
    Truth About Tennessee Expulsions, and Anti-Speech Activists on College Campuses, with Dennis Prager and Ian Haworth | Ep. 524

    enApril 07, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • College Campus Free Speech Under AttackProtesters disrupted a free speech event at SUNY Albany, highlighting the need for open dialogue and the importance of protecting free speech on college campuses.

      Free speech is under attack on college campuses, as demonstrated by the incident at SUNY Albany where Ian Howarth, a columnist and speaker, was interrupted and shut down by protesters during a talk about the importance of free speech. The protesters, who were upset about Howarth's views on transgender issues, relied on empty threats and ad hominem attacks rather than engaging in a substantive debate. The incident highlights the need for open and honest conversations on college campuses, but the environment often discourages such dialogue. The incident also underscores the importance of organizations like Turning Point USA, which invite speakers with diverse viewpoints to campus to promote debate and learning. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting free speech and fostering open dialogue, especially in educational institutions.

    • Protesters disrupt free speech on college campusesProtesters tearing up a Bible and threatening violence halted a speaker's right to free speech, highlighting the need for colleges to ensure safety and protect free speech rights.

      The college environment allows for disruptive behavior, including the suppression of free speech and destruction of property, under the guise of protest. The incident in question involved protesters tearing up a Bible and using violent threats towards a speaker. The protesters claimed they were victims of free speech infringement when they were removed from the event, but they were the ones engaging in violent actions. The speaker, who had the right to speak on a college campus, was forced to leave due to safety concerns. The ongoing issue is that students who want to engage in political discourse are facing daily threats and harassment, and the college administration needs to take steps to ensure safety and protect free speech. The incident highlights the need for better preparation and security on college campuses to prevent such disruptions and protect the rights of all students.

    • Protests against Riley Gaines at SUNY AlbanyCollege campuses continue to face challenges in balancing free speech and creating safe environments. The incident involving Riley Gaines highlights the potential for protests to silence opposing viewpoints and create an unwelcoming atmosphere for conservative students.

      The incident involving Riley Gaines at SUNY Albany, where she was protested against during an NCAA event, highlights the ongoing issue of free speech on college campuses. Gaines, who tied with a competitor in the event, was met with protests and was even allegedly assaulted. The university, which is taxpayer-funded, released a statement supporting the protesters' right to free speech and creating a safe and inclusive environment. However, Gaines argues that the college is not doing enough to protect the voices of conservative students and that these students do not feel safe expressing their opinions. The situation resulted in some students leaving the event due to feeling threatened, and the ultimate goal of the protesters was achieved: shutting down speech. If this trend continues, the issue of free speech on college campuses may only worsen.

    • Students demand protection and censorship, but should face consequences for actionsStudents disrupted lectures and demanded gender affirming measures, while also asking for related content to be removed from the internet. They claimed victimhood when faced with consequences, but it's important to stand up for free speech and individual rights.

      There's a growing trend of students using protests and public spaces to express their views, but when faced with consequences for their actions, they often claim victimhood and demand protection. At SUNY Albany, students disrupted a lecture and demanded gender affirming measures, while also asking for any related videos or images to be removed from the internet. The speaker, Ian, was accused of being a transphobe for believing in biological reality and opposing the medical mutilation of children. Meanwhile, at the Tennessee legislature, lawmakers were expelled for protesting, but are being portrayed as innocent victims by the mainstream media. These incidents highlight the need for individuals to face the consequences of their actions in public spaces and the importance of understanding the true meaning of peace and victimhood. The infantile mentality of demanding protection and censorship needs to be eradicated, and it's crucial to stand up for free speech and individual rights.

    • The contentious issue of transgender participation in women's sportsThe debate over transgender inclusion in women's sports sparks controversy, with some advocating for fairness and others for preserving categories, leading to complex societal implications and potential physical harm against those expressing opposing views.

      The debate surrounding women's sports and transgender participation continues to be a contentious issue, with some arguing for inclusion and others advocating for preserving the integrity of women's categories. The case of Riley Gaines, a female athlete who felt she was unfairly denied recognition and a trophy in a race against a transgender woman, has brought renewed attention to the issue. Gaines has faced backlash and even physical violence for speaking out against what she sees as an unfair advantage for transgender athletes in women's sports. The broader societal implications of this debate extend beyond sports, as it touches on questions of identity, truth, and the role of universities and the media in shaping public discourse. The rapid shift in societal norms around gender identity and the use of force to silence opposing views highlights the importance of courage and the need for open and respectful dialogue on these complex issues.

    • Concerns over Suppression of Opposing Views and Indoctrination of GirlsThe speaker raises concerns about the suppression of opposing views on college campuses, particularly led by women in power, and the exploitation and indoctrination of girls. They argue that girls lack emotional control and moral values due to neglectful parenting, leading to a harmful societal climate.

      The current societal climate, particularly on college campuses, is reminiscent of authoritarian youth groups from the past, such as the Soviet and Nazi youth. The speaker expresses concern over the disruption and suppression of opposing views, often led by women in positions of power in academia and medicine. The speaker believes that girls, who are naturally empathetic, are being exploited and indoctrinated, while boys are better equipped to handle the nonsense. The speaker argues that parents have neglected teaching girls to control their emotions and develop a strong moral code, leading to the current state of affairs. The speaker also questions whether the left encourages mean behavior or if mean people are drawn to the left. The overall message is a call to protect young girls from harmful indoctrination and the importance of teaching emotional control and moral values to all children.

    • Perceived Connection Between Leftism and CrueltyThe speaker believes leftists are more cruel and cruel people are attracted to leftism, criticizes lionization of transgender individuals, and argues leftist groups don't truly care about the groups they claim to represent, while fear keeps people from speaking up and society is moving towards becoming more like the Soviet Union.

      There's a perceived connection between leftism and cruelty, according to the speaker. He believes leftists are more likely to be cruel and that cruel people are more likely to be attracted to leftism. The speaker also criticizes the lionization of individuals who identify as transgender, specifically those who were born male but identify as women, and argues that leftist groups don't truly care about the groups they claim to represent. He believes fear keeps people from speaking up and that society is moving towards becoming more like the Soviet Union. In Tennessee, three lawmakers, two black men and a white woman, all Democrats, disrupted proceedings in the state house following a mass shooting at a school by a transgender individual, which the speaker believes has been largely ignored by the media.

    • Disrupting Legislative Proceedings: A Politicized IssueThree Democratic representatives disrupted Tennessee's legislative session, two were expelled, one wasn't due to decorum, the incident sparked accusations of racism, but both sides argue for upholding democracy and accountability.

      During a legislative session in Tennessee, three Democratic representatives, two black men and one white woman, disrupted the proceedings by hijacking the podium and using a bullhorn to interrupt the debate. They were expelled for breaching decorum, but the woman was not, despite attempts to do so. The narrative has since shifted, with some accusing the Republicans of racism for expelling the black representatives but not the white one. However, the Republicans argue that they were upholding decorum and ensuring a functioning democracy where all voices can be heard. The expulsion of the representatives was seen as disenfranchising their voters, but had it been pro-life members using a bullhorn in a blue state, the response would likely have been different. The incident highlights the politicized nature of debates and the manipulation of narratives for political gain. Regardless of race, those who disrupt proceedings and breach decorum should be held accountable for their actions.

    • Discussion on expulsion of young black men from Tennessee legislature and treatment of Gloria JohnsonAge and gender played a role in the expulsion of a 60-year-old white woman from the Tennessee state legislature, while two young black men were expelled despite accusations of racism being unproven. Some believe these accusations were hoaxes, while others argued that racism exists on college campuses and in politics.

      The discussion revolves around the expulsion of two young black men from the Tennessee state legislature, and the non-expulsion of a 60-year-old white woman, Gloria Johnson. Johnson believes she was treated unfairly due to gender and age, and accuses the men of playing the race card. She also argues that accusations of racism on college campuses are often hoaxes. The conversation then shifts to a Tennessee representative, Jones, who accused a Republican, Gino Bolso, of calling him an "uppity Negro." Jones made this allegation in various interviews, but the accusation was missing from early reports. Later, Jones changed his story, stating that Bolso showed "disdain and arrogance" towards him. The conversation also reveals that Jones has a history of labeling all Republicans as white supremacists. A Republican representative, Kumar, challenged Jones on this, stating that he had never encountered a racial slur in his 53 years in America and that Jones had called him a "brown face" on tape.

    • Labeling political beliefs as racist or white supremacistThe use of labels like 'racist' or 'white supremacist' to discredit political opponents can perpetuate division and undermine productive dialogue, especially when applied without sufficient evidence.

      The labeling of individuals as "racist" or "white supremacist" based on their political beliefs and identity is a divisive tactic used to maintain a particular voting block for the Democrats. The discussion highlighted the expulsion of three legislators from the Tennessee State Legislature, with one being the only non-Caucasian member. The term "Caucasian persuasion" was brought up, questioning if race is a choice and if one can identify with a different race. The left's response to this event was to label the expelled legislators as racist and white supremacists, despite the lack of evidence for such claims. The chaos and loss of meaning in society, driven by the abandonment of traditional values and principles, were also discussed as contributing factors to this divisive narrative.

    • Media bias and inconsistent reporting during Tennessee legislative sessionMedia bias and inconsistent reporting during the Tennessee legislative session over gun control and school security led to accusations of selective reporting and a lack of transparency, particularly regarding a manifesto from a transgender school shooter.

      During a heated legislative session in Tennessee, lawmakers faced intense opposition and disrupted debate over gun control and school security. Meanwhile, a manifesto from a transgender person who committed a school shooting in Nashville remains undisclosed, leading to accusations of selective reporting and media bias. The inconsistency between the treatment of opposing viewpoints and the handling of sensitive information is a significant issue. Furthermore, the left's response to the shooting was criticized for shifting the narrative to focus on Christian opposition to transgender issues and racism, rather than addressing the actual incident. The lack of transparency and the double standards in reporting have raised concerns about the integrity of the media and the political process.

    • Misleading Reporting on a School ThreatInaccurate headlines and sensationalized reporting can distract from the actual issue and have serious consequences. It's crucial for media to prioritize truth and avoid bias.

      The reporting by the Miami Herald on a 13-year-old's threatening messages towards a school was misleading and sensationalized. The initial headline focused on the boy being the son of a whistleblower who had clashed with Florida Governor DeSantis, rather than the actual threat. This incident highlights the importance of accurate reporting and the potential consequences of sensationalized headlines. Additionally, the discussion touched upon the issue of transparency and bias in media, particularly when it comes to labeling hate towards different religions. The speaker also emphasized the need for acknowledging and addressing Christian hatred, which often goes unnamed in media and society.

    • Biden Administration's Transgender Athlete Ban ControversyThe Biden administration's potential ban on state sports bans for transgender athletes is a complex issue, with some arguing for fairness and safety in women's sports, and others supporting transgender rights. The speaker supports individual sports decisions and girls' team autonomy, and expresses concern for female athletes' safety and wellbeing.

      The Biden administration's potential ban on state sports bans for transgender athletes is a complex issue that has the potential to preempt state laws and spark controversy. The speaker argues that the decision should be made on a sport-by-sport basis, and that many people believe biological males cannot compete fairly with women. The speaker also expresses support for girls teams opting out if a male athlete competes, and praises figures like JK Rowling for speaking out about biological sex and gender. The speaker expresses concern for the safety and wellbeing of female athletes who may face physical and emotional attacks for speaking out against male athletes in women's sports. The speaker also touches on the issue of black conservatives being labeled as "black faces" or "brown faces" of white supremacy for speaking out against the left.

    • Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas under Fire for Luxury Vacations and Private Jet TripsJustice Thomas received luxury vacations and flew on a private jet from a Republican donor for over 20 years, sparking calls for impeachment despite no evidence of direct influence or quid pro quo arrangements.

      Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has been the subject of criticism from ProPublica, a left-leaning investigative news organization, for accepting luxury vacations and flying on a private jet belonging to Republican donor Harlan Crowe for over 20 years. While there is no ethical prohibition against such actions at the time, new rules implemented in March 2023 require judges to disclose gifts and free stays at commercial properties, but not personal hospitality. The left has seized on this issue to label Thomas as corrupt, and some have even called for his impeachment. However, it is important to note that there is no evidence of direct influence or quid pro quo arrangements between Thomas and Crowe. The ethical rules did not require disclosure of these personal gifts before the new rules were implemented, and the US Supreme Court is not bound by the same rules as lower federal courts. The bigger issue at hand may be the potential for influence peddling and the need for transparency in the judicial system.

    • The Political Divide and the Importance of UnderstandingThe hatred towards political figures like Clarence Thomas is based on their affiliations, not character. Happiness is crucial, and conservatives tend to be happier than leftists. The Biden administration's denialism and lack of accountability regarding Afghanistan worsens the political divide.

      The current political climate, particularly regarding the Supreme Court and the divide between Democrats and Republicans, has reached a crisis point. Dennis Prager believes that the hatred towards figures like Clarence Thomas, who is a black Republican, is based on their political affiliations and not their character or actions. He also emphasizes the importance of happiness and the divide between happy conservatives and unhappy leftists. Prager criticizes the Biden administration for their denialism regarding the Afghanistan withdrawal and lack of accountability for the billions of dollars worth of military equipment left behind. Overall, the discussion highlights the deepening political divide in the country and the importance of addressing it through understanding and accountability.

    • Reflections on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and its aftermathDespite the controversy surrounding the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, the need for after-action reviews and learning from past mistakes is emphasized. Morality and democratic norms are crucial considerations in foreign policy.

      The discussion revolved around the aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the ongoing debate over the handling of the situation. It was emphasized that the practice of conducting after-action reviews is common, but it's important to consider the context and actions of the incoming administration. The lack of a clear plan from the outgoing administration during the transition was criticized, but it was also acknowledged that there were positive outcomes. The question of whether it's a lie when one believes what they say was raised, leading to a broader discussion about morality and the implications of U.S. military presence in other countries. The recent arrest of a former president in the U.S. was also touched upon, with concerns raised about the erosion of democratic norms. Ultimately, the importance of understanding history, learning from mistakes, and upholding moral principles were emphasized.

    • The value of faith, community, and sacrificeConnecting with something larger than oneself through faith and community can lead to greater happiness and fulfillment

      Connecting with something larger than oneself, such as through faith and community, can lead to greater happiness, fulfillment, and a more enriched life. Dennis Prager, a guest on the show, shared this perspective, and it resonated with the importance of Passover and Easter celebrations. These holidays remind us of the value of faith, community, and sacrifice, and can inspire us to make meaningful connections that enhance our lives. The Megyn Kelly Show encourages open and honest discussions, free from agendas or fear, and invites listeners to bring a warm smile and cool water to the table each Monday.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    What is the Future of Free Speech?

    One of the most troubling aspects of censorship on college campuses isn’t merely what it means for free speech in higher education – it’s but also what it means for the rest of us as those young leaders enter the “real world.”

    Zoë Felbein is president of the Turning Point USA chapter at UNLV, and she joined the program to talk about the free-speech culture (or lack thereof) in higher education, and what we can do to bring it back for future generations.

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact

    Bill Maher Stammers as Republican Corrects His Trump Lie with This Fact
    Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about Republican Nancy Mace correcting “Real Time with Bill Maher” host Bill Maher with some basic facts about the Trump defamation lawsuit; ABC News host George Stephanopoulos’ failed attempt to shame rape survivor Nancy Mace for supporting Donald Trump after E. Jean Carroll’s assault allegations; Elon Musk helping to debunk the Trump “bloodbath hoax” before it even gets started; Don Lemon trying to smear Elon Musk’s views on DEI on “The View” after X canceled “The Don Lemon Show” before it even aired; Ron DeSantis reporting on the dangerous cargo found aboard a boat of migrants escaping the violence of Haiti; Muslim extremists being allowed to publicly call for jihad on the streets of London; Douglas Murray’s attack on “Sapiens” author Yuval Noah Harari ignoring the importance of a classical education curriculum; and much more. WATCH the MEMBER-EXCLUSIVE segment of the show here: https://rubinreport.locals.com/ Check out the NEW RUBIN REPORT MERCH here: https://daverubin.store/ ---------- Today’s Sponsors: Preserve Gold - Protect your retirement from inflation. Preserve Gold can get physical gold and silver delivered right to your door or inside your IRA, 401k or other qualified retirement account. Rubin Report viewers will get up to $10,000 in free Gold and Silver with a qualifying purchase or retirement account rollover. Preserve Gold will even throw in an immediate $500 account credit if you request your investor guide today. Go to: https://preservegold.com/dave The Wellness Company - Get your Medical Emergency Kit with 8 potentially life-saving medications for you to keep on hand in times of need. Rest easy knowing that you have emergency antibiotics, antivirals and anti-parasitics to help keep you and your family safe. Rubin Report viewers get 15% off at checkout. Kits are ONLY AVAILABLE IN THE USA. Go to: https://TWC.health/RUBIN and use CODE: RUBIN Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices