
    Trump Wins CNN Town Hall, and if Tucker Got Fired Over Big Pharma, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Charles C.W. Cooke | Ep. 548

    enMay 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s Presidential Run: More Than Just Being HeardRFK Jr. emphasizes the importance of open debates and trusting the American people with information, rather than censorship, to combat misinformation.

      Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. believes his run for presidency is not just about being heard more, but actually winning and changing the country. He has faced censorship in the past, but now that he's running, he's able to have open conversations on television. Kennedy emphasizes the importance of frank, open debates and trusting the American people to handle truth and misinformation. He believes that censorship is not the solution, but rather, more information is needed to combat bad information. Kennedy's evolution in public perception came from people actually checking his sources and finding that his claims checked out, despite being labeled as a "kook" by some. He invites critics to show him where he's wrong and is open to changing his opinions based on factual evidence.

    • The Importance of Transparency and Fact-Checking in Scientific DialogueCorrecting inaccuracies and engaging in thoughtful debate are essential for transparency in scientific dialogue. Media should represent perspectives fairly and consider scientific evidence.

      Transparency and fact-checking are crucial components of open and honest dialogue, particularly in the realm of scientific and medical information. The speaker, who has a large following and is often subject to scrutiny, emphasizes the importance of correcting any inaccuracies and engaging in thoughtful debate. He shares an example of a misunderstanding regarding Aegis Missile Systems, and how he corrected the record after being called out. However, he criticizes the media for sensationalizing and misrepresenting his views, particularly on the topic of vaccines and autism. He advocates for a more nuanced and fact-based approach to journalism, where all perspectives are given a fair hearing and scientific evidence is considered. In a democracy, it is our civic duty to do our own research and fact-check information, rather than relying solely on the words of experts or the media.

    • The Importance of Independent Research and Free SpeechIndividuals must conduct their own research on health matters, defend free speech, and uphold journalistic integrity to navigate complex issues and protect their children.

      It's crucial for individuals, especially parents, to conduct their own research on health-related matters, including vaccines, to protect their children. Megan and RFK Jr.'s collaboration is an example of how this approach can lead to a deeper understanding of complex issues and reveal the multi-faceted nature of the people involved. The conversation also touched on the importance of defending free speech and journalistic integrity, as seen in the handling of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The coordination between the Biden campaign and the CIA to suppress this story is a concerning example of government involvement in presidential campaigns. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the importance of independent research, free speech, and journalistic integrity in today's information landscape.

    • Historical opposition to CIA's media influenceDespite initial opposition, the CIA has been accused of influencing American media, raising concerns about democratic values and transparency.

      The CIA, created in 1947, initially faced opposition from both Democrats and Republicans due to concerns over the existence of a secretive intelligence agency in a democracy. The church committee hearings in the 1970s revealed Operation Mockingbird, an illegal CIA project to compromise American journalists, leading to promises from the CIA to only propagandize foreign journalists. However, recent revelations suggest that the CIA is now influencing American media as well, which is alarming given the historical opposition to such activities in a democracy. Trump's recent comments on the Ukraine conflict, expressing a desire for an end to the war and questioning the need for continued US involvement, have been met with criticism but also support from some Republican voters. Overall, the blurring of lines between intelligence agencies and the media raises serious concerns about the potential erosion of democratic values.

    • Ukraine War: A Humanitarian Intervention Turned Bloodbath for ChildrenThe US, driven by neocons in the White House, has prolonged the Ukraine war, turning it into a deadly conflict for Ukrainian children. Previous administrations' actions, like selling offensive weapons and pushing NATO borders, have destabilized the region. Critics of US policies may face consequences.

      The prolonged war in Ukraine, which was initially presented as a humanitarian intervention, has turned into an abattoir for Ukrainian kids due to US policies driven by neocons in the White House. Their objective is to exhaust and degrade Russia's capacity to fight, which could lead to unwanted consequences for both Ukraine and the US. Previous administrations, including Trump's, have played a role in destabilizing the region through actions like selling offensive weapons to Ukraine and pushing NATO borders up to Russia's borders. Additionally, there are speculations that media figures critical of US policies, like Tucker Carlson, may face consequences for speaking out, potentially due to financial ties between big media and pharmaceutical industries.

    • Media Revenue and Power DynamicsFormer Fox News head Roger Ailes raised concerns about pharmaceutical companies influencing news coverage, leading to Tucker Carlson's firing from CNN. RFK Jr.'s exclusion from Democratic debates highlights power dynamics within political parties.

      There are allegations that a significant amount of revenue for news networks comes from pharmaceutical companies, and hosts who criticize these companies risk being fired. This was a concern raised by Roger Ailes, the former head of Fox News, and Tucker Carlson, who was fired from CNN in 2022. Carlson's show was a huge revenue generator for CNN, but his criticism of pharmaceutical companies led to his termination. The question of who is telling the truth in the media becomes increasingly important when considering the potential financial motivations behind news coverage. Additionally, Fox News derives a large portion of its revenue from subscription fees paid by cable providers, making good ratings essential for increasing these fees. The ongoing debate around RFK Jr.'s participation in Democratic debates highlights the power dynamics within political parties and the challenges faced by insurgent campaigns. Despite having a significant portion of Democratic voter support, RFK Jr. is being excluded from debates, raising questions about the fairness and transparency of the democratic process.

    • Democratic Party's Decision to Skip Debates is a Strategic MistakeBiden needs debate practice to face Trump, demonstrate capabilities, and build trust; skipping debates undermines democratic process and America's leadership, and raises doubts about Biden's readiness

      The Democratic Party's decision not to hold debates for their presidential nominee, Joe Biden, before facing off against President Trump in the general election, is a strategic mistake. This is because Biden needs to be well-prepared for Trump's formidable debating skills, and also to demonstrate his capabilities to the democratic base. Furthermore, in these uncertain times regarding the integrity of the electoral system, it's crucial for both parties to show commitment to electoral integrity and transparency. Biden's lack of debate practice could raise doubts about his readiness and ability to lead. The optics of skipping debates also undermine the democratic process and America's leadership on the global stage. Biden's apparent confusion and mishaps in public appearances only underscore the importance of rigorous debate preparation.

    • The Importance of a Vigorous President for American PoliticsA vigorous and robust president is crucial for effective leadership and addressing pressing issues, such as the decline of the middle class, in the US.

      The United States has historically been a leader in democratic governance, but the current state of American politics, with leaders being chosen through wealth and lack of transparency, is concerning. The speaker expresses worry that the mental and physical health of current leaders, such as Joe Biden and John Fetterman, could impact their ability to effectively lead and address the pressing issues facing the country, including the decline of the middle class. The speaker argues that a vigorous and robust president is necessary to make significant changes and reverse the downward trajectory of America. While some may argue that mental acuity is not essential for running the country, the speaker believes that a president who is not fully engaged could lead to empowering those around them, potentially leading to further destruction of the American middle class and allowing corporations and large industries to pillage the country.

    • RFK Jr.'s common ground with Americans and his wife's supportRFK Jr. aligns with Americans on rebuilding the middle class, protecting the environment, and ending government corruption. His wife Cheryl Hines provides him emotional support during his political campaign.

      RFK Jr. shares common ground with Americans on various issues, including rebuilding the middle class, protecting the environment, and ending corruption in government. He values his wife Cheryl Hines' tenderheartedness and support, despite the challenges of his political campaign. Regarding culture war issues, RFK Jr. weighed in on the transgender athlete debate, stating that a majority of Americans oppose trans athletes competing in women's sports according to a recent poll. He did not express his personal stance on the issue during the interview.

    • Democratic Party's Disagreement on Transgender Participation in Women's Sports65% of professionals disagree with transgender participation in women's sports, while 46% of Democrats supported it last year. Biological males' inherent advantages make it unfair for them to compete against women, but respect and sensitivity are crucial.

      There is significant disagreement within the Democratic Party regarding transgender participation in women's sports. According to a survey, 65% of professionals believe it should not be allowed, while a year ago, 46% of Democrats supported trans people running or participating in women's sports. The interviewee, who disagrees with President Biden on this issue, believes it's unfair for biological males to compete against women due to their inherent advantages. However, they also emphasize the importance of respecting everyone's choices and treating each other with sensitivity. The interviewee also supports banning the medicalization of the trans issue for minors without their parents' permission due to potential long-term consequences. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and contentious nature of this issue within the Democratic Party.

    • Arguments against masks, lockdowns, and gain-of-function researchDespite widespread promotion, masks' effectiveness against COVID-19 is limited, lockdowns cause societal and economic harm, and concerns exist regarding gain-of-function research funding and past deception

      There are compelling arguments against various medical interventions and public health measures that have been widely promoted during the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, it was revealed that masks have limited effectiveness against COVID-19, and Anthony Fauci, a key figure in the U.S. response, knew this from the beginning. Additionally, lockdowns, which were implemented based on pandemic preparedness protocols, have been criticized for causing significant harm to society and the economy. Furthermore, there are concerns about the allocation of funds for gain-of-function research, especially in light of past instances of deception and potential risks. Overall, it's crucial to critically evaluate the evidence and consider multiple perspectives when making decisions related to public health and medical interventions.

    • The passing of the Patriot Act led to the development of ethnic bioweapons, calling for a treaty to prevent their use.The Patriot Act exemption for federal officials in biowarfare development has resulted in a dangerous arms race, necessitating a treaty to prevent the use of ethnic bioweapons.

      The passing of the Patriot Act led to an exemption for federal officials involved in biowarfare development, igniting an arms race among countries including the US, China, and Russia, who are developing ethnic bioweapons. This dangerous development calls for a treaty to prevent the use of such weapons, enforceable and verifiable by all involved parties. Regarding the CNN Trump town hall, the event gave the former president an hour of free airtime, allowing him to make his case without interruption. However, the topics pushed by CNN were not relevant to Republican primary voters, leading to a mismatched execution. The lack of questions on important issues like inflation, the banking crisis, and women's rights, among others, further hindered the event's effectiveness. The town hall format should focus on the audience and the candidate, but in this case, Caitlin Collins' persistent questioning on certain topics overshadowed the opportunity for meaningful dialogue.

    • Senator Collins' Town Hall with Trump: A Contentious Back-and-ForthDespite Senator Collins' efforts to challenge Trump, the town hall devolved into heated exchanges due to fact-checking difficulties and contradictory statements on election integrity.

      During a town hall event, Senator Susan Collins attempted to challenge President Trump on various issues but came across as partisan and inexperienced. Her fact-checking attempts against Trump were nearly impossible in a live setting and often turned into heated exchanges. Additionally, Collins' statement that the 2020 election was not rigged contradicted the beliefs of a significant portion of the Republican voter base. The event ultimately benefited Trump, who was able to dodge questions and engage with a supportive audience. CNN, as the host network, faced criticism for allowing the town hall to devolve into a contentious back-and-forth rather than maintaining a neutral journalistic stance. The event underscores the challenges of fact-checking a polarizing figure like Trump in real-time and the importance of maintaining impartiality in journalism.

    • CNN Town Hall with Trump Sparks ControversyCNN faced criticism for hosting a town hall with Trump, seen as damaging to democracy and driven by ratings, while employees expressed disagreement.

      The CNN town hall with Donald Trump sparked intense criticism and anger from the Democratic side, with some calling for a boycott. The decision was seen as irresponsible and damaging to American democracy, with double standards being applied regarding newsworthiness and platforming. CNN's actions were driven by ratings and a desire to see Trump as the nominee, despite the network's liberal audience not supporting Trump or watching CNN. The schizophrenic approach of trying to attract a new audience while not fully understanding their perspective led to a strange sight of the network defending the event while its employees criticized it.

    • Congressman Byron Donalds defends Trump's actions and policies at CNN town hallDespite the town hall's focus on the 2020 election and January 6th events, Congressman Byron Donalds emphasized the importance of addressing current issues and criticized the event for not catering to voters' needs.

      During a CNN town hall event, Republican congressman Byron Donalds stood out for defending former President Trump's actions and policies. His differing perspective left other panelists and the audience seemingly baffled. Donalds criticized the town hall for being more focused on the 2020 election and January 6th events rather than addressing current issues. He also emphasized that town halls are meant for voters, not the press or the moderator. Despite some disagreements, it was acknowledged that CNN's excessive focus on the 2020 election and January 6th was a valid criticism, but it was also pointed out that Trump himself remains fixated on those topics. The town hall's editorial flow was controlled by CNN, leading to repeated questioning about the 2024 election results, which Trump did not commit to accepting regardless of the outcome. Overall, the town hall was seen as an opportunity missed for addressing pressing issues, with the panel and audience becoming fixated on the 2020 election and Trump's responses.

    • CNN's Decision to Platform Trump's False StatementsCNN's platforming of Trump's false statements, despite a court ruling against him, raises questions about consistency and potential harm to victims.

      During the CNN interview, Donald Trump was allowed to make false and harmful statements, including denying sexual abuse allegations made against him by E. Jean Carroll, despite a civil court jury finding him liable. CNN's decision to platform Trump's lies, while claiming to be concerned about misinformation, raises questions about consistency and the potential harm to victims. It's important to respect the legal system and allow individuals to profess their innocence, but the line between truth and falsehood can be blurred, and the potential consequences should be carefully considered. This situation highlights the complexities of balancing free speech and the potential harm caused by false statements.

    • Former Rep. Mark Foley's entry into Democratic primary poses a significant threat to President BidenHistorically, double-digit primary challengers have led to an incumbent's defeat, and former Rep. Mark Foley's entry into the Democratic primary, despite denying sexual misconduct allegations, poses a bigger threat to President Biden than the Biden campaign may acknowledge.

      During a radio interview, Charles C.W. Cook discussed the significance of former Republican Congressman Mark Foley's recent entry into the Democratic primary, reaching 20% in polls. Cook expressed concern for President Joe Biden, as no incumbent president has faced a double-digit challenger within the modern primary system and historically, those who have reached such numbers have led to the incumbent's defeat. Cook also mentioned that Foley's entry poses a bigger threat to Biden than the Biden campaign may acknowledge, especially as he gains more exposure. Additionally, Cook mentioned that Foley's free speech preferences align with his own, but he is not aligned with the Charles C.W. Cook Political Report mold. The interview also touched on Foley's denial of sexual misconduct allegations and the impact of the timing of such allegations on public perception.

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    Kirk- https://45books.com/

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    Bolar- https://www.iwf.org/identity-crisis

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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

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    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Eugene from Ukraine

    "How to prepare your house for an active wartime?"

    This was the title of a post on r/NoStupidQuestions about a month ago. The Reddit user, a 32-year old Ukrainian name Eugene, asked other users for advice in case Russia invaded. On Feb. 24, Eugene updated the post: "It happened. Nothing can prepare you to waking up at 5am from explosions, it was the single most scary experience of my life." This week, Ben and Amory hear from Eugene as he navigates life in Kyiv and struggles to assess the reality and unreality of information online.

    ****** Credits: This episode was produced by Ben Brock Johnson and Dean Russell with mixing and sound design by Paul Vaitkus. Amory Sivertson and Ben Brock Johnson are the co-hosts.

    4/13/23: Media Hunts Down Pentagon Leaker, US Boots In Ukraine, Tim Scott Speechless On Trump, Fox News Rebuked in Trial, Elon Fights w/ BBC, NPR Leaves Twitter, Electric Car Rules, Cancer Drug Shortage, Disinformation Industry

    4/13/23: Media Hunts Down Pentagon Leaker, US Boots In Ukraine, Tim Scott Speechless On Trump, Fox News Rebuked in Trial, Elon Fights w/ BBC, NPR Leaves Twitter, Electric Car Rules, Cancer Drug Shortage, Disinformation Industry

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Ro Khanna telling Dianne Feinstein to resign, the Media hunting down the Pentagon leaker for the FBI, the Pentagon planning widespread spying on Chat Rooms after the leak, US Boots on ground confirmed in Ukraine, Russia's terrifying new draft law, Tim Scott speechless when asked how he will beat Trump in the republican primary, a report that Trump is not ruling out running in 2028, Fox News rebuked by a judge in Defamation Trial, Elon humiliates a BBC reporter who claims he's seen more hate speech on Twitter since Elon's takeover, NPR and PBS leave Twitter over Elon's State Funding label, Saagar looks into Biden's insane requirement for the majority of Electric Cars in 9 years, Krystal looks into the dire Cancer drug shortage forcing Death Panels, and guest Jacob Siegel (@Jacob__Siegel) joins us to talk about his new piece in Tablet on the Disinformation Industrial Complex.

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