligenceThese cases highlight the intricacies of criminal law, particularly regarding accidents, intent, and negligence. Baldwin's handling of a prop gun may lead to a conviction, while Potter's mistake with a real gun resulted in a manslaughter conviction. The implications for each case could impact future legal proceedings.

      The ongoing legal cases against Alec Baldwin and Kim Potter, both involving fatal shootings on movie sets, raise complex questions about criminal responsibility and negligence. While some believe Baldwin's reckless handling of a prop gun could lead to a conviction for involuntary manslaughter, others argue that he should not be held solely responsible due to the chain of events leading to the tragedy. Meanwhile, Potter's case, in which she mistakenly used a real gun instead of a taser, has resulted in a conviction for manslaughter, but some argue that the circumstances and precedents set by this case could have implications for Baldwin's situation. Ultimately, these cases underscore the complexities and nuances of criminal law, particularly when it comes to accidents and the role of intent and negligence.

    • Criminal Prosecution Against Alec Baldwin: Lack of Intent and Gross NegligenceThe criminal case against Alec Baldwin for a fatal shooting on set might not succeed due to ambiguous statutes and the challenge of distinguishing between dummy and live rounds, even for experienced professionals.

      The criminal prosecution against Alec Baldwin for the fatal shooting on set may not succeed due to the lack of intent and gross negligence, as well as the ambiguous statute. The case hinges on whether Baldwin should have distinguished between dummy and live rounds, which even experienced professionals might find challenging. The distinction between civil and criminal liability is crucial, as Baldwin was held civilly responsible in previous film accidents but not criminally. However, his celebrity status could potentially influence the jury's decision. In a different context, a diversity, equity, and inclusion director, Dr. Tavia Lee, was fired from a California college for questioning the campus's anti-racism policies. She faced accusations of white supremacy, despite her lifelong commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. This incident highlights the growing ideological divide and the potential consequences of challenging established beliefs, even for individuals from marginalized communities.

    • Misunderstanding between event organizer and speaker's management leads to student disappointmentClear communication and transparency are crucial when organizing events. Understand contract terms and ensure all parties are aware of expectations and limitations.

      Clear communication and transparency are essential when organizing events involving prominent speakers. In this case, a misunderstanding between the event organizer and the speaker's management team led to student disappointment and accusations of disrespect. The speaker's contract, which was initially withheld, revealed that the speaker had been paid a significant fee to answer pre-written questions, contrary to what the students had been led to believe. This situation highlights the importance of understanding the terms of contracts and ensuring that all parties involved are aware of the expectations and limitations. Additionally, it underscores the value of fostering an environment where students' voices are heard and respected, even when they may deviate from the planned script.

    • Language and definitions in education can be controversialRefusing to use certain terms and questioning their origins can lead to accusations and conflicts in educational settings. Open communication and academic freedom are crucial for authentic self-identification and avoiding misunderstandings.

      The use of language and definitions can be a source of controversy and conflict, particularly in educational settings. The speaker, a faculty member at De Anza College, shared their experience of being accused of being a white supremacist due to their refusal to use certain terms and their questioning of the origins and purpose of renaming certain groups. They also described being called derogatory names and facing biased treatment during their tenure review process. The speaker argued that these terms were not rooted in the communities they represented and that their use was shaping identities in a way that was not based on authentic self-identification. The speaker's experience highlights the importance of open and transparent communication and the need for academic freedom and protection of free speech and expression in educational settings. It also underscores the potential for misunderstandings and conflicts that can arise when language and definitions are not clearly defined and agreed upon.

    • Power dynamics in education and politicsThe importance of promoting free thought, open discourse, and fairness in education and politics to prevent unjust terminations and potential human rights violations.

      The power dynamics in education can lead to unjustified termination of educators, as seen in the story of Dr. Lee. Despite her efforts to foster open dialogue and understanding between different perspectives, she was unfairly labeled and ultimately lost her job. This incident highlights the importance of promoting free thought and open discourse in educational institutions, and the potential consequences when these values are suppressed. Furthermore, in global news, Xi Jinping's unprecedented third term as China's president signifies increased power and control for the Chinese Communist Party. The implications of this development for the world and the US are complex and multifaceted, with some viewing it as a positive step for stability and continuity, while others express concern over potential human rights violations and geopolitical tensions. These two stories underscore the importance of upholding values of free thought, open discourse, and fairness, particularly in educational and political contexts.

    • Misguided US approach towards ChinaThe US's belief that China would democratize and become more like the US has led to misguided policies, allowing China to benefit from the international system without adhering to the same rules. Recognize CCP as adversary and adopt assertive stance.

      The United States' approach towards China in the past, driven by the belief that China would democratize and become more like the US, has been misguided. This belief, which took root in the 1970s when the US sought to make China an ally against the Soviet Union, has led to policies that have allowed China to benefit from the international system without adhering to the same rules. With Xi Jinping in power, the US and the international community have come to realize that the Chinese Communist Party is not interested in democratization and that China's ambition is to expand its power and influence on the global stage. The US's past policies, driven by the belief that China would eventually become more like the US, have given China an unfair advantage and have bought it time to surpass the US in military and technological capabilities. The US needs to recognize the Chinese Communist Party as the adversary and adopt a more assertive stance towards China.

    • China's Global Ambitions under Xi JinpingChina, under Xi Jinping, is pursuing global power through political leadership, appealing to countries with diverse ideologies, and defining its own rules in international organizations, aiming for an alternative world order where China dominates.

      China, under the leadership of Xi Jinping, is actively working towards becoming a global superpower by focusing on political leadership, appealing to countries with varying ideologies, and defining its own rules in international organizations. This strategy, which can be seen as a shift from Deng Xiaoping's era of hiding capabilities and maintaining a low profile, is aimed at gaining the support of a majority of countries in the international community, particularly those that are skeptical of the US-led system. China's initiatives, such as the global civilization initiative and the global security initiative, are more about messaging than substance, and they are targeted at countries that are not aligned with the US or are not fully benefiting from the current global order. The end goal is an alternative world order where China holds dominant power.

    • US needs to maintain global leadership amidst China's growing influenceThe US must prioritize a strong military, particularly a navy, to counter China's economic and military power in the developing world, where China is expanding its influence.

      The United States needs to maintain its global leadership, particularly in the developing world, where China is making significant inroads. China's influence in Africa and Latin America is a concern, and the purchase of farmland in sensitive areas near American military bases is a potential threat. China's military and economic power is growing rapidly, and the US needs to sustain a strong military, especially a navy, to maintain its superiority. The US military is declining, and China is producing ships at an alarming rate. The US reckless spending is not making it safer or giving confidence to its allies. China's economic challenges are significant but come from a low baseline, and the economy is a political tool for the Chinese Communist Party. The potential danger lies in China's ability to divert economic resources to the military if necessary.

    • China's One-Child Policy Impact on Economic and Social StabilityChina's aging population and declining workforce due to the one-child policy's imbalance between men and women could destabilize their economy and society, leading to fewer workers to support the elderly. China is trying to encourage more births to address this issue, while also expanding global influence through diplomacy.

      China's one-child policy, which favored boys and resulted in a significant imbalance between men and women, is now causing concerns for China's economic and social stability as their workforce declines and they face an aging population. This situation is leading to fewer working-age people to support the elderly, and China is trying to incentivize women to have more babies. Meanwhile, China has brokered a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia, demonstrating their growing global influence and leadership ambitions. This deal could have significant implications for the Middle East and international relations, as China continues to assert itself on the global stage.

    • The geopolitical landscape under a Trump presidency would have differed in relation to ChinaThe U.S. needs to engage diplomatically and strategically with China and Russia to maintain its global influence and mitigate potential conflicts

      The geopolitical landscape, particularly in relation to China and its actions on the international stage, would have likely been different under a President Trump administration. While some of Xi's actions, such as consolidating power in China, would have remained consistent, the diplomatic and military challenges posed by China may have been met with more coherent and assertive policies from the United States. The current situation, with growing concerns over China's partnership with Russia and the rising likelihood of conflict with Taiwan, underscores the importance of a strong and clear U.S. stance on the global stage. China and Russia, despite not being allies, share a goal of challenging American global leadership, making it crucial for the U.S. to engage diplomatically and strategically to mitigate potential conflicts and maintain its influence.

    • China's strategic approach to Taiwan and TikTok's data security concernsChina's strategic game with Taiwan and potential US actions against TikTok's data security raise national security concerns, requiring careful negotiations to protect American data and security.

      China is playing a long-term strategic game when it comes to Taiwan and is careful not to make a move unless it has 100% certainty of success. Regarding TikTok, the US government's potential actions to ban or force the sale of the app's US arm raise national security concerns due to the Chinese government's ability to access user data through ByteDance's ownership and influence. Despite the political challenges, it's crucial to address these risks to protect American data and security. The ongoing negotiations between the Biden administration and ByteDance highlight the complex geopolitical issues at play.

    • American data security on TikTok and China's energy investmentsDespite assurances, American data security on TikTok remains a concern. China's investment in clean energy offers lessons, but their coal reliance raises questions. COVID-19 origins investigation: Declassified docs may provide insights, but answers remain uncertain.

      The security of American data on platforms like TikTok, which has Chinese ownership, remains a significant concern despite TikTok's assertions that a sale to an American owner would not resolve the issue. Meanwhile, when it comes to energy, there's a lesson to be learned from China's investment in clean energy solutions, but their heavy reliance on coal production also raises questions about their true intentions and energy security. In the case of the COVID-19 origins investigation, the declassification of related documents could provide valuable insights, but given China's secrecy and the limited assessment of the lab leak theory, it remains uncertain whether this information would lead to concrete answers. Overall, it's crucial to approach these complex issues with a critical and informed perspective.

    • China's Lack of Transparency Hinders Accountability for Virus OriginThe Chinese government's suppression of information and silencing of whistleblowers led to the global spread of COVID-19, making their role in the pandemic's escalation undeniable. Effective bipartisan action from lawmakers is crucial to address China's actions.

      While determining the origin of the virus is important from a public health perspective, it may not be effective in holding China accountable due to their lack of transparency. Instead, focusing on the actions of the Chinese government that led to the pandemic's spread is crucial. The Chinese government's suppression of information and silencing of whistleblowers allowed the virus to spread globally. To make a difference, there should be more effective bipartisan action from lawmakers rather than just tough talk. Regardless of the virus's origin, China's role in the pandemic's escalation remains undeniable. Tune in tomorrow for more discussions on China and America.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Bannon- https://warroom.org/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 26, 2024

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Judge Violates Trump's Free Speech, and What Noem's Lies Really Expose, with Vivek Ramaswamy and Buck Sexton | Ep. 784

    Judge Violates Trump's Free Speech, and What Noem's Lies Really Expose, with Vivek Ramaswamy and Buck Sexton | Ep. 784

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Vivek Ramaswamy, host of "The Truth Podcast," to talk about why the gag order on Donald Trump in the NYC trial is a violation of his free speech, how the possibility of jail time for Trump will backfire on the left, why everyone stating opinions including Trump must be protected,  the "vibe of authority" in the corporate media today, how they're hoping for a humiliation of Trump, the performative lies they tell, a former NBC and CNN reporter's absurd description of her recent dinner with MAGA supporters, ABC News president Kim Godwin's "retirement" after getting pushed out, the National Association of Black Journalists making the exit a racial issue, the "sword and shield" of DEI, bratty antisemitic college students protesting, the how the new generation is lacking meaning in their lives, the overreach of Congress' new "antisemitism" bill, and more. Then Buck Sexton, co-host of "The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show," to talk about the way Kristi Noem's "phony" exploitation of her identity has been happening for years, her "cult" of fans, whether she's really a true conservative, how she was a Trump VP frontrunner why it's important to be honest about what her new book exposes about her, the actual audio from the audiobook of Kristi Noem describing the puppy murder story, how it reveals horrifying judgment, the value of truth and forthrightness when it comes to our politicians, near-nudity on the Met Gala red carpet, the disastrous Kardashian effect on our culture, men wearing dresses and the end of masculinity, and more.

    Ramaswamy- https://www.youtube.com/@vivek-2024

    Sexton- https://www.youtube.com/@BuckSexton

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