
    UNRWA & Hamas, the perfect affair - with Haviv Rettig Gur

    enJanuary 29, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • UNRWA's Role in Palestinian Refugee Issue and Potential Anti-SemitismUNRWA's expanded definition of refugees and involvement in Hamas activities have raised concerns about perpetuating the Palestinian refugee issue and potentially aiding in anti-Semitic sentiment. ICJ's ruling and US funding pause highlight these issues.

      The UNRWA agency, which exists to care for Palestinian refugees from the period 1946 to 1948, has come under scrutiny for its involvement in perpetuating the Palestinian refugee issue and potentially aiding in anti-Semitic sentiment. The agency's definition of refugees includes not only the original refugees but also their descendants, which has led to a inflated number of refugees and a perpetuation of the issue. The ICJ's recent ruling against Israel, which relied on UNRWA reports, has brought attention to these concerns. Additionally, recent reports of UNRWA staff's involvement in Hamas activities and anti-Semitic statements have led to a pause in US funding for the agency. These issues raise questions about the role of UNRWA in the Palestinian refugee situation and its potential impact on perpetuating conflict rather than finding solutions.

    • Unique status of Palestinian refugees in UNPalestinian refugees have a unique status in the UN, with their refugee status passed down to descendants and a dedicated agency, UNRWA, providing for their welfare, unlike any other refugee group.

      The UN's treatment of Palestinian refugees is unique, as they are the only refugees whose status is passed down to their descendants, regardless of where they live. This is significant because there is no other case of this happening within the UN. Furthermore, Palestinian refugees have their own agency within the UN, UNRWA, which is responsible for their welfare. Notably, Hamas has been relieved of its duty to provide for its people in Gaza, as UNRWA funds and administers major social services there. This means that Hamas does not have to provide the funds for these services, and they come from taxpayers around the world instead. The situation in the UK regarding the Jewish community's feelings of fear and tension towards expressing their connections to Israel is a whole other level compared to the US, with a sense of imminent danger and the need to live in a hidden existence.

    • UNRWA's problematic presence in GazaUNRWA's ties to Hamas and unique definition of a refugee contribute to its controversial role in Gaza, allowing Hamas significant influence over its operations.

      The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), which was established in 1949 to provide relief to Palestinian refugees following the war of 1948, has faced funding cuts from nine countries, including the United States, due to the discovery that UNRWA staff took part in violent activities along the Gaza border. This revelation came from intelligence provided by Israel, which UNRWA had access to. However, UNRWA's problematic nature goes beyond this incident. It is deeply integrated into Hamas's rule in Gaza, with Hamas controlling the hiring process for UNRWA jobs. The organization's unique definition of a refugee and its massive financial contribution to the Gaza economy make it an attractive target for Hamas control. The bottom line is that UNRWA's continued presence in Gaza allows Hamas to exert significant influence over its operations, making it a contentious issue for both Israelis and Palestinians.

    • UNRWA's role in Gaza's aid system strengthens Hamas's ruleUNRWA's control over aid distribution in Gaza allows Hamas to maintain economic dependence and power

      UNRWA's role in Gaza is not just about providing aid, but it is essential for the functioning and stability of Hamas's rule. Hamas controls the aid distribution network in Gaza, and UNRWA, as the largest distributor on the ground, plays a pivotal role in this system. The vast amount of international aid flowing into Gaza makes Hamas's rule economically dependent on UNRWA. The tunnels discovered under Gaza, which Hamas used for war preparations, were built with the resources from the aid ecosystem. UNRWA's monopoly on aid distribution in Gaza makes it impossible for other organizations to compete, ensuring Hamas's continued control. The US, being a significant donor to Gaza, has contributed billions of dollars through USAID, and UNRWA is the primary organization responsible for distributing this aid. This complex web of aid dependency strengthens Hamas's grip on power in Gaza.

    • UNRWA's Unintended Consequences in GazaUNRWA's focus on aid instead of resettlement allows Hamas control over resources and perpetuates the refugee problem

      The UNRWA aid program, while intended to help the people of Gaza, has inadvertently given Hamas significant control over the distribution of aid and jobs. This control allows Hamas to divert resources towards building infrastructure for war and hiding behind civilians. The UNRWA employs over 13,000 aid workers in Gaza, and Hamas has the power to control who is hired and fired, effectively controlling UNRWA's operations on the ground. A more serious criticism of UNRWA is that it perpetuates the refugee problem by not focusing on resettlement, as is the priority for the UNHCR in other parts of the world. This lack of focus on resettlement keeps the refugee issue in Gaza perpetual and provides Hamas with a constant source of potential recruits and supporters.

    • UNRWA's unique definition keeps Palestinians in perpetual refugee statusUNRWA's rules keep Palestinians in a perpetual refugee status, denying them property rights and business opportunities, despite their current citizenship or generation.

      The UN Refugee Agency for Palestinians, UNRWA, stands out due to its unique definition of refugees, which applies only to Palestinians displaced during the 1948 conflict. Unlike the UNHCR, which aims to reduce the number of refugees and help them achieve citizenship in their host countries, UNRWA's rules keep Palestinians in a perpetual refugee status, regardless of their current citizenship or generation. This has led to a massive expansion of the Palestinian refugee population and perpetuated their suffering for generations. Additionally, Palestinians in Arab countries have faced denial of property rights and business opportunities due to their refugee status. These rules and practices, rather than alleviating Palestinian suffering, have instead perpetuated it.

    • The Palestinian refugee crisis is perpetuated by ideology and identity preservationDespite the end of Jewish refugee status post-1948, the Palestinian refugee crisis continues due to ideology and identity preservation, with UNRWA playing a role in its perpetuation

      The Israeli-Palestinian refugee situation is unique due to the ideological belief that Israel's founding in 1948 needs to be reversed. The Palestinian refugee experience differs significantly from that of Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were also displaced during the same time period. While no Jewish refugees remain today, the number of Palestinian refugees has continued to grow under various rulers, leading to a multi-generational refugee problem perpetuated by UNRWA. This perpetuation of refugee status is not only for the suffering it brings but also for the preservation of identity. The Jewish refugees, who were also victims of anti-Semitic violence and expulsion, have been integrated into their new countries and no longer hold refugee status. The lack of Arab introspection regarding the expulsion of Jews from their countries is also a significant factor in the ongoing Palestinian refugee crisis.

    • UNRWA's unique definition of Palestinian refugee status keeps the issue unresolvedUNRWA's special treatment of Palestinian refugees contrasts with the global approach to other crises, hindering resolution and integration

      The UNRWA definition of refugee status for Palestinians has kept the Palestinian issue unresolved for generations, allowing the Arab world to maintain their ideological resistance to Israel's existence. This unique definition contrasts with the global approach to other refugee crises, such as the Syrian one, where the UN's primary focus is on finding new homes and integrating refugees into other countries. The Syrian crisis serves as a real-life comparison, with over 6.8 million internally displaced people and 5.3 million registered refugees and asylum seekers. Unlike Palestinians, Syrian refugees do not have a dedicated agency like UNRWA, and the UN's mission is to help them find new homes and integrate them into other countries. This difference in treatment raises questions about the fairness and effectiveness of maintaining a special rule for Palestinian refugees. It's essential to consider the implications of such a rule on the Palestinians' lives and the broader geopolitical landscape.

    • UNRWA perpetuates Palestinian refugee problemUNRWA's definition and large budget reinforce the narrative that Palestinian issue can only be resolved through Israel's end, shaping Palestinian political culture and weakening their self-reliance

      The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) perpetuates the Palestinian refugee problem rather than solving it. The organization's definition of a refugee and its large budget have served to reinforce the narrative that the Palestinian issue can only be resolved through the end of Israel and the restoration of pre-1948 Palestine. This narrative shapes Palestinian political culture, particularly in the case of Hamas, which views the UN as responsible for protecting Palestinians and providing for their needs. This reliance on external aid has weakened the capacity of Palestinian political elites to take responsibility for their own well-being and economy. The UN's role in perpetuating this structure has had significant and detrimental effects on Palestinian political culture.

    • International aid's corrupting influence on Palestinian politicsThe international community's heavy funding of Palestinian elites has led to a lack of accountability and prioritization of personal strategies over the wellbeing of their people, particularly in the case of Hamas.

      The heavy reliance on international aid in the Palestinian territories has had a profoundly corrupting influence on their political culture. Elites are not accountable to their people as they are primarily funded by the international community. This dynamic is particularly dangerous in the case of Hamas, as leaders are able to evade responsibility for the wellbeing of Gazans and instead focus on their own strategies, even if it means the suffering or death of their own people. Israeli voices, such as those of Eynat Wilf and Hillel Neuer, have been raising awareness about this issue for years, but it has only recently gained attention due to the events of October 7th and the involvement of UNRWA staff in the conflict. The international community should have taken notice of these concerns long ago, and it's crucial that they do so now in order to help build a sustainable Palestinian economy and democracy.

    • A moment of change in the Middle East: questioning old structuresWorld leaders discuss new structures for Middle East, UNRWA's role in Gaza questioned, opportunity for a more serious and stabilizing force for Palestinians and Israelis

      The current crisis in the Middle East, specifically the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestine, has created a moment of change where old structures and assumptions are being questioned. World leaders, including the US, Saudi Arabia, and European countries, are starting to discuss the "day after" and the possibility of building a new future for the region. UNRWA, the UN agency responsible for providing aid to Palestinian refugees, has been a long-standing presence in Gaza, with Israel supporting its role in distributing aid and maintaining stability. However, with the potential for new structures and a better future for Palestinians, UNRWA is being called into question. Israel, which has allowed UNRWA to function in Gaza due to the high costs and stability it provides, may not compromise on this going forward. This moment of change offers an opportunity to build a more serious and stabilizing force for both Palestinians and Israelis, leading to a better future for all involved.

    • Aviv Markus Confirms Israel Visit and Encourages FollowersIsraeli tech entrepreneur Aviv Markus to visit Israel, listeners invited to follow him on social media, recent London podcast recordings on Israel Briefing podcast of Jewish Chronicle.

      Aviv Markus, the Israeli tech entrepreneur, has confirmed his upcoming visit to Israel and encouraged listeners to follow him on his social media channels, including Haveveret Gur and The Times of Israel. Additionally, he mentioned that he and his co-host recently recorded live conversations in London, which can be heard on the Israel Briefing podcast of the Jewish Chronicle.

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    Bonus Episode: Noa Tishby and Emmanuel Acho
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    Is Israel headed for a two-front war? - with Nadav Eyal

    Is Israel headed for a two-front war? - with Nadav Eyal
    First, a housekeeping note: many of you filled out the survey we published in our previous episode, and we are very grateful for that. If you haven't filled out this short survey, we would greatly appreciate it if you took 2 minutes to fill it out. It is extremely helpful to us in thinking through ways to improve the podcast and understand our audience. Please follow this link to the survey: https://forms.gle/nZh8ZRA5YjJxmdEW6 - As for today's episode - I've been in Israel for the past couple of days, for my 4th visit here since 10/07. Something that has struck me in my conversations with Israelis is the degree to which a war with Hezbollah is not discussed in terms of IF, but rather in terms of WHEN. And as for the WHEN, some are suggesting quite soon. In fact, Defense Minister Gallant said that the goal should be that for those Israelis evacuated from the North, they should be back in their evacuated communities and homes in time for the next school year.  This would put to the test the IDF’s capacity to fight a multi front war. In other words - while the IDF is getting closer to the point of defeating Hamas in Gaza - it might also be at the early stages of a war with Hezbollah. - To help us understand what’s going on here, our guest today is NADAV EYAL, who returns to the podcast. I sat down with him today in Tel Aviv. He is a columnist for Yediot. Eyal has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news.  - Nadav's latest column, which we discussed in this episode: https://tinyurl.com/msk43n53

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    First, a housekeeping note: Over the past eight months the audience for this podcast has grown in ways we could never have imagined, but there is no real way for us to know who is listening - age group, ideological leanings, the country you are living in, etc. These are all very helpful data points for us to improve the podcast and understand our audience. So, please fill out this 2 minute survey: https://forms.gle/nZh8ZRA5YjJxmdEW6 And one other item we wanted to bring to your attention. We are repeatedly reminded how the NYPD has continued to bravely protect our community— most recently 10 days ago at the Nova Music Festival exhibition where a mob of antisemitic rioters attempted to intimidate Jewish New Yorkers, and just before that when the NYPD helped ensure a smooth Israel Day Parade here in New York in which over 100,000 people participated. To express our thanks for helping to keep our Jewish community and all New Yorkers safe, The Paul E. Singer Foundation is matching donations up to $200,000 made to the New York City Police Foundation. Donations must be made Monday, June 24, 2024. Join us to meet and exceed this goal. If interested in donating, you can do it here: https://secure.anedot.com/nycpolicefoundation/thepesfoundation As for today's episode, as we discussed at length in our last episode -- "Haviv Unplugged!" -- the issue of a military service exemption for Haredi Jews (ultra-Orthodox Jews) is coming to a head right now, as Israel is at war. Or maybe it's coming to a head with such ferocity precisely because Israel is at war, and it's raising all sorts of questions about whether Israel has the manpower to fight a continued war in Gaza and possibly other fronts that could open up. It does seem like Israel is in an entirely new military environment, across multiple fronts. Also, are some parts of the Israeli population paying a disproportionately high price? These are questions that are being considered right now by Israel's government. These are questions that are weighing especially heavy on society after 12 soldiers over the past few days. Dr. Micah Goodman is our guest today, to help us unpack all of this. Micah is on the speed-dial of a number of Israeli political leaders – from right to left, but especially on the center-left and the center-right. He is a polymath, a podcaster and one of Israel’s most influential public intellectuals, having written books ranging from biblical lessons for the modern age to Israel’s geopolitics. One book in particular, had an outsized impact in terms of its framing of the conundrum that Israel has been in with the Palestinians since 1967. That book is called "Catch-67: The Left, the Right, and the Legacy of the Six-Day War", Not only have all of his books been bestsellers in Israel, he essentially created a new genre; books that bring core texts of Jewish thought to a general, secular audience. In his new book – called "The Eighth Day", which Micah wrote in a four-month sprint after October 7th – Micah tries to understand the implications of the nation’s trauma and what it means for the other ‘day after’ (not the ‘day after’ in Gaza, but the ‘day after’ inside Israel). What does this moment mean for Israelis? How will 10/07 re-shape Israeli society…and its politics? Micah Goodman’s books: Catch-67 — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/catch-67-micah-goodman/1128089735?ean=9780300248418 The Wondering Jew — https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-wondering-jew-micah-goodman/1136574622?ean=9780300252248

    Haviv Unplugged!

    Haviv Unplugged!
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/2s4x4j2h In recent days, there have been a lot of war-related developments that have taken place in Israel and outside of Israel. So it was good that we had the opportunity to catch up with Haviv Rettig Gur as Shavuot came to a close in Israel. In this episode, we wound up having a spirited conversation about: I.The mood in Israel days after after Operation Arnon, and also why the day after the successful resuce operation we saw Benny Gantz's long anticipated exit from the unity government; II. The ultra orthodox or 'Haredi' IDF exemption bill that passed in the Knesset; and III. Hamas's rejection (yet again) of Israel's ceasefire proposal.

    OPERATION ARNON - with Nadav Eyal

    OPERATION ARNON - with Nadav Eyal
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/ymmv7m8u We have just witnessed one of the most extraordinary 48-hour periods in Israel since October 7th, as we learned news of an extremely complex military, intelligence and hostage rescue operation. We are seeing — and many of us are experiencing — the impact that this development is having on Israeli society, and on the Jewish people worldwide. This operation has been renamed OPERATION ARNON, after Colonel Arnon Zamora, who was the chief inspector of the Israeli Police’s special commando Counterterrorosim Unit. He was the only Israeli to have fallen in this operation. May Arnon's memory be a blessing. To learn more about Arnon's life, you can read here: https://www.timesofisrael.com/hero-of-israel-thousands-pay-last-respects-to-officer-killed-in-hostage-rescue-op/ In this episode, NADAV EYAL provides a comprehensive picture and analysis of what actually happened in this operation. Nadav is a columnist for Yediot. He has been covering Middle-Eastern and international politics for the last two decades for Israeli radio, print and television news. To read Nadav's piece in Yediot: https://www.ynetnews.com/article/syo00lyxs0

    The Great Powers and the War in Gaza - with Walter Russell Mead

    The Great Powers and the War in Gaza - with Walter Russell Mead
    Share on X: https://tinyurl.com/ytm9656f Over the past 8 months, we've focused most of our attention on Israel's perspective and the American perspective since October 7th. But what we wanted to do today is gradually zoom out from Israel and Gaza, to the perspective of other regional players in the Middle East, and finally examine this war from the perspective of the global powers, especially China and Russia. Has the Israel-Hamas war advanced their interests or reversed them? Our guest today is Walter Russell Mead. He is at the Hudson Institute, he is the Global View Columnist at The Wall Street Journal. He was previously the Henry Kissinger fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He also has a terrific podcast at Tablet Magazine, called What Really Matters: https://www.tabletmag.com/podcasts/what-really-matters He is also a prolific author. His most recent book is -- The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People, which you order here -- shorturl.at/bdhpz

    The last Israeli to negotiate with the Palestinians - with Tzipi Livni (Part 2)

    The last Israeli to negotiate with the Palestinians - with Tzipi Livni (Part 2)
    Share on Twitter/X: https://tinyurl.com/nvmznb7m Tzipi Livni has served as a minister of eight different cabinet ministries under three prime ministers: Ariel Sharon, Ehud Olmert, and Benjamin Netanyahu. Her positions have included Justice Minister, Foreign Minister and Vice-Prime Minister. She has also been the official leader of the opposition. As foreign minister, Tzipi Livni led negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, she was a key government figure during Israel’s disengagement from Gaza and during Hamas’s subsequent takeover of Gaza. She was foreign minister during Israel’s Second Lebanon War and during Israel’s operation to take out Syria’s nuclear reactor. She began her service as a member of the Likud Party, and then the Kadima Party, and later the Hatnua Party and Zionist Union. Earlier in her career, Tzipi served in the Mossad (including in the elite unit famous for being responsible for the assassinations following the Munich massacre). No major Israeli political figure has had more recent experience trying to negotiate a two-state solution than Tzipi Livni.

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