
    Tucker and Lemon Firing Fallout, and Dark Brandon Returns, with Victor Davis Hanson, Emily Jashinsky, Michael Moynihan, and Vivek Ramaswamy | Ep. 536

    enApril 25, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Media Landscape Shaken Up: Biden Announces Reelection, Fox News Ends Tucker Carlson's Show, CNN Fires Don LemonIn a 24-hour span, Joe Biden announced his reelection bid, Fox News ended Tucker Carlson's show amid contract negotiations, and CNN fired Don Lemon following misconduct allegations. The media world reacts, questioning motivations and implications for the future of these networks.

      The media landscape underwent significant changes in the past 24 hours, with both Fox News and CNN making major moves. While Joe Biden officially announced his reelection bid, Fox News shocked viewers by abruptly ending Tucker Carlson's show, with reports suggesting he's still under contract and in negotiations for an exit. Carlson, a longtime Fox News host, had been a ratings powerhouse and had faced criticism from the left. Meanwhile, CNN fired Don Lemon following allegations of workplace misconduct. The media world is abuzz with reactions to these developments, with many questioning the motivations behind these decisions and the implications for the future of these networks. Victor Davis Hanson, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and host of the Victor Davis Hanson Show, joins the conversation to discuss these media shakeups and their broader implications.

    • Fox News Removes Tucker Carlson: Controversy and ConcernThe removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News sparks controversy, concerns over free speech, and potential loss of viewership, following pressure from liberal sources and a reported shift towards establishment programming.

      The removal of Tucker Carlson from Fox News has sparked controversy and concern among his loyal audience. Many believe that silencing his voice goes against the network's responsibility to offer an alternative perspective for traditional America. The timing of the decision, following pressure from liberal politicians and media outlets, has fueled speculation that Fox News caved to external pressures. However, reports suggest that Rupert Murdoch made the decision personally, and some sources claim that the move was made to shift the channel back to more establishment programming. Regardless of the reasons, the decision has led to a potential loss of viewership and a perception that the left wields too much influence over the media. The incident highlights the importance of free speech and the potential consequences when it is restricted.

    • Tucker Carlson's Unique Approach and Potential LiabilityDespite strong ratings, Tucker Carlson's candid commentary and potential liability make him a polarizing figure, affecting both his value to Fox News and his future with the network.

      Tucker Carlson's unique approach to news commentary, characterized by philosophical and historical perspectives, has made him a polarizing figure in media. His willingness to criticize figures from both the left and right, and his disregard for potential backlash, has earned him a loyal audience and credibility. However, this candor has also made him a target and a potential liability for Fox News, especially if the Murdoch family, who control the network, are considering a sale. Carlson's ratings are strong but his advertising revenue has been affected by boycotts, making him less valuable to the network in a sale scenario. The tension between Rupert Murdoch's desire to pass the leadership to his son Lachlan and the uncertainty of how his other children will align, could also play a role in Carlson's future at Fox News.

    • Tucker Carlson's Sudden Departure from Fox NewsCorporate decisions can leave audiences feeling betrayed and instability in media can be detrimental. Tucker Carlson's value to Fox News extends beyond ad dollars, driving audience numbers and subscription revenue.

      Corporations, even those with seemingly stable entities like news channels, can make sudden and unexpected decisions that can leave audiences feeling betrayed. The discussion revolves around Tucker Carlson's unexpected departure from Fox News and the potential reasons behind it. The speaker expresses concern that Fox News may replace him with someone who draws similar ratings but lacks the same connection with the audience. This instability can be detrimental to viewers who seek predictability and consistency in an increasingly woke world. Additionally, the speaker argues that Tucker Carlson's value to Fox News extends beyond just ad dollars, as he drives audience numbers and subscription revenue. The speaker suggests that if the Murdoch family, who own Fox News, were to sell the channel, they would do well to keep Carlson on board to maintain viewership and maximize profits. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of trust and consistency in media and the potential consequences of corporations prioritizing short-term gains over long-term relationships with their talent and audiences.

    • Conservative voices leaving media face backlash, while liberal voices exit gracefullyThe departure of conservative commentators is often met with accusations of censorship, while liberal commentators leave due to professional reasons or lack of resonance with their audience.

      The departure of conservative voices from mainstream media, like Tucker Carlson from Fox News, is often portrayed differently by the media and the public compared to the departures of more liberal voices. While liberal commentators may leave due to professional reasons or a lack of resonance with their audience, conservative voices are often perceived as being forced out or "canceled." This dynamic highlights the growing divide within the Republican party and the challenges faced by media outlets in representing the new conservative base, which is increasingly suspicious of corporatism, globalism, and elitism. Meanwhile, figures like AOC are criticized for their perceived lack of authenticity and authoritarian tendencies, despite lacking widespread popular support among the American people. Overall, these trends reflect the ongoing cultural and political polarization in the US.

    • Media Censorship: The Case of Tucker Carlson and Don LemonConcerns over media censorship and suppression of free speech arise as Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon face cancellation. Debate surrounds reasons for Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News and potential impact of power dynamics and lawsuits within media organizations.

      The discussion revolves around the cancellation of controversial figures in media, specifically Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon. The speakers express concern over the suppression of free speech and the lack of organizations like the ACLU to defend it. Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News is a topic of debate, with opinions divided on the reasons for his termination. Some claim it was due to sexist and bigoted comments, while others believe it was a personal decision by Rupert Murdoch. The speakers are skeptical of the claims made against Tucker Carlson and believe that his firing was not solely based on these allegations. The conversation also touches upon the power dynamics within media organizations and the potential impact of lawsuits on employees. Overall, the speakers emphasize the importance of open debate and the potential consequences of suppressing free speech.

    • Allegations of toxic work environment might not be the full reason for Tucker Carlson's departureSome analysts suggest Fox used toxic work environment claims as a convenient excuse to get rid of Carlson due to changing political views

      The allegations of a toxic work environment leading to Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News may not be the whole story. Some analysts suggest it could be a convenient excuse for the network to get rid of a figure whose political views they no longer supported. The case of Abby Grossberg, a producer who worked for Carlson for a month and later filed a lawsuit against Fox, is being used as an example. While her experiences may have been unpleasant, it's questionable whether they were the reason for Carlson's termination. Rupert Murdoch, Fox's media mogul owner, is known for his business acumen and is unlikely to have been swayed by the actions of a single employee, especially one who had only been with the company for a short time. The lack of clear information and the selective leaking of details to the media make it difficult to trust the narrative being presented.

    • The Rapid Spread of Unverified News and Conflicting ReportsThe sudden termination of Tucker Carlson from Fox News resulted in numerous conflicting reports, emphasizing the need for fact-checking and reliable sources in journalism.

      The rapid spread of news and information, especially during breaking stories, can lead to a multitude of conflicting reports and theories, making it difficult for the public to discern the truth. This issue was exemplified in the case of Tucker Carlson's sudden termination from Fox News, with various publications offering different explanations for the event. However, the credibility of these reports was called into question due to the lack of reliable sources and fact-checking. The situation highlights the importance of thorough journalistic practices and the need for consumers to critically evaluate the information they consume. Additionally, the intense reactions and extreme rhetoric from some media outlets, including comparisons of Carlson to historical figures like Father Coughlin, only serve to further muddle the narrative and fuel polarization.

    • Different circumstances for Tucker Carlson and Don LemonDespite similar controversial remarks, Tucker Carlson was quickly let go by Fox News while Don Lemon underwent training and was eventually fired for poor performance and low ratings.

      While both Tucker Carlson and Don Lemon have made controversial remarks, the circumstances surrounding their employment and the actions taken by their respective networks are vastly different. Don Lemon apologized for his comments and underwent training, but was still fired due to poor performance and low ratings. In contrast, Tucker Carlson was quickly let go by Fox News after allegations of past misogynistic and racist comments resurfaced. It's important to note that while both individuals have faced criticism, the context and consequences of their situations are not equivalent. Additionally, it's worth acknowledging the double standard in how the media handles allegations of bigotry against different figures, with some individuals facing relentless smear campaigns while others are given a pass. Ultimately, the situation serves as a reminder that individuals and organizations must be held accountable for their actions, and that context and circumstances matter when evaluating controversial statements.

    • CNN Anchor Don Lemon Let Go Amidst ControversyMedia industry can be unpredictable, with public perception and internal politics impacting careers, and having a loyal agent can be crucial.

      The media landscape can be unpredictable and sometimes unforgiving. Don Lemon, a longtime CNN anchor, was recently let go from the network, leaving many questioning the circumstances behind his departure. According to reports, Lemon had been under scrutiny for some time, with some colleagues reportedly leaking negative information about him to the press. CNN's Poppy Harlow and Caitlin Collins, who made the announcement of Lemon's departure, appeared to be in good spirits during the broadcast, leading some to speculate that they may have been relieved by the news. Tucker Carlson, another prominent media figure, was mentioned in the conversation as having played a role in Collins' career, and some suggested that Lemon's future in media might not be as bright as Carlson's. The discussion also touched on the importance of having an agent who is loyal to the talent they represent, as Collins had recently dumped her agent who also represented Lemon. The conversation highlighted the complex and often cutthroat nature of the media industry, where public perception and internal politics can play a significant role in career outcomes.

    • Critique of Ali Velshi and Don Lemon's Anchoring and CommentaryTelevision personalities Ali Velshi and Don Lemon face criticism for their condescending and irrelevant commentary, excessive smugness, and lack of substance or worthwhile analysis, catering only to a specific audience.

      The discussion revolves around the critique of certain television personalities, specifically Ali Velshi and Don Lemon, and their approach to anchoring and commentary. Velshi was once criticized by Roger Ailes for his poor performance on television, and is now accused of condescending to a large portion of the audience at MSNBC. Don Lemon, on the other hand, was once seen as more reasonable but has since adopted a more "woke" stance, which some find off-putting and condescending. The speakers express their disdain for the excessive smugness and ignorance displayed by these anchors, and criticize their lack of interest and relevance to a wider audience. The discussion also touches upon the idea that these anchors have become factory-like in their anti-Trump, anti-Tucker, and anti-conservative commentary. Overall, the critique is that these anchors have beaten themselves into unappealing, gray, and vanilla cable TV blobs, who only cater to a specific audience and lack substance or worthwhile commentary.

    • Anticipated Departure of Don Lemon from CNNInsiders knew of Don Lemon's exit, he sought crisis help, morning show failed, and network should consider new talent

      The recent changes at CNN, including the move of Don Lemon from primetime to mornings and his subsequent departure, were anticipated by insiders at the network. Don Lemon was reportedly aware of his impending exit and even sought crisis communication help prior to his announcement. The failure of his morning show and tensions with co-hosts contributed to his departure. Meanwhile, Chris Licht's efforts to revitalize CNN and find a middle ground in cable news are appreciated, but some argue that the network should consider new talent rather than shuffling problematic personalities. The influence of controversial radio personalities like Father Charles Coughlin and Rush Limbaugh serves as a reminder of the power of persuasive media figures and the potential consequences of their words.

    • The fleeting nature of conservative media dominance and the importance of good faith interactionsMedia figures and sectors should recognize the power and influence of the conservative audience, as dominance is cyclical and good faith interactions are crucial for a healthier media landscape.

      Dominance in conservative media is fleeting, and those in control of other major influence sectors, such as media, Hollywood, and corporate America, should not underestimate the power and influence of the conservative audience. The conversation highlighted the cyclical nature of dominance in conservative media, with prominent figures eventually being replaced, and the importance of good faith interactions and thoughtful discussions in media, which have become less common. The conversation also touched upon the double standard in how media figures are treated when they face criticism or boycotts, with some receiving negative coverage and others not. It's important to recognize that the political landscape is balanced at 50-50, and attempts to dismiss conservatives as powerless are misguided. The media landscape used to feature more thoughtful, good faith interactions, but now, due to the belief that certain figures are racist or bigoted, those interactions have become rare. This is a problem that prevents a healthier media landscape and profits off of division and hatred.

    • Tucker Carlson's Influence Beyond Cable NewsDespite leaving cable news, Tucker Carlson's significant audience and unique perspective ensure his influence continues through digital platforms.

      Tucker Carlson, despite being let go by all three major cable news networks, still holds significant influence due to his large audience and unique perspective. His departure from cable news may not diminish his impact as his followers are likely to continue seeking out his views in other formats. The idea that Fox News or conservative voices in general are manipulative or tantamount to mind control is a simplistic and insulting view. The diversity of voices and perspectives, even those that challenge the mainstream, is essential for an informed and engaged public. Tucker's ability to adapt and reach his audience through digital platforms ensures that his influence will continue to be felt.

    • Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News and the network's shifting approachFox News faces uncertainty after losing a key talent like Tucker Carlson, who was responsive to changing political landscape and viewer ideologies. The network lacks a strong talent development program and may struggle to find new talent to adapt to the evolving media landscape.

      Tucker Carlson's departure from Fox News represents a significant shift in the network's approach to catering to its audience. The conversation suggests that Carlson was responsive to the changing political landscape and the shifting ideologies of viewers, particularly on issues like American foreign policy. His departure leaves a void that Fox News may struggle to fill, as they have historically lacked a strong talent development program and the ability to identify and promote new talent. The loss of Roger Ailes, a key figure in Fox's talent development, further complicates matters. The future of Fox News remains uncertain, and the network may need to look outside its current roster to find new talent and adapt to the evolving media landscape.

    • Fox News' handling of Tucker Carlson's departure and Vivek Ramaswami's appearance on CNNFox News may face backlash if they suppress populist and conservative voices, as seen with Tucker Carlson's exit and Vivek Ramaswami's experience on CNN.

      Fox News may be in business trouble if they continue to suppress populist voices that resonate with their audience, as indicated by their reaction to the departure of Tucker Carlson. The success of Fox News is not solely dependent on the relationship between the host and the audience, but also on the production value, story selection, and reporting. However, if Fox News is not committed to giving voice to populist and conservative perspectives, they may face short-term audience backlash. During a recent appearance on CNN, Vivek Ramaswami faced offensive comments from Don Lemon regarding his opinions on American history and race, highlighting the importance of allowing individuals to express their views regardless of their skin color. The controversy underscores the potential risks for Fox News if they continue to stifle voices that align with their core audience.

    • A debate about ideas, not raceVivek Ramaswamy believes that debates should focus on ideas, not the race of the individuals involved. CNN's approach to hosting may not fit if it aims to promote diverse views.

      The debate between Vivek Ramaswamy and Don Lemon on CNN was not about race, but about the content of their ideas. Vivek, an Indian American, believes that debates should focus on the ideas themselves, not the ethnicity or race of the individuals involved. He criticized Don for not allowing guests to express their ideas freely and fairly. The conversation ended with Don wanting to move on, while CNN management reportedly saw this as the last straw leading to his termination. Vivek believes that CNN's mission as an organization determines whether Don's hosting style is appropriate. If CNN aims to promote diverse views, then Don's approach may not fit. Vivek found the exchange useful and important for surfacing unspoken expectations and dogmas in American discourse. He rejects the idea of a racial hierarchy and believes that everyone's voice and vote count equally in the open debate marketplace of ideas.

    • The Interconnection of Civil and Second Amendment RightsHistorically, civil rights and second amendment rights have been interconnected, and it's essential to approach these issues with nuance and respectful dialogue, rather than prioritizing identity over ideas.

      History shows that civil rights and second amendment rights are interconnected, yet there's a common perception that they're in conflict. During a discussion on CNN, Vivek Ramaswamy explained how civil rights for black Americans were never fully secured until they could enjoy second amendment protections. However, his perspective challenged the interviewer, Don Lemon, who believed in the separation of these rights. Ramaswamy argued that this perspective is not only historically inaccurate but also detrimental to open dialogue and understanding. He urged for a more nuanced approach to these issues and criticized the "intersectionality approach" that prioritizes identity over ideas. He also called out Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley for her divisive statement that black people who don't conform to the expected "black voice" are not truly black. Overall, Ramaswamy emphasized the importance of staying true to principles and having open, respectful discussions, even when they challenge the status quo.

    • Tension between Don Lemon and Co-hosts at CNNDon Lemon's on-air exchanges with Poppy Harlow and his comments about women have caused tension and controversy, with reportedly awkward moments and offended staff members. Despite apologies exchanged, the underlying tension and divisive nature of these discussions continue to raise questions about media personalities' roles and impact.

      The dynamic between Don Lemon and his co-hosts at CNN, particularly regarding women and sensitive topics, has been a source of tension and controversy. During an on-air exchange with Poppy Harlow, Lemon's irritation was evident, leading to awkward moments and reportedly offended staff members. Meanwhile, Lemon's comments about women's prime and his criticism of them have been a recurring theme. This contrasts with his stance on certain historical topics, where he believes only certain voices can comment. The incident with Bud Light, another example of Lemon's crusades against woke ideologies in corporate media, further highlights this pattern. Despite the controversy, Lemon's interactions with Harlow and the production team were reportedly handled decently, with apologies exchanged. However, the underlying tension and the divisive nature of these discussions continue to raise questions about the role of media personalities and the impact of their words.

    • Bud Light Sales Drop 17% After Controversial Marketing PartnershipBud Light's sales dropped 17% due to a marketing partnership with a transgender influencer, highlighting the risks of politicizing apolitical spaces and the potential for a conservative vision to counteract woke agendas.

      The Bud Light brand has suffered significant sales losses following its controversial marketing partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney, with reports indicating a 17% drop in sales. This comes after initial declines in the first week of the controversy. The executives responsible for the decision have been placed on leave of absence, but calls for their dismissal continue. This situation represents a significant victory in the ongoing effort to keep corporations focused on their core business functions rather than attempting to "wokify" America. The consequences of politicizing apolitical spaces, such as Bud Light, which bring people together, could potentially threaten the American experiment and its constitutional republic. The opportunity exists for the conservative movement to offer a more substantial vision of American identity that dilutes the woke agenda to irrelevance. However, the challenge remains on how to effectively reach and engage young people in this vision. While policy changes and leadership are important, the power of persuasion and setting a principled example can also play a crucial role in shaping the national character and guiding the country towards a more unified future.

    • Young People Seek Authentic LeadershipMillennial Republican candidate believes young people are disillusioned with current system and seeks to connect with them through authentic leadership and countercultural ideals, criticizing current president for lacking unity and being a puppet for managerial class.

      The current political climate revolves around appealing to younger generations by addressing their desire for authentic leadership and challenging the status quo. The speaker, a millennial Republican presidential candidate, believes that young people are disillusioned with the current system and are looking for a leader who can fill the void with a sense of understanding and ideals, even if that means being countercultural. He also criticizes the current president for lacking the ability to unify the country and being a puppet for the managerial class. The speaker is optimistic that he can reach young people through this cultural connection and bring them along with his policies. The current political climate is characterized by a battle for the soul of America, with each side labeling the other as extremists, and the speaker sees an opportunity to tap into the desire for heterodoxy and authentic leadership among young people.

    • DNC avoids debates to protect BidenThe DNC's decision to limit debates benefits Biden, but it also presents an opportunity for the GOP to unite the country and challenge the Democratic Party's front runner.

      The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is avoiding debates to protect their front runner, Joe Biden, from potential challenges from candidates like RFK Junior or Marianne Williamson. Biden's approval ratings within his own party are low, with a majority of voters expressing doubts about his ability to run again due to his age and perceived ineffectiveness. Biden's lack of public appearances and interactions with the media further raises concerns about his mental and physical health. This situation presents an opportunity for the conservative movement and the Republican party to capitalize on the dissatisfaction within the Democratic base and potentially secure a landslide election win. The ideological divide between the managerial class and everyday citizens is a significant issue not just within the Democratic Party but across the Western world. The speaker in this discussion believes that the Republican party can unite the country by embracing the American ideals of free speech, open debate, rule of law, self-governance, and merit. The challenge for the Republican candidates, including Vivek, is to differentiate themselves from each other and clearly articulate why they are the better choice to take on the Democratic Party and Joe Biden.

    • Advancing America First Agenda with Moral AuthorityVivek Ramaswami plans to tackle issues like affirmative action and border security aggressively, unite the country through radical ideals, and lead with moral authority, differentiating himself from other candidates.

      Vivek Ramaswami believes he can advance the America First agenda further than Donald Trump did by staying true to first principles and moral authority, rather than just rhetoric. He intends to tackle issues like affirmative action and border security more aggressively, and is willing to shut down and reform administrative agencies. Ramaswami also aspires to unite the country through embracing radical ideals and leading with moral authority, contrasting with Trump's approach. He's not afraid to differentiate himself from other candidates, including Ron DeSantis, and is determined to tackle issues like affirmative action and border security with a strong legal and moral foundation. Ramaswami aspires to unite the country by embracing the radicalism of the ideals that set America into motion, standing on principled footing, and leading by example.

    • Running for President: Vivek Ramaswamy's Unique ApproachRamaswamy's presidential campaign focuses on promoting Trump's vision, sparking debate on traditional Republican brands and candidate readiness.

      Vivek Ramaswamy is running for president in a unique way, focusing on promoting Donald Trump's vision rather than his own. Ramaswamy's approach has been criticized as disrespectful and condescending towards Trump supporters, echoing an outdated Republican worldview. Despite this, Ramaswamy argues that he will take the heat and criticism that comes with the presidency, contrasting himself from Trump. Ramaswamy's actions have sparked debate on the relevance of traditional Republican brands and the treatment of certain voter bases. Additionally, DeSantis, another potential Republican candidate, was in the news for a strange exchange with reporters regarding Trump's criticisms, leaving some questioning his readiness for the presidency. Overall, the conversation highlights the evolving political landscape and the unique ways candidates are approaching the race for the White House.

    • Concerns about DeSantis' leadership qualitiesWhile effective as a governor, DeSantis may lack the vision and leadership needed to revive the nation. Thin skin and ego could hinder him on the global stage.

      While Ron DeSantis has been an effective governor, he may not have the necessary vision and leadership qualities to revive the nation during its identity crisis. The speaker expressed concern about DeSantis' thin skin and ego, which they believe would not serve him well on the global stage. They also praised DeSantis' ability to execute others' ideas but emphasized the need for a visionary leader in the White House. The speaker also shared their experiences of appearing on shows with Tucker Carlson, who they respect for his willingness to challenge orthodoxies, and the late-night jokes about them being the "grim reaper" of TV appearances.

    • Shift in left's approach to free speechEmphasis on open dialogue, defending free speech, and upcoming election as an opportunity for success

      There's been a significant shift in the approach of the left towards free speech and dissenting opinions. While some, like Tucker Carlson, continue to defend the right to express opposing views, others, like AOC, advocate for deplatforming. The importance of maintaining open dialogue and upholding the principle "I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death of your right to say it" was emphasized during the discussion. The upcoming 2024 election was also mentioned as an opportunity for success if the right steps up and captures it. Vivek's new book, "Capitalist Punishment," was highlighted as a valuable addition to the ongoing discourse on these topics.

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    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    CNN Host Cuts Trump Spokesperson's Mic, and Bombshell New Bryan Kohberger Reporting, with Howard Blum and Erick Erickson | Ep. 820

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Howard Blum, author of "When the Night Comes Falling," to discuss new details about Idaho murders suspect Bryan Kohberger's conversations with his father on their cross-country road trip after the massacre, how his father may have suspected his son's involvement, new details about his behavior at Washington State University, whether Bryan Kohberger was casing the Idaho murder victims' house or having an internal conflict about it, Blum's reporting about who the target of the attack really was, the possibility Kohberger had seen the victim before, what the surviving roommate of the Idaho college murders Dylan Mortensen saw and texted with her other roommate at the time, theories on why she didn't call the police right away, Kohberger's older sister's suspicions of him, and more. Then Erick Erickson, author of "You Shall Be as Gods," joins to discuss how Biden and Trump are preparing for the important first debate on Thursday, whether Trump will be able to keep his composure, Trump's success in previous debate, the importance of creating a moment the audience will remember, CNN host Kasie Hunt cutting the mic of a Trump spokesperson who mildly criticized her colleagues, why debate moderators are subject to criticism, the left's instincts to silence those they disagree with, the lack of spirituality and faith in America and around the world, turning to government over religion, how to reverse the negative trends, and more.


    Blum- https://www.harpercollins.com/products/when-the-night-comes-falling-howard-blum?variant=41292317949986

    Erickson- https://erickerickson.com/

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 25, 2024

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Trump Picks His VP, and Jack Smith's Election Interference, with Victor Davis Hanson and Jonathan Turley | Ep. 819

    Megyn Kelly is joined by Victor Davis Hanson, author of "The End of Everything,” to discuss the major stakes in Thursday's debate between Trump and Biden, what is on the line for both candidates, how Trump should handle the moment, the latest on the 2024 polling, black voters still supporting Trump in record numbers, Trump saying he's made his VP pick already but not revealing who it is, why J.D. Vance is a frontrunner despite his previous criticisms of Trump, the positives Marco Rubio and Doug Burgum could bring to the ticket, the surge of violent crimes against young girls by illegal immigrants, the left and media playing down the severity of the crisis and MSNBC laughing about one of the cases, one MSNBC host refusing to use the term "illegal" to describe a criminal, and more. Then Jonathan Turley, author of "The Indispensable Right," joins to discuss Jack Smith pushing to put a gag order on Trump in the Florida case, the way a gag order of Trump is akin to election interference, the unconstitutionality of gag orders in the first place, the absurdity of the New York business records trial, the ongoing attacks on the Florida Trump case Judge Aileen Cannon, whether Jack Smith could get booted from the case, how the attacks on free speech relate to January 6, a newly revealed video showing Nancy Pelosi admitting responsibility for the January 6 riot, whether the video was suppressed for so long, the attacks on free speech in America, and more.



    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    COLLUSION Keeping Him From Debate Stage? | Robert F. Kennedy Jr. x Megyn Kelly - The FULL Interview

    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

    Follow The Megyn Kelly Show on all social platforms:

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    Facebook: http://Facebook.com/MegynKellyShow

     Find out more information at:



    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 20, 2024

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