
    Upholding Righteousness in a Modern World | 3.31.24

    enMarch 31, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The decline of church attendance post-COVID and Pastor MacArthur's perspectivePost-COVID, the American church faces a lack of trust in spiritual leadership due to government shutdowns. Church leaders must stay open and firm in their beliefs, acting as 'pillars and ground of truth'.

      The COVID-19 lockdowns have led to a long-term decrease in church attendance, with no signs of returning to pre-pandemic levels, according to polls. Pastor John MacArthur, who defied lockdown orders and won a historic settlement from the state of California, shares his perspective on the current state of the American church. He believes that the greatest issue facing the church post-COVID is a lack of trust in spiritual leadership due to the government's efforts to shut down religious institutions. Pastor MacArthur emphasizes the importance of church leaders staying open and standing firm in their beliefs, even during crises, as they are the "pillar and ground of the truth." He also touches on the increasing media coverage of Christian nationalism and the need for Christians to be discerning in their engagement with the media.

    • Maintaining trust during a crisisThe church's commitment to truth and fidelity is crucial during crises to maintain trust and attract new members. Reflecting on mistakes made and seeking repentance, if necessary, is essential for integrity and the advancement of the kingdom.

      During times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the church's commitment to truth and fidelity is crucial in maintaining trust and attracting new members. The speaker shares how their church experienced an influx of over 3,000 people due to their openness and commitment to truth during the pandemic. However, not all leaders have acknowledged their mistakes or shown repentance for their handling of the situation. It is essential for the church to reflect on its actions during the pandemic, acknowledging any mistakes made, and seeking repentance if necessary, as a matter of integrity and for the advancement of the kingdom.

    • Authentic leadership in ministry requires repentance and learning from mistakesAuthentic leadership involves genuine repentance, a commitment to learning from errors, and avoiding the conflation of Christianity and nationalism as interconnected concepts.

      Authentic leadership in ministry requires genuine repentance and a willingness to grow from mistakes. The handling of the COVID-19 crisis may have disqualified some pastors, but repentance and a commitment to learning from past errors can help restore trust. Regarding Christian nationalism, it's essential to understand that the terms "Christian" and "nationalism" do not belong in the same sentence. Christianity is a spiritual belief system, and nationalism is a political ideology. These concepts are not interconnected, and conflating them can lead to misunderstandings and mischaracterizations. Jesus himself emphasized that his kingdom is not of this world. Therefore, it's crucial to avoid attaching the Christian label to political ideologies and maintain a clear separation between the two.

    • Christianity's history of sacrifice and oppositionChristians have a complex relationship with political freedom, rooted in a history of sacrifice and opposition, requiring discernment and historical understanding.

      The Christian faith, throughout history, has been characterized by sacrifice and confrontation with the world, not accommodation or courting. The idea that Christians believe their rights come from God rather than the government is a complex issue. While it's true that Christians value freedom, it's important to remember that this freedom has not always been a universal gift throughout history. Christianity has often been met with opposition and persecution, and the idea that God grants universal freedom to all humans is not supported by the historical record. Regarding Reiner's definition of Christian nationalism, it's crucial for Christians to engage in the political process, but with discernment and a clear understanding of the historical context of their faith. Overstating the idea that God grants universal freedom to all humans can oversimplify the complex relationship between Christianity and politics. Instead, Christians should approach political participation with a deep understanding of their faith's history and a commitment to living out its values in the public sphere.

    • Upholding Righteousness through Peaceful MeansChristians should peacefully vote for candidates aligning with biblical morality, focusing on issues like abortion, and remain faithful to God's law, ultimately aiming for societal obedience to God, not overthrowing the government.

      Christians should uphold righteousness in their role as citizens, not through rebellion or revolution, but through peaceful means such as voting for candidates who align with biblical standards of morality. This role extends to issues like abortion, where Christians should take a biblical position and vote for those who uphold righteousness. The ultimate goal is not to overthrow the government but to be faithful to God's law for the benefit of society and as a standard of conduct for believers. The political process is a means to an end, but it's not the primary focus. Christians should not resort to violence or lawlessness, but rather, they should pray for their leaders and call society to obedience to God's law.

    • Christian leaders should engage in politics through normal channelsGod has a plan for providing faithful witnesses, trust in His ordained plan and invest in next generation leaders

      Christian leaders, like RC Sproul, should fully engage in the political process within their specific form of government, utilizing the normal channels for involvement. Sproul's stance on this matter was confirmed by his wife, Vesta, during the COVID-19 crisis when Grace Church took a strong stand. Regarding the concerns about the lack of future leaders to carry on the legacy of influential pastors like John MacArthur and RC Sproul, it's important to remember that God has a plan and will always provide faithful witnesses. As Sproul himself put it, when one of His children leaves, there's no hole left behind. Instead, we should trust in God's ordained plan and continue to invest in the development of the next generation of leaders.

    • Recognizing and embracing the present momentEmbrace every moment as part of God's plan, find joy in the journey, and focus on opportunities for growth and service.

      Learning from this conversation between Megan Basham and Pastor John MacArthur during the Easter edition of Morning Wire is the importance of recognizing and embracing the present moment, even in challenging times. Pastor MacArthur shared a heartwarming story about his great-grandson's first experience at church, reminding us that every person, including the youngest among us, is born at the right time according to God's plan. He encouraged the audience not to lament about the current state of the world but instead focus on the ongoing work of God and the opportunities for growth and service in the present. This perspective offers a powerful reminder to appreciate the present moment and find joy in the journey, no matter the circumstances.

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    About the Author:

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    It is common for people to ask me about the resources I use. So, I have created a space on my website to share some of my favorite things with you.I invite you to check it out by clicking here or visiting www.jodiaiken.com/shop-my-favorites/

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    Do you need prayer? Contact Jodi by clicking here. Or email Jodi at email@JodiAiken.com.

    *To watch this episode, visit my YouTube Channel, “Pennies in Your Path.” If you are listening from my Website, you can also listen on most any podcast app at “Pennies in Your Path.”

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