
    Trump vs. DeSantis Culture War, and Sorority Trans Pledge Lawsuit, with Jeffrey Lord, Michael Duncan, Viva Frei, and Vinnie Politan | Ep. 532

    enApril 19, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussion on Trump vs. DeSantis in presidential politics and their stances on transgender issuesDeSantis directly addresses transgender issues, with his stance praised for its clarity. He refuses to be complicit in lying about someone's biological sex. Trump's libertarian stance is acknowledged, but concerns over organized involvement in the debate are raised.

      During the Megyn Kelly Show, a discussion ensued about the ongoing battle between former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in presidential politics. A notable topic was the transgender conversation, with DeSantis expressing his stance directly on the issue. DeSantis' views were praised by Matt Walsh for being the most direct among candidates. The conversation also touched upon the issue of truth and societal values, with DeSantis expressing his refusal to be complicit in a lie regarding accepting someone as a woman if they are biologically male. The show also featured a mashup of comments from Trump and his family members on the issue. Jeffrey Lord, a political strategist and contributing editor to The American Spectator, shared his thoughts on the issue, acknowledging Trump's libertarian stance but also expressing concerns over organized efforts like Bud Light's involvement in the debate.

    • Bud Light controversy highlights corporate wokeness in US politicsThe Bud Light controversy underscores the political power of corporate wokeness, particularly in relation to sports and culture, and the potential consequences for companies that fail to address backlash from consumers, particularly on issues related to kids and women's sports.

      The issue of corporate wokeness and its impact on consumers, particularly in relation to sports and culture, is a significant political force in the United States. This was evident in the recent controversy surrounding Bud Light and its association with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. Donald Trump, who has previously been vocal on this issue, has not recently weighed in, but some believe he may adopt a more DeSantis-like stance in the future. The irony of Trump's team attacking Bud Light for donating to Republicans while ignoring the issue at hand was noted, as was DeSantis' decision to engage directly in the culture war on this issue. Trump, on the other hand, may continue to commentate from the sidelines, criticizing opponents for perceived missteps rather than engaging directly with the policy itself. The base is particularly animated on this issue when it comes to kids and women's sports, and the failure of companies to respond to backlash may only fuel further boycotts.

    • The Republican primary race is heating up with attacks over women's and transgender rights, and negative adsThe 2024 Republican primary is seeing intense debates on women's and transgender rights, and negative ads are becoming more common due to social media and television.

      The 2024 Republican primary race is heating up with candidates attacking each other through ads and public statements. One issue dividing the field is the debate over women's rights and transgender rights. Caitlyn Jenner's experience as a transgender Republican may foreshadow the challenges faced by candidates who take controversial stances on these issues. Another point of contention is the use of negative ads, with Trump leading the charge against DeSantis over an unconfirmed report of him eating pudding with his fingers. This tactic, reminiscent of past election campaigns, has become more prominent due to social media and television. Despite the negativity, many Americans may tune it out, viewing it as a common aspect of the election process. However, it's important to note that these attacks could intensify as the primary race progresses.

    • Political Landscape Shifts: Trump Targets DeSantis, RFK Jr. Joins DemocratsTrump targets DeSantis with campaign ad in DC, RFK Jr. enters Democratic race, creating tension and uncertainty in political sphere

      The political landscape is heating up with both the Republican and Democratic parties experiencing significant shifts. Donald Trump's latest campaign ad targeting Ron DeSantis is a strategic move to gain media attention and potentially stir up controversy. The ad's placement in DC, beyond early primary states, is a clear indication of this intent. On the Democratic side, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s recent entry into the presidential race could pose a challenge to Joe Biden, especially given the growing dissatisfaction among Democrat voters with Biden's performance. RFK Jr.'s anti-vaccine stance might limit his chances within the Democratic Party, but he could potentially attract Republican voters if he runs as a third-party candidate. These developments underscore the ongoing tension and uncertainty in the political sphere.

    • Uncertainty in the Political LandscapeDespite Biden's lead, uncertainty looms as the Democratic Party explores alternatives and Trump faces legal troubles, while Ron DeSantis tries to gain ground on the Republican side.

      The political landscape is filled with uncertainty, particularly regarding the potential challenges to current front-runner Joe Biden in the Democratic Party and the growing competition between him and Donald Trump in the Republican Party. Bobby Kennedy Jr.'s potential independent campaign is seen as unlikely due to the financial and logistical challenges involved. However, if Biden continues to stumble and make gaffes, the party may look for alternative candidates, such as Gavin Newsom or other major democratic stars. On the Republican side, Ron DeSantis is struggling to gain ground against Trump in the polls, but the base continues to support him despite Trump's legal troubles. The political scene is marked by a sense of instability, with both parties dealing with internal challenges and external pressures from world leaders.

    • Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' shifting messaging towards Donald TrumpDeSantis' criticism of Trump for attacking fellow Republicans and lying might not resonate with the Republican primary electorate. Instead, he should focus on arguments about his electability and avoid process arguments. Recent indictment of Trump hasn't significantly impacted polling, and DeSantis' criticism of Disney could harm him.

      Ron DeSantis' messaging towards Donald Trump has shifted, with the release of an ad criticizing Trump for attacking fellow Republicans and lying about DeSantis. However, this strategy might not be effective as it seems convoluted and may not resonate well with the Republican primary electorate. Instead, DeSantis could focus on arguments about his electability and staying clear of process arguments about Trump. The recent indictment of Trump hasn't translated into a significant polling boost for him, and other candidates have managed to capitalize on the situation. Additionally, DeSantis' criticism of Disney could potentially harm him with the electorate. To be successful in a presidential campaign, DeSantis needs to be succinct and direct in his attacks on Trump.

    • Disappointment as Fox News Settles with Dominion for $787 MillionFox News avoided a lengthy and potentially damaging trial by settling with Dominion Voting Systems for $787 million, leaving the media unable to prolong their attacks and focus on democracy and the 'big lie' as anticipated.

      The media was looking forward to a high-profile trial between Fox News and Dominion Voting Systems, which they believed would provide ammunition to criticize Fox for airing false claims about the 2020 election. However, the sudden settlement for $787 million prevented this, leaving the media disappointed and unable to prolong their attacks against Fox. Another significant point is that Fox did not admit to airing lies, nor were they forced to issue an apology or make any on-air acknowledgement of the issue. This settlement allowed Fox to avoid a lengthy and potentially damaging trial. Despite the media's expectations, the trial did not materialize as a major event focusing on democracy and the "big lie," as they had anticipated.

    • Media bias and misinformationMedia outlets, including Fox News, have faced criticism for biased reporting and spreading misinformation. It's crucial to maintain journalistic integrity and avoid confirmation bias to preserve media credibility.

      The media, including CNN and MSNBC, have been criticized for years for biased reporting and spreading misinformation, as seen in cases like the Covington kid incident and the ongoing belief in the Russia hacking of the 2016 election. Fox News has recently come under fire for its coverage of certain events, but the media's own past mistakes and biases should not be ignored. The release of internal texts and correspondence at Fox News was damaging, but similar information from other networks could also be detrimental if made public. It's essential for media outlets to maintain journalistic integrity and avoid confirmation bias. Fox should have settled the Dominion lawsuit earlier to avoid further damage to its reputation. The media's credibility as a whole is at stake, and it's crucial to hold all outlets accountable for their actions.

    • Fox News settlement raises questions despite strategic timingThe Fox News settlement over the 2020 election lawsuits, while strategically timed, fuels speculation due to substantial amount and abandonment of legal recourse, setting a concerning precedent for future civil litigation.

      The Fox News settlement over the 2020 election lawsuits was primarily about money in a civil case. The media's criticism and public perception of the settlement being a victory for Dominion may be misguided, as it's common for civil cases to settle before trial. However, the substantial settlement amount and abandonment of legal recourse raises questions about potential damning information or mutual interests at play. Despite the uncertainty, the settlement sets a concerning precedent for future civil litigation. The timing and quantum of the settlement make sense strategically, but the absence of further information fuels speculation. Ultimately, the focus on ratings and profits in the media industry, as highlighted in the conversation, underscores the importance of understanding the business aspects of journalism.

    • Assessing Risks and Chances of Winning in Civil CasesFactors like jury composition, legal motions, PR aspects, and potential damages to executives testifying influence civil case outcomes. Overlooking critical details, such as open carrying of weapons, can impact the case's outcome.

      During a civil case, determining the chances of winning and assessing risks involves constant calculation. Fox, as a client, has a history of fighting legal battles fiercely but eventually settling. In the case of a $800 million settlement, the company likely weighed the potential risks and damages to executives testifying against the financial cost. A jury's composition, the outcome of legal motions, and the PR aspect also influenced the decision to settle. In another case, a man named Daniel Perry was convicted of murder during a confrontation at a BLM protest in Austin, Texas. The incident received attention due to Perry's claim of self-defense under Texas' strong stand-your-ground laws. However, the release of Perry's texts raised concerns about his character, potentially impacting the pardon process. A critical detail overlooked in the discussion was that the victim, Garrett Foster, was open carrying an AK-47 during the encounter, which could influence the determination of who provoked the confrontation.

    • Garrett Foster shooting case vs Kyle Rittenhouse: Different Evidence, Same Legal PrincipleThe Garrett Foster and Kyle Rittenhouse cases illustrate the complexity of self-defense laws, with differing evidence leading to contrasting outcomes, emphasizing the importance of a fair and impartial legal process.

      The Garrett Foster shooting case, like the Kyle Rittenhouse case, involves conflicting perspectives and the application of self-defense laws. While some believe Foster was defending fellow protesters, others argue he put himself in harm's way. The jury found Perry guilty, but Texas's stand-your-ground law could have applied if Perry was not engaged in criminal activity or provoking the confrontation. The key distinction between the two cases lies in the evidence presented – video in the Rittenhouse case versus witness testimony in the Foster case. The differing interpretations of the facts and the role of the jury in making a decision highlight the complexity of self-defense cases and the importance of a fair and impartial legal process.

    • Jury's verdict should not be influenced by external factorsThe potential for external influences, such as pardons and public perception, to impact a jury's verdict raises questions about fairness and sets a dangerous precedent.

      The role of a jury's verdict in criminal cases should not be undermined by external influences, including potential pardons from governors before the final appeal process. The Rittenhouse case highlights this issue, as the jury's decision was based on the evidence presented to them, but the public's perception was influenced by texts and messages that were not presented in court. However, these texts showed the defendant's racist views and desire to harm protesters, which raises questions about the fairness of the trial. The potential pardon from Governor Abbott before the sentencing phase and appeal process also undermines the rule of law and sets a dangerous precedent for future cases. The appellate process is in place for a reason, and it should be respected to ensure a fair and just outcome for all parties involved.

    • Evidence of past racist statements or actions during a trialJudges decide whether to admit evidence of a defendant's past racist statements or actions during a trial based on their relevance to the current situation and potential prejudice to the jury.

      During a trial, evidence of a defendant's past racist statements or actions may not be relevant if the crime at hand is not being charged as a hate crime. The debate surrounding the admission of such evidence during a recent trial raised questions about its probative value and potential prejudice to the jury. While some argue that it could set the frame of mind of the defendant, others believe it is irrelevant to the current situation and may only be relevant for sentencing if a hate crime charge is applicable. Ultimately, the decision to admit such evidence lies with the judge, and the political implications of a pardon or public opinion can complicate the legal analysis. It's important to remember that even if a defendant holds racist beliefs, they still have the right to self-defense. The context and circumstances of the crime are crucial in determining the relevance and admissibility of such evidence.

    • Self-defense cases: Complexity and ControversySelf-defense cases can involve contradictory statements and complex legal issues, as seen in the Rittenhouse trial and a lawsuit against Kappa Kappa Gamma involving a transgender member.

      Self-defense cases can be complex and nuanced, as seen in the Rittenhouse case where both parties may believe they were acting within their rights. The defendant's statements about the situation contradict each other, and the legality of the gun in question is still being clarified. Meanwhile, in a separate case, seven sorority sisters are suing Kappa Kappa Gamma for allegedly violating their stated purpose by inducing a transgender member. The transgender individual, named Artemis, was initially rejected but later gained entry through a public vote, which some girls felt was pressured and coerced. The outcome of these cases highlights the complexity of self-defense laws and the potential for controversial decisions in various contexts.

    • Sorority membership and gender identity: Legal and social cultural dimensionsThe ongoing debate around sorority membership and gender identity involves interpreting bylaws, defining 'lady,' and addressing allegations of inappropriate behavior. Clear guidelines and open dialogue are essential for ensuring a safe and inclusive environment.

      The ongoing debate surrounding sorority membership and gender identity is a complex issue with legal and social cultural dimensions. The discussion revolves around the interpretation of sorority bylaws and the definition of a "lady," as well as allegations of inappropriate behavior. The legal perspective focuses on the specific promises and responsibilities agreed upon by members, while the social cultural perspective examines the potential implications of tolerating certain behaviors in the name of inclusivity. The conversation also touched upon the importance of women speaking up for their rights and the potential consequences of remaining silent. Ultimately, the issue highlights the need for clear guidelines and open dialogue to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for all members.

    • Sorority Suit: Man Allegedly Harassed Women, Sorority Enabled BehaviorA man's disturbing behavior towards women in a sorority went unchecked, enabling a toxic environment and resulting in a lawsuit against him and the organization. It underscores the importance of addressing and preventing sexual harassment.

      The discussion revolves around a man named Artemis, who allegedly engaged in inappropriate and disturbing behavior towards women in a sorority. The women felt uncomfortable and uneasy due to the man's persistent staring and questioning, as well as his apparent arousal and taking of photographs. The man's behavior was enabling by the sorority, and the women have since filed a lawsuit against him and the organization. The incident highlights the importance of addressing and preventing sexual harassment, and the potential dangers and consequences of ignoring such behavior. The discussion also touches upon the challenges of accommodating individuals in new environments and the potential for abuse of tolerance. The case serves as a reminder that basic justice and safety should be prioritized over ideology and accommodations.

    • Preserving Women's Spaces and RightsMaintain gender divisions in women's spaces and rights without denying trans rights, protect women from potential harm, and foster a nuanced conversation on the issue.

      The current debate around trans rights and women's rights has become a matter of preserving biological differences and ensuring the safety of women. The speaker argues that women's spaces and rights, including those related to sports and sororities, are under threat due to the blurring of gender lines. She calls for a discussion on the importance of maintaining these divisions without denying trans rights, and emphasizes the need for legal action to protect women from potential harm. The speaker also expresses her frustration with the social media backlash against those who speak out in favor of women's rights and calls for a more nuanced and honest conversation on the issue. Additionally, she references a legal case involving Alec Baldwin and a wrongful death lawsuit.

    • Alec Baldwin's legal woes and false accusationsFalse accusations can lead to serious legal consequences, including lawsuits and criminal charges.

      Alec Baldwin's legal troubles continue as he faces a wrongful death lawsuit from the family of the cinematographer he allegedly killed on the set of Rust. Despite settling with the husband, he may not be able to avoid responsibility under New Mexico law. Meanwhile, a Stanford University employee was charged with perjury for falsely reporting a rape incident, which had sparked protests and calls for defunding the police on campus. The incident was later revealed to be a lie, and she had been fired or put on leave. These cases serve as reminders of the serious consequences of making false accusations.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    2/17/22: Ukraine vs Western Media, Freedom Convoy, Woke Recalls, CNN Drama, Obama's Legacy, Vladimir Putin, US-China Relations, & More!

    2/17/22: Ukraine vs Western Media, Freedom Convoy, Woke Recalls, CNN Drama, Obama's Legacy, Vladimir Putin, US-China Relations, & More!

    Krystal and Saagar talk about Ukraine's response to American media warmongering, NBC spreading propaganda from Ukrainian Nazis and the US deep state, Canada's targeting of Trucker bank accounts, woke school board recall elections, CNN drama causing a meltdown behind the scenes, how Democrats lost the working class, dangerous comparisons of Putin to Hitler, and the history of corporate elites selling out to China!

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    Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/breaking-points-with-krystal-and-saagar/id1570045623 

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kbsy61zJSzPxNZZ3PKbXl 

    Merch: https://breaking-points.myshopify.com/

    Bob Kuttner: https://prospect.org/topics/robert-kuttner/ 

    Greenberg’s Piece: https://prospect.org/politics/democrats-speak-to-working-class-discontent/ 

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    Bizarre Pro-O.J. Simpson Spin, Media Stupidity or Lies, and Woke Eating Their Own, with Adam Carolla | Ep. 765

    Bizarre Pro-O.J. Simpson Spin, Media Stupidity or Lies, and Woke Eating Their Own, with Adam Carolla | Ep. 765

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Adam Carolla, host of "The Adam Carolla Show,” to discuss the ridiculous coverage around O.J. Simpson’s death and legacy, the media downplaying the double murder aspect of his history, the double standard when it comes to race, the reality of O.J. Simpson’s abusive past, the bizarre media coverage connecting Simpson to Donald Trump, the bizarre ongoing conspiracy theories that Megyn is Nicole Brown Simpson, what the rise of conspiracy theories tell us about society and the internet, the truth about the media’s bias despite the claims of objectivity, Carolla’s personal story about NPR’s obvious bias, whether the press is stupid or lying, the Dexter Reed police-involved shooting media coverage, the anti-Israel student protesting at a dinner she was invited to at a woke Berkeley law dean's house, the bizarre lies the student is raising now, the value of free speech in America vs. the rest of the world, the woke eating their own, the Tickle vs. Giggle "what is a woman" lawsuit in Australia, Megyn's star turn in Adam Carolla's new series "Mr. Birchum," and more.


    More from Carolla: https://adamcarolla.com/


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