
    Truth About the HPV Vaccine: A Megyn Kelly Show Debate and Discussion, with Dr. Kristen Walsh and Allison Krug | Ep. 565

    enJune 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • HPV Vaccine: Parental Decision Making Amidst DebateParents should consider HPV vaccine's cancer prevention benefits and individual circumstances before making a decision, consulting trusted healthcare professionals for guidance.

      The Gardasil vaccine, which helps protect against the human papillomavirus (HPV), is a topic of ongoing debate among parents, particularly those with adolescent or teenage children. While the vaccine has been touted as a cancer preventative, some parents are hesitant due to concerns and a growing skepticism towards vaccines following the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Kristen Walsh, a board-certified pediatrician, argues for the vaccine's value due to the high cancer burden from HPV and its prevalence. However, epidemiologist Alison Krug believes the decision is more complicated, emphasizing the importance of considering potential risks and individual circumstances. Ultimately, parents are encouraged to do their own research and consult with trusted healthcare professionals to make informed decisions for their children.

    • HPV: A Common Infection with Serious Health RisksHPV can cause genital warts and cancer, many people carry it without symptoms, the HPV vaccine protects against harmful strains, and getting vaccinated can prevent transmission to partners.

      HPV, a common sexually transmitted infection, can lead to various health issues including genital warts and cancer. Many people carry HPV without symptoms or knowledge, and the body may clear it on its own. However, some strains of HPV can cause serious health problems. The HPV vaccine is available to protect against these harmful strains, making it a crucial decision for individuals to consider, especially given the potential risks and uncertainties associated with the infection. The vaccine protects against multiple cancer-causing strains, and getting vaccinated can prevent the transmission of HPV to partners. The vaccine's safety and efficacy have been well-established, making it a valuable tool in preventing HPV-related health issues. The decision to get vaccinated should be based on a thorough understanding of the benefits and risks, and it's essential to address any concerns or misconceptions with accurate and reliable information.

    • HPV vaccine and cervical cancer screenings go hand in handThe HPV vaccine is a cancer prevention measure, but regular cervical cancer screenings are still necessary for early detection and treatment.

      The HPV vaccine is an important cancer prevention measure, but it doesn't replace the need for regular cervical cancer screenings. While 90% of HPV infections are handled by the immune system, some strains can cause cancer if they reach the basal layer of the cervix. The vaccine can prevent many of these infections, but it's crucial for women to continue getting screened every three years. Unfortunately, structural barriers to care disproportionately affect women who are most at risk for cervical cancer. Doctors, including OBGYNs and pediatricians, recommend the vaccine for both boys and girls to prevent HPV-related cancers. It's important to remember that natural immunity also plays a role in protecting against HPV, and the mucosal layer, including the cervix, is a crucial part of the immune system.

    • Preventing Cervical Cancer with HPV VaccineThe HPV vaccine is more effective and less intrusive than Pap tests for preventing cervical cancer. Vaccination before sexual activity may reduce the need for frequent Pap tests.

      While Pap tests are important for detecting cervical cancer, the HPV vaccine offers a more effective and less intrusive solution for preventing it. Natural immunity to HPV is not as strong as vaccine-induced immunity due to the way the virus interacts with the body. As for Pap tests, it's been suggested that if young girls are vaccinated before becoming sexually active, they may only need a few Pap smears throughout their lives. However, determining this can be challenging, and over-reliance on Pap tests can lead to unnecessary procedures. Ultimately, the HPV vaccine is a crucial step in preventing cervical cancer and reducing the need for frequent and sometimes uncomfortable Pap tests.

    • HPV Vaccine: Balancing Benefits and RisksThe HPV vaccine is crucial for preventing certain cancers, but it's essential to consider natural immunity, uncovered strains, and potential side effects before making a decision.

      While the HPV vaccine is an important tool in preventing various types of cancer, it's essential to consider the potential side effects and the role of natural immunity. The vaccine is designed to protect against the HPV strains that cause the majority of cervical cancers, but there are other strains that aren't covered. Additionally, natural immunity provides some protection against these strains. The vaccine's side effects, including clotting, syncope, and anaphylaxis, are more common than with other vaccines, and families should be aware of these risks. Furthermore, the need for multiple doses and the timing of administration should be carefully considered. The ongoing litigation regarding the vaccine's safety adds to the complexity of the issue. Ultimately, it's crucial to have open and honest discussions about the benefits and risks of the HPV vaccine to make informed decisions.

    • New WHO recommendation acknowledges one dose of Gardasil provides good protectionDespite the WHO's updated recommendation, US health organizations still recommend multiple doses of Gardasil, raising concerns about the aluminum adjuvant's safety and the need for clearer clinical trial data and FDA oversight.

      There is an updated recommendation from the World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledging the good protection of one dose of the Gardasil vaccine for both antibodies and long-term outcomes. However, in the US, the CDC, ACIP, and AAP still recommend two or three doses, and some believe the vaccine's adverse reactions are due to the aluminum adjuvant that helps the vaccine cross the blood-brain barrier. The clinical trials for Gardasil's safety have been criticized for not clearly distinguishing between the vaccine and placebo groups, leading to concerns about the safety of the aluminum adjuvant. The FDA oversight and data transparency have also been questioned, making it difficult for individuals to assess the risk-versus-benefit of the vaccine.

    • HPV vaccines more effective than natural immunityHPV vaccines provide higher protection against HPV infections compared to natural immunity, and are essential for preventing cervical cancer.

      HPV vaccines are more effective than relying on natural immunity, as studies show the natural immune response to HPV is insufficient to control new infections and is much lower in effectiveness compared to the high levels of seroresponse observed after HPV vaccination. Regarding safety concerns, it's important to remember that vaccines stimulate the immune system and some adverse effects are unavoidable. The aluminum in vaccines is a natural element found in various everyday products, and the immune system doesn't differentiate between ingested or injected aluminum. While there are ongoing debates about the safety of certain vaccine ingredients, it's crucial to trust the manufacturing process and the extensive safety trials that vaccines undergo before being approved. Additionally, comparing vaccines to placebos in safety trials can be challenging, as it's not ethical to expose people to a non-standard of care treatment for diseases that are already deadly. The Gardasil vaccine, which contains an ingredient that helps it pass the blood-brain barrier, may pose an extra risk when injected with aluminum, but more research is needed to fully understand the implications. Overall, vaccines are a vital public health intervention, and their benefits far outweigh the risks.

    • HPV Vaccine: Risks and BenefitsDespite concerns, HPV vaccine benefits outweigh risks, preventing various cancers, with rare serious side effects

      While there are concerns about the potential risks of the HPV vaccine, the benefits far outweigh these risks. Serious adverse events, such as Guillain Barre syndrome, are extremely rare, occurring in fewer than 1 in a million vaccinations. The vaccine's potential to cause syncope (fainting) is more common, but not a major concern for most individuals. The vaccine's marketing by Merck has been a topic of controversy, with some arguing that it was marketed to address a problem that was not as widespread as claimed. However, the vaccine's ability to prevent various types of HPV-related cancers makes it a valuable tool in public health. Ultimately, the decision to get vaccinated is a personal one, but the evidence strongly suggests that the benefits of the HPV vaccine far outweigh the risks.

    • Marketing vaccines ethically: Avoid emotional blackmailCompanies should provide clear, factual info on vaccine risks & benefits, avoiding fear & guilt tactics for effective & ethical communication.

      Companies, including Merck, should avoid using emotional blackmail tactics when marketing vaccines to parents. The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, faced criticism for such tactics in a 2016 campaign, which used fear and guilt to encourage vaccination. This approach is not only ineffective but also unethical and paternalistic. Instead, clear and factual information about the risks and benefits of vaccines should be provided, allowing parents to make informed decisions. The vaccine industry's long development pipelines and the potential risks associated with medical interventions further emphasize the importance of transparent communication. Additionally, the need for transparent risk-benefit analyses, especially during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic, cannot be overstated. Companies like Merck should focus on ensuring access to vaccines for all, including low and middle-income countries, rather than relying on guilt-tripping campaigns.

    • HPV vaccine protection duration debateThe HPV vaccine's long-term effectiveness and need for potential boosters are still debated, with some claiming it lasts only 5 years and others arguing for at least 15 years.

      The duration of protection from the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, is a topic of debate. Some argue that the immunity may not last beyond five years, raising questions about the necessity and potential risks for those receiving the vaccine at a young age. Others believe that the data shows the vaccine's immunity lasts at least 15 years. The speaker, who had personally gotten the vaccine as she approached 45, expressed confidence in its long-term effectiveness. The HPV vaccine, which has been a financial boon for Merck, is designed to protect against various strains of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. However, critics argue that the benefits to public health are minimal due to the success of Pap screenings and the small number of deaths from cervical cancer in the US. The vaccine's long-term effectiveness and the need for potential boosters remain open questions.

    • HPV vaccine's impact on cervical cancer not entirely accurateThe HPV vaccine's impact on reducing cervical cancer may not be significant as the disease's overall impact on women's health is low, and most HPV exposure occurs in younger girls with natural immunity offering protection.

      While studies suggest vaccinating young girls against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) could reduce the risk of cervical cancer, the disease's overall impact on women's health should not be overlooked. Cervical cancer has a low lifetime risk of 0.7%, and the death rate has remained relatively stable over the past decade. HPV infection, which is necessary for cancer development, can be increased by having multiple sexual partners, but most HPV exposure occurs in younger girls. Natural immunity also offers 90% protection against HPV. Merck's marketing of the HPV vaccine as a solution to a crisis that threatens young women in America is not entirely accurate, as the average age for cervical cancer diagnosis is 50. Additionally, high risk HPVs cause only a small percentage of all cancers in women and men. The vaccine's impact on cancer rates may not be significant, as the overall cancer mortality rates have not shown significant changes over the past decade despite the vaccine's availability for over 13 years.

    • Estimating the number of people to vaccinate to prevent one case of cervical cancer variesThe HPV vaccine prevents cervical cancer but the number of people to vaccinate to prevent one case depends on modeling data. Considering potential harms, 75,000 people may be enough to prevent one case, but long-term effects and other cancer burdens should also be considered.

      While the HPV vaccine is effective in preventing cervical cancer, the number of people needed to vaccinate to prevent one case varies depending on the modeling data. The Canadian model suggests 309,000 people, while the speaker's own calculations based on a UK study suggest around 75,000. However, it's important to consider the potential harms caused by vaccinating such large numbers of people. Using Merck's package insert rate of 0.04% for serious adverse events, three harms could result from vaccinating 75,000 people. While cervical cancer is a significant health issue, it's worth noting that the disease burden is much higher for other cancers like breast cancer, which has a 10 to 1 ratio over cervical cancer. Some parents may be hesitant about the vaccine due to its association with sexual activity, which can be seen as Freudian in nature. The speaker also pointed out that while Gardasil has contributed to a decrease in cervical cancer, it's important to consider the long-term effects of the vaccine and its impact on preventing the disease. Overall, it's crucial to have an open and nuanced conversation about the benefits and risks of the HPV vaccine.

    • HPV vaccine and health outcomes: No causal relationshipDespite some cases linking HPV vaccine to adverse health outcomes, evidence doesn't support causation. HPV vaccine benefits outweigh risks for most.

      While there have been cases and studies investigated regarding a potential link between HPV vaccines and adverse health outcomes, the evidence does not currently support a causal relationship. It's important to remember that correlation does not imply causation, and that vaccines, like any medical intervention, carry some risk. However, the benefits of vaccines, such as the HPV vaccine, far outweigh the risks for those who have not been exposed to the virus. For those who have already been exposed, the vaccine may not negate the effects of the strains they have already encountered, but it can still offer some protection against new infections. The idea that the vaccine may increase the risk of cancer for those who have already been exposed to HPV is a complex issue that requires further research. It's also worth noting that the HPV virus is often asymptomatic, making it difficult to know if one has been exposed without testing. The recommendations for HPV testing can be confusing, and it's important to consult with healthcare professionals for guidance. Ultimately, the HPV vaccine is an effective tool for preventing HPV-related cancers, and the benefits of vaccination far outweigh the risks for the majority of the population.

    • HPV vaccine concerns for older womenThe HPV vaccine, Gardasil, may have negative effects for older women, including adverse events and possible cardiac risk, but the evidence is not statistically significant and requires further investigation

      The HPV vaccine, Gardasil, can have negative effects for individuals who have already been infected with certain HPV strains before vaccination. However, the evidence suggesting this is not statistically significant and should be interpreted with caution. The Cochrane review, which examines all available evidence, found concerns regarding adverse events and possible cardiac risk, particularly for older women. The CDC's JAMA study reported 32 deaths after HPV vaccination, with 20 occurring after the vaccine alone. The excess cardiac risk was observed among women who received Gardasil, as opposed to the adjuvant. Although the causal association is not definitively proven, the data from clinical trials raises concerns about the safety of HPV vaccination for older women. Further investigation is needed to determine if older women should receive the HPV vaccine.

    • Transparency and trust in medical trials and treatmentsDiscussions highlighted concerns over HPV vaccine trials' conduct and data transparency, emphasized the importance of addressing women's reproductive health concerns, and stressed the importance of being informed and proactive about health treatments.

      Transparency and trust are crucial when it comes to medical trials and treatments. The discussion touched upon concerns regarding the conduct and data transparency of HPV vaccine trials, specifically regarding the potential for participants being given placebos instead of the actual vaccine. The speaker also shared personal experiences with menstrual issues and hysterectomies, emphasizing the importance of addressing and discussing health concerns, especially those related to women's reproductive health. Additionally, the HPV vaccine was mentioned as a preventative measure against cervical cancer, and the ease and effectiveness of certain procedures, such as hysterectomies and fallopian tube removal, were highlighted in reducing the risk of certain types of cancer. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of being informed, proactive, and open about health concerns and treatments.

    • Avoiding unnecessary procedures and promoting HPV preventionUnnecessary procedures like cervical exams for those without a cervix can be avoided with HPV testing and the HPV vaccine. The HPV vaccine benefits both women/girls and boys, reducing the risk of HPV-related diseases.

      Unnecessary procedures, such as cervical exams for individuals without a cervix, should be avoided. HPV testing and the HPV vaccine can help prevent these procedures and related health issues. The HPV vaccine is not only beneficial for women and girls but also for boys, as they account for a significant percentage of HPV-related cancers. However, the decision to vaccinate boys is a complex one, considering the limited data available and the overall low incidence of HPV-related diseases in boys. Personal experiences, such as undergoing invasive procedures due to missed appointments or late diagnosis, can serve as compelling reasons for advocating for preventative measures like the HPV vaccine.

    • Preventing Cancer with the HPV VaccineThe HPV vaccine is crucial for preventing various types of cancer, including cervical, throat, and mouth cancer, even if one leads a conservative lifestyle. It outweighs minor side effects and is especially important for oral health.

      The HPV vaccine is an important preventative measure against various types of cancer, including cervical, throat, and mouth cancer. Exposure to HPV can occur even if one leads a conservative lifestyle, as the virus can be contracted through past partners of one's current partner. The vaccine can prevent these issues if administered before exposure. While there are minor side effects like fainting and pain from the needle, the risks of these conditions are significantly outweighed by the potential benefits of preventing cancer. Additionally, there have been isolated cases of serious side effects, but these are rare and do not represent the experience of the majority of vaccine recipients. From an oral health perspective, there has been an increase in oral cancers among young people due to HPV, making the vaccine even more crucial. Overall, the benefits of the HPV vaccine far outweigh the risks.

    • Honesty about vaccine risks is crucial for public trustBeing transparent about vaccine risks, including potential triggers for autoimmune conditions, is essential for public trust in public health officials and experts. Individual medical histories should be considered before vaccination to minimize potential harms.

      While vaccines are an essential tool in preventing diseases, it's crucial to be honest about their potential risks, including the possibility of triggering autoimmune conditions. Large population-based studies have found no difference in the rate of autoimmune diseases between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients for HPV, but every medical intervention, including vaccines, carries some risk. The importance of transparency and acknowledging these risks was highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trust in public health officials and experts has been eroded when they downplayed or denied potential side effects. It's essential to consider an individual's medical history before vaccination to minimize potential harms. While it's not ideal to reduce the number of Pap smears from seven to three, it's important to recognize that we may have been overdoing it with vaccines as well. Other potential risks of vaccines include chronic regional pain syndrome and autonomic dysfunction, particularly in relation to long COVID. We must continue to research and understand these risks to ensure the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

    • Considering individual health factors in vaccine decisionsStrategic vaccination, taking into account personal health conditions and lifestyle factors, can help minimize harms and maximize benefits. Transparency and honesty in public health communications are crucial to regain trust.

      The discussion highlighted the importance of considering individual health factors and stressors when making vaccine decisions. The epidemiologist argued that strategic vaccination, taking into account personal health conditions and lifestyle factors, could help minimize harms and maximize benefits. He also emphasized the need for transparency and honesty in public health communications to regain trust. The debate also revealed differing perspectives, with one doctor expressing strong support for the vaccine and another expressing caution, emphasizing the importance of personalized approach and ongoing dialogue.

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    Klavan https://thenewjerusalem.substack.com/


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    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



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    enJune 24, 2024

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    18. Vitamin D3: The Single Most Important Nutrient in the Human Body | Ultimate Human Short with Gary Brecka

    18. Vitamin D3: The Single Most Important Nutrient in the Human Body | Ultimate Human Short with Gary Brecka
    Join our FREE 3 Day Water Fast: https://fast.garybrecka.com/go-1 Order Your Vitamin D3 Supplements: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://10xhealthnetwork.com/pages/supplements?utm_source=gbrecka Get weekly tips from Gary Brecka on how to optimize your health and lifestyle routines - go to https://www.theultimatehuman.com/ For more info on Gary, please click here: https://linktr.ee/thegarybrecka Order The 1 Genetic Test That Will Give You Results For Life Here: ⁠⁠⁠https://10xhealthnetwork.com/pages/genetic-testing?utm_source=gbrecka⁠⁠ Get The Supplements That Gary Recommends Here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://10xhealthnetwork.com/pages/supplements?utm_source=gbrecka Sign up for 10X Health Affiliate Program https://10xhealthsystem.com/GBaffiliate ECHO GO PLUS HYDROGEN WATER BOTTLE https://echoh2o.com/?oid=19&affid=236 BODY HEALTH - USE CODE ULTIMATE10 for 10% OFF YOUR ORDER https://bodyhealth.com/ultimate Let’s talk about one of the most important nutrients for our health - vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). Many people are deficient in this essential vitamin, and in this episode I break down how it acts more like a hormone than a vitamin. Vitamin D3 impacts so many systems in our body from brain and mood to immunity, heart health and more. I provided an overview of some of the key studies showing the links between vitamin D3 levels and diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis and neurological conditions. I even talk about seasonal affective disorder, my personal experience with it, and its link to low levels of vitamin D3. Tune in for my recommendations on getting your vitamin D3 levels optimized through supplementation.  HIGHLIGHTS 0:00 Vitamin D's role in brain health and disease prevention.  04:00 The science behind how vitamin D3 improves immune health. 06:30 Why do we associate getting sick in the winter and colder weather? 08:15 How does vitamin D3 benefit mood, weight loss, and overall health? 12:30 Vitamin D's role in heart health and supplementation.  Journal Articles Referenced https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/942497 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9938420/ https://charmaustin.com/3-ways-to-fight-seasonal-affective-disorder/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9938420/#bib63 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9938420/#bib64 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9938420/#bib63 FOLLOW Gary Brecka: @garybrecka The Ultimate Human: @ultimatehumanpod Subscribe on YouTube: @ultimatehumanpodcast Disclaimer: The Ultimate Human with Gary Brecka Podcast is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices



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    The Young Adult Cancer Movement

    The Young Adult Cancer Movement

    Facing a diagnosis of cancer at any age is horrible. But for young adults, it’s just plain different. Not better. Not worse. Different. Those diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 39 are on a planet all their own, often left to fend for themselves as lost voices sandwiched between pediatrics and adult cancer. The consequences of living with, through, and, ideally, beyond cancer carries with it a whole host of unique long-term issues, issues that had fallen under the radar and gone ignored by the system for far too long.

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    For more information about this series, visit https://CancerMavericks.com.

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