
    Unlock longevity: Dr. Peter Attia's essential strategies

    enOctober 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Taking Control of Our Health SpanWe can influence our health outcomes through exercise, lifestyle changes, and potential advancements in medicine.

      While the signs of aging may begin in our twenties, a long and healthy life is not predetermined. Doctor Peter Attia, a medical doctor and leading expert in longevity and health span, shares that we have control over our health span, which encompasses the quality of our life beyond just the absence of disease and disability. This includes cognitive function, and even though we may notice declines in certain areas, we can take actions today to improve our health and potentially extend our health span. Myths about aging often suggest a lack of agency, but according to Peter, we do have the power to influence our health outcomes. An effective exercise routine and a healthy lifestyle can be more impactful than drugs in extending lifespan. Additionally, the dawn of a new approach to medicine may offer significant advancements in lengthening our lifespans. So, it's never too late to make positive changes to improve our health and live a long, high-quality life.

    • Focus on health span for quality of life as we agePreserve cognitive, physical, and emotional health to maintain desired quality of life and potentially extend lifespan. Maintain muscle mass, cardiorespiratory fitness, and emotional well-being for optimal health span.

      Health span, not just lifespan, should be a focus for maintaining quality of life as we age. The speaker emphasizes the importance of preserving cognitive, physical, and emotional health to ensure a good quality of life. Health span is not tethered to age like cognitive and physical abilities, but it's often overlooked in healthcare. By focusing on health span, we can achieve our desired quality of life and potentially even extend our overall lifespan. The healthcare system often focuses on lifespan, but health span is a more complex and individual variable. It's essential to maintain muscle mass, cardiorespiratory fitness, and emotional well-being to preserve health span. Ultimately, the goal is to maintain the ability to enjoy life and feel good, rather than just living longer with significant physical or mental limitations.

    • Shifting focus from fast to slow deathMedical advancements have increased lifespan but decreased health span due to chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic diseases. Preventing and treating these diseases is crucial to extend both lifespan and health span.

      While medical advancements have doubled human lifespan, they have also shifted the focus from fast death caused by infection and trauma to slow death, where people spend a significant portion of their lives in decline due to diseases like cardiovascular disease, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and metabolic diseases. These diseases may not take as many lives as fast death did historically, but they significantly reduce health span and quality of life. It's crucial to focus on preventing and treating these diseases to extend both lifespan and health span. The metabolic diseases, including insulin resistance, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes, are a continuum and should be addressed along with the other major diseases.

    • Addressing health issues before they become diseasesEarly prevention is crucial for dealing with 'slow death' conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer, as signs can appear decades before diagnosis.

      Modern medicine often fails to keep us healthy by only addressing health issues once they become diseases. This reactive approach, which is compared to hitting an iceberg after seeing it a mile away, is ineffective when dealing with "slow death" conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Prevention is key, and it's essential to address potential health issues much earlier than when they become diagnosable conditions. For instance, research shows that signs of atherosclerosis, the beginning of heart disease, can be present in people in their twenties. Therefore, it's never too late to make lifestyle changes and take preventative measures to improve overall health.

    • Shift focus from treating diseases to preventing illnessDoctors need preventative training; individuals can educate themselves and advocate for preventative measures.

      The focus in healthcare should shift from treating diseases to preventing people from becoming sick in the first place. This process of preventing illness begins at birth and can be influenced by factors such as nutrition, exercise, sleep, and emotional health. However, current medical education and infrastructure primarily equip doctors with procedural and pharmacologic tools, leaving a significant gap in understanding and applying preventative measures. To bridge this gap, doctors need to be trained in these areas with the same level of precision and nuance as they are in treating diseases. This will require a significant overhaul of the medical infrastructure, but the potential benefits in terms of individual and population health are substantial. In the meantime, individuals can take matters into their own hands by educating themselves about these preventative measures and advocating for their importance with their healthcare providers.

    • Lifestyle changes can improve health and reduce healthcare costsIndividuals can use continuous glucose monitors and lifestyle changes to prevent health issues and save costs, rather than relying on healthcare systems later in life.

      Individuals have the power to significantly improve their health through simple lifestyle changes, such as nutrition, exercise, and sleep, rather than relying heavily on healthcare systems in the later stages of life. The use of continuous glucose monitors, which provide real-time information about blood glucose levels, can offer valuable insights into how diet, exercise, and sleep impact blood sugar levels. These devices, along with other preventative measures, could lead to cost savings and improved quality of life for individuals and societies if implemented earlier and more widely. The body has evolved to prioritize maintaining adequate glucose levels, but less attention has been given to managing high glucose levels, which can also have negative health consequences.

    • Damage from high blood sugar to various organsMaintaining lower blood sugar levels can prevent damage to eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, and penis in individuals with type 2 diabetes and lead to better health outcomes for all.

      Chronic high blood sugar levels can lead to damage in various organs such as the eyes, heart, brain, kidneys, and penis. This damage is often seen in individuals with long-term type 2 diabetes. The damage occurs when glucose binds to proteins in the blood, damaging small blood vessels. Controlling blood sugar levels is crucial to prevent this damage and associated health risks. Additionally, it's not just about avoiding diabetes; maintaining a lower average blood sugar level, even within a non-diabetic range, can lead to better health outcomes. The use of continuous blood sugar sensors, like those provided by ZOE, can provide valuable insights into how foods, stress, sleep, and exercise impact blood sugar levels. If you're looking to optimize your health in your later years, focusing on regular exercise is essential. Different types and amounts of exercise can significantly improve glucose disposal and overall health.

    • Preparing for the Last Decade: Focus on Cardio TrainingDefine specific goals, prioritize aerobic efficiency and peak aerobic output, and engage in steady-state cardio activities to build endurance and prevent injury in later years.

      As we age, it's essential to be specific about our goals for the last decade of our lives, just as a centenarian would prepare for the centenarian decathlon. This means defining what we want to do in a granular way, such as playing with grandkids or traveling, and then setting a training plan in place. This plan should include a focus on both cardio and strength training. Cardio can be divided into two parts: aerobic efficiency (zone 2) and peak aerobic output (VO2 max). Aerobic efficiency is the ability to efficiently use oxygen during low-intensity activities, where you can speak but wouldn't want to engage in conversation. Peak aerobic output, or VO2 max, is the maximum amount of oxygen you can utilize during high-intensity activities. To maintain functional capacity and prevent injury, it's crucial to prioritize the development of these energy systems. By focusing on a high level of fitness in our forties and beyond, we can ensure that we have the necessary reserves to sustain us well into our later years. A simple way to incorporate cardio training into your routine is by engaging in steady-state activities that challenge your aerobic system, such as brisk walking uphill or cycling at a consistent pace. These activities help improve your body's ability to efficiently use oxygen and build endurance, ultimately contributing to a stronger, more capable body in your later years.

    • Two types of cardio exercise: zone 1 and zone 2Zone 2 training, essential for health improvement, requires less time than high-intensity workouts and should make up a significant portion of weekly routine, while high-intensity workouts should also be incorporated. Strength training focusing on both muscle shortening and lengthening is crucial for muscle health.

      Effective exercise goes beyond just pushing yourself to the limit. According to the discussion, there are two types of cardio exercise: zone 1 (low intensity, long duration) and zone 2 (moderate intensity, shorter duration). Zone 2 training, where you're not able to carry on a conversation easily, is essential for improving health and should make up a significant portion of your weekly routine. This type of training requires less time compared to high-intensity workouts, which should also be incorporated. Additionally, strength training focusing on both the concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) phases is crucial for maintaining muscle health as we age.

    • Focusing on health span vs lifespanPrioritize nutrition, sleep, and exercise, including cardio and strength training, for a healthy and active aging process

      Focusing on health span, or the number of healthy years in our lives, is more important than just focusing on lifespan. This means defining what we want to be able to do as we age and taking active steps to maintain the ability to do so. The current medical system is geared towards treating acute issues, but the real threat is the slow death that can begin in our twenties. This can manifest as heart disease, strokes, cancer, mental health issues, and metabolic diseases. To combat this, it's essential to prioritize nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Specifically, cardio, including both high-intensity workouts and low-intensity workouts in what's called zone 2, is crucial. Additionally, strength training, with a focus on eccentric movements, is essential for maintaining mobility and preventing injury as we age. In essence, taking control of our health requires a holistic approach that goes beyond just reacting to acute health issues.

    • Personal interests and goals shape travel plansIndividual experiences and hobbies can significantly motivate travel, such as a wife's dream to run the London marathon. Personalized nutrition also plays a role in health and longevity, influencing travel plans.

      The importance of personal interests and goals in travel plans. The speaker shared that his wife's dream of running the London marathon might bring them back to the city. This highlights how personal experiences and hobbies can be a significant motivation for travel. Additionally, the speaker promoted ZOE Science Nutrition and their personalized nutrition program, emphasizing the importance of eating the best foods for individual health and longevity. Overall, this conversation underscores the significance of both personal pursuits and health in shaping travel plans and daily life.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:01 Quickfire questions

    03:51   What is obesity?

    05:06  What’s the difference between overweight and obesity?

    07:38 Why has there been such a quick rise in obesity?

    10:55   Why it’s not just a lack of willpower

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    19:51 The brain’s role in weight regulation

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    23:58 Natural experiments in weight gain and loss

    26:01 How medications can cause weight gain

    28:42 The impact of calorie restriction diets

    30:13 Reducing diabetes risk through weight loss

    34:10 Research into medications as a tool for weight loss

    38:36 How well do weight loss drugs work?

    41:38 The future of weight loss drugs

    43:51 Will you regain the weight if you stop taking weight loss drugs?

    48:08 Can obesity be avoided without the use of drugs?

    49:42 Concerns about weight loss drugs

    Books by our ZOE Scientists:

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    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Fix your body clock to improve long term health with Prof. Satchin Panda

    Fix your body clock to improve long term health with Prof. Satchin Panda

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:00 Quickfire questions

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    03:48 How do we know about circadian rhythms?

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    25:40 Why should stop snacking at night

    26:10 Satchin’s famous mice study

    33:00 The best eating window for health

    37:27 Does intermittent fasting promote better food choices?

    40:40 Should you drink black coffee when you wake up?


    Satchin’s books:

    Books by our ZOE Scientists:

    Studies referenced in today’s episode: 

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    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Tim Spector's tribute to Michael

    01:01 Introduction

    01:55 Quick Fire Questions

    05:15 Are cold showers good for you?

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    8:20 Can cold showers improve mental wellbeing?

    11:30 Potential dangers of cold water swimming

    12:45 Do cultural differences present different outcomes across the world?

    13:58 Can these small stressors help us?

    14:27 What is the theory behind this working?

    16:15 Will this work for everyone or is this very personalized?

    18:30 What effects does breathing have on your health?

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    27:20 How important are plants and nature for our health?

    30:25 Can exposure to nature improve things like mental health and even gut health?

    32:00 Can herbs also help improve our health?

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    46:42 Summary

    Michael Mosley’s book 'Just One Thing' is available to buy here

    Episode transcripts are available here

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:25 Quickfire questions

    03:50 What is a meat alternative?

    05:22 What's driving the trend for more alternatives?

    07:47 Should you eat less red meat?

    08:38 What is in meat alternatives?

    10:22 Traditional meats vs meat alternatives

    13:41 Are meat alternatives ultra-processed?

    14:47 Latest scientific studies

    23:56 What were the findings?

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    34:00 Are meat alternatives healthy?

    38:53 Are whole food based meat alternatives healthier?

    40:05 What are the practical tips around meat alternatives?

    43:21 How do ultra-processed foods come into this?

    45:23 What are other ways people can transition away from red meat?

    50:33 What are the differences between bad and good quality meat?

    📚 Books from our ZOE Scientists:

    Studies referenced in today’s episode: 

    Have feedback or a topic you'd like us to cover? Let us know here.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    Learn how your body responds to food. Take our FREE quiz and get 10% off here.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:26 Quickfire questions

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    35:42 The role of diet and obesity in PCOS

    37:32 Advice for managing PMS

    40:19 Menstrual cramps and pain management

    47:08 Iron supplementation strategies

    Studies related to today’s episode:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:23 Quickfire questions

    03:30 Understanding dementia and Alzheimer's disease

    04:50 Dementia versus ageing

    06:35 The role of blood vessels in brain health

    07:55 How circulation affects brain function

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    11:06 The importance of maintaining healthy blood vessels

    12:15 The impact of lifestyle choices on brain health

    15:01 What happens in our brains when we sleep?

    19:35 What is the glymphatic system?

    22:40 Vascular dementia may be the most common form of dementia

    24:35 The role of glucose in brain function

    27:10 What causes dementia and why does it happen when we get older?

    29:00 Preventing dementia with lifestyle changes

    31:10 What are healthy blood vessels like?

    37:50 The surprising role of EPCs in brain repair

    41:30 Can you slow down or reverse dementia?

    52:08 The connection between gut health and brain health

    51:40 The importance of exercise for brain health

    56:30 How to avoid dementia

    01:01:16 The link between mental health and cardiovascular disease

    Relevant studies:

    Dr. William Li's books:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

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    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:20 Quickfire questions

    02:55 The role of inflammation in immunity

    05:30 Chronic inflammation and disease

    08:30 How to measure inflammation

    09:53 Low-grade inflammation and disease risk

    12:30 What causes blood vessel inflammation?

    15:23 What creates the narrowing of blood vessels?

    17:20 How inflammation can cause blood clots, heart attacks and strokes

    19:15 Inflammation and aging

    21:40 Inflammation and lifestyle factors

    25:07 Obesity and inflammation

    28:45 Muscle loss and inflammation (sarcopenia)

    30:52 The impact of meals, sugar and fats on inflammation

    33:35 How diet could reduce inflammation

    34:42 Why we all respond to food differently

    38:42 Dietary choices to manage inflammation

    40:00 What are omega-3s?

    41:17 Anti-inflammatory foods

    43:40 Health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids

    45:55 Challenges with farmed salmon

    Mentioned in today's episode:

    Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory processes: Nutrition or pharmacology? in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

    Omega-6 fatty acids and inflammation in PLEFA

    Omega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes in Nutrients 

    Another relevant study:

    Health relevance of the modification of low-grade inflammation in ageing and the role of nutrition in Ageing Research Reviews

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Your new menopause toolkit with Dr. Mary Claire Haver & Dr. Sarah Berry

    Your new menopause toolkit with Dr. Mary Claire Haver & Dr. Sarah Berry

    The menopause transition can bring unexpected challenges — the effects can significantly impact daily life and long-term health.

    Dr. Mary Claire Haver is a board-certified gynaecologist and a menopause specialist. She's helped thousands of women in perimenopause and menopause to realise their health goals. In today’s episode, she joins Jonathan and ZOE's Chief Scientist Dr. Sarah Berry to shed light on what to expect during these life stages.

    Sarah and Mary Claire describe practical strategies for managing symptoms, critical conversations to have with healthcare providers, and how to advocate for yourself effectively in medical settings.

    Follow Mary Claire on Instagram.

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:33 Quickfire questions

    05:53 There is a lack of menopause training in medical school

    07:02 Most women are going into menopause blind

    07:43 Why menopause symptoms vary

    09:30 The hormonal ‘zone of chaos’

    11:45 ZOE PREDICT data on menopause symptoms

    13:36 How long do perimenopause symptoms last?

    17:52 Perimenopause at age 35?

    18:34 Why hormone tests are worthless

    20:53 The risk of chronic disease after menopause

    24:53 Why does menopause increase hunger?

    28:39 Why medicine and research is male-dominated

    32:34 How to talk to your doctor about menopaue

    34:12 Pregnancy research - 10x more extensive than menopause research!

    35:14 Mary Claire’s toolkit of strategies for menopause

    36:34 What are the long-term health benefits of hormone replacement therapy?

    38:36 Is HRT safe for most women?

    42:47 Brand new ZOE study results: diet and menopause

    49:16 Top 3 tips to help with symptoms

    54:34 What is ‘frozen shoulder’ and how can you treat it?

    Mentioned in today's episode:

    Books by Mary Claire:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    The medicines hiding in your spice rack with Kanchan Koya & Dr. Sarah Berry

    The medicines hiding in your spice rack with Kanchan Koya & Dr. Sarah Berry

    In today’s episode we’re uncovering the medicines hiding in your kitchen. 

    Molecular biologist Kanchan Koya joins Jonathan and Sarah to explore the incredible health benefits of spices. From controlling blood sugar to soothing a sore throat, we’ll discover what the latest research says about household favorites including ginger, cinnamon and cloves. 

    Kanchan Koya is a food scientist, founder of the spice-centric food blog Chief Spice Mama and author of the cookbook ‘100 Recipes with Healing Spices for Your Family Table’. She will show us how to get the most out of spices, with simple cooking tips and delicious recipes. 

    Want to make Kanchan’s show stopper spice dish? Find the recipe here.

    Follow Kanchan on Instagram.

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

    Follow ZOE on Instagram.


    00:00 Introduction

    01:26 Quickfire questions

    03:08 What are spices?

    03:43 Polyphenols in spices

    07:25 Spices and your health

    11:01 Cinnamon and blood sugar control

    14:49 Anti-inflammatory benefits of spices

    21:08 A practical guide to using spices

    31:40 Reviving old spices

    33:11 The wonders of ginger: from morning sickness to gut health

    35:56 Spiced cooking tips

    37:41 Breakfast ideas: add spices to start your day

    39:44 Simple spicy snacks

    42:05 Dinner delights: spicing up main meals

    44:11 Spices for kids

    46:24 Spiced drinks: from chai to golden milk

    48:24 The ultimate spice dish

    Studies related to today’s episode:

    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it.

    Episode transcripts are available here.

    Foods for every decade of life with Dr. Federica Amati

    Foods for every decade of life with Dr. Federica Amati

    Did you know that even at age 70, with the right nutrition, you could potentially extend your life by 6 years?

    In today’s episode, we learn that it's never too late to change your diet for the better. Dr. Federica Amati, ZOE’s Head Nutritionist, dives into the unique nutrition needs at every life stage.

    From the golden windows of opportunity that can transform your health, to practical food recommendations for adolescence, adulthood and beyond, Dr. Amati gives tips to enhance your wellbeing.

    Dr. Federica Amati is a researcher at King’s College London and registered nutritionist. She is also lecturer and Nutrition Topic Lead at Imperial College School of Medicine. Federica empowers people with accessible, practical knowledge to make informed choices on diet and lifestyle and to improve health based on unique needs and preferences, at every stage of life.

    Follow Dr. Federica Amati on Instagram 

    If you want to uncover the right foods for your body, head to zoe.com/podcast, and get 10% off your membership.

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    00:00 Introduction

    01:17 Quickfire questions

    03:32  The first window of opportunity is before you are born

    06:04 It takes two to tango: equal roles in conception

    07:25 The science behind sperm health and diet

    09:10 What is life course nutrition?

    10:35 Why generic nutrition advice isn't enough

    13:00 Critical changes in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy

    16:25 Nutritional needs in the second trimester of pregnancy

    17:20 Preventing allergies during pregnancy

    20:30 Nutrition in childhood and adolescence

    21:00 The importance of a diverse diet for teenagers

    22:57 Children learn to eat from us: exposure is key

    25:10 The impact of ultra-processed foods on teenagers

    27:40 Do you need to eat meat to grow well?

    32:55 Lifestyle choices in your 30s affect long-term health

    36:00 Longevity supplement myths

    37:40 Gut microbiome changes in adulthood

    43:28 How to extend your lifespan through diet at any age

    46:05 Preparing for healthy aging and avoiding 'Sniper Alley'

    50:10 How to eat right in your 70s and beyond

    54:22 Protein needs as you age

    56:30 Becoming a ZOE member is like having a nutritionist in your pocket!

    59:20 Summary

    Mentioned in today's episode:


    Is there a nutrition topic you’d like us to explore? Email us at podcast@joinzoe.com, and we’ll do our best to cover it. 

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    Dr Peter Attia is a physician, longevity expert, podcaster and an author. Working out what to actually do if we want to maximise our health and lifespan has become an increasingly difficult task. There are an unlimited number of wellness approaches available, but thankfully Dr Attia has spent his career assessing the most important strategies we all should be focussing on for fitness and longevity. Expect to learn how to best increase your chances of living longer, the role of fasting in longevity, the most important metric that predicts a long healthy life, the longterm effects of vaping and alcohol, how you can prevent cognitive decline, the vital signs that everyone overlooks, how to design a science-backed weekly workout regime and much more... Sponsors: Get 10% discount on all Gymshark’s products at https://bit.ly/sharkwisdom (use code: MW10) Get £150 discount on Eight Sleep products at https://eightsleep.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get over 37% discount on all products site-wide from MyProtein at https://bit.ly/proteinwisdom (use code: MODERNWISDOM) Extra Stuff: Buy Outlive - https://amzn.to/413jYwH  Check out Peter's website - https://peterattiamd.com/  Get my free Reading List of 100 books to read before you die → https://chriswillx.com/books/ To support me on Patreon (thank you): https://www.patreon.com/modernwisdom - Get in touch. Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact/  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity: Sharing Insights into My Daily Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle Routines

    Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity: Sharing Insights into My Daily Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle Routines
    View the Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal I'm turning 65 this year and feel younger, fitter, and more vibrant than ever. Thanks to my longevity routine, I’ve been able to reverse my biological age by 20 years, plus an additional year in the past five months alone! As I grow older, I’ve learned that what’s possible when we nourish our bodies, get regular exercise, quality sleep, and manage our stress – we can effectively turn back our biological clock. Add a supplement stack and hormetic stressors to activate our longevity switches, and you’re setting a solid foundation for lasting health. So, how does someone in their 60s build muscle and sport abs that could rival their younger selves?  In today’s Health Bites episode, I’m sharing the exclusive details behind my longevity routine that anyone can try on their journey towards a healthier, longer life. Whether you want to sharpen your mind, enhance your physique, or simply feel younger, this episode is for you. Remember, it’s not just about adding years to your life, but life to your years.  In this episode, I discuss: My morning routine for longevity (2:46) How I get the benefits of exercise in minimal time (3:23) A look at the ingredients in my Healthy Aging Shake (5:54) What I eat in a day (lunch and dinner) to support longevity (11:46) The role of dietary protein for longevity and how much to eat every day(15:03) How to activate your longevity switches using the power of hormesis (23:00) Top tips for active relaxation and rejuvenation (28:51) My nightly routine for sleep optimization (30:01) The supplement I take for optimal health and longevity (32:01) Why lab testing is crucial for longevity and optimal health (33:31) Personal experience and experimentation with advanced longevity therapeutics (36:55) This episode is brought to you by Timeline Nutrition and Cymbiotika. Support essential mitochondrial health and save 10% on Mitopure. Visit TimelineNutrition.com/Drhyman and use code DRHYMAN10. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN.

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    HSSC 003: Top 10 tips for starting a High School Strength and Conditioning program


    TOP 10 TIPS on how to start a high school strength program. There are lots of different things that need to be done and many personnel in the school district need to be on the same page to have a successful and effective program to help the athletes perform at optimal levels. I am going to give you the my Top 10 tips on what you need in place first before starting. 



    Hello, my name is Dane Nelson. I am a former college and high school strength coach. I created this podcast for strength coaches at any level but more specifically for High School Strength Coaches. I want strength coaches to be able to connect to each other and learn more about the growing field of full time high school strength coaching.  Thanks for checking out the website.  It would be great to connect with other strength coaches and talk about what works and what doesn’t work when training high school athletes.  This is why I created this podcast. I hope  you find it useful and valuable!



    Website: www.hsstrengthcoach.com



    Contact me at hsstrengthcoach365@gmail.com



    Thank you so much for listening and I would appreciate it greatly if you could leave a 5 star review in iTunes as this really helps boost the show rankings and spread the word about the High School Strength Coach Podcast. That way other Strength Coaches like yourself can find the show and benefit from it too.



    Thank you very much if you have already left a rating and feedback, I appreciate it greatly!

    Brianna Norton From Exhale Midtown Atlanta Spa. Roy Johnson Talks Men's Fitness. Crunchgear's John Biggs Fitness Gadget Report. Chef Rock Harper's Healthy Cooking For Kids Tips

    Brianna Norton From Exhale Midtown Atlanta Spa. Roy Johnson Talks Men's Fitness. Crunchgear's John Biggs Fitness Gadget Report. Chef Rock Harper's Healthy Cooking For Kids Tips

    The most entertaining weight loss and fitness podcast show on radio." Please click on the POD button to listen to the latest Dr. Fitness and the Fat Guy radio show podcast broadcasting live each week from Atlanta, GA, USA.

    We are now a Featured podcast on Health, Diet and Nutrition on both iTunes and Zune

    To download the show on iTunes please click on this link

    To download the show on your Zune please click this link

    Be sure to check out our new Facebook Fan Page that blogger, web genius and Fitness Journalist Karla Walsh is helping us with. She is running contests and all kinds of fun stuff for us.  We really appreciate all that she is doing and want to make sure she gets the recognition she deserves. And be sure to check out the SobeFit magazine with a special feature on Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy  

    On today's show Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy had Brianna Norton from Exhale Midtown Atlanta Spa in the studio. Dr Fitness got to go to the Grand Opening of this 5 Star luxury spa and mind body gym located on its own floor of the brand new Loews Hotel. If you want to experience true luxury and the latest fitness classes like Core Fusion go to their website www.exhalespa.com and check them out.

    Next up we had on our good friend Roy Johnson, editor-in-chief of Men's Fitness magazine. He let us know that Rob Lowe is this month's cover and he got in the best shape of his life to get there. The mag is filled with great fitness and health and nutrition tips. As usual! To learn more please go to their website www.mensfitness.com

    Next up we had on John Biggs, editor of our favorite gadget blof Crunchgear. John called in from Israel where he searching for the next big thing. He shared his thoughts on everything from mp3 players to satellite radio all the back to the latest Wii competitor. If you love gadgets then www.crunchgear.com should be a daily must read for you too.

    We closed the show with Chef Rock Harper, winner of Season 3 of FOX's Hell's Kitchen. He took us behind the scens of that show. Told us a little about how he loves to help out the March of Dimes and spent a lot of time talking about his new book 44 Things to Know About Healthy Cooking For Kids. To learn more about what Rock is up to check out his website www.chefrockinc.com

    Remember, you can find a tip a day at our new website www.wellnessminutes.com or on iTunes here. Or our blog www.drfitnessblog.com 

    Amazingly the Fat Guy is being followed by thousands of people who are interested in what he does each day. Who would have thought?  Anyone can follow the Fat Guy's exploits on Twitter.  Food journals are great ways to lose weight and the Fat Guy is always trying anything in order to lose those last 20 pounds. So take a peek into his food diary. You never know what he'll write. Somehow he can stay compliant to writing on Twitter but he can't fit in exercise each day. That's right, moments after he eats something the Fat Guy used to Twitter about it and you can follow him so that one day if you try real hard you too can look like the Fat Guy. Please go to www.twitter.com/fatguy  Remember we are now on every morning in Michigan. On radio station WKNW. They asked us to create a Dr Fitness and the Fat Guy "Wellness Minute." So now a new Wellness Minute runs on that station each morning at around 7:40. Each Wellness Minute features the doctor and I going over 5 of his best tips on a given wellness subject like: losing weight, getting in shape, living a healthy lifestyle, etc. Now these Wellness Minutes are available online.  If you have a favorite radio station that you think would benefit from our Wellness Minutes send them an email telling them about it and who knows maybe you can hear us everyday too. Also once again, I need you to please do me a favor. My kid Max has been doing a radio show called "Kid Power Radio" for awhile now and you should check it out. Tiffany from The Daily Candy called his family friendly radio show "Hilarious!" This is a great show for your kids. It is kind of like a kids version of TMZ or Entertainment Tonight mixed in with a little Wayne's World. Max recaps the week in entertainment and gives his take and review of what he liked and didn't like on TV, at the movies, video games, in books and in music and even restaurant reviews. Please go to his site and download the show for your kid. He had a big show recently he interviewed Meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, someone from Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey Circus and even Miranda Cosgrove star of Nickelodeon's Hit TV Show iCarly. And if your kid sends Max an email he'll read it on the air next week. The show can be found at www.kidpowerradio.com and you can email Max at RadioStarMax at Yahoo.com. He has gotten emails from kids from England, Australia, China and even the US. Your encouragement is greatly appreciated.  Thanks to you his show is rocketing up the charts! As always, more laughs, more info and more fun than any other health, fitness, weight loss podcast out there. Click the podcast button and check out the entire show right now. Now you can listen to only the expert interviews at our new website www.healthexpertradio.com here or oniTunes here. Don't forget to check out the Doctor Fitness and the Fat Guy blog at www.drfitnessblog.com for more tips about weight loss and Dr. Shafran's analysis of all things health and fitness. Also check out our brand new redesigned website www.drfitnessandthefatguy.com to subscribe to our FREE weekly healthy living newsletter and enjoy all the benefits of our online weight loss program and community. You can also email Dr. Fitness there with your specific questions and he will personally answer each one. Promise!! Please blog about our show. Our show grows when our listeners tell their friends about us. We need your help to grow our listener base so if you enjoy Dr Fitness and the Fat guy please forward this podcast to a friend and put links to our website and show on blogs and message boards you enjoy. Thanks