
    Unlocking the Secrets of Ethical Sales Persuasion (GymCon Day 3) - Pt. 1 | Ep 565

    enJuly 18, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the difference between helping and manipulatingEffective selling is about intending to help, not manipulate. Be a generalist, avoid relying on personal stories, and view sales as an educational process.

      Effective selling is about understanding the psychology behind persuasion and intending to help the prospect, rather than manipulating them. The speaker emphasizes that the difference between help and manipulation lies in intention. He encourages sellers to become generalists in sales and avoid relying solely on their personal stories to close deals. The speaker, who identifies as a logical closer, believes that this approach leads to the best long-term outcomes. However, it's essential to be honest with oneself and recognize that if the prospect would not buy even with full knowledge of the product, then deception is involved, which ultimately leads to regret and dissatisfaction. The speaker encourages sellers to view sales as an educational process and to believe that if the prospect knew everything, they would make the right decision to buy.

    • Understanding Client Buying Styles: Logic vs EmotionEffective sales requires a balance of logic and emotion, adapting to clients' buying styles, and helping them make the best decision.

      Effective sales involves both logic and emotion. Salespeople should aim to be rational and logical in their approach, while also understanding that different clients may have varying buying styles. Emotional buyers require a connection to their feelings, while logical buyers need a solid justification for their decisions. Regardless of the client's style, the salesperson's goal is to help them make the best decision for themselves. Munger's belief in being rational and logical is essential in selling and persuading. The sales process begins before the offer is presented and continues through closing, with obstacles being easier to handle than objections. Expecting and planning for rejections is crucial, and the sale is the first step in a potential coaching relationship.

    • Selling as a Dance of Belief and TrustBelief and trust are essential in selling, and a genuine care for prospects' needs leads to successful sales. Maintain curiosity, ask hard questions, and understand objections to build a bridge of trust.

      Selling is a crucial first step in becoming a coach, and it's about helping prospects make decisions to improve themselves. The first impression, set during the sale, can significantly impact long-term value and churn. Selling is a dance, not a fight, requiring belief, trust, and curiosity. The salesperson who genuinely cares about the prospect's needs and wants ultimately wins. Maintain curiosity, ask hard questions, and understand objections rather than arguing. Selling is a transference of belief over a bridge of trust. Belief is the most powerful sales tool, and a team that believes in the product or service can make a significant difference.

    • Belief and trust in sales interactionsEffective sales depends on belief, trust, and human connection. Prioritize deepening these elements over closing deals.

      The success of a sales interaction depends heavily on the belief and trust between the salesperson and the prospect. It's not about having a script or a perfect pitch, but rather about genuinely believing in the value of what you're offering and building a strong connection with the other person. The sales process is a continuum, not a binary, so it's important to focus on deepening belief and trust rather than just checking boxes. Closers ask hard questions because they genuinely care about helping the prospect make the best decision for themselves. The best salespeople prioritize the human connection above the sale itself, and they document their interactions for continuous improvement. To effectively lead a sales team, it's essential to encourage hard conversations and reward decisions, whether they lead to a sale or not. By focusing on belief, trust, and the human connection, sales interactions become more productive and rewarding for both parties.

    • Mastering the art of closing salesTop gym owners close effectively, enabling them to afford expensive leads and make the playoffs 90% of the time. 80% of prospects need help deciding, making sales training crucial.

      Sales is a powerful tool for influencing and directing people, and the ability to close a sale is crucial for success. The speaker emphasizes that sales is not just about asking for the sale, but about helping prospects make decisions and understanding that the power to influence outcomes lies with the salesperson. He also highlights that focusing on the closing stage is essential, as it can make a significant impact on business success. An interesting statistic was shared that top gym owners who know how to close effectively can afford expensive leads and make the playoffs 90% of the time. The speaker also noted that 80% of prospects need help deciding and that sales training is essential to help them do so. In essence, the power to change lives lies in the hands of the salesperson, and mastering the art of closing is a valuable skill to have.

    • Empowering others to make decisionsHelp others make decisions by addressing obstacles proactively and handling objections with empathy to build trust and position yourself as a trusted advisor

      Becoming a more powerful and effective individual involves helping others make decisions for themselves, rather than trying to cast our power over them. This not only leads to better decisions but also fosters a mutually beneficial relationship. Obstacles, which are present before the offer, should be addressed proactively by understanding the underlying motivations behind them. On the other hand, objections, which arise after presenting the offer, should be handled with empathy and a focus on finding solutions that align with the prospect's goals. Remember, the ultimate goal is to empower others to make informed decisions, even if it means they don't choose to work with us. This approach not only leads to better outcomes but also positions us as trusted advisors and untouchable sales professionals.

    • Addressing objections in salesUnderstand prospect's motivations and beliefs, address underlying causes, and reframe powerless statements to empowering ones to create a supportive environment for informed decision making.

      Effective communication is key to overcoming objections and closing sales. Before making an offer, it's important to address potential obstacles and understand the prospect's motivations and beliefs. When objections do arise, it's essential to address the underlying causes, which often stem from the belief that one must get what they want, others must treat them fairly, and they must do well. By understanding these sources of emotional disturbance and reframing powerless statements into empowering ones, salespeople can approach conversations with confidence and help prospects make informed decisions. Ultimately, the goal is to create a powerful and supportive environment where everyone involved can achieve their goals.

    • Layers of Blame: Understanding External Factors that Block Decision MakingRecognize and challenge external factors like circumstances, other people, time, value, fit, and authority that prevent decision making. Address underlying fears and emotional obstacles to effectively communicate and guide prospects towards informed decisions.

      People often use external factors as reasons for not making decisions or taking action, creating layers of blame that can make it difficult to reach the empowered decision-maker. These external factors, or onions of blame, include circumstances, other people, time, value, fit, and authority. Understanding these layers and how to address the underlying fears and emotional obstacles can help you effectively communicate and guide prospects towards making decisions. For instance, when someone says they don't have time, it's essential to recognize the false assumption that being busy now means they'll never have time in the future. By acknowledging and challenging these assumptions, you can help prospects move past their emotional barriers and make informed decisions.

    • The best times to learn new skills or make changes are during busy periods.Eliminate unproductive activities, focus on priorities, and seize the moment to make progress during busy times.

      Busy times are the best times to learn new skills or make changes, as they present the greatest need for support. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, from business to personal growth. When people claim they don't have the time, it's often a matter of priorities. Everyone has the same 24 hours in a day, and successful people have proven that it's possible to make the most of them. The first step is to eliminate the 90% of unproductive activities that waste time. By focusing on what truly matters, one can gain back lost time and make significant progress. The "when then fallacy" should also be avoided, as it can prevent us from taking action by constantly putting things off until a supposedly more convenient time. Instead, seize the moment and make the most of your busy schedule.

    • Belief in 'when then fallacy' can hinder progressFocus on taking action first to make progress, communicate value effectively to overcome affordability objections, and help prospects change their lives with the right mindset and game plan.

      The "when then fallacy" can hinder our progress towards achieving our goals. This fallacy refers to the belief that we can only take action once a certain condition is met, such as "when I have more time, I'll start investing." However, this approach doesn't work because we need to take action first in order to make progress and achieve the condition we desire. For example, we need to go to the gym to get in shape, rather than waiting until we're in shape to go to the gym. Another common obstacle in sales is when a prospect says they can't afford a product or service. However, this statement often indicates that the prospect doesn't see enough value in what is being offered. By communicating the value effectively, the affordability issue can be overcome. It's important for salespeople to believe that every prospect's money is valuable and to approach each interaction with a mindset of providing equal opportunities. Success stories come from unexpected places, and some of the most rewarding sales can come from individuals who seem to have the least resources. By focusing on the value we provide and setting a game plan together, we can help prospects overcome their perceived obstacles and change their lives for the better.

    • Addressing cost objections with empathy and understandingEstablish trust and rapport, acknowledge concerns, explore beliefs and values, and reframe cost as investment for valuable outcomes. Learn from past experiences instead of letting them hold you back.

      When trying to help someone overcome an objection to a costly solution, it's crucial to establish trust and rapport first. By acknowledging their concern about the cost, you can demonstrate that you understand their perspective and are genuinely there to help. Rather than dismissing their objection, you can use it as an opportunity to explore their beliefs and values, and show them how the investment aligns with their priorities. Additionally, reframing the cost as an investment in a valuable outcome can help shift their perspective. Another important takeaway is the idea that letting a past negative experience prevent you from taking a new opportunity is a waste. Instead, it's essential to learn from past experiences and use them to inform your decisions moving forward, rather than letting them hold you back.

    • The value of testimonialsInvesting in valuable things, like a program, can lead to more testimonials and positive reviews, making it more reasonable for people to believe in its effectiveness. Money is a resource, spend it wisely.

      Having a large number of testimonials and positive reviews is beneficial for selling a program or idea, as it makes it more reasonable for people to believe in its effectiveness. The speaker emphasizes that the volume of testimonials is not a lot when considering the value they bring. Additionally, money is a resource that will be spent regardless, so it's essential to consider whether it's better to spend time or money to achieve desired goals. The speaker encourages spending money on valuable things, such as the program being offered, rather than wasting it on unnecessary items. Overall, the emphasis is on making informed decisions based on value and reason.

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    (20:13) - Closing remarks

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    Welcome to The Game w/Alex Hormozi, hosted by entrepreneur, founder, investor, author, public speaker, and content creator Alex Hormozi. On this podcast you’ll hear how to get more customers, make more profit per customer, how to keep them longer, and the many failures and lessons Alex has learned on his path from $100M to $1B in net worth.


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    (36:13) - Confronting the real problem

    (38:09) - Concluding thoughts

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    27. You're Selling Water To People In The Desert. With The Right Positioning & Message, Selling Is A No-Brainer!

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