
    Podcast Summary

    • Podcast advertising and UAP phenomenon discussionBusinesses can reach a large audience through podcast advertising, including listeners of top shows with host endorsements. UAP phenomenon discussion included vindication of former Pentagon investigator Lou Elizondo and upcoming episodes on Need to Know about rock stars and UAPs.

      Podcast advertising from Lipson Ads provides an effective way for businesses to reach a large and engaged audience, including the listeners of top podcasts who offer host endorsements. This was discussed in a podcast ad, with the hosts Ross Coulthart and Bryce Zabel mentioning the option to choose from 100 top podcasts or run reproduced ads across thousands of shows. They also highlighted a recent development in the UAP phenomenon, specifically the vindication of former Pentagon UFO investigator, Lou Elizondo, who had faced scrutiny from a former defense intelligence head, Gary Reid, who was recently fired. The hosts also shared their excitement about the upcoming episodes of their show, Need to Know, where they will discuss rock stars who have experienced UAP phenomena or shown interest in it, focusing on Tom DeLonge and John Lennon. The hosts acknowledged a recent article by their colleague Tim McMillan on The Debrief, which detailed Elizondo's vindication and the reasons for Gary Reid's firing, including his opposition to Elizondo and a sexual harassment claim. The hosts expressed their relief that Reid is gone and highlighted the importance of transparency and freedom of reporting in the US compared to some countries like Australia.

    • Significant step forward in UFO/UAP transparencyThe dismissal of Gary Reid and validation of Lou Elizondo mark progress towards transparency in UFO/UAP investigations, with potential consequences for those spreading disinformation.

      The recent events surrounding the dismissal of Gary Reid from the Pentagon and the vindication of former Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) officer, Lou Elizondo, mark a significant step forward in the pursuit of UFO/UAP transparency. Elizondo, who has long claimed to have been undermined by individuals within defense intelligence organizations, was validated by the findings of an inspector general report that exposed instances of misrepresentation. This victory for Elizondo not only reaffirms his credibility but also serves as a warning to those who have spread disinformation from the Pentagon to undermine his reputation. The dismissal of Reid, who reportedly obstructed transparency efforts within the defense department, is a promising sign that those responsible for disseminating false information may face consequences. With potential congressional hearings on UAPs on the horizon, this development could mark a turning point in the public discourse surrounding these phenomena.

    • Whistleblowers Predict Changes for UAP PhenomenonFormer military intel official predicts consequences, DOD investigations, and some Congress members push for transparency

      Significant changes may be on the horizon regarding the UAP phenomenon, as whistleblowers continue to come forward with allegations of cover-ups, and high-ranking officials hint at potential consequences. Former military intelligence official, Lou Elizondo, has been vocal about the issue and predicts that heads will roll. Internal investigations within the Department of Defense are underway, and some members of Congress are pushing for transparency and accountability. Meanwhile, the passing of John Lear, a controversial figure known for his theories about Area 51, serves as a reminder of the persistence needed to uncover the truth about unexplained phenomena.

    • Claims of UAPs causing harm to humansRecognize and investigate potential negative effects of UAP encounters, not just positive ones.

      There have been claims of UAPs causing harm to humans, and these claims have gained significant attention and traction, including from government entities. For instance, the recent Gillibrand amendment acknowledges the need to investigate this issue. Kit Green and Gary Nolan, who made such claims, later walked back their statements, but their initial assertions were clear. The skepticism towards their retraction should be taken with a grain of salt, as people often walk back statements when they gain unwanted attention. The evidence suggesting harm caused by UAPs is overwhelming, as seen in the case of an Australian researcher, Damien Knott, who sustained injuries believed to be related to UAP encounters. It's crucial to acknowledge and investigate all aspects of the UAP phenomenon, including potential negative effects, rather than ignoring them.

    • From Journalist to Screenwriter: Ross Coulthard's JourneyRoss Coulthard's background as an investigative journalist has greatly influenced his successful writing career in television, enabling him to authentically capture human experiences. Upcoming projects include a segment on rock stars' UFO encounters featuring Tom DeLonge and John Lennon.

      The background of a journalist makes for an excellent screenwriter due to the extensive exposure to the human condition's highs and lows. Ross Coulthard, a journalist-turned-screenwriter, shares his journey from working as an investigative journalist to creating successful television shows like "ENG." Coulthard emphasizes that his journalistic background has been invaluable in his writing career, allowing him to capture authentic human experiences. Additionally, Coulthard discusses his upcoming segment on rock stars who claimed UFO encounters, featuring Tom DeLonge of Blink 182 and John Lennon's 1974 UFO sighting. Coulthard's podcast, "Need to Know," explores the intersection of journalism and the unexplained, showcasing the fascinating stories that often lie beneath the surface.

    • Tom DeLonge's UAP claims backed by hacked emailsEmails from U.S. military and intelligence officials support Tom DeLonge's claims of high-level contacts regarding UAPs and possible extraterrestrial involvement

      Tom DeLonge, former lead singer of Blink 182, has been a significant figure in recent UAP (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) history due to his claims of high-level contacts within the U.S. military and intelligence services. These claims were corroborated through hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee, revealing communication between DeLonge and senior officials like General Neil McCasland and General Michael Carey. The emails suggest that DeLonge was being briefed about UAPs and ancient civilizations, with some even hinting at extraterrestrial involvement. Despite initial skepticism, this evidence provides a compelling case for DeLonge's claims, adding intrigue to the ongoing UAP phenomenon investigation.

    • Tom DeLonge's UFO connections based on communication roleTom DeLonge acted as a communications mouthpiece for high-level government officials, expecting Hillary Clinton's win for UFO disclosure. When Trump won, the arrangement fell apart, leaving UFO disclosure plans uncertain.

      Tom DeLonge's connections to high-level government officials were based on his willingness to act as a communications mouthpiece for them, despite his lack of message discipline. This arrangement was likely due to the expectation that Hillary Clinton would win the presidency and open UFO files to the public. However, when Trump won instead, the arrangement fell apart, and those involved in the STARS Academy, including DeLonge, went their separate ways. It's unclear what happened to the UFO disclosure plans when Trump took office, but it's speculated that he was briefed on the matter. The emails between John Podesta and General Neil McCasland show that there were plans for disclosure under a Clinton presidency.

    • John Lennon's UFO sighting reconsideredLegendary figures like John Lennon and Donald Trump have added intrigue to UFO discussions through their personal experiences and cryptic statements, highlighting the importance of reevaluating unexplained phenomena with new information and perspectives.

      John Lennon, the legendary musician, reported a UFO sighting in 1974, which he shared with authorities and the public. Despite the skepticism surrounding his account due to its association with him, the increasing acknowledgement of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) by the US government makes Lennon's sighting worth reconsidering. Trump, another public figure, has also been linked to UFOs through his son's curiosity and Trump's cryptic response. Both figures, in their unique ways, add intrigue to the ongoing UFO discussion. This investigation into Lennon's sighting reveals not only an interesting personal story but also underscores the significance of reevaluating unexplained phenomena in light of new information and perspectives.

    • John Lennon Witnesses a UFO in 1974Rock icon John Lennon and his companion May Pang observed an unidentified flying object hovering over New York City in 1974. The object, described as being the size of a Learjet with a cone shape, a red light on top, and blinking lights at the bottom, remained silent and stationary for over 10 minutes before disappearing.

      On August 23, 1974, John Lennon and his companion May Pang witnessed an unusual event from their penthouse apartment at 434 East 52nd Street in New York City. At around 9 pm, they saw an object hovering in the sky, described as being about the size of a Learjet, with a cone shape, a red light on top, and lights that blinked on and off around the bottom. The object remained silent and stationary for at least 10 minutes before moving slowly down the East River and then disappearing. Lennon immediately tried to document the experience by making several sketches of the object. This sighting, which occurred during a time of political change in America and personal turmoil for Lennon, remains a mysterious and intriguing episode in his life.

    • John Lennon's UFO SightingJohn Lennon, despite potential risks, publicly shared his UFO sighting experience with May Pang in 1974, which was corroborated by a credible witness.

      John Lennon, the famous musician known for his song "Give Me Some Truth," claimed to have seen a UFO with his companion May Pang in New York City in 1974. Despite the potential risks to his reputation and ongoing immigration case, Lennon stuck to his story and even included references to UFOs in his music. The incident was reported to the police and the media, and May Pang, a credible witness, corroborated the story. While some may dismiss the story as drug-induced hallucinations or performance art, others argue that extraterrestrial intelligence might have tried to communicate with Lennon, one of the most influential cultural figures of the time. Regardless of the truth behind the story, Lennon's unwavering belief in what he saw is a testament to his character and his commitment to sharing the truth as he saw it.

    • UAP Sightings by Famous MusiciansReports of UAP sightings by famous musicians like John Lennon, Cat Stevens, Jimmy Hendrix, David Bowie, Olivia Newton John, Sammy Hagar, Dave Grohl, and Sting, reveal advanced thinking and societal implications, suggesting more to UAPs than currently acknowledged.

      There have been numerous reports of UAP sightings from famous figures in the music industry, including John Lennon, Cat Stevens, Jimmy Hendrix, David Bowie, Olivia Newton John, Sammy Hagar, Dave Grohl, and Sting. These reports range from casual sightings to more intense personal experiences. The Lennon story is particularly compelling because he was a credible witness who didn't benefit from sharing his experience, and his girlfriend corroborated his story. Lennon's post-encounter reflections on UFOs reveal advanced level thinking and a recognition of the potential societal implications of UFO disclosure. The consistent reports from various famous individuals suggest that there may be more to UAPs than currently acknowledged by mainstream media and society.

    Recent Episodes from Need To Know with Coulthart and Zabel

    Zero Doubt

    Zero Doubt
    In this episode, Ross Coulthart reports from an undisclosed location in the U.S., sharing insights from the SCU conference in Huntsville, which concentrated on scientific approaches to UAPs. He reflects on a recent interview with Colonel Karl Nell, discussing Nell’s remarks about long-standing interactions between non-human intelligence (NHI) and humanity. Meanwhile, Bryce Zabel in Los Angeles connects the 80th anniversary of D-Day to contemporary secrecy around UAPs, emphasizing the impact of such secrecy on public trust and innovation. They explore the skepticism about governmental transparency on UAPs and consider how the political landscape might influence the push for disclosure, especially with the upcoming elections. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Swagger and Secrets

    Swagger and Secrets
    In this episode, hosts Bryce Zabel and Ross Coulthart delve into the complexities of UAP investigations, spotlighting the AARO's dubious reporting and the Pentagon's evasion in acknowledging UAP incidents. They explore the recent Eglin Air Force Base encounter and the broader implications of drone sightings that challenge national security. The hosts critique the media's failure to engage deeply with these issues, emphasizing the need for greater transparency and investigative rigor in covering UAP and drone encounters. Featuring pilot testimonies and expert analysis, this episode uncovers the ongoing secrecy and the quest for truth in the increasingly convoluted field of ufology. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UAP Burnout

    UAP Burnout
    It's an issue that's touched many in the UAP community, and worthy of a long discussion: fatigue from covering UAP, interacting with the community, fending off the flamers and trying to stay grounded. Bryce shares the tale of his ten-year hiatus while Ross commends Curt Jaimungal's recent decision to 'step away' for a while. But there's also hope, says Ross, citing three members of Congress and their attempts to interview an Air Force pilot over his 2023 sighting - and the video he captured. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    More UFO Lies & Coverup

    More UFO Lies & Coverup
    Ross and Bryce take turns teeing off on the Defense Department's report that was supposed to chronicle the US government's history of dealing with the UFO/UAP issue. Among their conclusions about the reports "conclusions:" It's more Pentagon obfuscation to deter public attention; a kneejerk polemic against former AARO head Sean Kirkpatrick's critics; not a hint of historical review; and from a couple of lawmakers who talked to Ross: Congress is NOT letting this issue go. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Adios, Voldemort

    Adios, Voldemort
    "Voldemort," in this podcast, is Bryce's new name for Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, the now-former head of AARO, the Defense Department's "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office." Bryce and Ross rip Kirkpatrick's exit statements, including his assertion that a soon to be released Pentagon report will say it's found no evidence of aliens, only allegations circulated repeatedly by UFO claim advocates. The other big event in the episode: "Need to Know," the song! Bryce explains the history of the song he co-composed - and we play it! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Is This the Year?

    Is This the Year?
    Bryce and Ross begin 2024 with a quick look back at the big events of last year: David Grusch's revelations and the gutting of the Schumer Amendment to the Defense bill. Then they look ahead to this year and an upcoming House Oversight Committee hearing, Lue Elizondo's book and Grusch's op-ed piece on the heels of the US government slightly loosening what he's able to reveal. And Ross drops a big hint about what could be a very big story: new data from the James Webb Space Telescope. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back

    UFO Gatekeepers Strike Back
    Disappointment and some disagreements in this episode, as Ross and Bryce review the amended version of Sen. Chuck Schumer's disclosure language in the new Defense bill. Ross blames "lickspittle Congressmen" in the pockets of the aerospace companies for turning Schumer's disclosure proposals into a "flaccid limp lettuce leaf." The two set the table for a future discussion on what both believe would be a very bad idea: "catastrophic disclosure." Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    JFK and UFOs?

    JFK and UFOs?
    Approaching the 60th anniversary of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, Bryce and Ross examine the similarities between the efforts to conceal the truth about the President's death and concealing the truth about UFO/UAP. Also: as predicted in the last episode, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is, indeed, leading AARO. So who will succeed him? And will that person bring a different opinion about whistleblower David Grusch? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Same Old UFO Song

    Same Old UFO Song
    Ross and Bryce catch up on several developments of the past few weeks, including the latest report from AARO. Ross calls out what he labels "completely disingenuous" statements by the agency's head, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, downplaying the UAP reports the agency reviewed in the 2023 US Government fiscal year. Ross calls the report "The Big Yawn." Ross and Bryce disagree on whether private aerospace firms, who've spent millions of their own dollars on crash retrieval, should be forced to turn any physical evidence over to the government. And Bryce reviews the high points of 1948, a banner year that saw dozens of credible UFO/UAP sightings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Word Games

    UFO Word Games
    Ross and Bryce are back with tough words for what they call the "word games" being played by the Department of Defense, NASA and others in the US government about the evidence - or lack of evidence - regarding what we know about UAP and the possibility of non-human intelligence. Bryce scorches NASA Director Bill Nelson over his "lack of evidence" comments, and Ross takes an AP reporter to task for apparently not even reading a government report before questioning officials about that very report. And the hosts do a "lighting round" of comments on several other recent UAP developments. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    UAP and Politics

    UAP and Politics
    Ross and Bryce talk about the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), passed by Congress, signed by the President. Ross talks about the need for quality data in UAP sightings. Bryce presents his investigation into how the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case was first made public by investigative journalist John Luttrell Sr. and how the state of New Hampshire is going to change its historical marker based on Bryce's findings. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    All Roads Lead to UFOs

    All Roads Lead to UFOs
    In this first episode, Corbell and Knapp set the stage for what to expect this year from their investigative journalism. They will poke the bear - and break some news - as they discuss the winding road that has brought us all here: to a new consensus reality that includes the acknowledgment of the UFO presence engaging humanity. A reality where the UFO puzzle is being explored openly by our military and forward looking scientists alike. Your curiosity will be WEAPONIZED! Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    478: New World Order's Most Hunted Journalist | Shepard Ambellas

    478: New World Order's Most Hunted Journalist | Shepard Ambellas
    In Episode 478: New World Order's Most Hunted Journalist, we are joined by legendary journalist Shepard Ambellas. Shepard runs intellihub.news, which was at one time one of the most trafficked websites on the internet. That all changed when he started digging into stories that put a target on his back (literally), and flipped his life upside down and on the run.

    Shepard was turned on to The Confessionals by a friend who wanted him to listen to a fan favorite episode, #122: Secret Military Enochian Technology. He was so impressed by the story he wrote an article about it and posted it on intellihub. That article got over 6,000 shares and made its way back to us. We were able to connect with Shep about coming on The Confessionals.

    It turns out Shepard has had lots of paranormal experiences along with his life of extreme journalism. In this jam-packed episode that runs in to Overtime, Shep shares his run-ins with the paranormal and his life on the run from the New World Order. In the first two hours, he shares how he had three extremely up close and personal encounters with UFOs, two of those encounters occurring with friends from high school. He also had what he knows now to be a dogman encounter that was within six feet of him during a camping excursion. In another two-hours Overtime segment, Shep discusses the time he stumbled into an underground vampire coven, and tells us all about how he has fled the United States after multiple experiences of people chasing him down for the information he was releasing to the world. Shep believes Planet X is coming, and the information he shared about it has almost gotten him killed multiple times. 

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